American Mineralogist, Volume 69, pages 810-815, 1984 NEW MINERAL NAMES* Pere J. DuuN. Mrcunel FLerscHEn, Cenl A. FneNcrs, Rrcgnno H. LnNcr-ey, SrepneN A. KlssrN, Jnur,s E. Snrcr-By. Devro A. VnNxo. AND JANETA. Zl-czen Ascharnalmite* 016 . 7.01 H2O. The ideal formula is CaMn?* Si3 016 . 7H2O. Mn valenceassigned the the relation- W. G. Mumme, G. Niedermayr,P. R. Kelly, and W. H. Paar on basisof Gladstone-Dale ship and the red color of the crystals. Bostwickite is readily (1983)Aschamalmite, Pb5.e2Bi2 66Se, from UntersulzbachVal- soluble in | : I HCl. to mineral ley in Salzburg,Austria-"monoclinic heyrovskyite". Neues It does not belong any known Jahrb.Mineral., Monat., 413444. family. Bostwickite crystals are not suitable for single crystal X-ray Microprobeanalysis yielded Pb 62.95,Bi 22.56,and S 14.89, study. The strongestlines (19 given) in the unindexedpowder sum 100.4%,which givesan empiricalformula (on the basisof S patternare: I l. 3(100), 3. 548(30), 2,898(30), 2.567 (40), 2.262(25), : 9) Pb58eBi2.osse. The normalized empirical formula (on the and,2.238(25\.D meas.2.93. basis of S : 8.96 to maintain charge balancefor the given metal Bostwickite was found at Franklin, New Jersey in 1874 as content) is Pb5e2Bi2.66Se. Single-crystal Weissenberg X-ray data divergent sprays of bladed crystals about 250 pm in length. It is from a small prismatic crystal showed it to be monoclinic. sp-ace opticallybiaxial negative,2V : 25", a = 1.775(5), = 1.798(3), " F grotp C2lm,Cm, or C2, with a : 13.71,b = 4.09,c : 3l .434,P y: 1.E00(3);strong dispersion r < y; stronglypleochroic X = f = 91.0",V = 1762.1.3.43.The strongestX-ray lines(32 given) are = red-brown, 7 : yellow-brown; absorption X = Y > Z. Optical 3.42(r00x209), 3.378(88X208),2.941(s4)(n7), 2.926ts4)Gtr, orientation describedonly relative to crystal shape:Zil length, Izll 2.861(48X20,m),and 3.s25(42XI t4). width, Xll thin dimension of laths. H approximately L The mineraloccurs as lead-gray,lathJike crystalsto 5 cm in The namehonors Richard C. Bostwick, a collectorof Franklin lengthor thick, slightlybent plates up to I cm2.Most crystalsare minerals. Type specimens are preserved in the collections of heavily altered to a mixture of bismutite and other as yet Harvard University and the United States National Museum unidentifiedphases. Exsolution lamellaeof galenaand cosalite (SmithsonianInstitution). arecommonly present. Luster metallic,cleavage (001) perfect, D Discussion: The optical data imply that the mineral is ortho- 7.33 derived from the normalized empirical formula. Creamy rhombic. C.A.F. white in reflectedlight without discerniblepleochroism in air. Moderatelyanisotropic gray to red-brown.Hardness (VHNzs) : 150-l8l kg/mm2.Reflectance in air (nm,Vo)470, 45.1-48.1; 546, 43.4-46.3;589, 42.9-46.3: 650. 42.946.1. Clinokurchatovite* Aschamalmiteis found in mineralized,alpine-cleft veins cut- S. V. Malinko and N. N. Pertsev (1983)Clinokurchatovite, a ting through gneiss near Ascham Alm in the Untersulzbach new structural modification of kurchatovite. Zapiski Vses. Valley associatedwith quartz, albite, adularia,calcite, chlorite, Mineralog.Obshch., ll2, 483487. andgalena. It is closelyrelated to heyrovskyiteand severalother naturaland syntheticphases in the Bi2S3-PbSsystem. It is not Analyses of several grains of the mineral by electron rnicro- thought to be a dimorph of heyrovskyitebecause the latter is probe showed variable composition CaO 32.29-32.5, MgO alwaysAg-substituted. 21.21-22.6,MnO 0.4-1.82, FeO 6.16-8.2, BzOr Oy difference The nameis for the locality.Type materialis in the Museumof from 1007a)37.1-38.52. sum 100.002o.The ideal formula is Natural History in Vienna, Austria, and at the Division of Ca(Mg,Fe,Mn)B2O5.Analyses of kurchatovite are given for Mineral Chemistry,csrRo, Port Melbourne,Victoria, Australia. companson. J.E.S. X-ray study shows the mineral to be monoclinic, unit cell a = 12.19+0.074,D = 10.95+0.05A,c : 5.59+0.02A.The strongest lines (49 given) are 3.093(S0X230),3.045(t00X221), 2.799(100) Bostwickite* (102); 2.586(50)(231), 2.027(s0)(3tz), 1.937(80X042), 1.236(s0)(s72). P. J. Dunn and P. B. Leavens(1983) Bostwickite, a new calcium The mineral occurs as a modification of earlier formed kurcha- manganesesilicate hydrate from Franklin, New Jersey.Miner- tovite, and forms polysynthetically-twinnedcrystals several al. Mag., 47 387-389. tenths to 2 mm in size. It is associated with kurchatovite, An electron microprobe analysisgave MgO 0.9, CaO 5.1, suanite, ludwigite, szaibelyite, magnetite, pyroxene, harkerite, Mn2O356.3, Fe2O3 0.5, Al2O3 1.0, As2O5 1.0, SiOr 20.l, HrO l5.l sakhaite,calcite, vesuvianite, clinohumite, svabite and sphaler- (by difference), sum 100 wt.Valeading to the empirical formula ite in borate-bearingrocks in a numberof areas.H 4.5. D 3.07- 3.08 (hydrostaticsuspension). (ca6 75Mg6'n)>o ,s(Mn3lnrFealor)>u 02(Si2 roAlo ,uAsSlor)>,o, Optically biaxial, zs a: 1.642- 1.U4, B : 1.674-1.675,"y = 1.699-1.704(all +0.002),2V : E2- E8'meas., t0l0l n Z: 52",t0l0l n IZ= 38", tl00l n Z = 26", * Minerals marked with asteriskswere approved before publica- tl00lnY=64". tion by the Commissionon New Minerals and Mineral Names of Samplesof clinokurchatoviteare at the MineralogicalMuse- the International Mineralogical Association. um,Acad. Sci. USSR, Moscow. D.A.V, 0003-004x/84/0708-08l 0$0. 50 810 NEW MINERAL NAMES 8il Daqingshanite* 5.2e(I00)( rT l ), 4.47 (30)(rt1 ,200 ,zTD , 3.4s2(3o)(1T2) , 3.277 (40)(012,320,2r r), 3.2 r 3(30X l 30). R. Yingchen,X. Lulu, and P. Zhizhong(1983) Daqingshanite, a Ferrostrunzite occurs as flattened prisms to 0.5 mm that are new mineral recently discovered in China. Geochemistry elongated parallel to and are flattened parallel to the (China),2, 180-184(in English). [001] pinacoid {100}.Light brown color and streak. H (est.) about 4. D Analysis by wet chemical (?) methods and gas chromatogra- calc.2.57, meas. 2.50. Very brittle. Luster vitreous.Cleavages: phy gaveBaO 15.9E,SrO 26.10, CaO 6.17, MnO 0.02,MgO 0.72, parallel to the length of the crystal; a secondperpendicular to the RE oxides 20.736,'lho2 0.04, Al2q 0.18, Fe2O30.21, P2O5 optic normal; and a third perpendicular to Bra. Optically biaxial 11.73,CO216.19,K2O 0.03, NazO 0.13, H2O+ 0.68, F 0.80,sum (-),2V: 80(5)',a = 1.628(2),B: r.682(calc.),y = l.7B@), 99.716 - (O-Fr) = 9.376Vo. This corresponds to an empirical Znc - 3-4". Dispersion moderate and asymmetric. Absorption formula of (Srr 53Ca667Baa 53Mg6 I 1Na6or)z su (REo ,"Alo oz minimum parallel to Z. PleochroismX : faint yellow-green,Z : Fe8ir)o eo(por)roo(Co:)z 23(oH)o 46ForuUo or)o rn, or ideally (Sr, faint red-yellow. Ca,Ba)3RE(PO4XCO3)3-*(OH,F)"whereSr)Ca, BaandOH > F, Ferrostrunzite is found as radiating spraysoffibrous prismatic and x = y : 0.8. The rare earth oxideswere La2O37.88, CezOr crystals encrusting rockbridgeite which has replaced fossil bel- 10.16,PruOtt 0.70, Nd2O3 1.59, Sm2O3 0.106, Eu2O3 0.02, Gd2O3 emnites. These fossils occur in Cretaceoussediments along 0.12,Tb4O7 0.05, Dy2O30.03, Ho2O30.03, Er2O30.01, Tm2O3 Raccoon Creek near Mullica Hill. The mineral is named for its 0.01,Yb2Or 0.02, and LuzOr0.01. isostructural relationship with strunzite and its unique chemis- X-ray study (Weissenberg,oscillating crystal) shows the min- try. Samples are preserved at the Smithsonian Institution in eral to be trigonal with a rhombohedrallattice, spacegroup R3m, Washington.J.E.S. R3m, or R32. Unifcell^parameters (hexagonalorientation) a : 10.05E(3),c:9.225(3)4, y:808.2026A3,2 = 3, and(rhombo- : : = hedralorientation) cs 6.570(3)4,an 9.87(3)", V 26934A3. Hingganite-(Yb)* Strongest powder diffraction lines (for FeKa; 25 given) are 3.95(60X202T).3. I6( | 00X2022),2.52(70)Q24U. 2. I I (50X303-3), A. V. Voloshin,Ya. A. Pakhomovskii,Yu. P. Men'shikov,A. S. (1983) 2.04(60)(202-4,| .94 | (6qQ4B ). U ni t -ce I I parameters confirmed Povarennyk,E. N. Matvinenko,and O. V. Yakubovich by both ditrraction and single-crystalmethods. Hingganite-(Yb), a new mineral from amazonitepegmatites of Daqingshanite occurs as small, rhombohedral crystals with the Kola Peninsula,Doklady Akad. Nauk S.S.S.R.270,ll88- rounded edgesabout 0.05 mm in size. Color pale yellow, luster ll92 (in Russian). greasy-glassy,streak white, cleavage{l0Tl} perfect,conchoidal Electron microprobe analyses of hingganite and hingganite- fracture. MicrohardnessVHN29 335, D calc. 3.71, meas. 3.81. (Yb) gave,respectively, Y2Og 24.E3,8.56 ; YbzOr 17.02,34.07; Optically uniaxial (-), = = e 1.609,r.r 1.708,colorless in thin Er20 7 6. 47, 8.22 ; D yzO t 2. 13,2. 47 ; LuzOt I .87, 4. 50 ; TmzO3I .38, section, non-fluorescentin UV light. Exhibits infrared absorp- 3.10;HozOg 0.21, 1.03; Tb2O3 0.33, 0.05; CaO 2.3E,1.14; PbO tion bandsfor CO2, POa,and HzO. Hardly soluble in ammonium 0.52,- ; Fe2O31.46, - ; AlzOr0.10, - ; SiO226.43, 22.11 ;BeO acetate but readily dissolved in dilute hydrochloric acid. 10.50,10.90 ; HzO (by difference)3.92,3.74%. For hingganite- The mineral occurs in monomineralic aggregatesin veins (Yb), this gives (Yb6 a5Yg26Er6.11Lu6.65,Cas 65Tm6 *Dyo or cutting dolomite in the footwall zone of the Bayan Obo iron ore Ho6,61)H1e6Be1 13Si6e6Os, or (Yb,Y)BeSiO+(OH) (for hing- deposit.
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