CANARY ISLANDS BREEDS THE CANARY ISLANDS BREEDS: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE RAZAS AUTOCTONAS DE LAS ISLAS CANARIAS: PASADO, PRESENTE Y FUTURO Fresno, M. *, J.F. Capote *, M.E. Camacho **, N. Darmanin * and J.V. Delgado **. * Unidad de Producción Animal Pastos y Forrajes. C.I.T.A. Apartado 60. La Laguna. 38080 Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Spain. ** Departamento de Genética. Facultad de Veterinaria. Universidad de Córdoba. 14005 Córdoba. Spain Additional Keywords Palabras clave adicionales Sheep. Pig. Goat. Cattle. Oveja. Cerdo. Cabra. Vaca SUMMARY We describe the means developed by official microclimates, to which animal and and private institutions for the conservation of vegetable species, have adapted deve- Canary Breeds. We evaluate the response to loping diverse authochtonous breeds. concrete actions comparing the evolution of Until the colonization towards the their census with presented at the Warwick end of the XVth century, the archipie- Conference (1989). lago was populated by people of dif- ferent origins who exploited different animals, goats, sheep, pigs and dogs. RESUMEN Other breeds, including those which formed the basis of the European Se describen la evolución de las Razas agrarian economy, such as equine and autóctonas canarias y las medidas que se han de bovine, were introduced later. tomar de cara al futuro, tanto por organismos The America's discovery converted oficiales como por entidades particulares, para the Islands into a stopping off point evitar el peligro de desaparición de dichas razas. for all the transoceanic routes of that time permitting contact with diverse cultures and their autocthonous breeds. INTRODUCTION The primitive autocthonous and imported animals which received fo- The Canary Archipielago (seven reign genetic inputs, developed into islands and six islets) is situated in the the ethnically different modern breeds. Northwest of Africa. There are no The majority of the canarian domestic excessive climatic variations in tempe- animals are of virtually unknown rature and trade winds bring sufficient origin, although three distinct models humidity on those islands which are may be admited (Delgado et al, 1991): sufficiently high. MODELS OF PREHISTORIC EX- The pluviometry is variable, thus TRACTION. In this model we found favouring the establishment of diverse animals which were developed from Archivos de zootecnia,Arch. Zootec. vol. 41, 41 núm. (extra): 154 (extra),513-518. p. 1992. 513. FRESNO et al. those existing on the islands before ornamental plants, etc.) which absor- the conquest, probably proceeding bed the greater part of the labour. from the African continent in the Lastly, the expansion of the tourist company of the aborigine populations sector which has reconverted the which were incorporated into the majority of the agrarian population to blood of multiple foreign breeds after the service sector, entailing competiti- colonization. Examples are the Majo- vity for the farming use of earth. rero, Presa Canaria, and the Garafiano With regard to the actual situation, Sheep dogs; the three types of Canarian some populations are stable or in ex- Caprines, Ovines (Canarian and Pal- pansion, such as the case of goats meran) and the Canarian Black Pig. belonging to the Canarian Caprine MODELS WITHOUT PREHISTORIC Group, the Canarian Breed of Sheep, EXTRACTION. These are breeds the Spaniels, Presas, Majorero and derived from those introduced after Garafiano dogs, and more recently as the Conquest, which maintain a series to be in inminent danger of extinction, of homologies as the Canarian Spaniel such as the Palmeran Sheep and Cow and Canarian and Palmeran Cows. and the Black Canarian Pig. UNDIFFERENCIATED MODELS. Cer- For the fact of the Canary Isles tain animals introduced after the constituted the last port of the Old conquest, were integrated into the World, it is significant that they were Canarian agriculture and have not used as the only means of fresh food significantly changed from its origi- for the long journeys for live animals. nal type. Among them are hens, some It can be supposed that some of these lepidoptera, equines and camelidae. animals disembarked at their destina- Their situation has evolved in tion and have influenced the constitu- parallel to the rest of autocthonous tion of the autochtonous American breeds in other countries, and their breeds, as can be seen by morphological effective have been reduced during observation of examples. As yet, nei- the present century, principally due ther the influence of the canarian or to the following causes: european breeds in the development The movement of select breeds of the New World populations have whose production was increased by been sufficiently studied, despite the intensive farming methods. Alongside interesting nature of the question. this phenomenum, mechanization has displaced the traction animal. The decapitalization of the agrarian AUTOCTHONOUS sector which was maintained until the CANARIAN BREEDS. fifties, with an enormous amount of emigration to the cities and abroad, PALMERAN BOVINE BREED making farming obsolete. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. This The implantation during the second breed is located in the centre and half of the century towards, highly north of the Isle of La Palma. profitable vegetable cultivation for ACTUAL SITUATION. It can be obser- exports (bananas, tomatoes, flowers ved in table I that the methods ap- Archivos de zootecnia, vol. 41, núm. 154 (extra), p. 514. CANARY ISLANDS BREEDS plied haven't been sufficient and the- ACTUAL SITUATION. The census re continues to be a gradual decrease reflected in table II is an overestimate in the actual numbers of these animals from the actually registred animals. comparing it with those of forties and The Cabildo of Tenerife, the Cana- fifties. There is a movement from the rian Association of Arrastre and the north to the centre of the Isle. Consejería de Agricultura have contri- Until the present time, the conser- buted to maintain the breed. vation of this breed had been contri- The succes of these methods is buted by the Cabildo of La Palma fundamentally due to the enthusiasm with the maintenance of a herd and which has been awoke in the recupe- the Canary Departament of Agri- ration of these animals and the rescuing culture with a reproduction program. of the practise of the autocthonous PERSPECTIVE OF THE FUTURE. To send and traditional sports. different sires to Reproduction Cen- PERSPECTIVE FOR THE FUTURE. In tre of Badajoz (Junta de Extremadura). crease in the bank of semen with the To increase the semen and em- incorporation of new sires. bryonic banks. Introduction of the embryonic bank To establish a reproductive program in the reproduction Centre in Badajoz for this breed including the formation Reproducion programme with the of artificial insemination techniciens. formation of techniciens. The posibility of a differenciated complementary premium for mainte- nance of this breed is being discussed. Table II. Census of canarian bovines. (Censo de bovinos canarios). CANARIAN BOVINE BREED 1.982 1.989 1.991 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. The principal collection is found in the TOTAL 4.050 5.700* Isle of Gran Canaria, with another machos 550 nucleus, which is continually increa- hembras 3.500 sing, in Tenerife, plus isolated exam- * Cabrera y Roig, 1992 ples in other islands. BLACK CANARIAN PORCINE Table I. Evolution of the census of the BREED palmeran bovine. (Evolución del censo de GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. The bovinos palmeros). most stable nucleus is in the island of 1.982 1.989 1.991 La Palma, althoug there are small nu- clei in the rest of the islands, excepting TOTAL 265 237 223 El Hierro. In the last few years an machos 43 32 30 important nucleus has been created in hembras 147 140 135 Tenerife which is outstanding. < 12 months 75 65 58 ACTUAL SITUATION. The significant increase show in table III is basically Archivos de zootecnia, vol. 41, núm. 154 (extra), p. 515. FRESNO et al. due to the support of the Cabildos of this is insufficient. Tenerife, La Gomera and Lanzarote PERSPECTIVE FOR THE FUTURE. Gua- coworking with the Cabildo of La rantee the sale of the younstock. Palma. The creation of these nuclei Differenciated aid to manteinance augurs a better future for this breed. the population. One of the principal dangers which Plan of conservation and reproduc- faces this breed is that of the apperance tion supported by the Departament of of cross-breeds. Animal Production (Consejería de PERSPECTIVE FOR THE FUTURE. Agricultura). Support of the breed in the different Support of the creation of a isles of the Archipielago. protective society. Program reproduction to reduce consanguinity. Study of aids to maintain animals. Evolution of its products; meats, Table IV. Distribution of the Palmeran cured meats, etc., on a small scale as Ovine. (Distribución de la Oveja Palmera) luxury articles. 1.982 1.989 1.991 Table III. Distribution of the black TOTAL 40 51 51 canarian pig. (Distribución del cerdo negro 3 4 4 canario) 37 55 47 1.982 1.989 1.991 TOTAL 36 37 82 machos 4 6 12 OVINE CANARIAN BREED hembras 32 31 70 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. This population is to be found in all the islands of the Archipielago ACTUAL SITUATION. During the last OVINE PALMERAN BREED few years an increase in the numbers GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. The of this breed have been observed meagre numbers are found on the (table V), the principal measures island of La Palma, generally in high have been taken by different adminis- and humid zones. trations, emphasize the support of the ACTUAL SITUATION. Numbers of this Cabildo of Tenerife, its subsides and breed are greatly reduced (table IV). the establishment of a milk control They are to be found in three nuclei, nucleus. The aids of the Cabildo of El two derived from assignments made Hierro and the Consejería de Agri- by the Cabildo of La Palma, although cultura for buying these animal are one of these disappeared last years.
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