Investment in our clients’ best interest The focus of our efforts and engagement is pri- Fokus na{ih napora i anga`ovanja usmeren je prvenstveno na zado- marily on client satisfaction, and hence our com- voljstvo na{ih klijenata ali i pokazuje na{u poslovnu filozofiju da pany philosophy is to be always one step ahead. We budemo uvek jedan korak ispred. To je razlog {to stalno usavr{avamo are continually perfecting the systems that underpin the function- sisteme na kojima po~iva funkcionisanje Airport City-ja i u kontinu- ality of Airport City and constantly investing strategically in their itetu zna~ajno investiramo u njihov razvoj, pre svega da bismo na{im development, primarily in order to allow our clients to reduce their klijentima omogu}ili smanjenje tro{kova i u{tedeli zna~ajna costs and save significant resources. Together with ACPM we are cur- sredstva. U ovom trenutku zajedno sa ACPM-om postavili rently focusing on an energy efficiency project as our top priority. We smo projekat energetske efikasnosti u `i`u na{ih aktivnosti. will endeavour to continue constantly launching new projects in the Trudi}emo se da i ubudu}e stalno pokre}emo nove projek- interests of maintaining ACB at the level of the best business com- te u interesu odr`avanja ACB-a na nivou najboljeg plex, Airport City CEO, Adir Elal, told Whats up. poslovnog kompleksa, kazao je za Whats up, direktor Airport continued on pg 04>> City-ja, Adir Elal. nastavak na strani 04>> 02 03 Your positive response to the 2011 Vizila Calendar reinforced Va{e pozitivne reakcije na kalendar Vizila 2011 u~vrstila su our belief that the environment we have here at Airport City nas u uverenju da je na{a sredina u Airport City-ju otvore- ACB supporting is open to both change and positive exchanges of the tradi- na za promene i pozitivnu razmenu tradicija i kultura koje tions and cultures that coalesce at our business park. se sre}u u na{em prostoru. I wouldn't like to offer anything resembling a platitude, but Ne bih volela da zvu~i kao fraza ali ve}ina kompanija ovde the majority of companies here genuinely do share positive zaista deli pozitivne standarde poslovanja koji neminovno business standards that inevitably influence their combined uti~u na njihovo ukupno pona{anje i odre|uju i pona{anje behaviour, as well as determining the behaviour of each svakoga ponaosob - nekako smo ovde bli`i svetu nego na Clown Doctors individual - somehow, here we are closer to the outside drugim mestima. Verujem da smo spremni da to podelimo world than elsewhere in Serbia. sa na{om {irom okolinom: reagovali ste vrlo pozitivno na Na{ event u septembru bio je prilika da dolijemo malo I believe that we are willing to share that spirit with our inicijativu mladih ljudi koji su predstavili svoje ideje i projek- "goriva" u to~kove Doktorima klovnovima - humani- wider community: you reacted very positively to the initia- te na mini-sajmu preduzetni{tva, javljali ste nam se da tarnom projektu pod pokroviteljstvom B92, koji smo tive of the youngsters who presented their ideas and proj- pitate {ta }e biti s doktorima klovnovima; razmenili smo podr`ali jo{ pro{log prole}a. Ovaj program organizovane zabave namenjen de~ici u bol- ects at the mini entrepreneurship fair; you contacted us to informacije o inicijativama koje podi`u svest o zna~aju nicama Srbije uglavnom je baziran na beskrajnom entuzi- enquire about what would happen to the Clown Doctors "zelenih" tema i zato u ovom broju nastavljamo da vas jazmu klovnova. I iako uvek privu~e veliku pa`nju beograd- CSR practice and we exchanged information about initiatives to raise informi{emo o tome {ta neke od va{ih kolege rade na tom jana na Ulici otvorenog srca to nije dovoljno za odr`avanje awareness of the importance of "green" issues, which is why planu uz nadu da }ete nas pozvati u goste da ~ujemo jo{ aktivnosti do naredne Nove godine. this issue of What's Up will continue informing you about dobrih inicijativa koje, ube|ena sam, postoje kod svakoga Znaju}i da ovakvi projekti te`e nalaze sponzore `eleli smo da nas sve podsetimo na vreme praznika pred nama. the work of some of your colleagues and neighbours in this iza ovih na{ih staklenih fasada. Mo`da je sada moment da svi isplaniramo par "crvenih field, in the hope that you will invite us to visit you and hear Nadam se da nam jesenje ki{e ne}e umanjiti entuzijazam . noseva" u novogodi{njem paketu? U okviru ACB-a about more good initiatives that I am sure exist in every ACB je otvorio sezonu jednom Novom godinom, verujem organizova}emo dan posve}en doktorima klovnovima. office behind our glass façades. da }emo zajedno u~initi slede}u proslavu radosnom deci i Javite nam se ako ste raspolo`eni ili imate jo{ neku ideju kako da zajedno pomognemo ovaj projekat. I hope the autumn rains won't dampen the enthusiasm. odraslima...Javite se s svojim predlozima i inicijativama ACB opened the season with one New Year celebration and I believe that, together, we will ensure the next festive cel- Press info: ebration is joyous for both children and adults ... Contact us Program Doktori Klovnovi zapo~eo je s radom u Srbiji with your proposals and initiatives. krajem 2003. godine. Ina~e ovaj program postoji na svetskom nivou i sprovodi se uspe{no u mnogim zemlja- Marina Deleon ma. Rezultati nau~nih istra`ivanja sprovedenih u razvi- CommunicationMarina Deleon Advisor Communication Advisor jenim zapadnim zemljama, a koji se ti~u njihovih Doktora Klovnova, pokazuju primetne fiziolo{ke promene (na nd primer ve}i broj belih krvnih zrnaca) posle njihove posete 22 October 2010 - Airport City de~jim odeljenjima. Na{i doktori klovnovi su pro{li veoma ozbiljnu obuku i imaju iza sebe vi{egodi{nje dragoceno iskustvo u sarad- nji sa razli~itim medicinskim ustanovama u Srbiji. Young Entrepreneurs' Fair Our September event provided an opportunity to add a Clown Doctors are not entertainers. Their sole aim is to Doktori Klovnovi nisu zabavlja~i. Njihov jedini cilj je little "fuel" to the engine of Clown Doctors - a humanitar- reduce young patients' stress caused by staying in hospi- umanjenje malim pacijentima traume od boravka u bol- ian project sponsored by B92, which we have supported tal. Everything the doctors do relates to a child's contact nici. Sve {to doktori rade ima veze sa de~jim kontaktom sing last spring. with real doctors. Clown behaviour is not encouraged, sa pravim lekarima. Ne ohrabruje se klovnovsko ve} dok- "Preduzmine{to!" (Dosomething!) This organised entertainment programme, intended for but rather clown-doctor conduct. torsko-klovnovsko pona{anje. youngsters at Serbian hospitals, is principally reliant on The Clown Doctors programme is a comprehensive activ- the boundless enthusiasm of the clowns. Despite never ity that changes the atmosphere in an environment such Program Doktora Klovnova je sveobuhvatna akcija Press info: failing to attract great attention at the Street of Open as a children's hospital. All hindrances and misunder- promene atmosfere u okru`enju kao sto je de~ja bolnica. Hearts event, it is not enough to maintain their activity standings encountered by the programme have disinte- Sve prepreke i nerazumevanja na koje je program Belgrade, 22nd October 2010 - Airport City's pedestrian zone hosted a mini until the next New Year. grated over time, as hospital staff have realised that nailazio vremenom su nestajale kako je osoblje shvatalo fair of young entrepreneurs within the context of the project "Predu- Knowing that such projects often find it difficult to secure Clown Doctors actually partly perform the work that da Doktori Klovnovi obavljaju delimi~no i njihov posao, zmine{to! (Dosomething!) - Business mentoring for young entrepreneurs," sponsors, we wanted to remind all of us that the holiday medical professionals don't have time for, due to the za koji profesionalno medicinsko osoblje nema vremena, organized by SMart Kolektiv and the Business Leaders Forum. period is ahead of us. Perhaps now is the time for us all nature and scope of their work. zbog prirode i obima svog posla. CSR practice to plan a couple of "red noses" in our New Year gift The project is aimed at young people just getting started in doing business parcels? Here at ACB we plan to organise a day dedicat- Belgrade's Clown Doctors visit youngsters at the fol- Beogradski Doktori Klovnovi obilaze mali{ane u and requiring assistance from experienced managers in how to conduct their ed to the clown doctors. lowing hospitals/clinics: slede}im bolnicama/klinikama: business. The last four months have seen the establishing of cooperation Please contact us if you're willing to participate or have Banjica - Orthopaedics Clinic Banjica - ortopedska klinika between fourteen young entrepreneurs and fourteen business mentors, who any other ideas of how we can jointly help the progress Tir{ova Street University Clinic Univerzitetska Klinika u Tir{ovoj worked "one-to-one" on voluntary basis to help the young entrepreneurs of this project. The Dr. Vukan ]upi} Institute for Mother and Child Institut za Majku i Dete - Dr. Vukan ]upi} develop their businesses. Paediatric Neurology Unit in Belgrade De~ja Neurologija u Beogradu Press info: Paediatric Oncology Unit at the Pasterova Street Institute De~ja Onkologija na Institutu za Onkologiju i Radiologiju ...the business mentoring concept is being applied in our country as an of Oncology and Radiology u Pasterovoj aspect of corporate social responsibility for the first time: companies donate The Clown Doctors programme, which exists globally and The KBC Dr.
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