![Arxiv:2007.14282V2 [Nucl-Th] 13 Apr 2021 and Isospin Degrees of Freedom to Treat Larger Nuclei and Exponentially Scaling Challenge](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Variational Monte Carlo calculations of A ≤ 4 nuclei with an artificial neural-network correlator ansatz Corey Adams,1, 2 Giuseppe Carleo,3 Alessandro Lovato,1, 4 and Noemi Rocco4, 5 1Physics Division, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 2Leadership Computing Facility, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439 3Institute of Physics, Ecole´ Polytechnique F´ed´erale de Lausanne (EPFL), CH-1015 Lausanne, Switzerland 4INFN-TIFPA Trento Institute of Fundamental Physics and Applications, 38123 Trento, Italy 5Theoretical Physics Department, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, P.O. Box 500, Batavia, Illinois 60510, USA (Dated: April 15, 2021) The complexity of many-body quantum wave functions is a central aspect of several fields of physics and chemistry where non-perturbative interactions are prominent. Artificial neural net- works (ANNs) have proven to be a flexible tool to approximate quantum many-body states in con- densed matter and chemistry problems. In this work we introduce a neural-network quantum state ansatz to model the ground-state wave function of light nuclei, and approximately solve the nuclear many-body Schr¨odinger equation. Using efficient stochastic sampling and optimization schemes, our approach extends pioneering applications of ANNs in the field, which present exponentially-scaling algorithmic complexity. We compute the binding energies and point-nucleon densities of A ≤ 4 nuclei as emerging from a leading-order pionless effective field theory Hamiltonian. We successfully benchmark the ANN wave function against more conventional parametrizations based on two- and three-body Jastrow functions, and virtually-exact Green's function Monte Carlo results. PACS numbers: 21.60.De, 25.30.Pt Introduction { The last two decades have witnessed re- plex high-dimensional functions, as already leveraged in markable progress in our understanding of how the struc- several domains of physics [14]. For many-body quan- ture and dynamics of atomic nuclei emerge from the in- tum applications, neural-network-based variational rep- dividual interaction among protons and neutrons. This resentations have been introduced in Ref. [15], and have progress has been primarily driven by the widespread found applications as a tool to study ground state and use of nuclear-effective field theories to systematically dynamics of several interacting lattice quantum systems construct realistic Hamiltonians [1{3], and the concur- [16{24]. In a series of recent works [25{27] deep neural rent development of nuclear many-body techniques that networks have been further developed to tackle ab-initio solve the time-independent Schr¨odingerequation with chemistry problems within variational Monte Carlo, of- controlled approximations [4{8]. The variational Monte ten resulting in accuracy improvements over existing vari- Carlo (VMC) and the Green's Function Monte Carlo ational approaches traditionally used to describe corre- (GFMC) methods are ideally suited to tackle this prob- lated molecules. While applications of ML approaches to lem and have been extensively applied to study properties the many-body problem in condensed matter, quantum of light nuclei [9]. Monte Carlo techniques also face im- chemistry, and quantum information have been prolifer- portant challenges. For example, the calculation of the ating in the past few years, the adoption in low-energy spin-isospin dependent Jastrow correlations used in the nuclear theory is still in its infancy [28, 29]. Pioneering VMC and GFMC scales exponentially with the number work in the field [30] has provided a proof-of-principle of nucleons, limiting the applicability of these methods to application of ANN to solve the Schr¨odingerequation of relatively small nuclear systems. Also, the auxiliary-field the deuteron. Extending the non-stochastic approach of diffusion Monte Carlo [10] (AFDMC) samples the spin Ref. [30] to larger nuclei however presents an intrinsically arXiv:2007.14282v2 [nucl-th] 13 Apr 2021 and isospin degrees of freedom to treat larger nuclei and exponentially scaling challenge. infinite nucleonic matter [11, 12], but it can only take In this work, we expand the domain of applicabil- as inputs somewhat simplified interactions [13]. In ad- ity of ANN-based representations of the wave function dition, the use of wave functions that scale polynomially and compute ground-state properties of A ≤ 4 nuclei as with the number of nucleons exacerbates the AFDMC they emerge from a leading-order pionless effective field fermion sign problem for A > 16 nuclei. Therefore, ex- theory (EFT) Hamiltonian, containing consistent two- tending VMC and GFMC calculations to medium-mass and three-body potentials. Specifically, we develop a nuclei requires devising accurate wave functions that ex- novel VMC algorithm based on an ANN representation hibit a polynomial scaling with A. of the spin-isospin dependent correlator that captures the An alternative class of approaches being actively ex- vast majority of nuclear correlations and scales favorably plored is based on machine learning (ML) techniques. with the number of nucleons. We benchmark our results These techniques typically rely on the ability of artifi- against a more conventional parametrization of the varia- cial neural networks (ANNs) to compactly represent com- tional wave function in terms of two- and three-body Jas- 2 z z trow functions, and virtually-exact GFMC calculations. si = fsi ; ti g, respectively. For the s-shell nuclei consid- Hamiltonian.- We employ nuclear Hamiltonians de- ered in this work, we take jΦ2Hi = Aj "p"ni, jΦ3Hei = rived within pionless EFT, which is based on the tenet Aj "p#p"ni, and jΦ4Hei = Aj "p#p"n#ni, with A being that the typical momentum of nucleons in nuclei is much the anti-symmetrization operator [37]. smaller than the pion mass mπ [3, 31]. Under this as- The real-valued correlating factors U(r1;:::; rA) and sumption, largely justified for studying the structure and and V(s1; r1;:::; rA; sA) are parametrized in terms of long-range properties of A ≤ 4 nuclei, pion exchanges permutation-invariant ANNs, so that the total wave func- are unresolved contact interactions and nucleons are the tion is anti-symmetric. To achieve this goal, we make use only relevant degrees of freedom. The singularities of of the Deep Sets architecture [38, 39], and map each of the contact terms are controlled introducing a Gaussian the single-particle inputs separately to a latent-space rep- regulator that suppresses transferred momenta above the resentation. We then apply a sum operation to destroy ultraviolet cutoff Λ. This regulator choice directly leads the ordering of the information and ensure permutation to a Gaussian radial dependence of the potential, which invariance is local in coordinate [32, 33]. The leading-order (LO) ! Hamiltonian reads X F(x1;:::; xA) = ρF φF (xi) F = U; V : (4) ~ 2 xi X ri X −r2 Λ2=4 HLO = − + (C1 + C2 ~σi · ~σj) e ij 2mN i i<j Both φU and ρU are represented by ANNs comprised of X X −(r2 +r2 )Λ2=4 four fully connected layers with 32 nodes each, while φV + D0 e ik ij ; (1) and ρV are made of two fully connected layers, again cyc i<j<k with 32 nodes, for total of 13058 trainable parameters. The calculation of the kinetic energy requires using dif- where mN is the mass of the nucleon, ~σi is the Pauli P ferentiable activation functions. We find that tanh and matrix acting on nucleon i, and cyc stands for the cyclic permutation of i, j, and k. softplus [40] yield fully consistent results. The single- particle inputs are xi ≡ f¯rig and xi ≡ f¯ri; sig for U and Following Ref. [34], the low-energy constants C1 and V, respectively, where we defined intrinsic spatial coor- C2 are fit to the deuteron binding energy and to the neutron-neutron scattering length. In Eq. (1) we picked dinates as ¯ri = ri − RCM, with RCM being the center of mass coordinate. This procedure automatically re- the operator basis 1 and ~σi · ~σj, but this choice can be replaced by any other form equivalent under Fierz trans- moves spurious center of mass contributions from all ob- formations in SU(2). Solving A ≥ 3 nuclei with purely servables [41]. Since the parameters of the network are attractive two-nucleon potentials leads to the \Thomas randomly initialized, in the initial phases of the training, collapse" [35], which can be avoided promoting a contact during the Metropolis walk, the nucleons can drift away three-nucleon force to LO [36]. The values of the LECs' from RCM. To control this behavior, a Gaussian function adopted in this work can be found in Ref. [34]; since is added to confine the nucleons within a finite volume P 2 U(r1;:::; rA) !U(r1;:::; rA) − α ¯r where we take C1(Λ) is much larger than C2(Λ), the LO Hamiltonian i i has an approximate SU(4) symmetry. α = 0:05. Variational wave function.- A fundamental ingredi- The choice of correcting a mean-field state jΦi with ent of the VMC method is the choice of a suitable vari- a flexible ANN correlator factor is similar in spirit to neural-network correlators introduced recently in ational wave function ΨV , whose parameters are found exploiting the variational principle condensed-matter [16, 24] and chemistry applications [26], but it is more general as it encompasses spin-isospin hΨV jHjΨV i dependent correlations. An appealing feature of the ANN = EV ≥ E0 (2) hΨV jΨV i ansatz is that it is more general than the more conven- tional product of two- and three-body spin-independent where E0 is exact the ground-state energy: HjΨ0i = Jastrow functions E0jΨ0i. The Metropolis Monte Carlo algorithm is used J Y X Y to evaluate the variational energy EV by sampling the jΨV i = 1 − u(rij)u(rjk) f(rij)jΦi ; (5) spatial and spin-isospin coordinates. We introduce i<j<k cyc i<j the following ANN representation of the variational wave function which is commonly used for nuclear Hamiltonians that do not contain tensor and spin-orbit terms [33, 42].
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