Western Kentucky University TopSCHOLAR® WKU Archives Records WKU Archives 5-26-1969 UA35/1 Academic Newsletter, Vol. III, No. 9 WKU Provost Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records Part of the Education Commons Recommended Citation WKU Provost, "UA35/1 Academic Newsletter, Vol. III, No. 9" (1969). WKU Archives Records. Paper 1687. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/dlsc_ua_records/1687 This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by TopSCHOLAR®. It has been accepted for inclusion in WKU Archives Records by an authorized administrator of TopSCHOLAR®. For more information, please contact [email protected]. , O . J. Wilson, Editor Joan Capps, Assistant Editor Vol ume III, No. 9 May 26, 1969 ANNOUNCEMENTS May 31 - June 6 , Saturday through Friday -- Final examinations, semester ends June 6, Friday -- Cozrunence ment: 10 :00 a. m. in Grise Hall Auditorium - Associate Degree and Certificate Graduation Exercises with Vice President Dero G . Down ing as s p eaker . 7:30 p . m . in Diddl e Arena - Spr ing Grad uation E xer cises with Governor L ouie B. Nunn as Commencement s peaker. June 9, Monday -- Final Grade Report due in Registrar's Office by 12 :00 noon June 16, Monday -- Summer School begins Academic Council Meeting The next meeting of the Academic Council is scheduled for Wednesday, May 28, 1969, at 3 :10 p. m. Summ er Sch ool A wide range of r egular course offerings, iInplernented by a large number of wor kshops, institutes, and conferences , are available during the 1969 Summer Session of Western K entucky University. Summer Schoo l officially begins with registration in the E. A . Diddle Arena at 8:00 a. m. on Monday, June 16. The 1969 Summer School in the Training School will begin with registration on June 16. Visiting faculty and faculty members from other departments at Western Kentucky Unive rsity for the Sununer School are as follows: -2- Grade I Mrs. May Evelyn McClellan Bardstown Grade 3 Mrs. Betty J. Hedgespeth Greensburg Grade 6 Mr. Arnold F . Petrus Bowling Green Mathematics 7- 8 Mr. Sam Brown Bowling Green Plane Geometry Mr . Osburn R. Flener Department of Mathematics English 9 Mr. Robert R . Adams Department of English Biology 10 Mr. Roy Mosier Bardstown American History 11 Mr. John V. Bratcher Department of History English 12 Mi.ss Arlene Rountree Bowling Green Driver Education Mr . Turner Elrod Department of Physical Education, Health and Recr eation Sabbatical Leaves Sabbatical leaves have been granted to five members of the Western faculty for 1969- 70. Recipients are Carlton Jackson (History); Jim Wayne Miller (Foreign Languages); H . E . Shadowen (Biology); Joseph Stokes (Mathematics); and Hugh T h omason (Government) . All leaves are for the second semester except Dr. Sh adowen's w h ich will be for the summer s of 1969- 70. These are the first l eaves g r anted unde r the University's new Sabbatical Leave Program. WKU I~EA Officer s The following individuals were recently elected officers for Western Kentucky University's KEA Un it for the coming year: President Elect Dr. Paul Hatcher v -3- Delegates Miss Sara Tyler Mr. Fithian S. Faries Dr . David B . Watts Mr. Robert M. Ashby Alte rnates Mrs. Arden K. Watson Mr. Mack Houston Miss Mary Chisholm Dr. J. Crawford Crowe will become President for the coming year at the beginning of the 1969 summer sch ool term. Dr. Hatcher, President-e l ect, will as sume the preside ncy in 1970-71. WKU Cre d i t Union The Weste rn Kentucky University Credit Union, due to its present expansion program, will consider applications for collateral l oans for the purchase of automobiles, major appliances, etc. Members of the faculty and staff who are not acquainte d with th is facility are invited to call Mr. F. A . Morre ll, 745- 3895, for information. PUBLICATIONS "The World and Thomas Merton" by Dr. James T. BAKER (History) will appear in the summe r e dition of Continuum. Magazine, the official journal of St. Xavier College in Chicago. Continuum has dedicated th e e ntire issue to a study of the life and thought of Thomas Merton, O. C. S. 0., formerly of G ethsemani Abbey n ear Bardstown, Kentucky. BOAZ, Dr. Holland E. (Industrial Education) has pre pared a bibliography called An Annotated Bibliography on History, Philosophy, and Trends in Industrial Education, 1967-68. Two copies have been placed in the Margie Helm Library collection. BRYANT, Dr. Clifton D. (Head, Sociology and Anthropo logy) and Dr. Fuad G. BAALI (Sociol ogy and Anthropology) completed Introductory Sociology and the Colle ge Scene: Selected Readings which will be published by Rand McNally in January, 1970. CANGEMI, Mr. J oseph P. (Ps y chology) r ecently has had published the following articles: "Some Students Should Drop Out of School," in The Counsel o r, by the Western New York Personnel and Guidance Association; "The Effects of Organized Camp E x p e riences on the Perception of Self and Society among a Group of Potential School Dropo uts, " by Archivos Panarnenos de Psicologia, at the National University o f Panam.a; and "Program de Evaluacion Industrial, II by Archivos Paname nos de Psicol ogia, at the National University of Panama. A portion of a previous article, liThe Am.erican Overseas, II was published in F ebruary by the Personnel Journal. a.n.d. quoted in the March edition of Quote Digest. -4- GRAY, Dr. Elmer (Agriculture) is co-author of an article entitled "Relation of Hydrocyanic Acid Potential of Leaf Samples to That of Whole Plants of Sorghum" which was published in the March-April issue of Agronomy Journal. "The Lion of White Hall" by Dr. Lowell H. HARRISON (History) was published in the May issue of American History Illustrated. SCHMIDT, Mr. Frank (Psychology) has been notified that his study "Distortion of Drivers' Estimates of Automobile Speed as a Funtion of Speed Adaptation" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Applied Psychology. Dr. Joseph Tiffin of Purdue University is co- author of the study. MlSCELLANEOUS FACULTY ACTIVITIES ANDERSON , Dr. Mable B. (Elementary Education) was el ected to the Board of Directors for the National Council on Family Relations; has been appointed by the KEA President to serve on a kindergarten committee for KEA to assist in preparing a bill for presentation to the 1970 Legislature; has accepted the invitation of the Executive Board of the As sociation for Childhood Edu cation International to serve as a member of the Teacher Education Cornrnittee for 1969-72; and served as a Study Group leader at the Association for Child­ h ood Education International in Houston, Texas, on April 7-11. Dr. A. L. APPLEGATE and Mr. Mack HOUSTON (Biology) attended the Isotopes Application Conference sponsored by the United States Atomic Ene rgy Commission at Gatlinburg, Tennessee, on April 27-30. Drs . Fuad BAAL!, Clifton BRYANT, John REED, James WITTMAN, and Raytha YOKLEY and Messrs. Hart NELSEN, Vernon WHITE, and Robert WHITTEN (Sociology and Anthropology) attende d the annual m eeting of the Southern Sociological Society in New Orleans on April 9 -12. Dr . BRYANT was chairman of a section of papers entitled "Sociological Potpourri. II Dr. YOKLEY was chairman of a section of papers entitled: IICollective Behavior: Frames of Reference and Techniques of Confrontation. " Mr. NELSEN and Dr. YOKLEY read a paper entitled "Church Statements and Members' Attitudes Toward Civil Rights." Dr. REED read a paper entitled "Lawyers, Clients and Social Engineering. II Dr. BAAL! was chairman of a section of pape rs entitled IISociological Potpourri. II BRENNER, Dr. Kenneth W. (Secondary Education) attended the Teacher Corps Directors' Conference in Washington, D. C., on April 21-23 and served as consultant to the Teacher Corps program at the University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, Mississippi, on May 8-10. BROWN, Dr. C. P . (Head, Department of Foreign Languages) and the following members of the Foreign Language D epartInent attended the University of Kentu cky Foreign Languages Conference at Lexington on April 25-26: Drs. Jim Wayne MILLER, William NOLAN, and Joseph VELEZ; Mesdames Johnnie B . HUEY, and Mania RITTER; and Messrs Thomas BALDWIN and R . Thurston TAYLOR. -5- BURKEEN, Dr. Emmett D. (Director, Counselor Education) was named President-elect of the Kentucky Personnel and Guidance Association at the meeting of the association during KEA in Louisville; spoke to students and faculty of Central City High School concerning talent identification on April 22; to students and faculty of North Hardin High School, Vine Grove, Kentucky, concerning "Creativity as a Talentll on April 23; to students and faculty of Highland Junior High School, Louisville, on May 7 and spoke to faculty, students and parents at Barrett Junior High School, Louisville, on May 8. He also delivered the commencement address at Hart County High on May 15 and at Metcalf County High School on May 29 and addressed the Honors Banquet for Caverna High School at the Holiday Inn, Horse Cave, Kentucky, on May 16. He has been appointed to serve as chairman of a state-wide cOlTllnittee to r evise the State Department of Education bulletin on Guidance Services. Dr. Franklin CONLEY, Mr. Arvid VAN DYKE and Mr. William WILKINS (Industrial Education) attended the annual Kentucky-Tennessee Industrial Education Association meeting at Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, Tennessee, on May 2-3. Dr. CONLEY served on a panel discussing "Problems Arising from Growth and Change in College and University Department of Industrial Education. " ELLIOT, Dr. Larry P. (Biology) attended the annual American Society for Microbiology at Miami Beach, Florida, on May 4-9. ENGLEBRIGHT, Dr. Curtis L. (Elementary Education) spoke to the state convention of the Kentucky Council of the International Reading Association at Owensboro on the topic "Dyslexia -- Fact or Fiction ?" on May 10; and he has been appointed to the committee on evaluating curriculum guides by the National Council of Teachers of English.
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