28 OFFICIAL GAZETTE Issue nos 01-D2IOctober 2009 (Gong Baonos 475-476/0ctober 16,2009) Decision No. 120/2009/QD-TTg of At The proposal ofthe People sCommittee of October 6,2009, approving the master Binh Timan province, plan on sncio-econornic development fif Binh Thuan province up to 2020 DECIDES: Article 1. To approve the master plan on THE PRIME MINISTER socio-economic development of Binh Thuan Pursuant to the December 25, 2001 Law on province up to 2020 with the following major contents: Organiuuion ofthe Government; Pursuant to the Governmenr's Decree No. 92/ I. DEVELOPMENT ViEWPOINTS 2006/ND-CP ofSeptember 7. 2006, prescribing the formulation, approval and management of 1. To raise to the utmost all resources to socio-economic development master plans and accelerate the speed, and improve the quality of, the Government's Decree No. 0412008/ND-CP economic growth in order to narrow the gap with of Jan/wry 11. 2008, amending and and reach the national development level. supplementing a number of articles of Decree 2. Toensuresocio-economic development of No. 92/2006/ND-CP of September 7, 2006; Binh Thuan province in conformity with the © VIETNAM LAW &LEGAL FORUM Issue nos 01·02l0ctober 2009 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 29 (Gong Baanos 475-47610ctober 16,2009) country's overall development and international to 2020. The GDP per capita will increase by economic integration. 1.84 times the 2005 level by 2010; around 1.78 3. To boost economic restructuring towards times the 2010 level by 2015; and around 1.7 industrialization and modernization. To quickly times the 2015 level by 2020. increase high-productivity industries and - The economy win be restructured towards economic sectors. To promote the province's quickly increasing industry-construction and human resources and its advantages in manne service ratios. To strive that by 2010, industry­ resources and geographical position to develop constructionwillaccountfor 36.29% Of the GOP, key industries and products and motive regions agriculture-forestry-fisheries, for 20,g"7%, and to accelerate economic growth and increase services, for 42.74%. These proportions will be competitiveness and international economic respectively 45.6%, 12.8% and 41.6% by 2015 integration. and 47.72%,7.83% and 44.45% by 2020. 4. To ensure sustainable socio-economic -Statebudgetrevenues(excludingroyaltytax development, to combine economic growth with on petroleum) will account rur arouud 15-16% social development, hunger eradication,poverty of the GDP from 2009-2010; around 16-17% reduction and social justic. from 2011 to 2015; and around 18-20% from 5.Tocloselycombineeconomicdevelopment 2016-2020. with security and defense consolidation in each - The export value will annually grow on locality, OIl islands and in sea areas of the average at 20% from 2009 to 2010 and at around province. 17-18% from 2011 to 2020. To strive for an export valueofaround USD 235 million by 2010; l!. DEVELOPMENTOBJECTIVES around USD 480-500 million by UH5, and 1. General objectives: approximately USD 1 billion by 2020. To build and develop Binh Thuan into a - Comprehensive and modern socio­ modern and dynamic industrial and service economic infrastructure will be built to meet province by 2020 WIth modern and synchronous prcrlucti ou develuprneut and dalty-Ilte infrastructure, which is nationally and requirements in the province. internationally interconnected. progressive - To quickly increase and efficienlly use the production relations and people's increasingly society's total development investment capital. improved living conditions. To strive that the society's total development 2. Specific targets investment capital will account for 54-56% of the GDP from 2009to 2010;44-46% of theGOP aJEconomically: from 2011 to 2015; and 40-42% ofthe GDPfrom - The province's gross domestic product 2016 to 2020. (GDP) will annually grow on average at around 14% from 2009 to 2010; around 13-14.3% from bl Socially: 2011 to 2015: and around 12-12.8% from 2016 -Theannual birthrate will bereduced to0.56 © VIETNAM LAW & LEGAL FORUM 30 OFFICIAL GAZETTE Issue nos 01..oZl0ctober 2009 (Gong Bao nos 475-4761October 16, 2009) %0 on average from 2009 to 2010 and by 0.21 %0 commune health centers will reach national from 2011 to 2020 The natural population standards hy 1.0I0 and 2020 respectively. growth rate will be limited at 1.14% by 2010 - The malnutrition rate among under-5 and 1-1.1 % by 2020. children will be reduced to under 15%by 2010 -Some22.000-23J)()() newjobs wi11 becreated and under 7% by 2020. The average life yearly in the2009-2010periodand 11,000-l2,(XXI expectancy of the population will be increased jobs in theZO ii-2020 period.Laborrestructuring to 70-72years by 2010 and76-78 years by 2020. will be accelerated positively. To strive that by - On the basis of industrial and service 2010,5),57% of the totalnumber oflaborers will development. the urbanization rate will increase work in agriculture-forestry-fisheries, 18-20%in to around 40-42% by 2010and 60-65% by 2020. industry-construction, and 26-27%in service.By c! Environmentally: 2020, the rates will be 27-2~%, 27-2~% and 44­ 45% respectively. Around 30% of laborers will - The forest coverage rate will be raised to be trained hy 2010 and around SO-55%, by 2020. 51% by 2010 and 53-54% by 2020.Drought will The rural labor use time will be increased and be mitigated (in terms of both area and time). the unemployment rate in urban areas will be - Urban centers and industrialparks will have reduced to under 4% by 2010 and 3-3.5% by waste collection and treatmentsystems. To strive 2020. that by 2020,100% of hazardousindustrialwaste - People's average income will increase 1.8­ and medical waste will be treated up to Vietnam 2 times and the poverty rate (according to the standards. By 2010, 100% of urban inhabitants new poverty line) will be reduced to 5-7% by and around 85% of rural inhabitants will use 2010. The poverty rate according to the clean water and 80% of rural households will applicable poverty rate in the 2011-2020 period have hygienic latrines. By 2020, over 95% of will be reduced by more than two-thirds. rural inhabitants will use clean water for daily­ life activities and over 95% of households will - The enrolment rate and the quality of have hygienic latrines and collectand treat 100% preschool and primary school education will be of daily-life waste. raised. The rate of students attending lower secondaryschools at proper age wi!! reach 85% -Toproperlyexploitand usenaturalresources by 2010 and over 95% by 2020. The rate for and protect biodiversity, especially in natural upper secondary school students will be reserves in Tanh Linh and Ham Thuan Nam, respectively 60-65% by 2010 and over 80% by areas with developed mining and tourism 2020. The rate of national standard schools will activities. and sea and coastal areas. reach over 20% by 2010 and over 7% by 2020. Ill. ORIENTATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT - The grassroots healthcare network will be OF BRANCHES, DOMAINS AND KEY consolidated and completed. Commune health PRODUCTS centers will be built and upgraded up to national standards. To strive that 85% and 100% of 1. To develop industry, cottage industry and © VIETNAM LAW & LEGAL FORUM Issue nos01·02/0c,tQber 2009 OFFICIAL GAZETTE 31 (Gong Beo nos 475i-476/0clober 16, 2009) construction proportionsof processed industrial products and al To develop industries towards raise product value. diversification; to prioritize industrial products e/ To build and develop Vinh Tan and Son with high technologicalcontent and added value, My power centers. From now to 2020. to form to attach importance to branches and domains 11 industrial parks in the province, namely Tuy with advantageous potential and economically Phong, Phan Thier, Ham Kiern, Tan Due, Son geographic positions such <IS energy, mining. My, Kc Ga, Ham Cuong, Ba Dang shipyard, Tan construction materi als, food-foodstuff Hai,Tan Phuc and Phan Ri Cua, To S'tef1by step processing, biotechnology, mechanical build industrial clusters of 75-100 fra each in engineering and manufacturein serviceof marine districts. To strive that by 2020, each eistrict or economy and agriculture and ruraldevelopment, town will have 2-3 industrial complexes. and support industries for the southern key 2. Tu develop agriculture-forestry-tlsheries economic region. To develop agriculture-forestry-fisheries bl To develop industries at a high and stable towards ecological sustainahi Iity and highly rate. The added value will on average grow at efficient market-driven commodity production around 20-21 %/year from 2009 to 2010. around associated with trade development and building 18-19%/year from to 2015; and 16-17.5%/ zou of a new countryside.To reach an avenge added year from 2016 to 2020. value growth of 6~ 7%/year from 2009 to 2020 cl To restructure industries toward strongly and 4-5.4%/year from 2011 to 2020. developing thefollowinggroupsof industries and Development orientations for industries are as products: follows: - Energy: thermo, hydro and wind power. aJ Fisheries: To concentrate on development - Frozen and processed aquatic products. of offshorefishing and aquaculture. Toaccelerate - Exploitation and processing of minerals, fishing infrastructure construction. To build and petroleumand construction material production. complete fishing infrastructure, concersrating on - Mechanical engineering. electronics, fishing ports (Phan Thiet, Phu Quy. La Gi and building and repair of fishing vessels and boats, Phan Ri Cua) and mooring and storm-shelter sea Shipping. areas for vessels (Lien Huang, Chi Cong. Phan Ri Cua. Mui Ne, Phu Hai, Ba Dang, La Oi and - Production of mmeral water and beverage, Phu Quy). Toclosely combine exploitation with fibers. textiles, garments and footwear. protection of aquatic resources. To strive for an - Farm and forest product processing and art annual fisheries growth rate at 9-10% in the handicraft production.
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