Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized nIi p ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4~~~~~4 ; -r-. ~GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM Public Works Department - . 1 0eh_: \2 - !--t;I 8- 3t SspassB@: -,.......... ,.2&+9 - MORAMMl; STATE ROADS PROJECT (PHASE-Il) I Environmental and Resettlement Management Plan for Mahflenance --- cc co0rridors, Phase-aR June 2003 LE Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi A_iizorom State Roads Project Phose-ll ERvP for Maintenonce rocds. June 2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION .................................... 1-1 1.1. OVERVIEW ............................ ,. 1-1 1.2. PHASE II ACTIVITIES IN MSRP ..................................... 1-1 1.2.1. Major Maintenonce Compc, ent ..................................... 1-2 2. DESCRIPTION OF SELECTED ROADS . .............................. 2-1 2.1. M2: KANHMUN - ZAMUANG - TUILUTKAWN ROAD 92.40 KM ................ .................... 2-1 2.1.1. Kanhmun - Zamuang Section ................ ........................................ 2-1 2.1.2. Zamuang - Tuilutkawn Section ................. ....................................... 2-1 2.2. M6 ZOBAWK - HAULAWNG ROAD 29.70 KM ....................................... 2-2 2.3. M15 SERCHHIP - THENZAWL - THENHLUM ROAD 97.70 KM ...................................... 2-2 2.4. M 16: SELESIH - THUAMPUI ROAD - 12.0 KM ........................................................ 2-3 3. SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS . ....................................................... 3-1 3.1. LAND .. 3-1 3.2. WATER RESOURCES .. 3-2 3.3. AIR QUALITY .. 3-2 3.4. NOISE ............. 3-2 3.5. FLORAA.3-2 3.6. FAUNA..3-2 3.7. SOCIAL IMPACTS..3-2 4. MITIGATION AND MANAGEMENT OF IMPACTS ............................. ,4-1 5. IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS........................................................ .5-1 5.1. REPORTING SYSTEM .......................... 5-1 5.2. IMPROVING ENVIRONMENTAL CAPABILITY OF FIELD OFFICES ................................... 5-2 6. ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PLAN ......................................... 6-1 6.1. OBJECTIVES ......................... ....... ,.. 6-1 6.2. METHODOLOGY ................................................... 6-1 7. ENVIRONMENTAL BUDGET ......................... 7-1 LEA AssociaTes South ASio Pvt. Ltd i @' mAi:orom Stote Rcads Project PhOse-f- ERmP for Mointencncc roods. June 2u,03 LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1: Overview of MSRP Phase 11 Table 1.2: Details of Major Maintenance routes selected in MSRP Phase 11 Table 2.1: Locations of Landslides observed along M2 Table 2.2: Locations of Landslides observed along M6 Table 2.3: Locations of Landslides observed along M 15 Table 2.4: Locations of Landslides observed along M16 Table 4.1: Environmental and Resettlement Management Plan Table 5.1: Reporting of Environmental components in Major Maintenance component of MSRP Phase 11 Table 6.1: Environmental Monitoring Plan for Major Maintenance Component of MSRP Phase 11 Table 7.1: Environmental Budget for Major Maintenance Component LIST OF DRAWINGS Drawing 1 Conceptual layout of Construction camp Drawing 2 Design of silt fencing Drawing 3 Bamboo and barbed wire fencing LIST OF ANNEXURES Annexure-1 Mizoram State Highway Resettlement and Rehabilitation Policy Annexure-2 Guidelines for Selection of Debris Disposal Sites Annexure-3 Guidelines for Dumping of Debris / Waste Material Annexure-4 Guidelines for Siting & Layout of Construction Camp LEA Associates SOuth Asij Frvt. L;O ii 0 U 0 I U '-'- ( I, I F; - ., $z&- ) - S. "N I NK - A $¶ f -j r2 - -<- 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. OVERVIEW The Mizorom State Roads Project (MSRP) is being prepared and implemented by the Mizoram Public Works Department (MPWD) with World Bank (WB) assistance. Phase I of the project is under construction following appraisal by the Bcnk in 2002. The project preparation for Phase ll is underway since fate 2001. A consortium], acting as Project Co-ordinating Consultants (PCC). is assisting the MPWD during- project preparation. Their inputs will continue (in 1imited capacities) throughout the project duration. in addition, MPWD will also hire the services of a Construction Supervision Consultant as the Engineer for the implementation along similar lines as Phase 1. Like all Category 'A' transport projects funded by the World Bank, MSRP is subject to an lndependent Environmental Review2. This Environmental Impact Assessment and its companion reports, covering the activities to be carried out in Phase 11,have been scrutinized during the IER. These reports are now updated addressing the observations made during the Review. 1.2. PHASE tl ACTIVITIES IN MSRP Phase 11of MSRP endeavours to complete the enhanced connectivity of two of the most important cities in Mizoram - Aizawl and Lunglei, initiated in Phase 1.Upgradation of the MPWD's old Aizowl - Lunglei road will reduce the distance by 65km when compared to NH 54. A new alignment bypassing Aizawl city from the east will connect NH 54 near Zemabawk to the state highway near chainage 4.5km. In addition, 230-km of existing state highways will also undergo major maintenance. Table 1-1 summarises the works to be undertaken during Phase 11of MSRP. These routes are also shown in Figure 1.1. Table 1.1: Overview of MSRP Phase II |COMPONENT ROAD DESCRIPTION LENGTH (KM) PIB: Buonqpui - Lunglei 67.943 UPGRADATION BPI: Aizowl Bypass 13.480 TOTAL 81.423 M2: Manhmun - Zamuong - TuIlutkown 92.400 MAJOR M6: Zobawk - Houlowng 29.700 - Thenzawl - Thenhlum 97.700 MAINtENANCEMAINTENANCE M15:M 16: SelesihSerchipp - Thuampui 12.000 .___________ TOTAL 231.800 The PCC consortium comprised M/s. Intercontinental Consultants and Technocrats (I) Ltd. (ICT) and m/s. Consulting Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd. (CES). -M/s. LEA Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. (LASA) were selected as the Independent Reviewers with the responsi0ilities of updating the documents in light of the observations. LE.-AAsscc:es.cu's,cC-.'. L:d 1-1 A S S A Mj Vairengt/#"I I I Saiphai _ Kanh- , - 17 16 Zohmen, Ka,h n | Bilkhawthlir | j M2 Baira9i 18 olas i 1 Tipaimukh .3 Z mua Hortoki ) / t '\2 37 Ratua I f Tui 2 Kaw~~~~npui PuI- * -. * [Kowrptah \ 11 / ITo am Lungd/ 5 oangpui Khawungsej (P 10 ng 9Ngopa 5 ( ) 8 g: / ~~~~~~~~~PhailelS / Sentian Sihphi /12. IToutlrawr 2 L, 16 TomdiX 39 ,i7 a W. KawnUis~pui Iw.Falang 3)Sig3 PM4VAlluitIuipibXf uj ahigarss (Bp,1) Lalien 27 Dmuiai 22 p 0 edial 22 Ia ribawkuIel . Kawlku PlIungsei / Khawzawi Ph lungol aaik . iHmuila .)n§t~ [.5u *Chanihai* r 28laioils k Tniaw thinghhi 1-Chawndlai e \ \ 45 ~~~~~~~~~~6Ruang \ \ \ 1 Chh~~~~~'tiagn Kellrvg M3rpara ThenzawC J . \ t~~~_ Serchhip. .. ChawhaiSe, -h20 14 , / BoangPal 46 6 \: ^ 8 \ 1lk 42 fi 6 -~~E.LungdarKhawbung| 40 10 42 Pa zVnlaiphai ; _ i //f/t P 6 3 /arkas .--- ' 1 ~~ ~ ~~32- Tlabu Lung IZob H\Hthial I \Lunglei*aiui Lungsen S.Vanliphai Borapansue \\25 2 Sangau ,29 \2 C\awogle Taawpu 35 hinglal ungphar Legend ( iltlaog )awn:ti~i SaihC Capitalof State |Diltiang LawngtlaiS iaha 33 % DisimctHeadqtuaner Kawichab* s ^ NationalHighway S ungtliang 13 ProjectPrioity Road 41 ip ngBypass u(pan4 ProjectMaintenance Roads Phu t OtherState Roads * twrflling\ _ ta34 IntenationalBoundary - - - Parva s ) Khopail Inter-StateBoundary - tLawngmeso , MIZORAM STATE ROADS PROJECT, Location of Phase II Project Roads PHASE II, PWD, GOVERNMENT OF MIZORAM /i LEA Associates South Asia Pvt. Ltd. Figure N New Delhi 1.1 N W *3 ,lizoromSrc:e Rocas Project Phose-il E'R,,1P for mainrenance roads, June 2003 1.2.1. Major Maintenance Component As part of Phase II activities under MSRP, several existing roads are covered under the major maintenance programme. The improvement works would mainly include: * Pavement improvement treatment. * Upgrading existing earthen roads to gravel roads * Repair of bridges * Repair and / or reconstruction of culverts * Improvement of side drains * Slope protection works at potential landslide sites * Provision of important signs. like regulatory and warning signs at hazardous locations, and other design features to improve the safety and comfort of travel. Depending on the present conditions, different levels of treatment have been proposed for shorter stretches within the entire length. These are categorised as: * Category 1.: Resurfacing at locations of moderate surface distress * Category 2: Resurfacing and construction of base course over the existing pavement at locations of acute base and surface distress * Category 3: Rebuilding of pavement from subgrade upwards at locations of complete pavement failure Table 1-2 summarises the proposed improvements for the major maintenance component in Phase II of MRSP. Figure 1-1 shows the routes selected for the major maintenance component. Table 1.2: Details of Major Maintenance routes selected in MSRP Phase 11 Road Description Length Proposed Improvements Remarks Resurfacing. 28.1 km Resurfacing M2: Manhmun - Zomuang Resurfacing with base course 52.1 km Resurfacing with base - Tuilutkown . Rebuilding of pavement from course subgrade upwards trom12.1 kmsubgrade Rebuilding upwards of pavement Resurfocing. 33.4km Resurfacing M 15: Serchipp - Thenzowl Resurfacing with base course 38.5km Resurfacing with base - Thenhlum . Rebuilding of pavement from course subgr9de upwcrds 25.8km Rebuilding of pavement from subgrade upwards Resurfacing. 2.0km Resurfacing Ml 6: Selesih - Thuampui 12.000 Resurfacing with base course 8.0km Resurfacing with base course e Tu1.00Rebuilding of pavement from 2.0km Rebuilding of pavement trom subgrade upwards subgrade upwards 20 mm Mix seal surfacing
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