Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87212-6 - Penance in Medieval Europe, 600–1200 Rob Meens Index More information General index Aachen 117, 182 Augustine of Canterbury 7, 84 Abelard 191, 199, 201–3, 209, 213, Augustine of Hippo 19–20, 25 222–3 Aunacharius of Auxerre 71, 76–7 Scito te ipsum 191, 200–1, 203, 213 Auxerre 38 Achéry, Jean-Luc d’ 91 Auxilius 44 Ad aquas Salvias, monastery 89 Avars 125 Adalhard of Corbie 126 Avitus of Vienne 28, 31 Adhémar of Le Puy 187 Admonitio Generalis 113, 124 Balthild, Queen 79 Adomnán 66, 69, 88 Bangor, monastery 52 adultery 50 Barontus 85–6 Aelfric of Eynsham 163 Bartholomew of Exeter 204, 206–11, 222 Aethelred II, King 161 Contra fatalitatis errorem 207 Agilulf, king of the Lombards 53 handbook for confessors 205–9 Agobard of Lyon 1, 119, 127–8 Basil the Great 25, 93 Agrestius 54, 73 Bathsheba 22 Áid the Black 66 Battle of the Lech 182 Aidan 88 Beatus of Liebana 169 Alaric II, Visigothic king 27 Bede 88, 90, 96, 113, 135, 138, 142, 208, Alcobaça, monastery 172 210 Alcuin 107, 116, 124 Benedict of Aniane 54 Aldebert 108 Benevento 176 Alfred the Great 158, 163, 221 Beonanus 83 Ambrose 21–5, 126 Bernar, priest 188 Anatolia 25 Bernhard of Italy 126 Annals of Fulda 126 Bernhard of Saxony 181 Annals of St Bertin 126 Bertila of Chelles 79 Annegray 52 bestiality 18, 42, 50, 56 Ansegisus 115, 144 Bischoff, Bernhard 8 Anselm of Laon 197, 199, 201 Blickling Homilies 163 Anselm of Lucca 149, 192, 195 Bobbio 53, 82, 172 Antioch 89, 187 Bobbio Missal 78 Arles 31, 116 Boleslav Chrobry, King 180, 185–6 Armenia 25 Bologna 196–7, 204 Arn of Salzburg 88 Boniface 87, 107–10, 113, 218 Artchain on Tiree, monastery 66 Bonizo of Sutri 149 Ash Wednesday 29, 79, 152, 154–6, 174 booklist 99, 114, 163 Astronomer, the 126–7, 129 Bourges 85 Attigny 126 Brittany 160 Atto of Vercelli 173–4, 179, 188 Brown, Peter 83 audientia episcopalis 19 Bulgarians 174, 185 Augsburg 144, 182 Bulgarus 197 272 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87212-6 - Penance in Medieval Europe, 600–1200 Rob Meens Index More information General index 273 Burchard of Worms 148, 154, 179, 189, Catalonia 171 191, 195, 197, 206, 220, 222 Cathwulf 123–4 Burgundofara 80 Céli Dé 62–3 Butherich 21 Chagnoald of Laon 80 Chalon 81 Caesarius of Arles 26–9, 32–4, 36 Charlemagne 114–15, 117–18, 123–5, 182, caliphate of Cordoba 170 219 canon law collections Charles Martel 106 Burchard of Worms Chartres 209 Decretum 148, 150, 154, 161, 172, Chelles 29, 79 176–7, 191–2, 195, 205, 208, 210 Chiffoleau, Jacques 186 Collectio 77 capitulorum 144 Chilperic 74 Collectio Anselmo dedicata 173 Chiusi 197 Collectio Dacheriana 119, 121, 130–1, Chlothar II, King 82 135, 138 Christ Church Abbey, Canterbury Collectio Dionysiana 19 160, 164 Collectio Dionysiana aucta 173 Church of the Twelve Apostles, Rome 175 Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana 114, 124, Cilicia 89 131, 133 Clemens 108 Collectio Herovalliana 137 Clermont 31, 187 Collectio Hibernensis 44, 49, 58, 60–1, 64, Clovis II, King 82 91, 96, 108, 124, 177 Cluny 185 Collectio Hispana 133, 165, 167, 170 Cnobheresburg 82 Collectio Vetus Gallica 32, 71, 77, 92, 96, Cnut, King 161 108, 110 Codex Theodosianus 116 Collection in Five Books 176–7, 179, Cologne 156, 182 192–3 Colonatus 87 Collection in Nine Books 176–7, Colum Cille see Columba 179, 192 Columba 64–5, 67, 69 Cresconius Columbanian monasticism 54, 72–4, 77, Concordia canonum 137 79–80 Gratian Columbanus 36, 45, 47, 52, 54–7, 65, Decretum 196, 205, 208, 222 69–72, 75, 77–8, 81, 83–4, 93, 102, Gregory IX 106, 109, 172, 217 Liber Extra 212 Instructiones 54 Ivo of Chartres Regula Coenobialis 54–5, 72 Decretum 194–5, 205, 207, 222 Regula Monachorum 53 Panormia 194–5, 222 Concordia Episcoporum 117 Statuta Ecclesiae Antiqua 32 confession to God alone 122 canon lawyers 198 Constans II, Emperor, 90 Canones Hibernenses 63 Constantinople 18, 89 Canossa 182–3, 186 Corbie, monastery 82, 92, 108 Canterbury 100, 205 Cordoba 167 Capetians 149, 221 Cornwall 40 Carolingian empire 122, 127 Coroticus 38 Carolingian reform councils (813), (828) Corrector sive Medicus see canon law 115, 117–18, 120, 122, 127, 130, collections: Burchard of Worms: 133, 219 Decretum Carolingian Reforms 102, 114, 132, 158, council 160 Fourth Lateran Council (1215) 214, 224 Carolingian Renaissance 114 council of Agde (506) 27 Carolingians 102, 106, 111, 113–14, 138, council of Agde (508) 32 156, 218 council of Ancyra (314) 18, 42, 76, 137 Cassian, John 39, 46, 58, 61 council of Arles (813) 115, 118, 120 Castile 167, 171 council of Auxerre (585–92) 71, 76 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87212-6 - Penance in Medieval Europe, 600–1200 Rob Meens Index More information 274 General index council of Chalon-sur-Saône (603/4) 53, Erchinoald, mayor of the palace 82 73 ethics 203 council of Chalon-sur-Saône (647–53) Eucharist 59, 104, 110, 118, 153, 184, 186, 80–1 210, 214, 224 council of Chalon-sur-Saône (813) 115, Eudes Rigaud 145 117–18, 120–1, 219 Eusebius Gallicanus 25 council of Cloveshoe (747) 105 Eusebius of Caesarea 22 council of Coyonza (1055) 171 Evagrius of Pontus 46 council of Hertford (673) 91 Excerpts of a Book of David 40, 42 council of Mâcon (581/3) 71 excommunication 44, 46, 106, 118, 184, council of Mâcon (585) 71, 74, 77 186, 208 council of Mainz (813) 115, 122 Exeter 160, 164 council of Mainz (847) 133 exile 56 council of Mainz (852) 152 exorcism 34 council of Neocaesarea (314/15) 137 council of Nicaea (325) 25, 76, 137 Fabiola 20 council of Orléans (511) 31 Farfa 177, 179 council of Orléans (538) 27 Fastrada 125 council of Paris (829) 101, 130–1, 220 Faustus of Riez 28, 39 council of Reims (813) 120, 122 Ferdinand I, King 170–1, 185, 221 council of Rome (721) 108 Field of Lies, battle of 127 council of Rome (1080) 186 Findchán 66 council of Soissons (744) 107 Finnian 45, 55, 57, 60, 63, 69, 93 council of Soissons (853) 133 Finnian of Clonard 47 council of Toledo (589) 164 Finnian of Moville 47 council of Tours (813) 115 First Crusade 187–8, 222 Cresconius 137 First Synod of St. Patrick 39, 44, 63 Cummean 57, 61, 69, 178, 192 Florus of Lyon 119 Fontaines 52, 71 David of Menevia 40 Fontanelle, monastery 115 David, King 22 forum externum 199 De arreis 63 forum internum 199 De duodecim abusivis saeculi 61 Fournier, Paul 37 deditio 10, 180–1, 183, 222 Frantzen, Allen 158, 163 Deusdedit, archbishop 90 Frisia 103 dietary rules 63, 95 Fructuosus of Braga 167 Dionysius Exiguus 19 Fulbert of Chartres 195 dispute settlement 10–11, 45, 50–1, 64, 66, Fulda, monastery 132, 156, 179 75, 106, 126, 129, 217, 222 Fulk of Reims 159 Domingo, abbot 169 Fursa 82–4, 86 Donatus of Besançon 80 Galicia 168 Easter 153 Gallus of Clermont 31 Eberulf, royal treasurer 74 Gaul 14, 25, 27–31, 34, 38, 45, 52, 71–2, Ebo of Reims 128, 130, 132–3, 135, 78, 82, 84, 216 220 Gennadius of Marseille 32 Edessa 89 Gerhard, biographer of Ulrich of Augsburg Egbert of York 96, 113, 135, 138, 218 143 Egino of Konstanz 125 Germanus of Auxerre 38 Ekkehard IV of St Gall 152 Germanus of Capua 35 Eligius of Noyon 80, 84 Giebichenstein 181 Eoda 92 gift-giving 106 episcopal statutes 110, 141, 143, Gilbert de la Porrée 209 160, 173 Gildas 41, 45, 47, 58 episcopal visitations 142, 145, 151 Gottschalk of Freising 181 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-87212-6 - Penance in Medieval Europe, 600–1200 Rob Meens Index More information General index 275 Gozbert, duke 87 Jouarre 29, 79 Gratian 149, 196–8, 206, 209–10, 222 Julianus Pomerius 25, 131 Tractatus de penitentia 198 Gregorian Reform 192–3 Khan Boris 185 Gregory of Nazianze 93 Kilian of Würzburg 87 Gregory of Tours 12, 34, 74 Konstanz 216 Gregory the Great 7, 12, 14, 35–6, 53, 61, 84–5, 97, 131, 171 Lagny, monastery 82–3 Dialogues 35 Lampert of Hersfeld 184 Grimbald of St Bertin 159 Laon 197, 199 Grimo of Corbie 108 Lawrence, papal candidate 35 Guntram 71, 74, 102 Lea, Henry Charles 5 Lent 127, 146–7, 154 Hadrian, monk 90, 195 León 167, 170–1, 185, 221 Haggenmüller, Reinhold 97, 113 Lex Alamanorum 144 Haito of Basel 206 Lex Baiuvariorum 144 Halitgar of Cambrai 130, 134–5, 137, Lex Frisionum 104 141–2, 220 Lex Romana Visigothorum 116 Hartmann, Wilfried 131 Librán 65–6 Hatto of Mainz 141 Liège 173 healing rituals 34 Life of Brigit 68 Héloise 200–1 Life of Columba 68 Henry II, King 185, 205 Life of Columbanus 70, 75 Henry IV, King 182–4 Life of Liudger 104 Henry of Schweinfurt, margrave 180–1 Life of Louis 126 Heraclius, Emperor 89 Life of Ulrich of Augsburg 143, 145–6 Heribald of Auxerre 133 Lindisfarne 88 Heribert of Cologne 182 Longoretus, monastery 85 Hessen, 107 Lorsch, monastery 97, 113 Hiberno-Frankish monasticism 77 Lothar I 127, 129 Hippo 15, 20, 24–5 Lothar II, Emperor 175 Historia Silense 185 Louis (the German) 127 Holy Ghost, sins against 208 Louis the Pious 125, 128, 130, 132, 219 holy men 33, 50, 73, 106 Luxeuil 52, 55, 71, 75, 80 homosexuality 50, 56 Lyon 33, 119, 121 Hrabanus Maurus 132, 134, 141, 220 Hugh, abbot of Cluny 185 Mael Ruain 62 magister Serlo 208 incarceration 107 Mainz 110, 116, 133, 136, 154, 156, 218 incest 42 Mamertus of Vienne 14, 30 infanticide 104, 202 manaig, monastic tenants 48–9 Iona 64–7, 69, 86, 88 Mansfield, Mary 216 Iserninus 44 marriage 8, 48, 65, 68, 105, 175 Isidore of Seville 61 martyrs 33 Iso of St Gall 152–3 Matilda of Tuscany 183 Italy 112, 156 Maundy Thursday 23, 29, 79, 93, 148, Ivo of Chartres 149, 194, 206, 222 154–5, 174, 182, 216 Prologue 194–5, 197 Mead,
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