1957 - 2017 reached To the least To 1957 - 2017 To the least reached OPERATION MOBILISATION 1957 - 2017 1957 - 2017 om.org news.om.org OPERATION MOBILISATION OPERATION OPERATIONMOBILISATION OMINTERNATIONAL OMINTERNATIONAL 1957 2017 PHOTO BY BRAD LIVENGOOD 12 34 8 Credits 10 Celebrating 60 years Knowing Him and making Him known 9 From the editor 12 George Verwer and the birth of OM OM is a clear reflection of the founder 142 Timeline of OM Milestones 14 God calls ordinary Christians 144 About OM to short-term outreaches OM becomes a gateway into missions 146 Ministries founded 16 OM’s radical lifestyle by OM workers Radical discipleship is demonstrated in lifestyle and philosophy 148 Meet the authors 18 Pioneers and icebreakers OM begins work in the Middle East and North Africa 22 OM’s early days in India Initiating a movement that would reach millions with the gospel 24 No risk too great, no idea too crazy OM workers ‘sold out for the gospel’ 26 God’s loophole in the Iron Curtain Risk and reward in smuggling Bibles into Eastern Europe 28 Turks turn to Christ The story of the Bible Correspondence Course 30 Beginning of long-term ministry OM outreach participants catch the vision for more 4 48 72 32 From vision to reality 54 God loves Albania The beginning of OM’s Ship Ministry An OM team starts one of the first fellowships after Communism falls 34 Reviving Korean passion for missions 56 Something for everyone OM ships act as a catalyst to awakening OM covers every village in France with Korean believers Christian literature 36 The catalyst of two new believers 58 On this rock (or from this dock) Hundreds of workers trained in Bangladesh churches founded New churches are planted in the wake 40 Pray, then act of a ship visit The value of prayer in OM 60 ‘God is enlarging our dream’ 42 Awakening Latin America The growth of the Algerian church Doulos is remembered as the initiator of the mission movement in Latin America 62 Missions Discipleship Training in OM 44 Finding God’s purpose in Pakistan Discipling thousands of young people The story of OM’s work among the unreached in faith people in Sindh province 64 Shipwrecked—yet full steam ahead 46 Close your eyes and listen Logos is shipwrecked and partners around God opens doors in Iran the world respond 48 Justice for refugees 66 Blessing borne out of persecution Workers show Jesus’ love to refugees God’s greater purpose in Eastern Europe in both word and deed and the Middle East prevails 52 One generation plants the trees, 68 By bus, bicycle or boat another gets the shade OMers make Bengali New Testament A ship visit paves the way for mobilising #1 bestseller Chinese churches across East Asia Pacific 5 88 104 70 Revamping summer outreaches 92 A platform for peace in Papua The Love Europe conference inspires thousands New Guinea Doulos facilitates historic reconciliation 72 Modelling how Jesus lived after conflict in the Pacific islands From five to one million believers inNepal 94 76 Freeing the Dalits Reflecting diversity in leadership OM responds to the needs of the Recognising and supporting national leadership ‘untouchables’ in India 78 ‘Train our young people!’ 96 Bringing Christ to the youth OM trains Russians to share the gospel and of Hungary plant churches OM impacts young lives through baseball 80 Broadcasting the gospel to Afghans 100 Being a go-fer for George Verwer Pamir Productions passionately spreads the George Verwer’s go-fers are impacted by his gospel to Afghans worldwide life and witness 82 Loving in word and deed 102 Bringing structure to a pioneering A look at the beginning of OM’s relief and movement development work Peter Maiden’s impact as OM’s second 84 Counting the cost International Director OM honours martyrs 104 The next ship project 86 A family to children at risk Logos Hope, OM’s fourth ship, is launched Caring for and empowering underprivileged 106 Jesus’ hands and feet children Restoring hope and dignity to those suffer- 88 Reflecting Him in their world ing from the effects of HIV and AIDS TeenStreet inspires the next generation 108 A people rising to reach their 90 Using your professional skills in missions nation and beyond Professionals use God-given gifts and skills Moldovan believers transform their to further His kingdom communities, their country and the world 6 116 138 110 The transformational power 130 Hope amidst desperation of the arts How the Syrian War changed OM’s Artists present the gospel to the nations ministry in the Near East 114 A new wave of missionaries 132 A Bible on the shelf Believers in the Global South take up the com- The 1881 Project engages all of Turkey mand to go and make disciples of all nations with the gospel 116 You can’t shoot a cannon from 134 Local volunteers on board Logos a canoe Hope make a difference OM and Pro Christo merge to expand vision A look at how Logos Hope’s Visitor Experience to send out Africans engages people with the gospel 118 Sustainable solutions for missions 136 Welcoming strangers Finding new ways to support workers Teams reach out to refugees settling to go to the least reached in Europe 120 Microbusiness is ministry 138 Using new technology to share Esteeming people through investment the gospel in business enterprise Technology makes ministry more effective 122 Embracing kingdom impact 140 Letting God lead us forward Ministries founded by OM workers OM International Director Lawrence Tong looks toward the future 124 Planting churches through sports God uses sports to break down barriers 126 An amazing God-given tool Global Village inspires people to make a difference 128 Freedom for captives At the heart of missions lies a passion for justice 7 OM International Services (Carlisle) Ltd. PO Box 27, Carlisle CA3 0JG, United Kingdom T (+44) 1228 615100 International Director’s Office 38 Orchard Road #03-00 238838, Singapore T (+65) 6337 6387 www.om.org Charity reg no: 1112655 • Company reg no: 5649412 (England and Wales) Editors: Janet Weber, Greg Kernaghan Art Director: Julie Coleman Designer: Meindert Kramer Contributing writers: Adnan, Rebecca Barnhart, Anneke Bolt, Andrew Fendrich, Anneretha Grobler, Peter Hawkins, Esther Hippel, Jill Hitchcock, Nicole James, Kris Johnstone, Tatu Kekkonen, Greg Kernaghan, Julie Knox, Dr. Benjamin Yongkyu Lee, Marcell, Aylin Mardin, Simon Marijani, Deborah Ngobeni, J. Paul, Katherine Porter, Inger R., Megan R., Rebecca Rempel, Elaine Rhoton, Ellyn S., Corinna Scharrenberg, Nathan Schmutz, Katie M. Stout, Lawrence Tong, Anne Marit Viljoen, Janet Weber, Patrick Wood • For contributing writers’ bios, please see page 148. Contributing photographers: Jordan Armstrong, Lincoln Bacchus, Kathryn Berry, Bart Broek, Joshua Buhrmann, Kelsey Church, Peter Conlan, Julie Coleman, Frannie Fabian, Koeun Jung, Meindert Kramer, Brad Livengood, Justin Lovett, Katie Morford, Garrett Nasrallah, Doseong Park, Dileep R., Megan R., Alison Ralph, Rebecca Rempel, Nathan Schmutz, Kiet Van, Rolf Velema, Andrew W., Dustin Waters * Name changed Unless otherwise stated, all Scripture quotations in this publication are from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION® NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. 8 FROM THE EDITOR Ordinary people, extraordinary God They say that hindsight is 20/20: What we to OM’s work in over 110 countries. should have or could have done at almost any These 60 stories are by far the largest con- given time in our past becomes as clear as day. tent-compiling effort toward a single end OM That clarity not only magnifies the circum- communications has ever made. Over 30 writ- stances of the moment, but also our inadequa- ers contributed, covering people and events on cies—our humanness—as we are privy to the six continents and four ships. To compile the consequences of our actions. list of topics, we took feedback from around Looking back over OM’s history is no ex- the OM world; then, 15 of us spent time in ception; we can always find what might have South Africa hashing through that and piecing gone differently if only this or that had hap- together these events in OM’s history. pened. However, the exception to the 20/20 The moments highlighted were chosen with rule you’ll find in the 60 articles that follow is two criteria in mind: First, did the event have that the men and women of OM’s history were a lasting impact on the organisation? Second, keenly aware of their inadequacies—and their did the event support OM’s mission to see vi- total dependence on God—even in the midst of brant communities of Jesus followers among the story unfolding. the least reached? What you’ll read in the Highlighting 60 transforming movements of following pages are the shared values, risks, God over the last 60 years, these stories tell of triumphs, disappointments, heartbreaks and dreamers and visionaries and pioneers, most of celebrations of the thousands who have served whom were very ordinary men and women who with OM over six decades. There is absolutely had no business smuggling Bibles into Eastern nothing that brings us together to share this Europe (p. 26), buying a ship—and then three common history other than the finished work more (p. 32)—circling the Mediterranean in an of Jesus’ death and resurrection, and the con- old truck (p. 18) or passing out Christian litera- tinuous work He does in our lives. ture to every household in France (p. 56). Thousands have heard the call to go, and Yet they did, because they were in the em- millions have heard the good news of Christ ploy of God, whose business it is to search out as a result.
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