8 THE BIGGEST GAME IN TOWN Nevv Student Access Center quickly pick up the next ball waiting in It is like a slow void. It is like a church Is It Solution to Registration Run-around? the tube. Her amplified voice seems reso­ choir halfway through the minister's ser­ nant, deeper than when she talks in con­ mon. The next chapter of the long march out and tiring affairs they now are, a r­ R. , 'l trat, Pro9rO."I versation. She is a pro at running the This is the Ludlow Foundation; The Big J ~TILL Fo""d ~ou. takes you to the Registrar where you pick ra nging financial aid, registering and game. She is young, under 25 years of PASS GO want i '> One: A. Ludlow Kramer, former Secre­ t)e'j ihS- ~ (Em up a transfer card and return to get tile a host of other similar transactions will be age. tary of State of Washington, the head of &0 See CLOSED! signature of your new faculty. That com ­ carried out quickly, in one place. No mat­ The fat woman eats a sandwich which the Hearst 1100d Give-away, and now the (oll~(t~ q I"t:€(uiew pleted, you must now track down your ter who you are, at some point in your fl,ca.ilpW\i C Loot<IN6- is sandwiched in between her cards. Free owner of his private Foundation. -"" i ~ one SKIP A old faculty coordinator (if he / she can be academic career at Evergreen you'll come li "it~ C,.~jt food cannot be served in bingo parlors, so The Foundation receives only what Ad v; '-:CJ r'" ru;t'I. TU'lIJ! found at aI/) , get his/ her signature and re­ into contact with the offices housed in tb e she sack-lunched it today in the city of money is left over after expenses, and ex­ turn to the Registrar with the transfer access center. It's una·Joidable. Lacey. The game is being held in an old penses total 92 % of the money taken in. card grasped tightly in yo'ur sweating A big reaso n behind the drugstore in a small shopping plaza. Right Seventy-seven percent goes back to the hand. Access Center is to eliminate the great next door is the Goodwill store. players; 15 % 'is paid to the employees The Registrar approves the whole mess physical distances between the offices But in the Parlor cigarette smoke and other overhead expenditures. The and gives you a slip of paper acknowledg­ which now exist. Re)l;istrar Walker Allen streaks the ceiling, like spun glass on blue Foundation the,n distributes the remaining ing the transfer which yOI~ take to the speaks of the "seven long distance trips Christmas tree lights. The woman eats 8 % to chosen charities, everything from Cashier. At the Cashier's office you pay on campus" a student must make to reg­ with one hand, her left hand, keeping her earthquake relief to school district relief the bill for the next quarter, and receive a ister. All those trips not only take extra. score with her right hand, waiting for a when levies fail. receipt. unnecessary time but tend to confuse no t Bi ngo. ) Chance and charity. It 's back to the Registrar once again only new students, unfamiliar with Ev er­ "You ought to tr::i playing it," the floor Chance: A Ludlow Kramer himself en­ with the little rt!ceipt trailing not far be­ green, but even students, faculty and staff girl tells me. "Foir cards for a dime, ters unexpectedly. hind. Flashing the receipt, you pull out who have been around for a while. though it really is more interesting with We begin to talk. your 1. D. card which is dutifully vali­ Three remodeling plans proposed by eight. " Have you ever played Bingo? dated, thus ending another segment in the Dean Clabaugh in February were the ta r­ I smile. Do you play Bingo? "No. I try and make it a point never to great "registration game. " get of much criticism by potential Access "No. but the people who do seem to participate in the things that I do. You Evergreen administrators are gambling Center staff members. The plans called enjoy it. " She points at a slender, middle­ run the risk of becoming emotional if you that the new Student Access Center just for remodeling a portion of the Library's aged woman playing eight cards. "She do." may he the solution to this entire mess. first floor into a large bullpen type of­ comes in every Thursday and plays all [s it working 7 Larry Stenberg has been named dean of fice to hold the Center. Critics charged day. You don't see her at any of the other Kramer looks at me. "I don't know. It's the access group and plans are rolling that the plans were too costly (estimated games. working as far as the fact that we're play­ ahead in the hopes of having the center at $50,000) and the design (one large, I smile. Are most of the players regu­ ing Bingo and giving the money to chari­ functioning by next fall. open room filled with 34 desks) wouldn't lars? ties. It's a new concept. I enjoy experi­ The center will have a dramatic effect give them the privacy they needed to op­ "Some," she tells me. "It is pretty ad­ menting with new concepts." on the way students do business with the erate properly. The plans were withdrawn dicting." He smiles and lights another cigarette. college. Instead of being the long, drawn- continued page 6 We smile. I choose not to try my luck. A mid-February visit to "the biggest game in town " - Lud Kramer comes across as feisty and The people, the players, a ll look bored! tile Ludlow Foundation Bingo quarters in .lacey Vil- enthusiastic, and his enthusiasm is con­ This is what I cannot comprehend. Bored ' The Evergreen State College· Olympia,Washington 98505 La tagious. Vacant faces, blank eyes. Even the win­ Is the game growing? discuss possibilities. Her office is in the ners look dead or dying, blank, saying, Kramer smiles. " Every day." by Curt Milton by Craig Sweet four cards cost one dime. Lab building and so you trek across Red "Bingo" in flat voices, holding up the Bingo games grow in two ways; more . You know how it goes, that old familiar rlw ;,hotographer and I enter the build­ The numbers are call ed off from balls Square to talk to her. The advisor sug- THE COOPER POINT story. The quarter is ending and your "'': " h"e rving the people. It is a strange which blow around in something that winning card. The floor girl is by the win­ players playing more cards. Pros can han·· present program just isn 't what you ll1"lu rc nf voung and old, male and fe­ looks like a cafeteria grape drink machine. ner's side, calling out the numbers for dIe 16 cards a shot, amateurs four to Ne\Ns Analysis wanted. You 've got to get out but you r11<ll ,'. A re w heads turn towards us as we One at a time the balls blow up into the confirmation from the caller. Confirmed, eight. O lympia, I am assured, is a city of gests a potenhal program and sends you don 't know what programs are open or , Idnd l1\' Ihe door. The room is half tube, stopping miraculously at the top of she hands the winner a ten dollar bill, and amateurs. to the program 's coord,'lator to check it which one it would be best to get into. l'm r l \· . the tube. The call'er readIes for and grabs a new game begins. The photographer and I leave the par­ out. Where to begin ? I ex pec led mo re elderly people. It is sur­ the ball, reading out the number, B - 59. The pace seems absurdly slow. I don't lor. The players won't leave until the last Tile faculty coo rdinator welcomes you understand it. Each game takes just three game is won. The first step , us ualiy , is to contact the r-r" lIi~ t" see the young, mod couple with She then displays the nUll}ber to the play­ with open arms and urges you to com­ URNAL academic advis or and arrange a visit to Ih(>11 canh spread before them. There are ers with a semicircular movement of her minutes to play, on the average. Each Outside the building two kids on tip­ plete th e transfer as soon as possible. round of a championship fight lasts only Volume IV Number 24 April 8, 1976 :nll r ~ men tha n ex pected as well. but they a rm, repeating the number out loud into a toes try to see the action over the brown three minutes, and time just flies! Even Me iii the minority . microphone. No one on the floor seems to butcher paper with the letters BINGO ! r , Th(' people sit ~ t long tables, their cards care. n(' one looks up to see if it really is commercials on the tube go by faster than THE BIG ONE! painted on. I am tempted The Board of Trustees !'l'i ,'rl Ihem like placemats . Money is B - 50. a bingo game. to join them, but the photographer is Micheletti I' til'ci beside some of the ca rds. within T he ba ll is pl aced down on a racK until And it isn't suspense.
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