REF: EX/04a/14 BODY : EXECUTIVE DATE : MONDAY 28TH APRIL 2014 TIME : 6.00 P.M. PLACE : COMMITTEE ROOM 3, TOWN HALL, LUTON COUNCILLORS: SIMMONS (CHAIR) K. MALIK AKBAR SHAW ASHRAF TAYLOR N. AYUB TIMONEY HUSSAIN QUORUM : 3 MEMBERS INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC PURPOSE: The Executive is the Council’s primary decision-making body dealing with a range of functions across the Council’s activities and services. This meeting is open to the public and you are welcome to attend. For further information, or to see the papers, please contact us at the Town Hall: IN PERSON, 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday, or CALL Democratic and Member Services on 01582 546070 An induction loop facility is available for meetings held in Committee Room 3. Arrangements can be made for access to meetings for disabled people. If you would like us to arrange this for you, please call us on 01582 546070 AGENDA Agenda Subject Page Ward(s) Item No. affected EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCEDURE – COMMITTEE ROOM 3 Proceed straight ahead through two sets of double doors, follow the green emergency exit signs to the main town hall entrance and proceed to the assembly point at St. Georges Square. 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 2. PUBLISHED RECORD OF THE MEETING 1. 7th April 2014 SECTION 106, LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE ACT 1992 Those item(s) on the Agenda affected by Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 will be identified at the meeting. Any Members so affected is reminded that (s)he should disclose the fact and refrain from voting on those item(s). DISCLOSURES OF INTERESTS Members are reminded that they must disclose both the existence and nature of any disclosable pecuniary interest and any personal interest that they have in any matter to be considered at the meeting unless the interest is a sensitive interest in which event they need not disclose the nature of the interest. A member with a disclosable pecuniary interest must not further participate in any discussion of, vote on, or take any executive steps in relation to the item of business. A member with a personal interest, which a member of the public with knowledge of the relevant facts would reasonably regard as so significant that it is likely to prejudice the member’s judgment of the public interest, must similarly not participate in any discussion of, vote on, or take any executive steps in relation to the item of business. Disclosable pecuniary interests and Personal Interests are defined in the Council’s Code of Conduct for Members and Co-opted members. 3. BUSINESS NOT COVERED BY CURRENT FORWARD PLAN: GENERAL EXCEPTION The Executive Leader to report on any business which it is proposed should be considered by the Executive following compliance with Regulation 15 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2000. Agenda Subject Page Ward(s) Item No. affected 4. BUSINESS NOT COVERED BY CURRENT FORWARD PLAN: SPECIAL URGENCY The Executive Leader to report on any business which it is proposed should be considered following compliance with Regulation 16 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2000. 5. REFERENCES FROM COMMITTEES AND OTHER BODIES 6. RECOMMENDATIONS FROM SCRUTINY REVIEWS 7. PETITIONS CHILDREN SERVICES 8. Post 16 Transport Policy for September 2014 8/1 – 8/23 All (Report of the Director of Children & Learning) COMMUNITY SAFETY 9. Bedfordshire Hate Crime Strategy 9/1 – 9/43 All (Report of the Head of Business and Consumer Services) FINANCE 10. Revenue and Capital Monitoring to February 2014 10/1 - 10/37 All (Report of the Head of Finance) PUBLIC HEALTH 11. Playing Pitch Strategy for Luton 11/1 – 11/4 All (Report of the Head of Community Living) (Appendices 11/6 to 11/206 Members Only) REGENERATION 12. Response to further alterations to the London Plan 12/1 – 12/11 All (FALP) Consultation (Report of the Head of Planning and Transportation) Agenda Subject Para. Page Ward(s) Item No: No: 13. LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1972, PART VA To consider whether to pass a resolution under Regulation 21(1)(b) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2000 to exclude the public from the meeting during consideration of the item(s) listed below as it is likely, that if members of the public were present during the transaction of the item(s), exempt information within the meaning of the Paragraph(s) of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 indicated next to the item, would be disclosed to them. HOUSING 14. Redevelopment of High Town Drill Hall 4 14/1 – 14/12 High Town (Report of the Head of Housing) 15. Disposal of Council Owned Building – Unity House 3 15/1 – 15/6 All (Report of the Head of Fixed Assets) Contact Officer: Angela Fraser Direct Line: 01582 546070 For: (x) Agenda Item Number: 8 Executive CLMT Meeting Date: 28 April 2014 Report of: Corporate Director – Children & Learning Report author: Debbie Craig, Admissions & Planning Manager Subject: Post 16 Transport Policy for 2014/15 Consultations: (x) Councillors Scrutiny Lead Executive Member(s): Cllr Waheed Akbar Stakeholders Wards Affected: All Others Recommendations 1. That the Executive approve the Post 16 Transport Policy for academic year 2014/15 set out at Appendix A. Background 2. Legislation gives local authorities the discretion to determine what transport and financial assistance is necessary to facilitate the attendance of all young people of sixth form age receiving education or training. Local authorities are required to exercise this discretion reasonably, taking into account all relevant matters, including: (a) The needs of those who could not access education or training provision if no transport arrangements were made. (b) The need to ensure that learners have reasonable opportunities to choose between different establishments at which education and training is provided. (c) The distances and journey times. (d) The cost of transport to post 16 establishments. (e) Alternative means of facilitating attendance at establishments e.g. cycle scheme, independent travel training. (f) Non-transport solutions to facilitate learner access e.g. e-learning options (g) Preferences based on religion e.g. LAs must have regard to any preference the individual may have for a particular institution based on their religion or belief. The current position 3. Local authorities have a duty to prepare and publish an annual Transport Policy Statement specifying the arrangements for the provision of transport or otherwise that the authority considers it necessary to make to facilitate the attendance of all persons of sixth form age receiving education or training. 4. The Council undertook a widespread consultation on its Post 16 Transport Policy for September 2013 and opted to narrow the eligibility criteria for financial support to pupils on a low income (using the criteria for assessing entitlement to free school meals and those whose parents are in receipt of maximum working tax credit). The Policy for September 2014 is a continuation of that 8/1 which operated for September 2013 but with additional information provided in the following areas: Information on the DfE’s expectation that Learning providers will fund transport costs for non- employed Programme-led Apprenticeships. An explanation of the current procedure used to assess applications for pupils with Special Educational Needs. Details of local transport operators with links to web pages for up to date details of the discounts they offer. Information on the 14-19 bursary fund and links to the college websites. Twenty six pupils have claimed financial support under the September 2013 policy. The Council is also providing 171 pupils with Special Educational Needs with free transport to Post 16 provision. Goals and Objectives To ensure the Council meets its statutory obligations in relation to Post 16 Transport. Proposal That the Executive approve the Post 16 Transport Policy for academic year 2014/15, set out at Appendix A. Key Risks Key Risk Mitigation Students do not use the financial assistance Payments will only be made if the student’s provided to support their travel to and from attendance is 95% or higher. college. Public transport is seen as too expensive and This Policy provides assistance for students from becomes a barrier to accessing further low income families. education. Consultations All stakeholders were consulted on changes to the scheme agreed for September 2013. The Policy for September 2014 is based on the previous year’s policy. Appendices attached: Appendix A – The proposed Post 16 Transport Policy 2014/15. Background Papers: Executive Report – 29 April 2013 – Post 16 Transport Policy for September 2013 Executive Report - 29 July 2013 – Post 16 Transport Policy for September 2013 IMPLICATIONS For Executive reports For CLMT Reports grey boxes must be completed Clearance is not all statements must be cleared by an appropriate officer required Clearance – agreed by: 8/2 Legal Legislation gives local authorities the discretion to John Secker, Legal determine what transport and financial assistance Services 28 March 2014. is necessary to facilitate the attendance of all young people of sixth form age receiving training or education. Finance The budget is in place to support this Policy. Steve Dickman, Finance Manager, Children & Learning has seen and agreed the financial implications, 31/3/14 Integrated Impact Assessment (IIA) – Key Points Equalities/ The IIA undertaken for the Post 16 Transport Agreed Sandra Legate, Cohesion/Inclusion Policy (2013) has been updated and continues to Equality and Diversity (Social Justice) show a neutral impact. Policy Manager 31/3/14 Environment Any reduction in bus travel would have an adverse Strategy and Sustainability impact on the environment if students were driven Officer, 28 March 2014 to school/college. Health This policy has a positive impact as it supports low Morag Stewart, Deputy income groups to access educational facilities.
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