PRIMARY ELECTION I. United States House of Representatives 2. Iowa

PRIMARY ELECTION I. United States House of Representatives 2. Iowa

CANDIDATES FOR PRIMARY ELECTION JUNE 8, I9B2 NAMES OF CANDIDATES FOR: I. United States House of Representatives 2. Iowa State Offices 3. Iowa Senate 4. Iowa House of RePresentatives Prepared bY House and Senate Staff Ar:riI 5, l-982 t- IOWA CANDIDATES FOR UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PRIMARY ELECTION - JUNE 8, T982 First District: Jim Leach (R-Incumbent) William E. Gluba (D) 20 Forest Road 242L Gaines Street Davenport 52803 Davenport 52804 John Paul Masters, Jt. (D) Box L52 Kirkville 52566 Second District: (R-Incumbent) Brent Appel (D) Tom Tauke Mount Loretta 1715 Glen Oak 1190 Dubuque 5200I Dubuque 5200I Third District: Cooper Evans (R-Incumbent) Lvnn G. Cutler (D) 1009 H Avenue 705 Prospect Blvd. Grundv Center 50638 trilaterloo 5070I Gary Lamb (D) R.R. +r Chelsea 522L5 Fourth District: Scott Allen HaYes (R) Neal Smith (D-Incumbent) 4021 45th Rural Route #I Des Moines 50310 Altoona 50009 Dave Readinger (R) 54L7 Aurora Des Moines 50310 f ifth District: Dean Arbuckle (R) Tom Harkin (D-Incumbent) Il0B McDuffie Cumming 50061 Jefferson 50]-29 Arlyn E. Danker (R) R.R. I, Box 65 Minden 51553 Sixth District: Al Bremer (R) Berkley BedeIl (D-Incumbent) 502 South Ohio okoboj i 51355 Mason City 50401 IOWA CANDIDATES FOR STATE OFFTCES PRIMARY ELECTION JUNE 8, L982 GOVERNOR: Terry E. Branstad (R) Edward L. Campbell (D) Rural Route *2 3051 N.W. I42nd Lake Mills 50450 Waukee 50253 Roxanne Conlin (D) 6116 S.W. 48th Avenue Des Moines 50321 Jerome D. Fitzgerald (D) 726 North Third Fort Dodge 50501 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR: Rolf V. Craft (R) Bob Anderson (D) R.R.4 Rural Route 2 Decorah 52101 Newton 50208 Lawrence E. Pope (R) Stephen J. Rapp (D) 3725 University, #2 1032 Vine Street Des Moines 50311 Waterloo 50703 SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE: Robert H. Lounsberry (R-Incumbent) Jim R, Riordan (D) R. R. R. R. #3 McCallsburg 50154 Boone 50036 ATTORNEY GENERAL: Walter Conlon (R) Tom Miller (D-Incumbent) 600 Walnut Street 4553 50th Muscatine 5276l- Des Moines 503I0 Andrea Van Beek (R) 202 7th st. N.w. Orange City 5I041 AUDITOR OF STATE: Richard D. Johnson (R-Incumbent) Ton Slockett (D) Sheldahl 50243 629 Brown Iowa City 52240 SECRETARY OF STATE: Thatcher Johnson (R) Al Sorensen (D) Rural Route 2 R.R. #I Madrid 50I55 Madrid 50156 Mary Jane OdeIl (n-Incumbent) 725 Hickman Road Des Moines 50314 TREASURER OF STATE: Maurice E. Baringer (R-Incumbent) Charles R. Baumhover (D) R.R. I 7 209 S .Id. 13th Street Woodburn 50275 Des Moines 503I5 Michael L. Fitzgerald (D) 2LI S.W. Caulder Des Moines 50315 CANDIDATES FOR IOWA SENATE PRIMARY ELECTION JUNE B, L982 Distr ict 5, Clarence -iarneY (R-Incumbent) Mil-o Colton (D) 34L2 Cheyenne 240L Seneca WaY Sioux CitY 5II04 Sioux CitY 51I04 Donald V. DoYle (D-Incumbent) Elvie Dreeszen (R-Incumbent) Street Rural Route 1109 S. Fairmount Cushing 510I8 Sioux CitY 51I06 2-year term 2-year term Douglas Ritsema (R) 223 BosLon Avenue, N.E. Orange CitY 51041 Richard Vande Hoef (R-Ho1dover) R.R., Box 19 Harris 51345 Arne Waldstein (R-Incumbent) Tom Grau (D) 319 E. 9th R. R. +2 Storm Lake 50588 NewelI 50568 (D) (R) Dick Kibbie Lee HoIt and Doon Street L5O2 CountrY CIub Drive Lincoln 'Ayrshire 5 0 515 Spencer 51301 2-vear term 2-year term Robert A. Krause (D) R.R. I Fenton 50539 Coleman (D-Incumbent) Dave Jones (R) C. JosePh Lg34 Stadium Drive R. F. D. Fort Dodge 50501 Clare 5O524 Berl E. Priebe (D-Holdover) R.R. 2, Box 145A Algona 5051I (R-Incumbent) Darlene Riggs (D) Ray TaYlor 8I0 Eleventh R. R. EIdora 50627 Steamboat Rock 50672 Charles J. Clemons (D) O R. R. #r MeserveY 50457 District 10 Alvin V. Miller (D-Holdover) Box 287 Ventura 50482 11 John W. Jensen (R-Incumbent) R.R. 1, Box 103 Plainfield 50666 L2 Ted Anderson (D-Holdover) 1686 Oakwood Drive Waterloo 50703 13 Thomas A. Lind (R) Frank Alexander (D) I1I Frederic Avenue 925 Denver Waterloo 5070I Waterloo 50702 T4 James Gallagher (D-Holdover) 47L0 Spring Creek Road Jesup 50648 15 arthurldratias (R-Incumbent) Cary Bernau (D) R.R. L, Box 2L0 R.R. 3 Nora Springs 50458 Charles City 50616 16 oale4iieden (R-rncumbent) R. R. Elkader 52043 * 2-year term I7 Joe J. Wel-sh (D) R.R. #2, Box 37 Dubuque 52001 I8 Robert M. Carr (D-Holdover) 2030 Deborah Drive Dubuque 5200I 19 Norman J. Goodwin (R-Incumbent) Bill Cramer (D) L2I9 4th Avenue 110 N. 4th St., Apt. I DeWitt 52742 Clinton 52732 20 Edgar H. Holden (R-Holdover) 2246 E. 46rh Davenport 52807 d, 2I Gloria Grilk (R) patrick Deluhery (D-Incumbent) L525 Farnam Street l-29 E. Rusholme Davenport 52803 Davenport 52803 District 22 Ivlerlin D. HuIse (R-HoIdover) Clarence 52216 {r. Jacks (R) Arthur A. Small-'(D-Incumbent) 23 PhilliP E. 427 BaYard Street 302 Kimball Road 52240 Iowa CitY 52240 Iowa CitY W. HaII (D) Harvey W. Fascher (R) Hurley 24 2865 Mccowan Boulevard Coggon 52218 lvlarion 52302 2-year term 2-year term (D) Johnson (R) Wally E. Horn 25 Robert M.L. 116 2nd Street' S.W' 130 ThomPson Drive, S'E' 52404 Cedar RaPids 52403 Cedar RaPids James D. WeIls (D-Holdover) 26 L22g 2oth Street, S'W' Cedar RaPids 52404 (D-Incumbent) Long (R) Joe Brown 27 Eugene 203 W. Jefferson Route 2 50171 Montezuma 50171 Montezuma Donald L. KirkPatrick (R) CountrY Club Road Drive Williamsburg 5236L Benita DiIIeY (R) 509 Eighth Avenue Coralville 52240 28 Richard F- Drake (R-Holdover) 42O Parkington Drive Muscatine 5276L Brvsan (D) (R) Michael E. Brown 29 James c'Clements 451I Warren 4117 N. Linwood Davenport 52806 Davenport 52806 Jack Rife (R) R.R. I Moscow 52760 Charles P. Miller (D-Holdover) 30 801 High Street Burlington 526OL District L. 31 Lowell Junkins (D-Incumbent) Bluff Hi1ls Montrose 52639 32 Forrest Schwengels (R-Holdover) Box 247, R.R. 2 Fairfield 5255G 33 Sue Yenger (R-Incumbent) Don E. Gettings (D) R.R. 2 707 Chester Ottumwa 52501 Ottumwa 5250I 34 Bass VanGilst (D-Holdover) R.R.4 Indianola 5OI25 35 Norman Roorda (R) Bill Dieleman (D) Route 1 518 Woodlawn Drive Monroe 50170 Pella 502L9 36 Mick Lura (R-Holdover) 911 S. 1Ith Avenue Marshalltown 50158 37 Marvin J. Walter (R) Charles Bruner (D) 2035 Country Club Boulevard 4625 Westbend Ames 50010 Ames 50010 38 Emil Husak (D-Holdover) R.R.2 Tol-edo 52342 L, D, 39 Gary Baugher (R-Incumbent) WiIliam Palmer (D-Incumbent) 240 N.W. 78th Avenue 2948 Easton Boulevard Ankeny 50021 Des Moines 50317 40 George Kinley (D-Holdover) 5005 s.w. 18th Des Moines 50315 6ientlena., B, 4L Julia (R-rncumbent) Michael- Heller (D) 28l-4 Forest Dri-ve 337 59th Street Des Moines 5O3I2 Des Moines 50312 District 42 David Readinger (R-Holdover) 5417 Aurora, APt. 139 Des Moines 50310 @ zorlsy Baker (D) 43 600 N.E. Aurora Des Moines 50313 George Wennerberg (D) 6540 N.W. 6th Drive Des Moines 50313 Tom Mann , Jr. (D) 4O4g Lower Beaver Road Des Moines 503I0 Q! carLie Brien (D) 3919 Urbandale Des Moines 50310 44 John NYstrom (R-Holdover) P.O. Box :-.77 Boone 50035 (D-rncumbent) ,rftnrrrips, sr., (R) Norman Rodgers R.R. #2 R'R' 2 Waukee 50263 Adel 50003 46 James Briles (R-Holdover) 82I Benton Avenue Corning 50841 o, John M' Kuster (D) 47 Calvin Hultman (R-Incumbent) 7oI JoY s!I99! Red Oak 51555 3"1'T;"lutlrr' Bitl Hutchins (D-Holdover) 48 4L2 E. Division Audubon 50025 ,J, Donald J' Sonnt'{g (D) Jack-116, Hester (R-Incumbent) 49 I R'F'D' eo* *'*' Atlantic 50022 Honey Creek 5154 2 Tom Slater (D-Holdover) 50 P'o' Box rr43 Counci-I BIuffs 5I501 CANDIDATESFoRIoWAHoUSEoFREPRESENTATIVES PRIMARY ELECTION - JUNE B, L982 Dist. 1 Willis Junker (R) James D' O'Kane (D-Incumbent) 3415 Nebraska 1815 Rebecca Sioux CitY 51104 Sioux CitY 51103 2 itntif'fli3tr"(D-rncumbent) Sioux CitY 51105 3DonW.Shoning(R)LeoP.MiIIer(D) 422L Garretson 3427 Glenn Avenue Sioux-citY 51106 Sioux CitY 51106 (D) 4 Wayne Bennett (R-Incumbent) H' Lyle Scheelhaase 5]1020 Rt' I Box I23 Galva Bronson 51I07 Warren Johnson (R-Incumbent) R. R. Sloan 51055 (D-Incumbent) Paulin (R) Donald H' Binneboese 5 Donald J. Marrland Heights 1140 Southdale 'Hinton Le Mars 51031 51024 6 Wilmer Rensink (R) R.F.D Sioux Center 51250 (D) 7 Lester D. Menke (R-Incumbent) Curt Anderson P.O. Box g7 509 S' Willow Calumet 51009 Paullina 51046 Michael Fisher (D) 129 Willow Aurelia 5I005 8 Kenneth De Groot (R-Incumbent) Doon 5L235 (R-Incumbent) DaIe L' Schnirring (D) 9 RuhI Maulsby.-__J RR I R.R. 50583 Rockwell CitY 50579 Sac CitY Dist. 10 BilI Patton (R) Richard Groth (D-Incumbent) 9J-7 Emerald Drive Albert City 50510 Storm Lake 50588 1I Leon Triggs (R) Daniel P. Fogarty (D) L624-I8th Ave. W. RD Spencer 51301 Cylinder 50528 12 Wayne W. Soul-e (R) Josephine Gruhn (D) Box 638 RR Box 7347 Okoboji 51355 Spirit Lake 51360 13 Rod Halvorson (D-rncumbent) 1030 N. 7th st. Ft. Dodge 5050I 14 DaIe M. Cochran (D-Incumbent) R. I, Box 109 EagIe Grove 50533 15 Sue Ivlullins (R-Incumbent) Ray Morgan (D) Prairie Fl-at Farms 519 S. Minnesota St. Corwith 50430 Algona 5051I 16 Clifford O. Branstad (R-Incumbent) nuth a. Bolie (D) R.R. I RR. I Box 209 Thompson 5047 8 Thompson 50478 James Merrill Devine, Jt. (D) R.R. 1 Britt 50423 L7 Delwyn Stromer (R-Incumbent) R. R. Garner 50438 18 Lisle Cook (R-Incumbent) RR Hubbard 50l-22 Richard W.

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