View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by UM Digital Repository SOUTHEAST ASIAN J TROP MED PUBLIC HEALTH CASE REPORT EYE LESION CAUSED BY ADULT BRUGIA MALAYI: A FIRST CASE REPORTED IN A CHILD FROM MALAYSIA M Rohela1, I Jamaiah1 and CC Yaw2 1Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur; 2Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia Abstract. We are reporting a case of an eye lesion caused by an adult Brugia malayi. The patient was a 3-year-old Chinese boy from Kemaman District, Terengganu, Peninsular Malay- sia. He presented with a one week history of redness and palpebral swelling of his right eye. He claimed that he could see a worm in his right eye beneath the conjunctiva. He had no history of traveling overseas and the family kept dogs at home. He was referred from Kemaman Hospital to the eye clinic of Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia. On examination by the ophthalmologist, he was found to have a subconjunctival worm in his right eye. Full blood count revealed eosinophilia (10%). Four worm fragments, each about 1cm long were removed from his right eye under general anesthesia. A thick blood smear stained with Giemsa was positive for microfilariae of Brugia malayi. A Brugia Rapid test done was positive. He was treated with diethylcarbamazine. INTRODUCTION ing infective in about 10 days. Patients con- tract the disease through repeated episodes Lymphatic filariasis caused by Brugia of mosquito bites. The infective larvae migrate malayi occurs in Southwest India, China, In- to the lymphatic system of the host and ma- donesia, Malaysia, Korea, the Philippines and ture in about one year, when microfilariae can Vietnam (Tsieh, 1988). Brugian filariasis is be detected in the peripheral blood. In en- mainly a rural disease. Recent estimates of demic areas, some people have no microfilariae lymphatic filariasis put the global prevalence and are asymptomatic, although they have the at 119 million cases (Schmidt and Roberts’, same chance of exposure to mosquito bites 2000). B. malayi is responsible for 10% of lym- as do people who become infected. A consid- phatic filariasis. The most prevalent form of erable number of infected inhabitants have only B. malayi infection is nocturnal periodic, be- microfilaremia and remain asymptomatic for ing transmitted by mosquitoes of the genera years. The clinical manifestations in the early Mansonia, Anopheles and Aedes. The microfi- stage are mainly acute adenolymphangitis, with lariae (the diagnostic stage) are ingested by fever, headache, myalgia and pain in the arms mosquitoes during a blood meal. They then and legs. The development of acute signs and migrate through the stomach, midgut, thoracic symptoms is probably triggered by an allergic muscles and, finally, the mouthparts, becom- reaction to the microfilariae, unfertilized ova, Correspondence: M Rohela, Department of Para- molting fluid and discarded sheath. Microfila- sitology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya, remia and eosinophilia are usually encountered 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. at this stage. The clinical manifestations in the Tel: 603-7967-4751; Fax: 603-7967-4754 chronic stage derive from obstruction of the E-mail: [email protected] lymphatic system as a result of a tissue reac- 652 Vol 37 No. 4 July 2006 A REPORT OF EYE LESION CAUSED BY ADULT B. MALAYI tion due to dead or dying adult worms. The CASE REPORT salient feature is elephantiasis (lymphedema) The patient is a 3-year-old Chinese boy which usually involves the limbs. Lymphatic from Kemaman, Terengganu, a district on the filariasis is diagnosed by detecting microfilariae East coast of Peninsular Malaysia. He pre- in the peripheral blood. In the nocturnal peri- sented with a one week history of redness and odic form, blood should be drawn between palpebral swelling of his right eye. He claimed 10:00 PM and 2:00 AM. In the sub-periodic that he could see a worm in his right eye. He form, microfilariae appear in the peripheral had no history of traveling overseas and the blood during the day time. In the chronic family kept dogs at home. From Kemaman stage, when microfilariae are no longer detect- Hospital, he was referred to the eye clinic of able in the blood, a serologic test becomes Hospital Tengku Ampuan Afzan, Kuantan, the major tool for diagnosis (Tsieh, 1988). Pahang, Malaysia. On examination, he was The first recorded case of B. malayi mi- clinically asymptomatic. His axillary and in- crofilaria in a patient with uveitis was reported guinal lymph nodes were enlarged. He was by Anandakannan and Gupta in 1977 in In- seen by an ophthalmologist, and was found dia. Rose (1966) reported an unproven case to have a subconjunctival worm in his right of Brugia malayi adult worm in the anterior eye. A full blood count revealed eosinophilia chamber of the eye of a man in Malaysia. Mak (10%). A peripheral blood film examination et al (1974) reported a case of human eye in- revealed microfilariae and was mistakenly di- fection caused by adult worms of B. malayi in agnosed as Dirofilaria immitis by the staff of Malaysia. Dissanaike et al (1974) recovered a Veterinary Department, Kuantan, Pahang. Two mature female filarial worm, probably Brugia days after being warded, four worm fragments, sp, from the conjunctiva of a man in Malaysia. each about 1cm long were removed from his In 1976, Mak and Sivanandam attempted to right eye under general anesthesia. No at- determine whether human ocular lesions due tempts were made to identify the worm. A to B. malayi were due to the site of entry of small piece of conjunctival tissue was biopsied the infective larvae. Cats were infected with for histological examination and sent to the infective larvae of B. malayi via ocular instilla- Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medi- tion, subconjunctival inoculation and subcu- cine (FOM), University Malaya (UM). The tis- taneous inoculation. Although no conjunctival sue was later sent to the Department of Pa- lesions were seen, infections were produced thology, FOM, UM for histological examination. via ocular instillation, subconjunctival and sub- The histology report showed no eosinophil cutaneous inoculation. Adult worms were re- infiltration and no filarial parasite. Two of the covered from periorbital tissues and localized blood vessels showed vasculitis with neutro- mainly in the lymphatic system of the head and phil infiltration and mild perivascular infiltration neck regions of the cats. The results showed by lymphoid cells. The pathologist interpreted that the conjunctival lesions seen in humans the findings as vasculitis. A blood specimen might be due to the site of the bite of the was also sent to the Department of Parasitol- mosquito and thus entry of the infective lar- ogy, for confirmation of the microfilariae spe- vae (Mak and Sivanandam, 1976). Dissanaike cies. A thick blood smear was done and et al in 1977 recovered an immature adult of stained with Giemsa. The microfilariae de- Dirofilaria immitis from a human eye in Malay- tected were diagnosed to be that of B. malayi. sia. We now report a case of subconjunctival Figs 1 and 2 show the microfilariae detected infection of the eye caused by adult of B. in the patient’s blood. The microfilaria has a malayi. sheath which stained pink with Giemsa. It has Vol 37 No. 4 July 2006 653 SOUTHEAST ASIAN J TROP MED PUBLIC HEALTH DISCUSSION The three previous case reports of B. malayi infection from Malaysia involving the human eye occurred among adult patients and the last re- ported case was 32 years ago. As far as we know, this is the first record of B. malayi infection of the human conjunctiva in a child from Malaysia. The thick blood film taken during the day from the patient was positive for B. malayi microfilaria. The parasite is probably a sub-periodic strain. Fig 1–Thick blood smear of patient showing microfilariae This is found in leaf-eating monkeys of Brugia malayi. Notice that the one on the right has and cats where it is a zoonosis. The a characteristic nucleus in the tip of its tail. Giemsa, normal habitat of the adult B. malayi x 400. is the lymphatic system. The pres- ence of the adult worm in the ec- topic site, which in this patient was found in the subconjunctival region, could be due to the site of the bite of the infective mosquito around the head and neck regions. The drug of choice for lymphatic filariasis is diethylcarbamazine (DEC). This regimen clears microfi- lariae from the blood and has a lim- ited but definite effect on adult para- sites. Ivermectin, a drug active in on- chocerciasis, has been used in tri- als for therapy for lymphatic filariasis; Fig 2–Microfilaria of Brugia malayi. Giemsa x 400. in a single dose it appears to be as effective as DEC at clearing microfi- lariae (Nutman and Weller, 1998). overlapping nuclei with two discrete nuclei at Karam and Ottesen in 2000 reported that the tail end. It does not have a smooth curve, combined treatment using albendazole plus instead it is kinky. The cephalic space is 2:1 ivermectin or albendazole plus diethylcarbam- (length:breadth). His serum tested positive azine has resulted in near-zero microfilaremia with a Brugia Rapid test kit. Since there was levels for at least one year. Based on these no attempt to identify the adult worm recov- new developments, the World Health Assem- ered, we assumed from the findings of B. bly adopted a resolution calling on member malayi microfilaria in the blood that the adult states to work for the elimination of lymphatic worm belongs to B. malayi.
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