![The Tragedy of Pontus, 1914-1922](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
',.', "",. '.' ~-:<, 'VA""" ''''''., : :" ~ !!" " . "' ' " :!1. :; '. , '" I' '11, ~; ],, i ~" 131diGJ(1300}\ :lfflE T~1!GJ:b¥ OF POt'4TUS ,- 1914~.1922 " :r1iJ}Na 192~ ,jjt t ~~ t 1 II ~ '(@J <II .. '" ~ UJVRE fiOI~ Ltll'T~lilCBDIS.DU PQfiT , 191-4---1922 ~," 't, t'!P .- ... AT HENES 192'91 'I, ,,f .' i 1 ""'" " t~ '" \. I" ! 1 . ~ 1 I} (' I. ~.~ ~ .. if It' ~ ~ .' ,. II 1'' ~~ '" ,. , 1. .. 1 ~; Il \ 13liHC~aQo~ 1 ,i " fiE "r.~gGEt)y OF POfiTUS ~ 1914~1922 ,.", "'" ATHENS 1922 . " . ,"...1 @3@3 ..'.. t. ~~ ~ ~ \ ,i, ,,'''' llIVRE flOIR ../ I - uA T~AG:et)IE au POftT :J . .1 1914-1922 II j ~ .1\1 .; ATRENDS 1928 '- 1\) I ) \ .. " . I. "/ \\ "\ ! : . I:fi ) ~ '~ TABLE DES" MATIERES CONTENTS I Pl'eface I '" "PReface '" II Statistiques I:, n Statistics . lIT Bref l'ecit de quelques-unes des cruautes com- ,fj .1 A few short notes of the Tur~ish cruelties per- mise! par les Tures c~ntre l' Hellenisme du Poni petrated agains,t the greeks of the Pontus pendant les mois du J uin, J uillet et Aout 1912 I during the ni'onths of June, July and August. IV La tragedie de Baffra L 1921 V La tragedie d' Oinoe ~ rr The Tragedy of Baffra VI ~ V Liste des condamnes a mort et executes " The Tragedy of Oinoe ~~ ~ 'I, Tl J, The condamned to death alreadye~ecuted . ,-ir , III ',' !Ii '"' ~ ~ ~ , (: " \) ~ :..c: ,,"".. '" ...:;; ,..-"'~ '- -- ,/ [f< '1 q A ! r, i'j ~j Hit: II ,i: PREFACE PREFACE Le Conseil Central du Pont accomplit un triste devoir en The Central Council of Pontus fulfils a sad duty in pub- editant ce livre noir. Il a voulu donner au monde civilise un lishing this Black Book. We are anxious to give to the civilised world a real picture of image reel des catastrophes que les Turcs ont cause sur une., petite et noble natiop, dont la mission, des l'antiquite, fut de the ills which the Turks have inflicted upon a small and noble- combattre pour son independance morale et politique et de Jiation whose fate and mission ever since the anCient times, souffrir pour la liberte et la civilisation. kas been to fight for its independence moral and political Dans cette brochure nous avons pubUe des statistiques and suffer for freedom and civilisation. r- -omci'eles puisees du Patriarcat Oecumimique et des exposes In this pamphlet we bave published of£icialstatistiCs drawn;.""'- ou sont decrits les crimes commis par les Turcs contreles from the archives of the. Oeucumenical Patriarchate, and reports Chretiens de la region du Pont. iescribing the crimes committed by the Turks against t!;te- Des 1914 Ie gouvernement Ottoman sur un programme Christians of the regicl11of Pontus. organise et premedite a fait massacrer, par ses autorites locales, Since the .year 1914 the Ottoman Government, on the. dans l' Asie Mineure plus de 1.500.000 Grecs et Armeniens! lines of a plan organised and premeditated has caused more' Les malheureuses populations Grecs du Pont furent decimes than 1.500.000 Greeks and Armenians of Asia 1'\'Iil1,orto be- par les meurtres et les privations, virent leurs temples souilles, massacred by its local agents. The infortunate Greek popula- leurs vierges violes, leurs femmes deshonorees, de petits en- tions of Pontus have been decimated by murder and privation,. fants arraches aux bras de leurs meres pour etre lances centre ltave witnessed their churches profaned, their daughters vio- les rours, des vieiUards et des enfants brules dans les eglises lated, their wives dishol1oured, babies snatched from the arms et des pretres m<}ssacres sous les portails. .f their mothers and hurled against the walls, old 1?en and Ces atrocites inouies et sans nom ont ete commises par children burned within the churches and priests massacred ceux-Ia memes que la conscience des peuples civilises et de under the portals. These unheard of, unnameable atrocities. leurs Gouvernants mit au ban de la civilisation et declara have been commited by those very beings, whom the cons- exc1us de la famille des nations comme indignes et incapables dence of the civilised peoples and of their rulers, has placed, de gouverner d'autres peuples suttout de peuples chretiens. outside civilised Humanity," and declared them excluded from- Le C6nseil Central du Pont fait appel aux atnes elevees the family of nations, as unworthy and incapable to rule other et humanitaires et espere que la conscience du monde civi- peoples, particulary Christians. lise sera soulevee pour stigmatiser les horreurs denonces dont The Central Council of Pontus, appeals to .all high.,minded la simple tolerance constitue un~ horrte pour l'humanite. and humanitarian men and women and hopes that the~ cons- &ience of the civilised world will be rouse sufficiently to sti- Conseit Central du Pont Athenes Ie 11 janvier 1922 gmatise the horrors denounced, horrors, which men,]y to tole- Rue Paparigopoulou 15 rate, would be a shame to Humanity, Central Council f/ POiztus Athens 14th january 192Z ) 15~ Paparigopoulo Street ." \.,. ,-. I 7 - .eitiesand villages the greek cities and village! the greek II - . 'pcpulation- )lopulati01l- III -fiUes et villages pOpulation viIIes et village! >r! populatiott - ",-- STATISTICS grecque- gr.cque- ej Cree/is cUies and villages oj .!!Pon!uswoose in lja6l!ants report 24697 report 4°914, oav~,6een ea:iled, Sum!, /iilled and massacr(Jd durin, Elias Keuy 480 Kidl ghieul 365 5arnitz punari 625 Kestane Sayvani 447 toe wavanti loe avmistice. u80 ,- Andrea mahlessi Tchinarli 78 Kertme 377 Tepoojik 435 75 STATISTIQUE 50ngout Avdan 23q. des vi/les et vt'llages gvecs du .!!Pon!,don! les oa6ili:zn!s Carapertchin 1508 Atilghan 5 "cham alan 278 Tchardak Kerieh 34 370 ont ele ea:t'!es,6rl'iles, lues et massacreS pendant ItZ Tchanakdji Duvedjik 410 guen-I! et duran! ['armistice. Deroo jik 1391 \ Sarti biyik 407 Tchadal armout 169 Yilanli dere ( Ada 340 Foundoudjak 303 Tchirakman 1022 Ct"rcumscrip#on of the MdropoHs oj 4massi'a Sarri Klisse 3.70 i Cavad jik 129 O'rcouscrip#on de la Mttropole d' Amassz'a "'Aroudjak 4O Touzeren 278 Moscofantoil ,1 Tchandir 19° 123 fhe greek Mazinogl<1U citieli and villages the greek cities and vilIags j Xar lik . 250 Kotekli - population - populatioll' 213 Ea:yat deressi 407 villes et viUaeIi population vilIeset villages population Tchinghir 938 Jaellen 670 Tancarlou 491 grecque grecque 280 - - - To'igar Chamli ouchagi 1 '" '" Samsoun et Kadi Kioy 15612 report 19461 :alma tchoukul' 793 kydji oglou 35a' {mutessarifat J>:e1Kaya 351* Tobal ouchaghi 140 Tekne punaI' 32,i Ada-tepe 479 Zyganton 17i .mar gheulu 366 Sari matIun 35J. Oulou-ghiol 165 Cara-ghiol 67,} Calkadjik 166 Deye han 108 ,. Papaz mahlesii 570 Panayot-ouchagi 327 rellid je 2.36 Kirk harmaJl 203 Pelit-ogloll. 320 Court-alan 31<t' a1'agheul 118 Alan Keuy 20$ MecheH-do1tz 214 Tonaragli 5°0 Garadoklou 70 KichIedjik' Haidar 167 Sernitz-daghi 45& floghanIi 203 Assar" Aghatz 406 OXe Ghiol-belea 420 Dev-gherlch 6°9 ,60 Yordan oglow: lH Yaili Kerlch 385 Courekdji 127 :Erikli $98 Djimenli 11$. eimenanto. 305 Poylan 241 Akdoghan 132 YoIloudje 125 Demirdji Ke1l>1 125 Courken-punari 28$ Indjebel 282 Ayakli Alan 254. Sohudj6 'ISO CarasongouJf 319 ya Kuneghi 653 Tebe Keuy 351 Cara mahomottr 175 Taflan keuy 416 Dioug Keuy '75 Ghayogiou 12;' Kizil oglac 200 Had ji Ismail 3IG Xel ouchaghi 171 Dagdjilal' 121 :'1aranton 153 YarmanIi yatak 12~' :Sogout punari 335 Xarip ouchagi a reporter 19461 a reporter 24697 a reportel' 40914 a reporteJ' 5°994. '), I I~ (,~ II II It ~ ~ i - 8 - I - 9 - w 1 cities an\l villages the greek cities and villages the greek - - cities and villages the greek cities andvi,llags- 'fhe,greek II population- population- - population population . - - "i1!es et villages population vilJes et viJJages population vilIes et villages population vjJles"et vilJages populatioll - - - -,- grecque- grecque- grecque- grec\l).1e- 87163 report 50994 report 59931. report 69495 report II Monzmelek 280. Kou tekler 106 Bohdja armout 236 Alibey 270 II. :K.orouchlar 152 Cazandjuli tchardak< 58z Baffra 1 ,ech Kerler 397 > 3822 (, Teharchi Yeri 406 Bakir punar 38:3. I 'Cara touzla 206 (KaimakamJik) J Deniz Tchikouru 158 431 Balouklar ;oagtoukel 201 peloukler 297 260 II Ghadi Kerich 75 Tikenli yatak Benliouchaghi 425 Chryssi Keuy 582. Kamchi 229 436 Yarimdja 125 Devrent 575 Sohou djukur Sihlik Baidar 127 KerpichIi 345 Darboghaz 467 67&, " 833 416 497 Buyuk '" 204 Sarri yourt Touhourlar Caba djukur 199 366( Yaila 779 Souloudja 150 Yenidje Karadja Kichla 288 Ouzo un Kerich 155 Ordou pachi 308, Oltchekler Cara punar 457 291 Maislou 284 Karadjam 355 Kamichlighiol 119 Otmacha Domouz alan Domouz alan 127 Yagh bassan 836 » alatcham 493 332.' Kerchembe 308 Symeonlar 154 KirezJi 637 Kourle1;1 "tami 44'?, Zeinel Kessaulu 705 Kichla 325 Pire yomdon 471 441 KetikJi 121 745 Arab ouchagi 24(i, Dudj punar 256 Asmadjam 240 Keussedik 558 Selamalk 427 Achagi Karamouk 4°5 FOl1roundjioglou KJimanton Keusse mahle Yokari 256 3°1 Yermen ouchaghi 32'1 245: 228 Pel Karamouk 352 Tchal 'fikend jik 526, Elmadjik 648 I8r 772 '" 167 Sahardja 402 KizJi Keuy 'fehenikJi yourdon Eurend jik bachi BeidourJu Sarnitz 366 Kovdje Punar 276 ,?69 Eldavout 8460 Alan 359 Kaman 123 II Ormanos 975 Keukdje Sou 332 KavJaan 254 Ak tekke lOll KiredjJi 340 Yelkirighi 93 Seizananton Issak Ii 580, Alandjik 2°9 67 Domouzaghi 690 Mehmed ardi 215 Oxyzanton 3? Deirmen Kuneghi 372 ,Karatiken 82 Kirk harman 410 Sapananton 62 Keller 313 Enghiz tepe 167 160 Caradjoglou 180 K.utch'er ouchaghi 53i-. IJidje Ind je Kerich 75 H Fountoukli 125 MandarIou 105 Tchandir 121 Boyaloudje 341 Tcharchamba 1 Pachayataghi 95 YelJi depe 88 Aehagi Assar 632 > 1104 SourmeJi (Kaimakamlik) J Kiavonr yourtou 234 512 Yoeari , 75°, Hizirli 366 Trapezanton 177 Evran ouchagi 212 Capu Raya 834 Kotzalan 155 Yocari Tchinik 383 Doghan youvassi 298 Kiz alan 466 Romauanton 9° Achagi Tchinik 1315 Gai:talaba 765 Hidir Elias 13° 'Ii Teriakanton 89 Kokdje 241 LenkerJi 142 Monamlou '\; 245- 282 Konrkenli yatak 221 'fehiriklar 177 Kiretz tepe - Con,sta;n,i ouchagi ';.1 3°4- - Osman beiJou a reporter 59931 a reporter 69495 420 Yer' alti 331 A reporter 87163 a, reporter 1027$3 t.
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