Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51648-8 - War I: The Global Revolution Lawrence Sondhaus Index More information Index Abadan Island, 370 Agamemnon, British battleship, 424 Abbas Hilmi II, khedive of Egypt, 133, 134 Agrarian Party, Bulgarian, 465 Abdullah, emir of Transjordan, 380, 383, 384, aircraft, 34, 116, 140, 208, 211, 214, 342, 358, 467, 493 375, 387, 388, 407, 413, 426, 427, 428, Abdülmecid II, Sunni Muslim caliph, 492 432, 436, 438. See also aerial bombing; abortion, and abortion rights, 2, 194, 354 aerial reconnaissance; air power under Aboukir, British cruiser, 276 individual countries Abruzzi, Luigi of Savoy, duke of the, Italian aircraft carrier, development of, 295, 496 admiral, 288, 289 Aisne River, 75, 77, 199, 252, 255 Abyssinia, 361, 375, 377, 378, 493 Aisne, First Battle of the (1914), 75, 77 Addams, Jane, US social activist, 324 Aisne, Second Battle of the (1917), 253, 255, Addis Ababa, 361, 378 269, 351 Adenauer, Konrad, German politician, 454 Aisne, Third Battle of the (1918), 411, 412 Adler, Friedrich, Austrian politician, 341, 449, Aitken, Arthur, British general, 114 450 Ajaimi al-Sadun, Muntafiq chief, 373 Adler, Viktor, Austrian politician, 341, al-Askary, Suleiman, Turkish general, 370 359, 449 Albania, 19, 22, 153, 159, 160, 199, 231, 289, Adrianople, 32 290, 293, 416 Adriatic Sea, 14, 22, 91, 128, 134, 137, 151, 152, Albatros D2, German airplane, 214 153, 156, 159, 190, 216, 244, 274, 278, Albatros D3, German airplane, 253 286, 288–90, 291, 295, 308, 418, 464 Albert I, king of the Belgians, 22, 77, 79, 428, AEF (American Expeditionary Force), 259, 412, 430, 460 413, 432 Albert II, king of the Belgians, 500 and “amalgamation” controversy, 320, 329 Alekseev, Mikhail, Russian general, 143, 146, formation of, 315 150, 222, 228, 231, 235, 245, 247, 248, in France, 320, 329, 330, 351, 406, 414, 428, 264, 482 430, 432, 439 Aleksei, Grand Duke, heir to Russian influenza in, 323, 360, 432 throne, 245 Pershing as commander of, 318 Alexander I, king of Serbia, 20 racial minorities in, 326, 327 Alexander Karageorgevic´, Serbian crown training of, 318, 321, 322, 323 prince, Serbian general, 81 transatlantic crossing of, 323 Alexander, Harold, British officer, 402 uses British and French equipment, 321 Alexander, king of Greece, 232 Aegean Sea, 19, 91, 135, 159, 232, 416, 465, Alexandra, Russian empress, 186, 235 466, 492 Alexandria, 137, 375 aerial bombing, 4, 130, 161, 288, 357, 358, 376, Algeria, 27 388, 460 Ali Dinar, sultan of Darfur, 376, 377, 378 aerial reconnaissance, 130, 140, 234, 253 Allenby, Sir Edmund, British general, 210, 211, Africa, sub-Saharan, 120, 259. See under 253, 372, 384, 386, 387, 388 individual countries al-Masri, Aziz, Arab officer, 383 wartime casualties in, 120 Alps, 14, 128, 151, 152, 153, 156, 199, 216, 217, African Americans, 308. See United States, 218, 220, 222, 260, 262 African Americans in al-Qaddafi, Muammar, Libyan leader, 493 African Light Infantry, French, 27 Alsace, 8, 16, 57, 77 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51648-8 - War I: The Global Revolution Lawrence Sondhaus Index More information 510 Index Alsace-Lorraine, 8, 9, 16, 68, 70, 319, 345, 436, Arnauld de la Perière, Lothar, German naval 454, 457, 469, 478 officer, 288 American Expeditionary Force, 259. See AEF Arnim, Sixt von, German general, 256, 411 American Protective League, 328, 329 Arras, 128, 244, 253, 407 Amiens, 71, 410 Battle of (1917), 253, 255 Battle of (1918), 424, 426, 428, 430, 432, 438 Arsiero, 218 Amman, 387, 388, 467 artillery Andenne, German atrocities at, 66 Allied weakness in, 161 Andersen, Hans Neils, Danish diplomat, 144 Allies gain advantage in, 407 Anglican Church, 400 and shell shortages, 79, 130, 140, 150, 219 Anglo-Boer War (1899–1902), 14, 23, 27, 31, casualties caused by, 79 32, 35, 130, 172, 373 creeping barrage, as tactic, 32, 209, Anglo-Persian Oil Company, 370 212, 234, 252, 253, 255, 256, 268, Angola, 23, 259 413, 426 Ankara, 466, 467, 492 German superiority in, 93, 143, 208, 234 Anthoine, François, French general, 256, 257 in support of infantry, 86, 89, 101, 218, 223, anti-colonial movement, 2, 123, 368, 489 252, 255, 262 Antwerp, 72, 75, 77, 430 preliminary bombardment tactics, 130, ANZAC (Australia–New Zealand Army Corps), 133, 139, 140, 154, 155, 158, 161, 135, 163, 164, 166, 167, 257, 386, 387, 388 201, 211, 213, 217, 219, 220, 252, Anzac Cove, 135, 137, 138, 164, 166, 167, 501 255, 256, 257, 262, 410, 411, 413, ANZAC Day, 498 416, 426 AOK (Armeeoberkommando), Austro- prewar view of, 32 Hungarian High Command, 83, 86, 89, unforeseen significance of, 64 142, 143, 151, 158, 159, 160, 171, 206, use of aircraft for spotting, 34, 208, 211, 216, 217, 218, 220, 223, 230, 340, 341, 419 234, 253, 269 apartheid, 123 Artois, 128, 130, 213 Aqaba, 383, 384 First Battle of (1914), 77 Arab–Israeli conflict, 2, 493, 502 Second Battle of (1915), 131, 133 Arabs and Arab nationalism, 2, 18, 19, 27, 133, Third Battle of (1915), 139, 140 134, 368, 370, 371, 372, 373, 376, 377, Arz von Straussenberg, Arthur, Austro- 378, 380, 381, 383, 384, 386, 387, 388, Hungarian general, 226, 228, 230, 235 389, 395, 465, 466, 467, 492, 493, 502 Asiago, 218 Archangel, 245, 424 Asquith, Herbert, British prime minister, 14, 16, Ardennes 55, 57, 130, 137, 185, 234, 334, 336, 337, Battle of the (1914), 70, 71 339, 356, 370, 476 Argentina, 107, 274 Atatürk, 375. See Kemal (Atatürk), Mustafa Argonne Forest, 128, 199, 430, 432 atrocities, 4, 64, 66, 81, 377, 389, 392, 394 Argus, British aircraft carrier, 295 Germany, denied by leading German pictured, 296 intellectuals, 183 Ark Royal, British seaplane tender, 34, 295 Attlee, Clement, British prime minister, 402 Armenian Legion, 387 Aubers Ridge, 130, 132 Armenians, 4, 19, 92, 389–94, 466, 492 Auffenberg, Moritz, Austro-Hungarian general, and Armenian SSR (1922), 491 85, 86 and Democratic Republic of Armenia (1918– Auja River, 386 20), 394, 466, 491 Australia Wilson’s sympathy for, 465 and annual Dawn Service at Anzac Cove, Armentières, 411 500, 501 Armistice Day, 175, 361, 498 and British Navy, 34 arms race, prewar, 33–35, 176, 297 and Paris Peace Conference, 453 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51648-8 - War I: The Global Revolution Lawrence Sondhaus Index More information Index 511 awarded former German colonies, 457 dismemberment of, as Allied war aim, influenza deaths in, 361 436, 468 rejects conscription, 181, 336 food shortages and rationing in, 190, 274, Australia, Australian battle cruiser, 109 343, 350, 352 Australian armed forces front propaganda efforts of, 249, 262 prewar strength of, 26 in Triple Alliance, 8 1st Light Horse Brigade of, 387 in Wilson’s Fourteen Points (1918), 319 4th Light Horse Brigade of, 386 influenza pandemic spreads to, 360 other Light Horse units of, 137, 381, 386, internal collapse of, 420 387, 388 militarization of wartime economy in, 340, and conquest of German Pacific colonies, 341, 342 109, 122 nationality problem in, 220 at Gallipoli, 135, 138, 164, 166 public mood in, at outbreak of war, 171, 175 in Egypt, 134, 381 receives subsidies from Germany, 230 in Jordan, 388 strained relations of, with Germany, 40, 47, in Palestine, 387 55, 56, 151, 160, 206, 231, 233, 406, 418 insubordination in, 428 strikes in, 345, 363, 421 on Western front, 213, 214, 256, 257, supports Stockholm conference (1917), 359 426, 430 undermining of, by Allied propaganda, 358 Australian Navy, 108, 109 war aims of, 206 Austria, 475 wartime politics in, 182, 223 statehood of, proclaimed (1918), 420 wartime social inequalities in, 343 republic established in (1918), 420, 447, 449 wartime trade of, with Germany, 190 and Paris Peace Conference, 461, 463 concludes armistice with Allies, 420 desires Anschluss with Germany, 421, 449, postwar economic problems, for successor 463, 482, 483 states of, 475, 479 enfranchises women (1919), 2 Austro-Hungarian Army postwar border dispute of, with Hungary, 463 prewar service in, 34 postwar borders of, 447 mobilization of, 54, 58, 80 postwar financial crisis in, 475 1st (Vienna) Reserve Regiment of, 220 signs Treaty of St. Germain (1919), 463 35th (Bohemian) Infantry Regiment of, 251 civil war in (1934), 483 4th Cavalry Division of, 83 Austria-Hungary, 1, 2, 4, 20, 35 75th (Bohemian) Infantry Regiment of, 251 constitution of, under Compromise of 8th (Moravian) Infantry Regiment of, 220 1867, 11 air power of, 34 prewar economy of, 11 Eleventh Army of, 217, 218, 260, 418 during July Crisis (1914), 40, 44, 45, 46, 48, Fifth Army of, 80, 81, 152, 154, 216, 226, 49, 50, 53 262, 418, 420 harvest leave delays mobilization in, 48, First Army of, 1, 84, 85, 86, 88, 146, 151, 220, 54, 60 226, 228, 230 declares war, 55, 58 Fourth Army of, 84, 85, 86, 88, 142, 146, 151, responsibility of, for starting war, 42, 60 220, 222 invades Serbia, 81 Second Army of, 80, 83, 84, 86, 144, 151, and occupation of Serbia (1915), 158, 220, 249 159, 416 Seventh Army of, 216, 220, 222 and Romania’s entry into war, 226, 230 Sixth Army of, 80, 264, 418, 420 and wartime atrocities, 82 Slavic deserters from, in Russian army, Italian minority in, 156, 345 226, 251 anti-Italian sentiment in, 153, 156, 260 South Army (Südarmee) of (mixed German– Balkan interests of, 19, 56, 158 Austrian), 89, 220, 249 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-51648-8 - War I: The Global Revolution Lawrence Sondhaus Index More information 512 Index Austria-Hungary Army (cont.) bayonet, use of, in theory and practice, 31, Tenth Army of, 260, 262, 418 32, 92 Third Army of, 84, 86, 88, 89, 142, 152, 158, Bean, C.
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