An Analysis of Common Phonetic and Morphological Attributes of the Quran-E Qods with Some Iranian Ancient Texts and Modern Dialects

An Analysis of Common Phonetic and Morphological Attributes of the Quran-E Qods with Some Iranian Ancient Texts and Modern Dialects

Classical Persian Literature , Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies (IHCS) Biannual Journal, Vol. 11, No. 1, Spring and Summer 2020, 227-245 DOI: 10.30465/CPL.2020.5273 An Analysis of Common Phonetic and Morphological Attributes of the Quran-e Qods with some Iranian Ancient Texts and Modern Dialects Yusof Mohammadnezhad Alizamini * Behjat Ghasemzadeh ** Abstract The Quran-e Qods is among remarkable texts of the growth and development period of the Persian language (4th and 5th centuries). Its language is considered to be a mixture of Persian, Arabic and dialectal-varietal elements, involving unique features in terms of phonetics and morphology. Since there are some connections between this text and the Middle Persian language and many experts consider its place of writing to be somewhere near Sistan, the current study aims to compare some phonetic and morphological attributes of this translated version of the Quran with texts from the Middle Persian, Pazand, Persian- Jewish and some common Iranian dialects in the southeastern Iran. The analysis of available data, mainly obtained through the library archives study, show that this text, has similarities to Pazand texts in some phonetic features such as the change of initial and middle /w/, lack of transformation of the intervocalic /d/, and the change of initial /h/. Further, in some cases it is similar to Baluchi, Rudbari, Sistani and Kermani dialects. A variety of its morphological features such as the unwritten monosyllabic relative morpheme “e”, the infinitive suffix “-ešt”, and the semantic distinction of the two prepositions “be/bed” and “bi” can also be found in Persian-Jewish texts. However, some words from the Middle Persian have been retained. * Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies (corresponding author), [email protected] ** PhD in Ancient Culture and Languages, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies. Date received: 03/04/2020, Date of acceptance: 10/07/2020 Copyright © 2010, IHCS (Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies). This is an Open Access article. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA. 1399 w¶zwÉ fl wz I”flv w IüwÈ ”w• I • w~ xv w 228 Keywords: Quran-e Qods, Middle Persian, Pazand Texts, Persian-Jewish Texts, Baluchi Language, Rudbari Dialect, Sistani Dialect. “fi w’w fl w¶v ·w“ fl!~ I • w~ xv w – 285 229 I1399 0w1¶2w3 fl w2 I(flv - w%. I/ +w, (w• I) fl!~ L % ’w ) % w #$fl £… j … À ™ fl Èvflj w —Èfl ‘ É # #v Èv w ®È— fl ! z wz * fi:+ ’w v!;%< =•, ** ·v+ /•w? @A2 $%& I#L•v ( 5 fl L…) • w wzü ÈÉ fl © fl É ‘zw… üv È £… j… LÈvflj 2( üv fl © v/0… 1È) . -v () *w+, fl z, I• w üv -v %&'j j wzü L• w wLzü wLz Èv 7 8w9É v z É wz . v - z45+ -w6 )3Èfl * fl wL;'• ’vL= ÈwL v j > wL?( wL v2+9=w* üv - w';z +Èv fl v (w' jL… Èw' L* fl Èvflj -w6 )3Èfl üv @z A;Èw C6fl3D Èv EwF(v üv G6 I+(v RËL(vÈv -wL6 CÈL) üv L@z fl -LJÈ . • w I(üwD I(w' • w wz HI MwL/, L7 -w6 %v • z üv %jz M Èw( .#•v %z vÈv …© L+ MÈv -wL6 L)3Èfl L@z LQv Èv 7 +6 w1( I(v %j #• z -v (wOzw7 P * z wLz ÈüwLTj /h/ RL5É fl -v 7vfl w' /d/ R5É E, I(w' fl -üwTj /w/ R5É S Èvflj I v #JzwL1 (wL7 fl ( w;'• I- wzfl IS0z -w6 CÈ) - v fl (üwD W #©. R V üw• 4 (;D I .RW V A©(w( ’* UvÉ S Ij * -w6 )3Èfl @z %6wL1 &L'( -LJÈ . L• w L W LzV fl Wz /L V A wXv G= fl Èw+Y &Èw/É fl .#•v %7 [\= @ &'( v (w' • w üv Èw6 %Uvfl fl © I(RuL ; +L;È() L?+6 PwLY’w^ fl (wL;(v EL0, %w?L16fl3D I L• w Pw'zv fl wzü %fl) wÈw•v * [email protected] . ?+6 PwY’w^ fl (w;(v E0, %w?16fl3D I (w•wz -w6 wzü fl –+6 44OÉ -v7 ** ceff /d /hd a>ÈgD bÈ wÉ I ceff /dc/c5 a# wÈ bÈ wÉ Copyright © 2018, IHCS (Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies). This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International, which permits others to download this work, share it with others and Adapt the material for any purpose 1399 w¶zwÉ fl wz I”flv w IüwÈ ”w• I • w~ xv w 230 ISL0z wLzü I-LJÈ . L• w L I(üwD I(w' • w I£… j… :w $'vfl (w;'• CÈ) I- wzfl CÈ) * . 1 I/L• wLzü L7 L(w' L• w Lz %fli, (w•w• fl @vflv Ij\ zv > v&) z w+z ILz %L7 [L\= v LJ7 Mw9L;( - w@w• fl j w/© z v fl j +È fl zv I- vv wLzü LÈv .z %w\•v #OÈwD fl wz MÈv K-v % flw5 wzü v+, z &'( - wzü L• w Lz EwL?+6 wL/6 üv Mv6wLl Iz (w' • w @ üv É wÈ R5É A() kÈ wJ+É 7 wL/É 8wL9É v wLzü vL+, Lz fl #L©v #6w9L© L'’flv L MLÈv (( • w ) wL•v@ v fl w/6 üv - • w wzü Nmw/=v .© %z w7 z (w•w• 6w1+6w© flL/0… L7 © n w(w/0; Èw1) 17 fl z %© É wD wzü È&?Èw ‘w7 8 z .( .( e7 a cep5 I#'/©v) zwÈ >;) JÉ ‘zw… ü8 z j ovfl IL@z fl v Lfl ()w() -w62( wzü Èv üv %(w …wz wQj ÈÉ /È… A+'ü sL0Y v j üv %Lj #• z -w6 (/( ÈÉ /È… ( c a ce57 ) …w* G©v 0, r/6 j L ÈÉ /È… -0(w@ ‘Éw( r/6 I@z fl -F6 HF+D … fl ) EvJz wü z fl L© flt) Rfl v fl L• Lz v - L• w wLzü fl L+(v E wJS … z s0Y v (L*wY L• w t) EL• fl fl (L• L• w flt) Efl fl I(L• w wzü ÈÉ .( .( e5f fl c a ce77 I-0(w@ ‘Éw() ++7 -+z H'; É - wL\) L• w L7 #\) vÉ I z É wz fl v2( n=w* @z 2( z w+z üv L(vflv w/L© fl #•v %9( S wvÈ (w zü -fl u'6 z i•v fl ';O( -w6 %• %L/, L1È) %flL) fl vLÉ L v wL6 j L7 L©v Lfl j L05 -w6 () 'üL• Rw/L© fl J+’viv flwL Iw•v@ I…© Rw/© Rflv 1È) %fl) .7 -+z • v wL;'• w LÉ w•ü@ üv L+ Efl 1È) %fl) fl c©v ovfl w;(wx v (+7 .( .( hdc a cep I vüm) I( 7e a cep5 I#'/©v) #•v ) z üv C'LD L7 #L•v W -L98 ';\É V I%© @w+© üflv z wÉ 7 (j… v)z ÈÉ J7 %L© H6v flv • z w+z fl (ww• y( z 4+ (v/= v fl fl E wJS … A/'( -v %3LÈfl %wL?Èw üv h£… j… A/É -98 ';\É üv zD IR w= Èv wz .( c57 aw/6) #•v &L'( fl ÈLÉ fl L L?È fl -98 ';\É wz j C=w -w6 Pflw\É fl #•v v @z 231 ( :vü •w; <=z fl 4(ü 5w6 v* 7& 8•9È 3 ... 0.1 -./ fl vfl,È +w )*È fl %&É'( Lz L7 %L© nL j 1È) fl ‘'*v -w6 %Uvfl fl - • -w6 )3Èfl @z fl .© v/0… z+ 1È) %fl) +Èw/( ÈÉ HJ v+, jL… fl #L•v L2=i ‘Lzw… Èv (w' • w -w6 %Uvfl z w7 +Èv z É wz -LJÈ . 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