NIswsLErreR December 1994 No. 34135 2eoo copies Founding Editor: F. de P. Hanika, Editors: Gerhard Chroust, Stephen Sokoloff IFSR, c/o Systemtechnik und Automation, Kepler University Linz, 4040 Linz Austria, E-mail: [email protected], Tel:+43-732-2368-865, fax:+43 -732-2368-878 Dear fualers, New Officers of the IFSR In tfu [ast sertem[ tueek I resli.ze[ wfiat it mzors to 6e zaitfrout a secretary, fu{y secretary b{t arourd May 7994 anl, sita certain preceduru fiad to 6e fo[[outed, it fias taken un{i[ nou to prottidc ru ruitfi anotfrer ont. Ifib nemt tfiat fots of worfuot dttaged, upeciaty tfrb N1wsfctten I fiope tfrat witfi tfu NCza lear I uil[ 6e ai[e to 6e fiqrkot scfle[utt. to nwke up for tfu [z{ay we are proailing you tuitfi a dou6[e issue, containing mare tfiafl tfie wua[ annunt of infonrntion @td number contrifutiotu. 9!e ako take pkasure in pruenting lfsqs rtiil pruilznt, CIrof, tu{. lacfuon afll we are fiappy to tvlnounce some interuting neuts uitfi rupect to IfS\S j oum al S fSIE*{S SEAKC a{. 'Ifiere ruil[ - unfortunatefy^f - a{so 5e outfrer cfiange in tfic A{gwsfz*er: Due to tfu tinitel funr{s aaaifaih rue dtci[el tfiat zae couU rn (anger a{for[ a profusi e[itor for tfu 9t{gwsfetter. for tfib reason lDr. S Softptffi my co-editor, wfro was upeciafig corce ruitfr tfu tingubtic quotity of tfu 1r(gwsfetter , as weff w utitfi utriting, obtaining anl e[iting [rrrger a*b[u, rui Prof. Michael C. Jackson, Vice-president rxign 6y tfu enl of tfiis year. 'Ifie productior of tfie 9'[jzusbtter utill fiitfrz*o 6e my sob rxponsi|ility. 6ut fiope tfiat En Sokshlf wi[{ stilf protilc mc witfi On April 7, 1994, the Board of the IFSR interxting artic.[u.. elected a new Executive Committee: President: Bela H. Banathy, I tfurefon woufd [ike to tfiatLDr. Sokqtoff for olt fiis (for bibliography, see Newslefter No. 33) ffirts for tfu 9,{gwsbtter an{ I fiope tfrat I can ftgry up fris tmlition of frigfi quatity. 2578'l Morse Drive, Carmel, CA. 93923 USA, At [ast I wou[l fike to zubfi all mzmbers of tfie If, an[ readtrs of tfie h{gzusbtter a fiappy email: [email protected] S e as on anl a S uccu sfitf 9t{gw /e ar. Vice-President: Michael C. Jackson, Qertarl Cfirowt United Kingdom S ys temt ecfrnift-unl Aut onratior Systems Society, r Llnirtersitu Liaz, 4040 Lira, Austria University of Humberside, Cottinghan Boad, Hull HU6 7RT, U.K tel: +44 1482 440550 Ext. 3720 IMPRESSUM: Mediuminhaber, Herausgeber, Satz lax:+44 1482 445715 und Layout: Int. Federation lor Systems Research. Fiir den Inhalt verantwortlich: kof. G. Chroust, Kepler Universitdt Linz. 4040 Linz, Druck: Secretaryffreasurer: Gerhard Ch roust, Druckerei Bad Leonfclden Ges.rnb.H. & Co. KG, (for bibliography, see Newsletter No. 33) Bad Leonfelden. Kepler University Linz, A-4040 Linz, Austria email :chrou st@ sea.u ni-linz.ac. at Michael C. Jackson Gerard de Zeeuw, who has managed to keep it going in recent years without the support of a major publisher. I am pleased Michael C. Jackson, born 1951, is Professor to say that I have been able to secure the of Management Systems and Dean of the future of the journalby negotiating a new ten School Computing lnformation of and year contract with the prestigious publishers Systems at the University of Humberside. John Wiley and Sons. Wiley have agreed to After studying Politics, Philosophy and supply journal members of Economics at Oxlord University, he spent 4 the to organisations belonging to IFSR for the years in the civil service before returning to reduced rate of $40 per subscription in academic life. He has since studied and 1995, 1996 and 1997. As long as we can taught at Lancaster, Warwick and Hull build up subscriptions there should also Uniyersities, and was appointed lull a eventually be royalties accruing to the IFSR professor at Hull in 1989. from sales. I am to be first editor of the journal under Wiley and I would ask you to Prolessor Jackson enjoys diverse help relaunch Sysfems Research, and make consultancy interests and has worked with lt a success, by encouraging individuals and many well known organisations. He also organisations to subscribe and by sending undertakes work lor wide range of a papers for publication to my address. community and non-profit-making organisations. He has held managerial My second objective is to set up a network positions as Head of Department, Chair of ol active systems research groups as part of the UK Systems Society and Council the IFSR. The aim would be to exchange Member Operational Research of the ideas and inlormation, develop joint projects Society; and is currently a Dean of School and to co-operate on bids for funding to and Vice-President the lnternational of develop systems research. Activities would Federation for Systems Research. He has be publicised through the Newsletter and authored 2 Books (Creative Problem Solving through Systems Research. lf you belong to Systems Methodology the and for a systems research group and would like to Management Sciencesl, edited six others, is join this network, please write to me. international journal "Systems edilor of the M.C.lackot Research", has published over 70 articles in other learned journals, and has contributed chapters to several books. From IFSR's Executive Committee From the IFSR Vice-President INVO LVI N G M EM B ER O R G ANIZAT'ONS One of the key IFSR programs proposed by the Executive Committee (EC) in the July I was pleased to be elected Vice-President lssue of the Newsletter is the creation of of the lnternational Federation lor Systems opportunities for the direct involvement of Research. The growing significance of member organizations in the affairs of the systems thinking, and the proliferation ol Federation. The EC therefore suggested the individuals, groups and societies interested establishment several Standing in the ideas, make it essential that we co- of Committees to address issues ol common ordinate our efforts in order to have the interest and importance. These issues would maximum beneficial impact on include Program Development, R&D in organisations, communities and the Systems and Cybernetics, Database societies in which we live. I intend to be an Development, Publications, Electronic active Vice-President and I have two Communications, Systems and Design immediate ambitions. Education, IFSR Events, Resources/Funds Development, Membership Development, The first of these is to rejuvenate "Sysfems Outreach (to NGO's and Other Relevant Research", the official journal of the IFSR. lnternational Agencies), and other issues of We owe a great debt to John Warfield, who interest. Committees would be constituted originally established the journal, and to from members of member organizations who would volunteer to work on particular 25781 Morse Drive, Carmel, CA. 93923 committees. At this point in time we are USA, asking our member organizations to email : [email protected]. comment on the ]FSR Committees proposed here and also to suggest other Dearfuadtrsl Committees. Our driving interest is to forge the IFSR into a dynamic, evoMing, Ifianfr you for mtrusting me atitfi. tfu contributing systems community with a Editorsfrip for near{y a daca{e flota. of course, Ik flat constantly unfolding purpose and program. ttery frqpy uitfr tfu fout priority ufiicfi tfu IfSS,Siou The leaders of IFSR member organizations to genaa[ist-tgpc octirtitits, tfu cfrmgx tfiat utill 6e are invited to discuss this proposal with their ffiadt in tfu g,{gwshtter uen twt my ilza I wost't eoat membership and communicate their ideas, conruttel. comments, and interest in participating to: Bela H. Banathy, NEW TRENDS Bioelectricity/B iomag netics Some Advanced Applications Prof. Dr. Helmut Pf0tzner Technical University of Vienna GuBhausstr. 27 A-1040 Wien Bioelectricity/Biomagnetics (BE&M) is the design. For evaluation of data new science of the electric and/or magnetic technologies such as imprecise neural behavior of biological systems. Biophysical networks have proven invaluable. Our work methods are applied to determine the concentrates on three levels of biological reactions of biological molecules, cells, systems: microorganism, cell and tissue tissues and organisms to electromagnetic level and organism level. fields, and also to study synaptic transmissions, for example between nerves The level of microorganisms magnetic lield is applied and muscle cells. When an electric or microorganisms in liquid culture, it is lndustry is willing to fund basic research in to a A BE&M because results can, thanks to distorted or weakened by that culture. modern sensor, automating and computer strong field may manipulate small living phenomena technologies, be practically applied. We first cells, or even kill them. These points various study the electromagnetic behavior of are the ol departure for practical fields determine biological systems, then we find direct applications of to number bacteria yeast cells in a applications. for our results in biology, the of or human medicine or related fields. The engineering sample ol chocolate, beer or stored work, the design of the sensors, the blood. We have also evaluated the electrodes which are electronics and the software, is done in characteristics of into close cooperation with industry. specilically affected when inserted develop ln BE & M one has to deal with inaccuracy. samples. The results were used to 'lt proving Biological systems elude exact description, a bacteria tracer; is successful on and their physical properties are expressed the world market. Since the biological and mechanisms involved are in terms of orders of magnitude. Sensors electrochemical incompletely should be senshive, but they don't have to highly complex and only be precise.
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