Volume 4 Number 3 May/June 1967 Information Display Journal of the Society for Information Display ! saa rraac!saa Imagine being able to display and er's memory or on magnetic tape, record alphanumeric output at 110,- the 280 produces valuable graphic GalitarDII lnstllntly! 000 characters per second ... 128- aids including highly technical character lines at 38,400 lines per graphs, charts, schematics, maps, with the minute •.. points and vectors at mathematical models and directory CONTROL DATA® up to 200,000 per second. This is listings. Meanwhile, its high-speed the kind of speed you can expect micro-camera instantly produces ,~ 280 Digital from the CONTROL DATA 280 Re­ film strips, slides, aperture ca rds or •• corder and Display - one of the paper copies from the CRT image Data Recorder few peripheral devices that can keep for study by individual scientists. f and Display pace with a computer's abi lity to The 280 Recorder and Display is ca lcu late at micro- and nanosecond available for use with both 3000 speeds. A valuable research tool, and 6000 Series Control Data com­ 8th the 280 converts computer data to puters. For full details, contact your film or paper output that is more Control Data sales office or write: easily understood by the user. It Rational provides scientists with a method for keeping up with an overwhelm­ ing vo lume of numbers and symbols CONTROL DATA IJmpasium in which they might otherwise be­ CORPORATION come lost. From data stored in the comput- 8100 34th AV E. SO., MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 55440 Circle Reader Service Card No . 150 FIRST CLASS Take any 3 books for only $3.95 PERMIT No. 37346 LOS ANGELES, CALIF. (values to S-+ 8.30 ) when you enroll as a member of The Library of Computer BUSINESS REPLY MAIL - - No postage stomp necessary if moiled in United Stales - and Information Sciences Choose from this list of authoritati\'e bnoks. POSTAGE W ILL BE PAID BY: 7078. PROGRAM MING REAL-TIME COMPUTERS. Jw11c1 .\farti11. Real-time ~y~ r cms from t h~ 'i ~'"' uf ma nagt' menr. ..,, ... rem.;; :t n ah·s i ~. p ro gra mm ing a nd sales. { i.lt pr ice SlfJ.IJO INFORMATION DISPLAY 6105. MATHEMATICS DICTIONARY. Lditcd h!· J"" '<'.l & l wll<'l. D d incs <l\·er / U.IIIltl tc rnl'. cu<K<'J'h. a1 HI rel:lliclll >h ips " f m.ll hc ­ m:ll ics . Li1t f>m·,· 5 15.1!0 647 No. Sepulveda Blvd., 3997. COMPUTER DICT IONARY AND HANDBOOK. C /i ,irlc.\ J. Siflf'l. - I VAN FL ORES 0\l'J" H,50U dt.'l inition ... o r e \planat io ns of t'llmputl'r ter ms. ~ t cro­ - Bel Air, Los Angeles, California 90049 ny rn ~ . and abbrl·,· i~tt ion~ . lllcllld t._· .., ~~ gui d e tu _-. oftw~ t r c . pl us much more. :-\ n e s~t.?IH i .tl rl'fcrencc. L i.1 1 t'rice S I ,;,(J5 Subscription Dept. 5768. THE LANGUAGE OF COMPUTERS. /i,•man l .· f. Coller. C ogent O\ en icw of b;hi<.: c h~tr:l...:tl' r. design and ope ration of a -; computt.· r l ~t ng ua gc. Li.~ t t'rh·c S8.95 lrolt 3545. AUTOMATIC DATA-PROCESSING SYSTEMS. R 11hcrt II. (;,.t' '-:01'_\ and Richard L . I 'o n /lon t. r'\lHl-tcch n ica l irllroJ uct io n to tht•se :..y ... t~ m , :tthl ~dl :t,Pl'Ch l lf bu..,inc:-.s ti:t ta fl ow :t nd t._'O ntrol. High-speed, integrated-circuit Lilt f >riC£' $14.35 counter/ display units providing -for free prompt information 5529. INFORMATION, COMPUTERS, AND SYSTEM DES IGN. Ira(;. high performance at low cost are and.. \J tlrtlwnn f.'. 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Both con­ 1 11 21 31 41 51 6 1 71 81 91 10 1 1 11 121 131 141 equ ipmcnt. f.i,t 1,,-j<' <' Sl ~ .no on the techn iq ues and applications of compu­ tinuous and latching display types 2 12 22 32 42 52 62 72 82 92 102 11 2 122 132 142 ter soft ,,·a re. Shows how sequences for soft­ 5630 : I NTRODUCTION TO COMPUTI NG. T . 1-.'. Hull. f'xpb ins t he 3 13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93 103 113 123 133 143 prulL'tpk .... ,tnd a ppl t ca t i o n ~ {l f computin!!. wi th ernph:l'., i ... o n ~d g\1- can be ordered, with options of 4 14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 94 104 11 4 124 134 144 ,,·arc ;1rc bu ilt. how to construct ;t complete rtlhlll .... :tnd p tugr:tm m ing tech n iq ue.... Lnt tJrice StJ.}5 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 105 115 125 135 145 8- or 4-line output, 8421 or 2421. 6 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 86 96 106 11 6 126 136 146 system. etc. Includes the author's uni que sy rn­ 5530 . 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