Traditional Architecture in Syria: :Á`Jqƒ°S »A Á`Jó«∏≤Àdg IQÉ`ª©Dg a Mediterranean Dwelling »£`°Sƒàª`Dgq ص`°Ù`Dg

Traditional Architecture in Syria: :Á`Jqƒ°S »A Á`Jó«∏≤Àdg IQÉ`ª©Dg a Mediterranean Dwelling »£`°Sƒàª`Dgq ص`°Ù`Dg

CORPUS Levant presents you: :ºµd Ωó≤j ¿Éaƒd ¢SƒHQƒc Traditional IQɪ©dG Architecture ájó«∏≤àdG in Syria: a :ájQƒ°S »a Mediterranean øµ°ùdG Dwelling »£`°SƒàªdGq An account of the ties men and ∫ɢLô˘dG §˘Hô˘J »˘à˘dG á˘bÓ˘©˘dG ø˘«˘Ñ˘j ƒ˘˘g women sustain with their home, ¢UÉîdG êÉàædG Gòg ,º¡æµ°ùH AÉ°ùædGh a very particular kind of dwelling ,á˘j󢫢∏˘≤˘J IQɢª˘Y Ωƒ˘«˘dG ¬˘«˘ª˘°ùf …ò˘dG we call traditional: the homes of kÉ«M ≈≤Ñj ƒgh ,OGóLC’Gh AÉHB’G øµ°ùe our forefathers. Though old, this architectural heritage is alive and .¬eób ºZQ IÉ«ëdÉH ¢†Ñæj GOóéàek enduring in modern Syria. With the support of: :™e ¿hÉ©àdÉH EUROPEAN COMMISSION á«HhQhC’G áYƒªéªdG MEDA-EUROMED HERITAGE »aÉ≤ãdG çGôà∏d ó«ehQhCG - Gó«e Aleppo Ö∏M Izra’a ´QREG Izra’a ´QREG Ksibei áÑ«°ùc Aleppo Ö∏M A place to rest ...¿Éµe áMGô∏dh In spite of the years, this house still offers good shelter. How ɪa ,¥ó°üf ’ Oɵf ?øeõdG äGô«KCÉJ øe âfÉY »àdG 䃫ÑdG »g √òg πg many times have you sat outside the door watching the hours of á˘æ˘«˘fCɢª˘£˘dG ɢæ˘ë˘æ˘e ɢª˘dɢW …ò˘dG ¬˘°ùØ˘f º˘«˘ª˘˘ë˘˘dG ¿É˘˘µ˘˘ª˘˘dG âdGR the day flow by? ≈dEG â°üæJ É¡«∏Y â°ù∏L »àdG áÑà©dG √òg ôcòJ âdR ÉeCG .á櫵°ùdGh .øeõdG äGó¡æJ á°û«©ª∏d Tiara GQÉ«J Palmyra ôeóJ Tiara GQÉ«J Palmyra ôeóJ Tartous ¢SƒWôW Arwad Island OGhQCG IôjõL Izra’a ´QREG Oronte »°UÉ©dG A playground ...¿Éµe Ö©∏dh Listening from the main room, how often have you heard children ¿ƒÑ©∏j ºgh »ëdG ∫ÉØWCG äGƒ°UCG ∂©eÉ°ùe ≈dEG ≈gÉæJ Iôe øe ºc skipping and playing in the alleyways? They have always lived wrapped º˘¡˘Mô˘e ø˘°†à˘ë˘à˘d á˘fƒ˘æ˘ë˘dG á˘bRC’G ¿GQó˘L º˘¡˘H §˘«˘ë˘J ¿hõ˘Ø˘≤˘jh by these surrounding walls, where life passes, sweet and peaceful. .º¡JOÉ©°Sh á°ü°üfl Aleppo Ö∏M Homs ¢üªM Aleppo Ö∏M Damascus ≥°ûeO Homs ¢üªM Damascus ≥°ûeO A place for daily shopping ...¿Éµe ¥ƒ°ùà∏dh Years go by without our realising; we walk through life caught up IÉ«ëdG ≈∏Y π≤ãJ áHÉJôdÉa ,∑Qóf ¿CG ¿hO øe ôªJ äGƒæ°ùdG »g Ég in our daily routine. We must provide for our families: “we need ܃K AGô°T ÖLGƒdG øe ,á∏FÉ©dG á°û«©e ø«eCÉJ ÖLGƒdG øe .á«eƒ«dG a new dress for the little one, we also need this… and that...” Not π«îJ ™«£à°ùf ’ ÉæfEG ,¿hôJCG.....,ÖLGƒdG øe ,ÖLGƒdG øe ,Iô«¨°ü∏d a single morning goes by without our paying a visit to the Souk to .¥ƒ°ùdG IQÉjR ¿hO øe QÉ¡f run our errands. äÉZGôa Izra’a ´QREG Dallozeh IRƒdO Damascus ≥°ûeO Mashqita Éà«≤°ûe Sadad Oó°U A place for work ...¿Éµe πª©∏dh We come across walls that have withstood the ages through the IOGQEG ɢ¡˘à˘YQ ...ø˘eõ˘dG äɢjOɢY âehɢb ¿GQó˘L ≈˘˘∏˘˘Y ɢ˘æ˘˘Jô˘˘cGP π˘˘é˘˘°ùf efforts and fortitude of our grandparents and great-grandparents. »àdG É¡°ùØf øcÉ°ùªdG »g âdGR ÉeCG iôoJ .ÉfOGóLCGh ÉæFÉHBG äÉYGóHEGh Perhaps are these walls still our homes today? Such are the áaÉédG ≥WÉæªdG ±GôWCG ≈∏Y äCÉ°ûf »àdG øcÉ°ùªdG ∂∏J ?É¡«a Éæ°ûY houses of the Medina: buildings surrounded by dry, harsh and .á∏MÉ≤dG inhospitable fields. Palmyra ôeóJ Izra’a ´QREG Tiara GQÉ«J Rihan ¿ÉëjQ Ksibei áÑ«°ùc A place for gathering ...¿Éµe ´ÉªàLÓd Remember the place where your father used to gather with his πg ?¬FÉbó°UCG ™e ¬«a ™ªàéj ∑ódGh ¿Éc …òdG ™°VƒªdG ôcòJ πg friends, where you first met your own, where you used to spend äóàYG …òdG øcôdG ,∑AÉbó°UCG ¬«a ∂°ùØf âfCG â∏HÉb …òdG øcôdG ôcòJ your summer nights, and these old walls with fading colours will ɢ¡˘fGƒ˘dCɢH á˘eô˘¡˘dG ¿GQó˘é˘dG √ò˘gh ?∞˘«˘°üdG »˘dɢ«˘d ¬˘˘«˘˘a »˘˘°†ª˘˘J ¿CG surely come alive in your memories. ?á≤dCÉàe á«M ∂JôcGP OÉeQ øe ≥ãÑæJ »gh á«°TÓàªdG ÉæKGôJ øe In Bosra iô°üH My name is Jozeph and my father is the owner of this house, our òæe Éæà∏FÉY …hCÉj …òdG QGódG √ò¡d ∂dÉe …ódGh ,¿Gójƒ°S ∞jRƒL »ª°SG family has lived here for many generations. It was built over the ≈dEG Oƒ©j ¿ƒaóe ∫õæe ≈∏Y øµ°ùªdG Gòg »æH ó≤d .IOó©àe ∫É«LCG vestiges of a now buried Roman house: to enter the court, you walk ∫õæªdG øe »∏°UG º°ùb RÉ«àLÉH AÉæØdG ≈dEG π°üf ,»fÉehôdG ô°ü©dG through some original parts dug in the rock wall that we have AGƒjEG πLCG ø˘e á˘jÉ˘æ˘©˘H ¬˘ª˘«˘¶˘æ˘à˘H É˘æ˘ª˘b ó˘≤˘d ,ô˘î˘°üdG »˘a Qƒ˘Ø˘ë˘e converted into a shelter for animals and a stock area for fodder. All óLGƒàj å«M ,AÉæØdÉH QGódG ±ôZ πc §«ëJ .∞∏©dG øjõîàdh äÉfGƒ«ëdG the rooms of the house revolve around the court, in the middle of ,Ωƒj ó©H kÉeƒj AɪdÉH ÉfójhõàH ôªà°ùj …òdGh ÉæaÓ°SCG ó¡Y ≈dEG Oƒ©j ôÄH which you shall fall upon an ancestral well that has supplied the .¿ôb ó©H kÉfôbh family with water day after day, for centuries and centuries. AõL kÉ≤M É¡ In Aleppo Ö∏M »a What do you think of my hotel? I'm the manager: the orthodox Ö∏M »a á«°ùcPƒKQC’G á°ù«æµdG ∂∏àªJ ?√ôjOCG …òdG ¥óæØdÉH ºµjCGQ Ée Greek church of Alep owns Beit Wakil, of which I am the tenant. I º«eôàdG ∫ɪYCÉH »°ùØæH äô°TÉH ó≤d .…QhóH √ôLCÉà°SCG …òdGh π«ch â«H started the restoration work myself, to make the hotel as appealing »∏°UC’G QƒµjódG ¿EG .¿ÉµeE’G Qób øFÉHõ∏d kÉëjôeh kÉHGòL ≈æѪdG π©éd and comfortable as possible for customers. The original wooden .ø«dôH ∞ëàe »a ¢Vhô©e ≈æѪdG Gòg ±ôZ ióMEG äÉ«Ñ°ûîd decoration of one of the rooms of this building is so outstanding it is now exhibited in a Berlin museum! ¡``fEG ,É¡«a ¢û In Tiara GQÉ«J »a I have always been proud to see our village as very unique in our øe »≤H πg iôJ .ÉgOôØJh Égõ«ªàHh ,»àjô≤H ôîØdÉH â°ù°ùMCG ɪdÉ£d area. What a pity there are so few people who can still build earth ∂ÄdhCG ,ºcƒLQCG Gƒ∏°†ØJ ?ÜÉÑ≤dG √òg πãe »æÑj ¿CG ™«£à°ùj Qɪ©e cupolas. Please, won’t you come in? May I introduce you to my Ghô©°ûJ ¿CG ºµæµªj ,πNGódG »a Éægh ,IóédG ™e áKÓãdG »FÉæHCG ºg three children and their grandmother? Inside here, it is always nice .∞«°üdG »a ¢û©æeh ,AÉà°ûdG »a ∞«£d ƒ¡a ,kɪFGO áMGôdÉH and warm in winter and cool in summer. û`«YCG »àdG …Q In the surroundings of Palmyra ôeóJ §«ëe »a I hardly believe our house is of any interest to you, but please, you á∏FÉY øëf .ΩGôµdG »aƒ«°V Éj ºµeɪàgG ô«ãJ ób …QGO ¿CG ¥ó°UCG OÉcCG ’ are most welcome. We are a large family and need a rather big AGQh kÉ«©°S π«Mô∏d ô£°†æ°S .ÉæÑ°SÉæJ Iô«Ñc ᪫N ≈dEG êÉàëfh Iô«Ñc tent for us all. We would like to move on to find greener pastures... ºLÉ¡J ¿CG ∞°SDƒªdG ɪd ¬fEG ...πLCG ,πLCG ...IQÉ°†fh Iô°†N ôãcCG »YGôe yes; it is quite a pity wolves so often attack our cattle. .ºFGO πµ°ûH ÉæfÉ©£b ÜÉFòdG GO ¤EG Ghô¶fG In Serqilla á«°ùæªdG ¿óªdG ºµd Ωó≤f πg .kÉLRÉW ∫GR Ée õYɪdG Ö«∏M .ÉfQGO ºàaô°T ,Gƒ∏°†ØJ Please, won’t you come in? We has just finished milking the goats; øe êQÉN ¬fCÉch ∂d hóÑj πg .Éædõ`æe ƒg Gògh ,…O’hCG ºg Ég ?…É°ûdG would you care for some tea? We have a son and two daughters. ¿CG ÉfhôÑNCGh ø«æ°S ™°†H òæe ø««°UÉ°üàN’G ¢†©H ÉfQGR ó≤d ?ïjQÉàdG And this house, you may ask? Yes, it does seem quite old, doesn’t .ΩÉjC’G øe Ωƒj »a ¬d kÉæµ°ùe √òîJG ¿ƒµj ób kÉ«fÉehQ kɪcÉM it? A few years ago, specialists paid us a visit and alleged a Roman governor had maybe lived here at one stage. Sfireh IÒØ°ùdG Damascus ≥°ûeO Tradition is culture çGôJ ó«dÉ≤àdG Indeed, heritage symbolises culture. Monuments are not its only ,IQɢ°†ë˘dG ɢgó˘Mh â°ù«˘d ó˘HGhC’Gh ,IQɢ°†ë˘∏˘d 󢫢°ù颢J ƒ˘˘g çGô˘˘à˘˘dG form: traditional architecture is also one of the gems of our country. ,ÉæJQÉ°†M ó≤Y »a á°ù«Øf IQóc ÉgQhóH º¶àæJ ájó«∏≤àdG IQɪ©dÉa Every dwelling can represent and constitute Syrian heritage. .ájQƒ°ùdG IQÉ°†ëdG øe kGAôL ¿ƒµj ¿CG øµªj øµ°ùe πch Aleppo Ö∏M Aleppo Ö∏M Damascus ≥°ûeO Aleppo Damascus ≥°ûeO Aleppo Ö∏M Damascus ≥°ûeO Urban house with a court ájhɪ°ùdG áë°ùØdG hP »fóªdG øµ°ùªdG From the street, perhaps the least noticeable house, the most mysterious øëfh ¬¶ë∏f Oɵf ’ ÉæfEG ?¢Vƒª¨dG Gòg πc Ée ?∫õ`æªdG Gòg ƒg øjCG dwelling. Hidden behind compacted earth walls, life resides within, ø«£dG øe ᵫª°S ¿GQóL ∞∏N ôàà°ùj ƒg Ég .´QÉ°ûdG ôÑY Üôà≤f concealed in the deepest intimacy.

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