Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 22 MARCH 1977 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 2500 Ministerial Statement [22 MARCH 1977] Committee of Privileges TUESDAY, 22 MARCH 1977 symbol withdrawn because eggs sampled at a number of retail outlets were found to be far below the standards prescribed for qua­ Mr. ACTING SPEAKER (Mr. W. D. lity and weight in the regulations under the Hewitt, Chatsworth) read prayers and took Poultry Industry Act. the chair at 11 a.m. My department has warned this firm on two occasions in the last 12 months about ACTING CHAIRMAN OF COMMITTEES supplying poor quality, underweight eggs to Queensland consumers. The first warning NOMINATION OF MR. W. M. GUNN was given on 28 April 1976, and the final Mr. ACTING SPEAKER: Honourable warning on 23 December of the same year. members, I have to inform the House that The firm was given 21 days from the I nominate Mr. W. M. Gunn, Temporary date of the last warning to effect the neces­ Chairman, to act in the office of Chairman sary improvements. When eggs were again of Committees during the absence of Mr. checked 25 days later, the situation had not Speaker. improved; in fact, it had worsened. Eggs were sampled from 15 stores supplied by Egg and I. All of the eggs sampled were graded PAPERS second quality because of extreme staleness -indicated by watery whites and enlarged The following papers were laid on the air cells-or because of soiling, staining, table:- cracking or weakness of the shells. Every Order in Council under the Harbours Act sample contained underweight eggs and, in 1955-1976. many cases, more than 50 per cent of the Regulation under the Mental Health Act eggs in the sample were underweight. 1974. Not only were consumers being sold short on weight but they were, in fact, paying around $1 per dozen for eggs which were MINISTERIAL STATEMENT marked as being first quality but were worth EGG AND l PTY. LTD.; WITHDRAWAL OF no more than 35c per dozen as second­ IDENTIFICATION SYMBOL quality eggs. It was obvious that positive action was required to stop the further sale Hon. V. B. SULLIVAN (Oonda1:nine­ of these eggs in Queensland. Being satisfied Minister for Primary Industries) ( 11.3 that adequate warning had been given to the a.m.): A number of reports have appeared firm in question, I approved the withdrawal in the media, and on television, during the of the egg-marking symbol "ZAC" which past few days relating to the withdrawal of had allowed Egg and I Pty. Ltd. to market the identification symbol from a Tweed eggs in the prescribed areas of Queensland. Heads firm selling eggs into prescribed areas The principal of the firm has referred to of Queensland. The principal of this firm the unemployment that my decision may claims that he has been unfairly treated by cause. If he had been really concerned my department and that he was not given about his employees' jobs, surely he would sufficient warning before action was taken have taken urgent action to put fresh, clean against him. eggs, properly graded for weight, on the Over the last 12-18 months, the egg Queensland market. I should add that an industry in South Queensland has imple­ alternative market is available to him through mented a campaign to ensure that top­ the New South Wales Egg Board. quality eggs are supplied to the consuming There is nothing to prevent this firm from public. All producers are required to meet applying again for an identification symbol quality standards prescribed in the regula­ to put eggs on the Queensland market. tions, and this has involved many of them Should the firm make written application to in considerable expense. my department for the issue of a new symbol, The Egg Marketing Board has done its consideration will be given to this application part by instituting new handling procedures provided I can be convinced that the require­ which cut down the delay between farmer ments of the marking and grading regulations and consumer. It also has taken the major will be fully complied with in future. step of stamping egg cartons with a "use by" date, which clearly indicates to the consumer COMMITTEE OF PRIVILEGES and retailer the period during which egg quality can be expected to remain at an COMPULSORY LEVIES ON SALARIES OF acceptable level. CERTAIN PARLIAMENTARIANS The benefit of these measures to the con­ Mr. AHERN (Landsborough) (11.8 a.m.): sumer is a supply of eggs of good quality, I ·lay on the table of the House the report properly graded for weight. Egg producers of the Privileges Committee relating to the also realise the potential benefits of keeping matter raised on 9 November 1976 by the consumers happy with their product. honourable member for Bundaberg and Against this background, we have the case referred to the committee on 10 November. of Egg and I Pty. Ltd., the Tweed Heads Whereupon the honourable member laid poultry farm which has had its identification the report on the table. Questions Upon Notice [22 MARCH 1977] Questions Upon Notice 2501 QUESTIONS UPON NOTICE ( 4) How many members of the board's staff have resigned since its inception, what 1. ACQUISITION OF WOONGOOLBA LANDS are their names, what positions did they BY ALBERT SHIRE COUNCIL hold and what were their reasons for Mr. Burns, pursuant to notice, asked the resigning? Minister for Local Government and Main Roads- Answers:- Has the Albert Shire Council met fully (1) Mr. Joseph Stanley Box (Chair­ the requirements of the special Act which man); Mr. Henry Jardine Parkinson; Mr. this Parliament passed last year concerning John Allan Stewart Pidgeon; Mr. Thomas the right of securing lands at Woongoolba William Chard. and, if not, what provisions have not been (2) Three. Mr. C. Bushell on 12 March met and what action has been taken to see 1973; Mr. K. D. Morris on 9 December that the council observes the law? 1974; Sir David Nicholson on 15 Decem­ Answer:- ber 1976. (3) Mr. Bushe!l, deceased; Mr. Morris, The honourable member's question resigned for personal reasons; Sir David involves a legal interpretation, and accord­ Nicholson, retired, having attained the ingly I consider it would be inappropriate age of retirement required of members for me to comment thereon. on Government boards. ( 4) I lay upon the table of the House 2. BUILDERS' REGISTRATION BOARD the information sought by the honourable Mr. Bums, pursuant to notice, asked the member, as it is rather lengthy. It may Minister for Works and Housing- be included in "Hansard" if he wishes. ( 1) Who are the existing members of Mr. ACTING SPEAKER: Is it the V<ish the Builders' Registration Board? of the House that it be incorporated in (2) How many members of that board "Hansard"? have resigned or left since its inception, who were they and when did they resign? (Leave granted.) (3) Were any reasons given for the Whereupon the honourable gentleman laid resignations and, if so, what were they? the following schedule upon the table:- BUILDERS' REGISTRATION BOARD OF QUEENSLAND REGISTRATIONS Name of Employee Dates Employed Reason for Resignation Position Held Allom, Vicki 18-2-74-- 28-6--74 Travelling Clerk-Typist Amies, John Lowell 28-8-72- 7-1-74 No reason Senior Building Inspector Beattie, Anne 5-12-75- 14-5-76 · Travelling Clerk-Typist Beckman, Kathryn .. 19-11-73- 27-9-74 No reason Clerk-Typist Bould, Bronwyn 26--5-75- 30--6--75 Services terminated Clerk-Typist Bligh, Carolyn 8-7-74-- 31-1-75 No reason Clerk-Typist Dempsey, Kathleen . , 27-4-76-- 24-9-76 Travelling . Clerk-Typist Desmier, Jennifer 10--10--73-19-10-73 No reason . Clerk-Typist Feltham, Karen 16--9-74-- 1-10--76 Travelling Stenographer Griffiths, Diana 6--1-75-10--12-76 Husband transferred Clerk Grosvenor, Patrick 7-1-74--28-11-75 No reason Building Inspector Harris, Pamela Mary 18-9-72- 7-6--74 Travelling . Stenographer Heffernan, Wendy .. 7-1-74-- 16--5-75 No reason . Clerk-Typist Hicks, Kathleen 29-3-76-- 13-5-76 Illness Clerk-Typist Houghton, Barbara .. 2-5-73- 30--5-75 To take up home duties Finance Clerk Lancaster, Robyn 16-4-73-11-10-74 To take up home duties Administration Clerk Lusk, Julie 12-5-75- 5-12-75 Personal Clerk-Typist McLeod, Janice 7-8-72- 27-6--73 Dissatisfied with salary Secretary Morris, Patricia 19-11-73-24-12-73 To take up new position Stenographer Nelkie, Cherie 7-1-74-- 11-4-74 To take up new position Clerk-Typist Palazzi, Karen 30-4-73- 13-7-73 Travelling Clerk-Typist Palazzi, Karen 29-4-74-- 2-4-76 Home duties Clerk-Typist Parker, Helen 18-6--74-- 10-7-74 No reason . Clerk-Typist Pierpoint, Maureen .. 26--8-74--10-12-76 To take up part-time work Administration Clerk Stott, Helen .. 9-7-73-14-12-73 Medical reasons .. Clerk-Typist 1 Tate, Joanne 22-4-74-- 1-5-74 Illness in family .. 1 Stenographer Trotman, Elaine 10-6-74- 9-1-76 No reason . ·1· Stenographer Welsh, Frederick 7-1-74-- 4-3-77 Returned to Darwin . Bui~ding Irspector Wheatley, Sherral 17-9-73-24-10-73 No reason . Clerk-Typ,st Whiteman, Bruce John 3-9-73- 21-1-77 Returned to Sydney .. I Building Inspector Young, Roland 21-10-74--12-11-76 To take up position elsewhere Building Inspector I I 2502 Questions Upon Notice (22 MARCH 1977] Questions Upon Notice 3.
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