![Island View] Will Continue to Provide an Area for Low- Income Housing, and a Place for Less Expensive and Convenient Locations for Smaller Businesses](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
A S U M M A R Y A P R I L 2 0 1 2 ISLAN D VIE W “If no concerted action, other than the enforcement of the City’s zoning and land use regulations and planned public infrastructure improvements occur, [Island View] will continue to provide an area for low- income housing, and a place for less expensive and convenient locations for smaller businesses. Market forces will eventually fill in the land that is currently available. This process will probably be slow, given the nature of the overall real estate development patterns in the region. However, there are enough large to medium sized parcels in the [Island View] area that it would not take very long to have a major transformation occur.” Thomas/Lane & Associates Update of Market Analysis Study for the Richland Wye Area - 2004 PLANNING & REDE VELOPMENT | DEVELOPMENT SERVICE S 2 ISLAND VIEW SNAPSHOT TOTAL POPULATION, 2010: 582 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY, 2008 - 2012 TOTAL FINISHED LAND USE, 2012 LAND U SE SQUARE FOOTAGE VALUATION Single Family Units 82 Office 104,304 $9,888,541 Multi-Family Units* 360 Multi-Family 191,224 $15,969,203 Businesses 106 Mixed Use 15,378 $2,320,000 Employees 547 Commercial 5,394 $263,994 Hotel/Motel Rooms 93 BF Transit 48,595 $4,655,318 Demoliti on 12,765 $174,834 Boat Launches 3 Relocation 735 $50,000 *includes Island View Apts. Total 378,395 $33,321,890 3 S T A T U S o f 1998 WYE MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES SHORT TERM STRATEGIES(1 - 3 Y E A R S ) STRATEGY STATUS 1. F i n e - tune underlying z oning within Island A r e a - w i d e r e - z o n i n g V i e w completed in 2 0 0 6 2. D e v e l o p Island View Design Guidelines Not completed. C i t y - wide transportation 3. Conduct Island View Transportation Study plan adopted in 2005 . 4. Complete Agreement with the Corps of 50- y e a r Lease Agreement Engineers for property at east end of signed in 2004 . Island View Neighborhood 5. Develop one Light Industrial Incubator City partnered with Port of Demonstration Project jointly with the Kennewick in development Port of Kennewick of Spaulding Business Park . Proactive code 6. Implement pro - active code enforcement enforcement program program with I s l a n d V i e w initiated in 2005. 2011- 2016 Six Year TIP includes widening Columbia 7. Identify funding source(s) for Columbia Park Trail t o f o u r l a n e s w i t h Park Trail and parkway treatment sidewalks and bicycle lane i n 2 0 1 3 . 8. Complete Riverfront Master Plan and T r i - C i t i e s R i v e r s h o r e M a s t e r integrate with the Island View Master P l a n a d o p t e d in 2012. P l a n 9. Determine whether levee will be lowered Levee lowered in 2009 . within the Island View area Sacagawea Heritage Trail 10. Construct Waterfront Trail System constructed in 2007 . MEDIUM TERM STRATEGIES (4 - 6 Y E A R S ) STRATEGY STATUS 1. Develop promotional brochure Not completed. 1998 Wye Master P l a n a n d t h e 2011- 2016 Transportation Improvement P l a n calls for boulevard 2. Construct boulevard and parkway treatments to Columbia treatment for Columbia Park Trail Park Trail with planted m e d ian, street trees and s i d e w a l k s . Also see item #7 a b o v e . 3. Reduce speed limit through Island Vie w Not completed. 4 S T A T U S o f 1998 WYE MASTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES Fowler Street - C o l u m b i a 4. Construct gateway signage Center Blvd. intersection signage installed in 2009. 5. Implement circulating bus system Not completed. 6. Determine appropriate use(s) for Corps Columbia Park West Master p r o p e r t y P l a n adopted in 2010 . Sacagawea Heritage Trail 7. Construct upland links trail system c o n n e c t s at Lewis and Clark O v e r l o o k . LONG TERM STRATEGIES (6+ Years) STRATEGY STATUS Fowler Street extended wes t through Spaulding Business Park in 2006, connecting to Spaulding Avenue; portion of Columbia Park Trail planned for realignment 1. Develop remaining network of public and streetscape streets and accompanying streetscape improvements. 1998 W y e improvements M a s t e r P l a n c a l l s f o r extending Georgia Avenue east across Co l u m b i a Center Boulevard to open up commercial development. Water and sewer 2. Construct water and sanitary sewer improvements extended to improvements in conjunction with the Spaulding Business Park streetscape improvements i n 2 0 0 2 . 2011- 2016 Six Year TIP Map i n c l u d e s a proposed 3. Construct transportation improvements pedestrian bridge across SR 240 at Georgia Avenue. Columbia Park Trail P a r k & R i d e l o t developed in 2009 4. Develop public transit stations w i t h 250 spaces a n d commuter bus service. 5. Activate the Corps property with Columbia Park West Master r e c r e a t i o n - oriented uses P l a n adopted in 2010 . 5 CITY COUNCIL GOALS/STRATEGIE S/PRIORITIES 2002 Inform the community and seek its input on the City’s economic development strategy and goals. Create a climate that will promote business growth and investment including core development activities of attraction, retention and expansion, tourism, and support of start-up and emerging businesses. Partner with business, education and government entities to develop an appropriately skilled workforce and provide a wide spectrum of job opportunities. Aggressively market Richland to attract new industry and retirees in conjunction with the City's economic development partners. Promote awareness and use of local products and local businesses to the City and citizens. 2004/2005 Priority: REVITALIZE OUR COMMUNITY Emphasis: . Undertake comprehensive development strategy of the Richland Wye/Island View. 2006 Priority: STRENGTHEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Emphasis: . Actively recruit retailers to Central Business District, CityView and Tapteal/Island View areas to increase sales tax revenue. Priority: REVITALIZE OUR COMMUNITY Emphasis: . Complete and begin implementation of comprehensive development strategy for Richland Wye/Island View. 2007 Priority: REVITALIZE OUR COMMUNITY Emphasis: . Begin implementation of comprehensive development strategy for Richland Wye/Island View. Priority: STRENGTHEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Emphasis: 6 . Actively recruiting new retailers to Central Business District, City View, Tapteal, Richland Wye/Island View, to increase sales tax revenue and the economic vitality of our community. 2008 Community Priority: Strengthen Our Economy Outcome: Increase family wage employment opportunities Rezone Central Business District to develop it as an active commercial, employment and residential center. 2009 K4 – Goal 3: Adopt an aggressive detailed development/redevelopment master plan for the Island View area. K4-G3-O1 – Develop strategies to consolidate land ownership. K4-G3-O2 – Establish a positive investment climate. K4 – Goal 4: Encourage private redevelopment in Central Richland and the Island View District. K4-G4-O1 – Design demonstration projects to illustrate and encourage appropriate private development. K4-G3-O2 – Establish a positive investment climate. 2010 K4 – Goal 3: Adopt an aggressive detailed/redevelopment master plan for the Island View area. K4-G3-O2 – Establish a positive investment climate. K4 – Goal 4: Encourage private redevelopment in Central Richland and the Island View District. K4-G4-O1 – Design demonstration projects to illustrate and encourage appropriate private development. 2011/2012 K4 – Goal 2: Implement the Island View Master Plan. K4-G2-O1 – Develop strategies to consolidate land ownership including incentives for demolition of outmoded structures. K4-G2-O2 – Replace unneeded street right-of-way with temporary access easements. K4-G2-O3 – Work with owns of Columbia Center North shopping center to identify viable redevelopment strategies that will support the City’s strategic goals. K4-G2-O4 – Create a pedestrian plan leading to stronger connections with the Sacagawea Heritage Trail and at least one connection south of SR 240. 7 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES ECONOMIC ELEMENT ED Goal 3: Richland is known for its positive business environment and its strong technology base. Strategy 3.1 – Create a new and more positive image for the community. Reinforce this image by enhancing conditions within the community. ED Goal 6: Richland has established a sense of place that appeals to citizens of all ages. The City has become the entertainment and upscale retail center for the Tri-Cities with a range of retail and service businesses that meet the needs of local residents and visitors to the community. Strategy 6.1 – Stimulate the development of sophisticated retail and entertainment venues. Strategy 6.4 – Refine its planning and zoning process to facilitate upscale retail development and encourage infill in the Downtown and Uptown Districts. Strategy 6.5 – Promote performing arts venues and activities. LAND USE ELEMENT LU Goal 3: The City will promote commercial growth and revitalization that serves residents and strengthens and expands the tax base. Policy 3 – The City will work to develop an attractive Central Business District and to revitalize declining commercial areas. LU Goal 7: The City will address unique land use situations in the urban area with policies specific to those situations. Policy 4 – At designated waterfronts locations, the City will encourage an active mix of commercial, residential and marine uses.
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