4 The Issue No. 895 University of 13th December 1996 Surrey Students' Paper Christmas Issue CandleUt Vigil To Be Held At LSE dlelit chain from the LSE on the Aldwych Sam Parham, LSE Education and Welfare tudents will hold a candlelit to the meeting venue, Clements House. Officer, said: "We are expecting a good vigil from 4pin on Thursday tumout for this protest. Feeling is running S12th December outside the The LSE is a front runner in the race to high among students who are fearfiil the London School of Economics in a charge students top up fees, even though LSE will be the first college to implement solemn protest against Govemors student cannot afford to pick up the bill fees. I know many people here who for the underfunding of hìgher education. wouldn't be able to pay tuition fees and who will be deciding whether to Charging fees will cause considerable who would be put off entering higher implement fees of up to £1,000, damage to the reputation the LSE has for education completely if fees b«came a despite last week's announcement excellence. Access to the college will reality. Fees will mean an end to access at ^ vice-chancellors to reject fees. only be for those from well-off back- LSE." The vigil will be supported by students groimds. LSE Govemors are being urged to take the concems of students seriously across the country who will forni a can- and reject fees once and for ali. Editor's Bit Review of 1996 - CONTENTS My Life As A Sabb riginally I was had to get that one in) and the return of the students. By 1 Candlelit Vigil at LSE going to review week 3 the first years had ar- Othe whole of rived and all the sabbs were in 6 New EIHMS building 1996 but since I have overdrive trying to organise 7 NUS National Conference Intro Week. The end of the 7 NUS Referendum only been in office for six week saw the Trade Fair months the first half of which was my little baby. I the year was pretty arranged for twenty compa- uneventful except for my nies to come into the union FEATURES finals, coursework, and show the students what dissertation, etc.... was on offer in Guildford. 5 Wannabe a coach, a teacher, or a...??? October 9 Passion for fashion? After being elected in March, The infamous computer crash 9 You're sucti a student... the 1st June came round a lit- set me back on my workload 14 Is ttiere a Santa? tle too quickly and with it for most of the month. The came the hot weather. end of the month was the 18 Labi Siffrein ttie SU NUS Media Conference, a June weekend to host the NUS Me- The month of June is the han- dia Awards and a series of REGULARS dover period for sabbs. Due to workshops hosted by various the building work in the union members of the journalism the sabbatical offices were 3 Letters moved to House 2 Stag Hill. world. Rob Dorey (my predecessor) November 4 Dear Santa, please con I hove.,. and I shared a bedroom for What a busy month, a visit to 10 IVIusic Review of tfie Year four weeks while he trained London for the launch of a 13 Odeon Cinema Times me on life as a Communica- new magazine, Neon; the fea- tions Officer. ture film in ^e Union; the NUS National Shutdown Day July and finally Rock The Vote Oh no, I'm on my own. The Week. The highlight for me first half of the month was was NUS Regional Confer- taken up with preparing "Sur- ence, a chance to meet up rey for Beginners" a publica- with all the sabbs from the University of Surrey Students' Paper tion that goes out to first year area again and to find out students before they arrive what has been going on with Union House, University of Surrey, here. NUS - it is good to stay in Guildford, Surrey. GU2 5XH The next week was NUS touch! Convention - a week at UCL Teleptione: 01483 259275 in Preston for our initial train- December ing course. This was a chance While everything hots up for Fax: 01483 34749 for us to learn more about you lot with exams, things Advertising: 01483 259275 what NUS can do for us, what have quietened down for me - E-mail: [email protected] they can help us achieve dur- thank God. This week sees litlp://www.surrey.ac.uk/Union/barefacts/ ing our year and an opportu- the last edition of Bare Facts EcStOf - Melante Dean nity to meet sabbs from other this year so make the most of Features Editor - Tenta Rocks universities and 'netwoik*. it. News Editor - Som Blnrìingham August Read on and enjoy.... Music Edita - Rob Winder August saw the preparation of Mel XXX Sports Edtor - Marie "Ginga' Cusock the students' union handbook Photograph» - Matt Ponnell - another first year publica- PS Merry Christmas and a Ccaloonlst - Stuart Parker tion and my second NUS Happy New Year from Bare Edftoftal CotTtributlons: Andy Gale, MDes Hedgehog, Bruce training course. This time it Facts and me! CiTqpman, Matt Pannell ciìd ottiers,., was three days in Manchester Music Reviews: Mei Odedra, James Hemingway, Marie De ixjnge. and this course was devoted Vicki Snelgrove, Numnuts totally to Communications Bare Facts is an independent newspaper, published by the Officers. University of Surrey Stuiients' Union Communications Office. The views expressea within the paper are those of the Editor, the Editorial board and the aulhor, and do noi necessarily represent September the views oithe University oi Surrey Studenti' Union or The The first week saw my Bare University of Surrey. Facts debut, ray birthday (I USSU Communications Office 1996 Letters Charity30t Dinnehr Dance AT THE ROYAL LANCASTER HOTEL Breast Cancer ,SAMS MSDeaMS FROmiEltfS Champagne reception and half bottle of wine Four course dinner Band and DJ until Sam Superb prizes to be won (ind. many weefeends away) Ticbets bought before 19th December enter a free prize draw for a night in a 5 star London til the Charter Ball to look at stand up and be counted on scription of the weather as our new bar? Of course not - it many important and under "fiicking cold" simply demón- The first letter is will be worth waiting for. rated issues. Being gay, being strales your lack of vocabu- probably the black or jewish or in another lary, then he himself does not Now I hear that the new bar prejudiced group presents understand how to use the most relevant may not be ready in time for each person with a very indi- English language. this week - on the the Charter Ball. What is go- viduai experience which they subject of the ing on up there? Are the build- do not want compared to an- One reason why swear-words ers stashing some bodies in the other individuals plight and are frowned upon is that they union extension concrete? I would love to have raoreover can not be viewed as conjure up powerful images. a drink in the new bar before I By saying the weather is and queues at the being less important, or seri- "fiicking cold" you have ex- bar in the SU on graduate, and Tm getting a lit- ous - andtoo right!!!! pressed your displeasure with Fridays. tle fed up queuing up for half the temperature more vividly an hour on Friday nights just She has also given people the than Mr. Collins ever could to get a Malibu & lime and a chance to giggle and explore with "the weather is jolly cold shandy-top. conversations that would have - and I don't like it when the A letter from the So what's the scene, Melanie been sort of odd to talk about weather is jolly cold". Liz Mfan club Dean? otherwise. Can't wait to have you back Yes, we have seen a few too and more about Yours, writing Liz, because BF just many asterisks in recent Bare swearing Andy Gale isn't the same without your in- Facts, but certain swear-words saitable articles. play a useful role in our lan- guage, and they are very defí- Dear Editor, Dear Editor Yours nitely a feature of many Over the summer I had been I am absolutely gutted!!!! An avid Liz M. fan. students' vocabularios. thinking: 'It will be great to be Where is our weekly dose of back at University - Friday LizM??? (P.S. Mei I could swear the Yours faithfully, Night Cut in the new, ex- toy/ perfume and whatever MHunt tended Union.', so I was sadto The literary genius who else ads had already be- hear that the extension was not brightens up my friday after- gun??????) p.s. If you want to brush-up going to open until Christmas. noons, and gives me a whole your swearing. The Fair enough, I could wait. array of subjects for the week- Wordsworth Dictionary Of end to harass my friends over. Dear Editor, Obscenity And Taboo by Christmas approaches, and we If Steven Collins (last week's James McDonald is an excel- ^d the concrete is stili soggy, I think at last we have some- letters) believes that your de- lent read. so would we mind waiting un- one who is making students Bare Spot Dear Santa, Please Can I Have By LizM affirmative (in fact, many can Camcorder's for!). I once anything for me except spur o you remember even teli you a little witty an- asked a friend of mine what me on to get the hell out of his those days when ecdote about what they've exactly it was that stimulated bedroom! Saying ail tìiat, it Dyou used to write seen).
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