Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, March - 2014; Volume – 2(1S) Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences http://www.jebas.org ISSN No. 2320 – 8694 CORRELATION BETWEEN THE CHEMOTAXONOMIC CLASSIFICATIONS OF THE ESSENTIAL OILS OF 48 Eucalyptus SPECIES HARVESTED FROM TUNISIA AND THEIR PHYLOGENETIC CLASSIFICATION Elaissi Ameur1*, Medini Hanene 1, Rouis Zied2, Khouja Mohamed Larbi3, Chemli Rachid1 and Harzallah-Skhiri Fethia1 1Laboratory of The Chemical, Galenic and pharmacological Drug Development, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Monastir, Avenue Avicenne, 5019 Monastir, Tunisia. 2Laboratory of Genetic, Biodiversity and Bio-resources Valorisation, Higher Institute of Biotechnology of Monastir, University of Monastir, Avenue Tahar Haddad, 5000 Monastir, Tunisia. 3National Institute for Research on Rural Engineering, Water and Forestry, Institution of Agricultural Research and Higher Education, BP. N.2, 2080 Ariana, Tunisia. Received – January 24, 2014; Revision – February 19, 2014, Accepted – March 16, 2014 Available Online - March 31, 2014 KEYWORDS ABSTRACT Eucalyptus Various chemical classes (monoterpenes hydrocarbons, oxygenated monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes Essential oils hydrocarbons, oxygenated sesquiterpenes, esters, ketones, non classified coumpounds and non identified compounds) and twenty five of the main components from the essential oils of 48 Tunisian Eucalyptus 1, 8-cineole species has been reported. The compounds includes 1,8-cineole, torquatone, p-cymene, spathulenol, trans-pinocarveol, α-pinene, borneol, cryptone, 4-methyl-2-pentyl acetate, globulol, isoamyl isovalerate, ACP; HCA α-terpineol, (E,E)-farnesol, viridiflorol, aromadendrene, terpinen-4-ol, β-eudesmol, α-eudesmol, limonene, D-piperitone, caryophyllene oxide, β-phellandrene, bicyclogermacrene, α-phellandrene and GC-MS benzaldehyde, as a principal component when analysed by GC-MS.. The comparison of this classification to the phylogenetic classification showed a divergence for the majority of the species, Chemotype, taxonomie however some concordance was found. * Corresponding author E-mail: [email protected] (Ameur Elaissi) Peer review under responsibility of Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences. Production and Hosting by Horizon Publisher (www.my-vision.webs.com/horizon.html). All _________________________________________________________rights reserved. Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences http://www.jebas.org 99 Elaissi et al 1 Introduction i.d., film thickness 0.25 μm) as described by Elaissi et al. (2010). Relative concentrations were calculated using the The genus Eucalyptus comprises more than 600 species software HP Chemstation, which allows assimilating the (Chippendale, 1988). More than 300 species of this genus percentages of the peak areas to the percentages of the various contain volatile oil in their leaves. However, less than 20 constituents. Retention indices were obtained by running a species have ever been exploited commercially for the series of aliphatic hydrocarbons (C9 - C28) in increasing the production of essential oil rich in 1, 8-cineole which is number of carbon atoms in the Carbowax GC column. essentially used in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries (Pino et al., 2002). In Tunisian folk medicine, inhalation of 2.3.1 GC/MS analysis Eucalyptus sp. essential oil has traditionally been used to treat respiratory tract disorders such as pharyngitis, bronchitis, and Analyses of the composition of the essential oils were carried sinusitis (Boukef, 1986). Many studied were demonstrated out using a Hewlett-Packard (HP) 5890 series II gas their antibacterial, antifungal and antivirus activities against a chromatography apparatus equipped with a polar column wide range of microorganisms (Su et al., 2006; Cermelli et al., Carbowax (30m x 0.32 mm i.d., film thickness 0.25 μm) and 2008; Martin et al., 2010) furthermore, allelopathic effect of 5972 mass selective detectors. Helium was used as the carrier oil was also reported against many weeds (Batish et al. 2004; gas. The mass spectrometer operating conditions were: Verdeguer et al., 2009). In 1957, total 117 Eucalyptus species ionisation voltage, 70 eV, ion source 230°C. The GC/MS of Eucalyptus has been introduced in Tunisia. Local population parameters were identical to those for the GC analysis. were used tree for fire wood, production of mine wood, and in the fight against erosion (Khouja et al., 2001). The Eucalyptus 2.3.2 Compound Identification species were grouped by Pryor & Johnson (1971) into seven subgenera which followed by various sections, series, subseries The identification of the compounds was based on a and super species. Brooker (2000) presented a new comparison of retention indices (determined relatively to the classification that divided genus Eucalyptus into seven and six retention time of aliphatic hydrocarbons (C9 - C28), of the monotypic polytypic subgenera. Current study evaluates mass spectra with those of authentic compounds by means of whether the chemical composition of essential oils from 48 NBS75K.L. and Wiley 275 databases (Wiley & Sons, 1998) species of Eucalyptus from Tunisia align with the grouping of and with data in the literature. species proposed by Brooker (2000). 2.4 Statistical analysis 2 Materials and methods Average twenty-five compounds were detected from each oil 2.1 Plant Material sample at a concentration greater than 4.4%. The differences in their mean percentages were analysed using Duncan's Multiple Leaf samples were collected from total 48 species of Range. These compounds were also subjected to a Principal Eucalyptus trees acclimated in five arboreta throughout the Component Analysis (PCA) and a Hierarchical Cluster Centre and the North of Tunisia in June 2006 and in June 2007 Analysis (HCA) using SPSS 12.0 software (SPSS Inc. (Table 1). Botanical voucher specimens of all selected species Chicago, IL, USA) to evaluate whether the composition of the have been deposited in the Pharmacognosy Laborotary essential oils could be used to classify the species into groups Herbarium in the Faculty of Pharmacy, Monastir, Tunisia and whether these groups reflected those proposed by Brooker (Table1). (2000). 2.2 Sample preparation and extraction of essential oils 3 Results and Discussion Dried leaves from each sample were removed and stored in 3.1 Chemical composition brown paper bags. Three samples of boorishly crushed leaves (3 x 100 g) from each tree were hydro-distilled for 4 h in a The chemical composition of essential oils obtained from 48 standard apparatus recommended in the European Eucalyptus species from Tunisia can be grouped together into Pharmacopoeia (2000). Essential oils were collected, dried eight classes (Table 2) on the basis of their chemical over anhydrous Na2SO4 and stored at 4°C until analysis. properties. In most species, the essential oils were dominated by oxygenated monoterpenes (6.9 to 86.7 %), especially 1,8- 2.3 Chemical analysis cineole (2.3 to 70.4 %), which was most abundant compound and reported from the oil sample of 32 species (Table 3), This Quantitative and qualitative data for all essential oils were concentration was followed by the trans-pinocarveol (0.0 – determined for triplicate by GC and GC/MS, respectively. GC 25.7 ± 0.4%) which was reported from the essential oils of was carried out using HP 6890 chromatography apparatus three species. equipped with FID and Carbowax column (30 m x 0.32 mm _________________________________________________________ Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences http://www.jebas.org Correlation between the Chemotaxonomic Classifications of the essential oils of 48 Eucalyptus species harvested . 100 Table 1 List of studied Eucalyptus species along with their source, abbreviation and voucher specimen numbers. N° Species Abbreviation Provenance Voucher number 1. E. ficifolia F.Muell. fic K5 0136 2. E. gomphocephala gom K6 0137 3a E. botryoides var. botryoides Sm. Morocco bot m Z1 0143 4. E. exserta F.Muell. exe S3 0121 5. E. gunnii F. Muell. gun S5 0123 6. E. brockwayi C.A.Gardner. broc H1 0107 7. E. fasciculosa F. Muell. fasc Z6 0148 8. E. macrorrhyncha F.Muell. macro S7 0125 9. E. diversifolia Bonpl. divfo K3 0134 10. E. kitsoniana Maiden kit JBA3 0153 11. E. pauciflora Sieber ex Sprengel. pau S10 0128 12. E. populifolia Hook. pop JBA5 0155 13. E. falcata Turcz. falc K4 0135 14. E. leucoxylon F.Muell. leuc JBA4 0154 15. E. ovata Labill. ova Z8 0150 16. E. occidentalis Endl occ H6 0112 17. E. camaldulensis Dehnh. cam K2 0133 3b E. botryoides var. botryoides Sm. Vilmorin bot v Z2 0144 18. E. largiflorens F. Muell. larg H4 0110 19. E. polyanthemos Schauer poly K10 0141 20. E. dundasii Maiden. dun JBA1 0151 21. E. tereticornis Sm. ter S12 0130 22. E. odorata Behr odo S9 0127 23. E. diversicolor F.Muell. divco Z5 0147 24. E. rudis Endl. rud K11 0142 25. E. gigantea Dehnh. gig S4 0122 26. E. cladocalyx F.Muell. cla Z3 0145 27. E. platypus Hook. plat K9 0140 28. E. strciklandii Maiden. str H10 0116 29. E. macarthurii Dean & Maiden. macar S6 0124 30. E. viminalis Labill. vim S13 0121 31. E. maculate Hook. macu K8 0139 32. E. grandis W. Hill gran Z7 0149 33. E. Sideroxylon A.Cunn. ex Schauer. sid S11 0129 34. E. woodwardii Maiden. wood H12 0118 35. E. bicostata Maiden. Blakely & Simmonds bic S1 0.119 36. E. torquata Luehm. torq H11 0117 37. E. salmonophloia F.Muell. salm H8 0114 38. E. maidenii Maiden. maid S8 0126 39. E. gillii Maiden gill H3 0109 40. E. citriodora Hook. citr Z4 0146 _________________________________________________________ Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences http://www.jebas.org 101 Elaissi et al 41. E. lehmannii (Schauer) Benth. leh K7 0138 42. E. globulus Labill. glob JBA2 0152 43. E. astringens Maiden ast K1 0132 44. E. loxophleba Benth. lox H5 0111 45. E. cinerea F.Muell. ex Benth. cin S2 0120 46. E. oldfieldii Muell. old H7 0113 47. E. gracilis F.Muell. grac H2 0108 48. E. sargentii Maiden. sarg H9 0115 a) and b) E. Botryoides var. botryoides from two provenances. K): Korbous (North East of Tunisia). Z): Zerniza (Norh West of Tunisia). S): Souiniat (North of Tunisia).
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