9781107013995 Index.Pdf

9781107013995 Index.Pdf

Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01399-5 — Rome Rabun Taylor , Katherine Rinne , Spiro Kostof Index More Information INDEX abitato , 209 , 253 , 255 , 264 , 273 , 281 , 286 , 288 , cura(tor) aquarum (et Miniciae) , water 290 , 319 commission later merged with administration, ancient. See also Agrippa ; grain distribution authority, 40 , archives ; banishment and 47 , 97 , 113 , 115 , 116 – 17 , 124 . sequestration ; libraries ; maps ; See also Frontinus, Sextus Julius ; regions ( regiones ) ; taxes, tarif s, water supply ; aqueducts; etc. customs, and fees ; warehouses ; cura(tor) operum maximorum (commission of wharves monumental works), 162 Augustan reorganization of, 40 – 41 , cura(tor) riparum et alvei Tiberis (commission 47 – 48 of the Tiber), 51 censuses and public surveys, 19 , 24 , 82 , cura(tor) viarum (roads commission), 48 114 – 17 , 122 , 125 magistrates of the vici ( vicomagistri ), 48 , 91 codes, laws, and restrictions, 27 , 29 , 47 , Praetorian Prefect and Guard, 60 , 96 , 99 , 63 – 65 , 114 , 162 101 , 115 , 116 , 135 , 139 , 154 . See also against permanent theaters, 57 – 58 Castra Praetoria of burial, 37 , 117 – 20 , 128 , 154 , 187 urban prefect and prefecture, 76 , 116 , 124 , districts and boundaries, 41 , 45 , 49 , 135 , 139 , 163 , 166 , 171 67 – 69 , 116 , 128 . See also vigiles (i re brigade), 66 , 85 , 96 , 116 , pomerium ; regions ( regiones ) ; vici ; 122 , 124 Aurelian Wall ; Leonine Wall ; police and policing, 5 , 100 , 114 – 16 , 122 , wharves 144 , 171 grain, l our, or bread procurement and Severan reorganization of, 96 – 98 distribution, 27 , 89 , 96 – 100 , staf and minor oi cials, 48 , 91 , 116 , 126 , 175 , 215 102 , 115 , 117 , 124 , 166 , 171 , 177 , zones and zoning, 6 , 38 , 84 , 85 , 126 , 127 182 , 184 – 85 administration, medieval frumentationes , 46 , 97 charitable institutions, 158 , 169 , 179 – 87 , 191 , headquarters of administrative oi ces, 81 , 85 , 201 , 299 114 – 17 , 214 Church. See Church, as administrative body maps, administrative use of, 115 – 16 . See also clergy, staf , and minor oi cials, 158 , 184 , 199 maps and mapping codes, laws, and restrictions oi ces, magistrates, and magistracies, 81 of burial, 143 , 145 – 46 , 187 , 225 , 232 , 279 aedile, 24 , 35 , 36 , 41 , 48 , 114 , 115 districts and boundaries. See also curtes ; censor, 19 , 21 , 22 , 24 , 114 , 115 , 124 diaconia ; rione consul, 19 , 29 scholae , 196 , 201 – 3 cura(tor) aedium sacrarum et operum scholae militiae , 183 , 186 , 187 , 202 publicorum (commission of sacred grain, l our, or bread procurement and buildings and public works), 47 , distribution, 166 , 225 , 245 132 , 139 , 162 monasteries and convents, 273 391 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01399-5 — Rome Rabun Taylor , Katherine Rinne , Spiro Kostof Index More Information 392 INDEX administration, modern, Comune di Roma, political instability, 340 , 345 censuses and public surveys, 259 , 295 slum clearance, 329 , 330 , 334 districts and boundaries, 278 Tiber River, 247 , 295 , 316 in Bernardini report, 295 Adonaea, 108 , 109f79 rione . See rione aedile. See administration, ancient: oi ces, grain, l our, or bread procurement and magistrates, and magistracies: aedile distribution, 294 Aemilius Lepidus, Marcus, 24 , 35 police and policing, 310 , 337 Aemilius Scaurus, Marcus, 58 prostitutes and prostitution, 277 , 278 Aeneas, 10 , 33 public utilities other than water, agriculture electricity, 315 , 327 , 343 extramural gas, 313 , 314f205 , 316 , 327 agrarian resettlement, 27 public works, 261 , 314 – 15 , 316 , 318f208 , domus cultae , 109 , 126 , 158 , 166 320 , 343 vineyards, 158 , 198 drains and sewers, 245 , 261 – 63 , 319 intramural, 19 , 109 , 226 public health and sanitation, 245 , 248 , 279 farm plots, 11 , 164 , 228 , 242 , 264 streets, 261 , 262 – 63 , 268 horti (urban gardens), 112 maestri delle strade , 251 , 276 orchards, 113 , 229 , 263 , 281 , 306 and piano regolatore , 319 vineyards, 111 , 216 , 224 , 228 , 229 , 263 , 264 , Tiber River, 245 , 318 – 19 281 , 288 , 306 transportation, 327f214 , 344 – 45 Agrippa, Marcus Vipsanius, 37 , 39 – 41 , 46 – 48 , 62 , buses, omnibuses, and trams, 61f38 , 316 , 302 , 346 325 , 344 aedileship, 35 , 115 and corruption, 340 and Aqua Julia. See aqueducts: Aqua Julia Metropolitana subway, 343 , 344 , 345 and Aqua Tepula. See aqueducts: Aqua Tepula and piano regolatore , 340 and Aqua Virgo. See aqueducts: Aqua Virgo railroads, 247 , 249 , 313 , 314 , 338 and Basilica Neptuni, 40 , 88 Porta Portese, 314 Baths of. See Baths of Agrippa Stazione Termini, 18f10 , 319 , 344 and Battle of Actium, 35 and suburbs, 334 , 344 , 346 Diribitorium, 40 urban and regional planning, 318 – 19 , 325 , and Euripus, 40 , 41 , 50 340 , 344 management of aqueducts and water supply, Greater Metropolitan District, 344 40 , 47 , 166 in historic center, 341 management of drains and sewers, 41 housing. See housing: housing policy ; mangement of l oods and l ood control, 50 housing developments ; and his map of known world, 41 housing crisis and Mausoleum of Augustus, 88 of Napoleon Bonaparte, 299 , 326 Pantheon of, 41 , 86 , 88 , 110 papal planning, 252 , 270 , 285 , 290 , 322 and Pons Agrippae. See bridges: Pons piano regolatore (master plan), 247 , Agrippae 316 – 17 , 322 and Porticus Argonautarum, 40 of 1870 (enacted 1873), 316 , 319 , 324 property of on Campus Martius, 36 , 39 , of 1883, 317f207 , 321f210 , 325 , 340 40 , 110 of 1908, SanJust Plan (ratii ed 1909), residence of at Villa Farnesina, 41 , 111 316 – 17 , 325 , 326 , 326f213 and Saepta, 37 of 1931, Mussolini plan, 329 , 336 , 340 and Stagnum Agrippae, 40 , 41 , 85 of 1962 (enacted 1966), 322 , 340 urban projects of, 39 – 41 of 2008, 250 , 346 Agrippa, Camillo, 40 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01399-5 — Rome Rabun Taylor , Katherine Rinne , Spiro Kostof Index More Information INDEX 393 Agrippina, 67 , 74 , 111 Acqua Felice, 263 , 264 , 321f211 airport, Leonardo da Vinci, 245 , 343 ( for ancient period, see aqueducts: Akademos, grove of (Athens, Greece), 79 Aqua Marcia) Alaric, 162 , 163 , 165 , 172 , 191 , 219 , 225 Acqua Marcia Pia Antica, 313 , 315 Alba Longa, 10 ( for ancient period, see aqueducts: Alban Hills, 6 , 168 Aqua Marcia) Alberic II of Spoleto, 233 Acqua Paola, 264 – 65 ( for ancient period, see Alberti, Leon Battista aqueducts: Aqua Traiana) On the Art of Building in Ten Books , 252 Acqua Vergine, 261 , 262f170 , 263 , 266 , 288 , Albinus, 226 293 ( for ancient period, see aqueducts: Alexander Severus Aqua Virgo) and Aqua Alexandrina. See Aqua Aqua Alexandrina, 99 , 166 Alexandrina Aqua Alsietina, 113 and Baths of Nero, 99 Aqua Anio (Vetus), 22 , 47 and food distribution, 99 Aqua Anio Novus, 60 , 112 restoration of Circus Maximus, Colosseum, Aqua Appia, 21 , 22 , 47 Theater of Marcellus, and Stadium Aqua Claudia, 47 , 60 , 62 , 98 , 112 , 113 , 117 , 166 , of Domitian, 98 . See also individual 168 , 190 entries Aqua Julia, 35 , 40 and warehouses, 99 Aqua Marcia, 27 , 47 , 98 , 133 , 166 , 168 , 263 Alexander the Great, 29 ( for post-antique period, see aqueducts: Alexander VI, Pope, 279 Acqua Felice) and Via Alessandrina, 254 , 281 , 322 Aqua Tepula, 27 , 35 , 47 Alexander VII, Pope, 270 , 288 , 374 Aqua Traiana, 97 , 128 , 144 , 166 , 168 , 264 and Piazza del Popolo, 301 ( for post-antique period, see and urban theatricality, 267 – 68 aqueducts: Acqua Paola) and Via del Corso, 287 – 88 Aqua Virgo, 36 , 39 – 40 , 40f28 , 41 , 44 , 166 , Alexandria, Egypt, 88 , 108 168 , 207 ( for post-antique period, see Altare della Patria, 324 aqueducts: Acqua Vergine) Amalasuntha, Queen, 175 construction of, 62 , 264 amphitheater . See theaters and amphitheaters during siege of Vitiges, 166 animal husbandry, 11 fortii cation of, 233 Anio River, 22 , 360 Neronian extension of Aqua Claudia (Arcus anni di piombo , Years of Lead, 345 Neroniani), 117 , 190 , 193 Annibaldi, Pietro, 193 at Porta Maggiore, 60 antiquities, collecting, 304 repair and restoration of, 35 , 166 , 168 , antiquities, excavations, 245 , 256 174 , 261 antiquities, galleries, 252 and Seven Marvels of Rome, 176 Antoninus Pius, 93 water distribution, 123f87 , 262f170 and Pons Aurelius/Antoninus. See Pons Ara Martis. See Altar of Mars Aurelius/Antoninus Ara Pacis, 39 , 330 and Temple of Antoninus and Faustina, 135 Aracoeli steps, 237 , 237f152 Apennine Mountains, vi , 6 Arch of Constantine, 137 , 138f97 , 275 , 276 Apostolic Palace, papal residence. See fortii cation of, 216 , 217f140 Vatican Palace Arch of Janus in Velabrum (Janus Quadrifrons), Appius Claudius Caecus, 21 217f139 Aqueductium, 109f79 , 116 archaeological excavations at, 329 aqueducts, 24 , 40 , 125 , 166 , 177 , 192 , 241 fortii cation of, 216 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-01399-5 — Rome Rabun Taylor , Katherine Rinne , Spiro Kostof Index More Information 394 INDEX Arch of Pons Aurelius/Antoninus, 245 peristyles and gardens of, 77 Arch of Septimius Severus, 219f141 , Atrium Libertatis, 80 , 80f54 , 81 , 115 , 124 275 , 277 Atrium Vestae, 95 , 97 , 97f68 , 126 , 162 , 163 , 176 Arch of Titus, 54f35 , 57f37 , 82 , 205 , attacks and sieges on Rome, 162, 234 , 242 216 , 275 , 277 in 387 B.C.E., Gauls, 17 fortii cation of, 216 in 410, Alaric, 162 , 191 , 219 and Napoleon, 300 in 455, Vandals, 163 Archaeological Commission, 326 in 472, Ricimer, 163 archaeological excavations, 11 , 113 , 304 in 537/538, Vitiges,

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