— 352 — MALADIES QUARANTENAIRES — QUARANT1NABLE DISEASES Notifications de peste, choléra, fièvre jaune, variole, Notification of plague, cholera, yellow fever, smallpox, typhus et fièvre récurrente, aux termes de la légisIatioN typhus alld relapsing fever sanitaire iNternatioNale under International Sanitary Legislation reçues du 14 au 20 août 1959 received from 14 to 20 August 1959 Explication des signes utilisés — Explanation o f symbols used | Notification reçue d’un gouvernement aux termes de l’article 3 du Règlement ... Chiffres non encore disponibles — Figures not yet received sanitaire international indiquant qu'une circonscription est devenue infectée à la date donnée. A Aéroport — Airport Notification received under Article 3 of the International Sanitary Regulations from the Government that the area became an infected local area on the date P Port maritime ou fluvial — Maritime or river port indicated. i Cas importé — Imported case Q Notification reçue d’un gouvernement aux termes de l’article 6 du Règlement p Chiffres préliminaires — Preliminary figures sanitaire international indiquant qu’une circonscription était inemne à la date donnée. r Chiffres révisés — Revised figures Notification received under Article 6 of the International Sanitary Regulations from the Government that the area was free from infection on the date indicated. s Cas suspect — Suspected case PESTE — PLAGUE c D c D c D C D C D INDE (suite) 12-18.VII 19-25.VU 26.VII-1.VIU PAKISTAN 5-1 î v n 19-1R VÎT Afrique — Africa INDIA (ctd) East Pakistan . 4 3 10 5 c Bombay State Districts KENYA 2-8. VIII Madhya Saurashtra... 13P 4p 19-25. VII 26.VII-I.vm Nagpur ■ 13.VIII ip ip Central Province Op East Pakistan . 15p Gohilwad ■ 13.V1II lp 37P 25i> Nyeri, District .... 1 Madhya Pradesh State THAÏLANDE 2-8.VIII 9-i5.vm Guna, District . n P 3p CHOLÉRA — CHOLERA THAILAND Mysore State Bangkok (PA) & Asie — Asia Districts Thonburi Prov.. 24 0 19 0 Dharwar .... 1P QP Mandhya. 3P 2 P C D C D Provinces INDE — INDIA 2.8.VIH 9-15.VUI Orissa State Samut Songkhram . 1 0 1 0 Districts Suratthani.............. 1 0 0 0 7 7 Calcutta (PA)1 . 6 6 Balasore .... 2 P Lucknow (A) .... 1 0 Ganjam .... 2p 0P Pun................... 1P Op Gaya (A) ■ i5.vm 0 0 2 0 1 A l'exclusion do la circonscription de l'aéroport de West Bengal VAMOLE - SMALLPOX Dum-Dum — Excl,: local area of Dum Dum airport. State Districts Afrique — Africa Bankura .... 139/i 34p 64p 14 p 28p llp C D C D C D Burdwan. 3p 3P Op lP 1P Howrah .... 18p 5p C D c D 12-18.VII 19-25.vn 26.vn-l.vill Midnapur . *4P 2p 12p 7P 5P 3P N a d ia ............... 2 P Op Andhra Pradesh Purulia............... 4p 2P AFRIQUE-OCCIDENTALE State FRANÇAISE 28.VII-3.VIII 4-10.VIII Chittoor, District lp lp lp PP c D FRENCH WEST AFRICA Bihar State 5-ll.VH CÔTE D ’lVOrRE Districts Bombay State Gaya . 73p 21p Sholapur, District 3 0 Cercles Palamau . 6p 1P Patna . 87p 26p 47p 14 p iip 26p Bouaké..........................3 0 Dimbokro......................3 0 Bhagalpur V West Bengal State Darbhanga / U 13.VIII Grand-Lahou .... 2 0 Hazaribagh ) 24-Parganas, District 30 12 Séguéla.......................... 1 0 353 - VARIOLE (suite) C c SMALLPOX (continued) NIGÉRIA s- NIGERIA 26.VU.1.VUI COLOMBIE (suite) 13-19.VII COLOMBIA (continued) Afrique (suite) — Africa (continued) Northern, Region Dpto. Huila Kano (Urban area) . 2 C D C D Mun. Nataga .... l Provinces » T e llo . l AFRIQUE-OCCIDENTALE Sokoto . 1 Dpto. Tolima FRANÇAISE (suite) 28.VU-3.Vm 4-10.VIII Zaria. l FRENCH WEST AFRICA (continued) Mun. Espinal .... 1 Western Region Dpto. Valle del Cauca D ahomey Abeokuta, Province . l Mun. Andalucia . 1 Circonscriptions médicales C c A llad a..........................4 0 ÉQUATEUR — ECUADOR Athiémé..........................2 l OUGANDA 19-25.vn 26.VII-l.Vin UGANDA P obé..............................5 0 Guayaquil (PA) 26.VII-l.Vln 1 Portonovo......................3 0 Manta (P) . 19-25.VII l Districts Prov. Azuay H aute-Volta Busoga .... 1 0 Yako, Cercle...................4 0 Karamoja . 0 1 Canton Cuenca Mengo . ; . 2 0 Parr. Cuenca 19-25.VII 40 So u d a n » Ricaurte » l RHODÉSIE ET N Y ASS AL AND 9-15.VIII Cercles RHODESIA AND NYASALAND Canton Paute B a m a k o .......................l 2 Parr. Paute 19-25. Vil l K outiala.......................1 0 N o rth ern R hodesia Western, Province . 1 Canton Santa Isabel 21-27. VII Parr. Santa Isabel 19-25.VII 5 Soudan N yasaland Kita, Cercle............... 9 0 Prov. Bolivar Provinces Canton Guaranda CONGO BELGE 19-25.VII 26.VII-1.VIII Central...................... 11 Parr. Echandia 19-25.VU 1 BELGIAN CONGO Southern.................. 1 Prov. Carchi Province Canton Tulcan Equateur.............. 5 1 0 3 1 0 TANGANYIKA 26.VII-1.VIII 2-8. vm Kasaï..................... 1311 0 342 0 Parr. Tulcan 19-25. VII 1 Katanga.................. 105 3 9 1071 4 Provinces K ivu...................... 0 0 l 1 0 Eastern .... 2 Prov. Loja Léopoldville . 0 3 . 61 0 0 L ak e............... 1 Canton Saraguro Oriental.................. 0 . 61 61 0 Northern . 0 1 Ruanda Urundi . 61 0 0 0 Parr. San Pablo Tanga.............. 4 de Tenta 12-18NII 5 1 Vatiolajminor: Âlastrim. Western .... 6 14 •dont: Variolalminor: End.: Alastrim: 32. Prov. Manabi ' dont: Variola/minor: Encl.: Alastrim: 97. Canton Chone Parr. Chone 5-18.VII 2 C Amérique — America GUINÉE — GUINEA . 26.VII-1 .VIII Canton Jipijapa c Mamou, Cercle. 3 Parr. Jipijapa 5-11VII 2 COLOMBIE — COLOMBIA 20-26. VII Prov. Tungurahua KENYA 26.VII-1.VIII Dpto. Atlantico Canton Ambato Provinces Mun. Sabanagrande . 2 Parr. Matriz 12-18. VIT 1 Central...................... 21 Nyanza...................... 11 Dpto. Cauca Mun. Santander . 4 Central Province Asie ■- Asia Nyeri, District .... 17NIII 61 Dpto. Tolima C Mun. San Antonio . 2 " Nyanza Province AFGHANISTAN 2-s.vm North Nyanza, District 14.VIH 11 Dpto. Cordoba Parwan, Province. 5 1 Variolalminor: Âlastrim. Mun. Chima.............. 1 (excl.: Charikar) 354 - VARIOLE (suite) C D C D C D C D SMALLPOX (continued) INDE (suite) 12-18.VII 19.-25.VII 26.VII-l.Vin INDIA (ctd) INDE (suite) — INDIA ( continued) 5-11.VII Asie (suite) — Asia (continued) Mysore State Punjab State Districts Sangrur, State .... 4 0 C D Belgaum . 5p Op 9 ? Op Bellary. b Op BIRMANIE — BURMA 9-15.vm Bijapur. 2p Op Uttar Pradesh State Chikmagalur . 4 p 3p Districts Dharwar . lp lp *p Rangoon (PA) . y 1 1 b Mandhya. 4 p Op Op IF South Kanara. lp lp Op IF Allahabad.................. j o Tumkur . 4p b b IF Dehra D u n .............. 2 2 Etawah...................... 4 q C D C D Orissa State Fatehpur.................. 2 3 Districts G arh w al.................. 1 0 INDE — INDIA 2-8.V1II 9.15.vm Baudh-Khondmals ... 2P 1P G o n d a...................... j 2 Bolangir.................... lp 1P Muzaffamagar.. 1 0 Dhenkanal . 2p Op 3p Op Op Bombay (PA ) . 4 0 10 0 Kalahandi . lp Op Rampur..................... j 0 Cochin (P ). .. 2 1 3 0 M ayurbhanj............ b (jp U n n ao ...................... j q P u ri........................... Madras (P A ). 62 7 2p Op Sambalpur . lp Op b Op Sundergarh ............ Op West Bengal State Districts r2.vn-1.vra Punjab State Ferozepur, D istrict............ 3p lp B irbhum .................. 1 j Delhi (A) . 7 3 West Dinajpur.. 6 2 Uttar Pradesh State C D C D C D Districts 21.27.v1 Almora .... b lp Rajasthan State 12-18.VN 19-23.Vil 26.VII.l.Vni Azamgarh . 3p 3p lp Bareilly .... b Op Districts B ijnor............... 2P Op Op Andhra Pradesh Budaun .... Bhilw ara.............. 2 State Deoria............... b 1 ; 0 ' b Op 5p ip b Bundi.. 3 -2 Faizabad. b Op b Op b Z C h u ru .................. Districts Hardoi............... b b 2p Op 5 0 Jhansi............... b ip Jhunjhunu.............. Anantapur . 3P 3p Op ip 3p 3p 2p op 11 2 Chittoor . Kanpur .... 1 p Op lp lp 6p Op 13p l p K h e ri............... Nagaur.................. 5 3 East Godavari. 4P 3P Op b b b Op Guntur. ip 1F lp Lucknow. 2p b lp Op 1 p 9p Op l l p 3p Mainpuri. lp Hyderabad , . lp Op b Op 2p Op Moradabad. op Krishna . ip 2p ip b b Op 15P 5p C Kumool . .. Nûinital .... b Op 4 p 1P Op 3p Prütabgarh . Nellore. lp Op lp Op Op b Op lp b Op 4p l p Shahjahanpur. IRAN 21-27.VI Srikakulam . 3P 4p 5p l p b lp Visakhapatnam lp Op 3P b West Godavari 8P West Bengal b b Op " iP "pp Azerbaïdjan, Province State Bihar State Sarabe, Dept. Districts Districts Bankura .... 5p 3p Sp b Desardha, Area1 . 1 Burdwan .... lp Hazaribagh......................... 8p 1 p b ”ip Ranchi............... lp Op Darjeeling . % Op 1 Voir/see: p. 335. Midnapur . , b Op 2p lp N a d ia ............... IF Op b b Op b Bombay State Yekom, Province Districts c D Bhandara. .......................... Zandjan, Dept. □ 12. vm 3P lp Nagpur .... lp Op ip 5-Il .VII Poona ................................. 3P Op Bombay State Satara North .................. lp Op Districts Panch Mahals | | 13.VIIÏ C D C D Sholapur.................. 1 0 S o ra th ...................... Madhya Pradesh 1 0 PAKISTAN 2-8. VIII 9-13.VTII State Madras State Lahore (A) . 1 0 2 0 Districts Districts Chhindwara . 16p lOp Raigarh . 22p 4 p North Arcot.............. 1 1 Sagar .... 5p IF South A rcot.............. 6 3 5-n.vn 12-18.VN Madras State Mysore State East Pakistan . 12 8 13 12 Districts Bangalore, District . 1 0 West Pakistan .
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