FAIRFIELD COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT, FAIRFIELD, IOWA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Monday, May 17, 2021 Regular Board Meeting and Closed Session @ Fairfield ACT Building, 6:30 p.m. The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Fairfield Community School District to be held at 6:30 p.m. on the third Monday of each month. The meeting is open to the public and the public is encouraged to attend. Time is provided in the meeting for public input. The mission of the Fairfield Community School Board of Directors is: One Fairfield, Where Relationships, Foster growth, Protect learners, Unlock individual potential, Serve every student every day In order to do its part to curtail the spread of COVID-19 this work session will be held electronically in a ZOOM meeting format. Copy and paste into your browser: Join Zoom Meeting https://gpaea.zoom.us/j/97239619822 Meeting ID: 972 3961 9822 One tap mobile +16468769923,,97239619822# US (New York) +13017158592,,97239619822# US (Washington DC) Dial by your location +1 646 876 9923 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) Meeting ID: 972 3961 9822 Find your local number: https://gpaea.zoom.us/u/aedl0ztzVT Agenda I. Call to Order A. Roll call B. Perfection and Approval of the Agenda (A) pg. 1 C. Approval of Consent Agenda (A) pg. 2 1. Approval of Minutes A. April 12, 2021 Public Hearing and Regular Board Meeting Minutes pg. 3 B. April 19, 2021 Special Board Meeting Minutes pg. 5 C. April 26, 2021 Work Session Minutes pg. 6 2. Approval of Bills a. Secretary Bills pg. 7 b. Board Bills pg. 10 3. Donations pg. 29 4. Standing Transfer Approval 5. Inter-Agency Tuition Agreement(s) 6. Open Enrollment pg. 30 a. In 1. Spies, Hannah 9th Davis County 2020-21 2. Wallace-Nicols, Emmett 3rd Mt. Pleasant 2020-21 3. Wallace, Mollyanna K Mt. Pleasant 2020-21 4. Wallace, Nevaeh 4th Mt. Pleasant 2020-21 5. Blakely, Deklan 1st Pekin 2021-22 b. Out 1. Sivak, Kyndall 3rd Cardinal 2020-21 2. Sivak, Olivia 1st Cardinal 2020-21 3. Tedrow, Joey 7th Cardinal 2020-21 4. Tedrow, Raelynn 5th Cardinal 2020-21 5. Goodrich, Adria 7th Mt. Pleasant 2021-22 6. Goodrich, Kya 10th Mt. Pleasant 2021-22 c. Denied 1. Morris, Logan 9th CAM 2021-22 7. Classified Staff Information pg. 31 8. Certified Staff Information pg. 34 9. Monthly Financial Report 10. June Calendar pg. 39 II. Old Business III. Public Participation- On behalf of fellow Board members, at this time I would like to invite those that has previously filled out a form, with comments about items of interest or concern to address the board. Please begin by stating your name and relationship to the school. It would be appreciated if you would limit your comments to 5 minutes. We ask that you remember that Iowa law prohibits us from discussing specific employees or their job performance. IV. Student Report V. Board Committee Update Reports- Policy, Facilities, Tech, Work Session, Handbook, Education Foundation, Before & After School (I) VI. Administrative Reports (I) VII. New Business A. Discussion of results of FCSD annual audit. (I) B. Approve contract with Midwest Speaker Bureau. (A) pg. 93 C. Approve the continuation of requirement of mask usage while in the school pg. 97 buildings. (A) D. Approve the Middle School Family and Consumer Science (FACs) and High pg. 98 School Career and Technical Education (CTE) curriculum. (A) E. Approve the speaker and fees for TQ day. (A) pg. 106 F. Approve the AEA Purchasing contract for the Nutrition Program 21-22 SY. (A) pg. 110 G. Approve the quote from Milk Vendor for the 21-22 SY. (A) pg. 113 H. Approve Concrete repairs at Washington, Pence and Middle School. (A) pg. 125 I. Approve floor replacement of the stage at the High School. (A) pg. 133 J. Approve Concrete repairs at High School. (A) pg. 135 K. Approve Board Policies at the second reading; 606.8 Outside Resource People, pg. 141 607.1 Student Guidance and Counseling Program, 607.2 Student Health Services, 607.4 Supervision of After School Programs, 608 District Operation During Public Emergencies. (A) VIII. President (I) 1. Highlights (I) IX. Adjournment of regular meeting—Following adjournment the board will break for a five- minute recess, and then meet in a closed session as allowed in Iowa Code section 21.5 (1)(i). X. Call to Order XI. Roll call XII. Motion to go into closed session. The board will meet in a closed session as allowed in Iowa Code section 21.5 (1)(i) to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session. (A) XIII. Roll call vote required (A) XIV. Closed Session XV. Return to open session XVI. Possible action on closed session XVII. Adjourn (A) Recommendation Policy: Date: May 17, 2021 Name: Robin Leonard Position: Business Manager Recommendation: To approve the agenda as presented. Notes: Staff--------- --------- Director ----------------- Administration --------------- Administration ----,.-...,.-- - -- ---=- - --- - -- - Superintenden� � g:u Comments: Motion By: --------- Second By: --------- Boardof Directors Yes No 1. Christi Welsh 2. Frank Broz 3. Tim Bower 4. John McKerley 5. Debi Plum 6. Kelly Scott 7. Margo VonStrohuber _____ Approved _____ Not Approved 1 Recommendation Policy: Date: May 1 7, 2021 Name: Robin Leonard Position: Business Manager Recommendation: To approve the consent agenda as presented: Approval of Consent Agenda (A) I. Approval of Minutes a. April 12, 2021 Public Hearing and Regular Board Meeting Minutes b. April 19, 2021 Special Board Meeting Minutes c. April 26, 2021 Work Session Minutes 2. Approval of Bills a. Secretary Bills b. Board Bills 3. Donations 4. Standing Transfer Approval 5. Inter-Agency Tuition Agreement(s) 6. Open Enrollment a. In I. Spies, Hannah 9th Davis County 2020-21 2. Wallace-Nicols, Emmett 3rd Mt. Pleasant 2020-21 3. Wallace, Mollyanna K Mt. Pleasant 2020-21 4. Wallace, Nevaeh 4th Mt. Pleasant 2020-21 5. Blakely, Deklan pt Pekin 2021-22 b. Out I. Sivak, Kyndall 3rd Cardinal 2020-21 2. Sivak, Olivia }'l Cardinal 2020-21 3. Tedrow, Joey 7th Cardinal 2020-21 4. Tedrow, Raelynn 5th Cardinal 2020-21 5. Goodrich, Adria 7th Mt. Pleasant 2021-22 6. Goodrich, Kya 10th Mt. Pleasant 2021-22 C. Denied 1. Morris, Logan 9th CAM 2021-22 7. Classified StaffInformation 8. Certified StaffInformation 9. Monthly Financial Report 10. June Calendar - Director ---------------­ - Administration -- -=--.-- ---- -- - --,.-- - � � Superintendent � Motion By:-------- ::By: --------- Board of Directors Yes No 1. Christi Welsh 2. Frank Broz 3. Tim Bower 4. John McKerley 5. Debi Plum 6. Kelly Scott 7. Margo VonStrohuber _____ Approved _____ Not Approved 2 FAIRFIELD COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT, FAIRFIELD, IOWA BOARD OF DIRECTORS Monday, April 12, 2021 Public Hearing and Regular Board Meeting @ Fairfield ACT Building, 6:30 p.m. Public Hearing Minutes I. The meeting was called to order by Board President Christi Welsh at 6:32 p.m. The meeting was held online via a Zoom meeting. Board members present were: Debi Plum, Frank Broz, John McKerley, Margo VonStrohuber, Tim Bower, Kelly Scott and Christi Welsh. II. Public Hearing to consider the proposed Fairfield School Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. Budget Presentation, valuation and enrollment discussion. 111. Adjourn Kelly Scottmoved to adjourn the Public Hearing at 6:58 p.m. Tim Bower seconded. Motion carried; all ayes (7). Regular Board Meeting Minutes I. The meeting was called to order at 6 :58 p.m. by Board President Christi Welsh. Board Members present were: Debi Plum, Frank Broz, Kelly Scott, John McKerley, Margo VonStrohuber, Tim Bower and Christi Welsh. A. Perfectionand Approval of the Agenda Tim Bower moved to approve the agenda as presented. Kelly Scott seconded. Motion carried; all ayes (7). B. Approval of Consent Agenda TimBower moved to approve the consent agenda as approved. Debi Plum seconded. Motion carried; all ayes (7). II. CMBA/CANCO Presentation CMBAICANCO gave a presentation on bond options and timelines. III. Old Business-none IV. Student Report Claire Epperson gave an update on the FBLA conference. The upcoming play "Clue" is running April 30-May 1, 2020. Band/Choir, Covid update. V. Board Committee Update Reports- Policy, Facilities, Tech, Work Session, Handbook, Curriculum, Education Foundation, Before& After School Committee updates. VI. Administrative Reports VIL New Business A. Approve Fairfield School Budget for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. Kelly Scott moved to approve the 2021-2022 budget. Frank Broz seconded. Motion carried; all ayes (7). B. Approve the waiver of the IO-hour community service requirement foronly the graduating class of 2021. Kelly Scottmoved to approve waiving the 10-hour community service requirement for the 2021 graduates only, due to the pandemic. Debi Plum seconded. Motion carried; all ayes (7). C. Approve Red Cross facilityuse contract. TimBower moved to approve the contract with the Red Cross for use of the district's facilities in the event of a disaster. Kelly Scott seconded. Motion carried; all ayes (7). D. Approve finalplan for general construction from CMBA/CANCO to proceed with the next steps fora bond vote. (A) Frank Broz moved to approve the final plan for general construction for new facilities to include 4-5 and 6-8 at an estimated cost o/$34 million with CANCO/ CMBA to proceed forward with preparation with a bond vote. Debi Plum seconded. Motion carried; all ayes (7). E. Approve the three-year contract with Tyler Technologies.
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