people Behind the Contests — page 2 A Busy, Busy Season — page 4 Web results to Shout About — page 5 NIE is Morphing — page 6 Vol. 21 • Issue 4 PRINTNew Jersey Press Association • www.njpa.org AprIl 2010 April 8 seminar: NJPA EXECUTIVE COMMITTee MeeTING April 8 • 10:30 am No fooling – school budgets can grab readers teleconference School budgets are being printed in news- member services manager, at (609) 406- PRESS NIGHT papers throughout New Jersey this month. 0600, ext. 14 or [email protected]. Editorial & Photography But this isn’t just ad revenue for newspapers Deltieure, who frequently teaches editors Awards, including Online and pages of gray text for readers. and reporters the ins-and-outs of state bud- April 8 “Government financing — and school fi- gets, will present this first-time-ever seminar 5 pm – Cocktail reception nancing, in particular — is THE story of our on school budgets and financing. 6 pm – Dinner times here in New Jersey,” says Claude Del- His goals for the session, include: Trenton Marriott Hotel tieure, an assignment editor for North Jersey • Providing a quick, clear ‘big picture’ of Media Group. Webinar: school financing, from T&E goals, to how InTRO TO PHOTOSHOP “It affects every parent, every school child, equalization and other state aid works, to April 16 • 2 – 3 pm every property-tax payer — make that every what a “CAP” is. register by April 12 person in town. For the local news reporter, • Talking about the property tax system as there is no more ‘local’ story than that. the root of all good and all evil. Webinar: “It’s also the toughest story to cover,” Del- • Learning the nuts-and-bolts of budgeting SeLLING AGAINST tieure says. “You need to know the difference and its terminology. YOUR COMpeTITION between a ‘general fund’ tax levy and a ‘total • Explaining to reporters how all those thick April 23 • 2 – 3 pm tax levy.’ You need to understand the funda- register by April 19 mentals of state equalization aid and New official terms really mask a brilliantly sim- Jersey’s ‘Thorough and Efficient’ education ple financial system. NJ PRESS FOUNDATION standards. You need to grasp the concept of “Anyone who’s ever kept a personal budget TRUSTeeS MeeTING 15-step teacher contracts. You need to ‘talk can understand it,” Deltieure says. “Govern- April 23 • 2:30 pm the talk’ with officials.” ment, actually, is like a person — someone Trenton Marriott Hotel Just in time to help reporters and editors BIG QUESTIONS: What does it cost to pro- who has a steady income (taxes), an uncle better understand school budgets and the vide a “thorough and efficient” education who drops a yearly check (state aid), a sav- NJPA BOARD Of stories they can spark, NJPA will hold a spe- to NJ students? And what is the local tax ings account (surplus), daily lunch and other DIRECTORS MeeTING cial seminar on Thursday, April 8 from 1:30 impact? Reporters can answer these ques- costs (current expenses), a wish-list of pur- April 23 • 4:30 pm tions and develop other education news Trenton Marriott Hotel to 4 p.m. at its office in West Trenton. The chases (capital improvements), and loans to cost is $25 per person. Space is limited, so stories by understanding school budgets pay off (debt service).” SpRING BANQUET sign up today. better. NJpA’s seminar on April 8 will teach With the basics covered, Deltieure will sug- Advertising & Circulation To register, contact Peggy Stephan, NJPA’s journalists how to use these documents . — Continues on Page 4 Awards, including Online April 23 6 pm – Cocktail reception Annual awards banquets set 7 pm – Dinner Hone staff skills “Our favorite time of year is coming student journalist who intends to study Trenton Marriott Hotel Just added to NJPA’s April line-up, “Selling up,” says NJPA President Ray Worrall of journalism in college. That winner also Against Your Competition” on Friday, April 23, Worrall Community Newspaper. “We will be named the New Jersey High Webinar: 2-3 p.m., will help newspaper salespeople win look forward to honoring the winners School Journalist of the Year by the Gar- InTRO TO PHOTOSHOP media buying decisions, regardless whether the May 6 • 2 – 3 pm of our 2009 newspaper contests at Press den State Scholastic Press Association. competition is television, radio, the Internet or register by May 3 Night and the Spring Awards Banquet.” Capping off Press Night will be the an- other new media platforms. With a more com- This year, both banquets will be at the nouncement of the 2009 General Excel- plicated media marketplace, sales reps must LEGISLATIVE Trenton Marriott at Lafayette Yard. Each lence Awards, recognizing the daily and know how to explain the value of newspaper ad- CORRESPONDENTS will cost $89 per person. weekly newspapers that earned the most vertising and its ability to deliver results. CLUB SHOW Registration form can be download- points in their contest divisions. “Sales rarely are lost to competitive media May 12 ed at NJPA’s website. Visit www.njpa. The Spring Awards Banquet will be solely on ‘price’,” said Landy Chase, who will 6 pm – Cocktail reception org and click on “Events.” Or contact Friday, April 23, for winners in the re- lead this webinar. He is author of “Value-Based 7:30 pm – Show Peggy Stephan, NJPA’s member services tail, classified, and online advertising The palace at Somerset park Selling for Advertising Solutions,” a skills-based manager at (609) 406-0600, ext. 14, or contests. The cocktail reception begins sales training system designed exclusively for [email protected]. at 6 p.m. and dinner follows at 7 p.m. For more information about newspapers. He says papers can win media sales Press Night is this week, on Thursday, The after-dinner awards presentation these events: www.njpa.org — Continues on Page 5 April 8. Winners in the editorial daily, will feature a slide show of the winning weekly, online, and photography con- entries. The grand finale will be presen- tests will receive their awards. tation of the General Excellence Awards The evening begins at 5 p.m. with a and the Obie Award. The Obie goes to cocktail reception. Winning entries and the newspaper that receives the “Best of photos will be on display. Dinner will Show” award — for the best work of the start at 6 p.m., followed by award pre- entire year. This winner is selected from sentations. among all of the retail and classified cat- Also being given at Press Night is the egory winners. Bernard Kilgore Memorial Scholarship, Obie has been missing since January. awarded to an outstanding high school For an update, please see Page 6. Page 2 • APriL 2010 • InPrint INPRINT a publication of As I see it... New Jersey Press Association 840 Bear Tavern Road, Suite 305 West Trenton, NJ 08628-1019 The people behind our contests PHONE ���������������������������������������������609-406-0600 FAX ����������������������������������������������������609-406-0300 Once again it is time for me to thank photojournalists from several major EMAIL ��������������������������������������njpress@njpa�org all those who make our annual NJPA Illinois newspapers. And these days it NJNN FAX.........................................609-406-0399 Better Newspaper Contest one of the is all done digitally. NJPA’s IT Manag- NJNN EMAIL ���������������������������������� njnn@njpa�org best in the nation. er John Viemeister is the person who EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR John J� O’Brien The official results have been made makes the photo contest judging hap- COMMUNICATIOns MGR Catherine Langley public for this year’s event and what pen. His extraordinary organizational MEMBER SERVICES MGR Peggy Stephan a competition it was! The contest fea- BUSINEss MANAGER Denise Sawicki skills make a very complicated process ACCTG COOrdINATOR Jane Hartsough tured close finishes in many of the ma- go like clockwork. And his expertise IT MANAGER John Viemeister jor categories and we once again had a in making the software work for us NJNN DIRECTOR Amy c� Lear huge number of entries (over 3,200). greatly speeds up the judging process. MARKETING/RESEARCH MGR Brian Critchley MAjOR ACCT SPECIALIST Jennine Remington It is natural for you to be tuned-in to There were many more NJPA staff PRINT MEDIA SPECIALIST Erin Rozansky the winners, but I wonder how many hours spent in producing the win- PRINT MEDIA SPECIALIST Adam Wilson of you realize what it takes to make all ners’ plaques and certificates, and SCAN/2x2 NEtwORKS MGR Diane Trent this happen? John J. O‘Brien correcting those ever-present judg- SCAN/2x2 NEtwORKS SALES Shelley Krum NJPF DIRECTOR George White The Editorial Contest, for example, Executive Director ing typos. The staff of the Illinois was judged by sending individual cat- New Jersey press Association Press Association, led by new Execu- BOARD OF DIRECTORS egories of entries, via UPS, to specific tive Director Dennis DeRossett, did a CHAIRMAN newspapers in the judging state (Illi- lieve me, Peg gets to know their track- fabulous job in organizing their end Bruce Tomlinson nois this year). There teams of staff- ing software very well each spring. But of this operation. And we appreci- New Jersey Herald, Newton ers pored over the entries for hours all that effort is worthwhile because it ate the many, many hours the judges PRESIDENT in conference rooms at newspapers makes losing an entry almost impos- from Illinois newspapers spent on this Ray Worrall Worrall Community Newspapers, Union throughout the state. sible. Despite the usual slow returns year’s entries. It is no small endeavor. Vice President • dailies But even before that could happen, by a few judges, this years’ editorial I sincerely hope New Jersey newspa- Jennifer Borg the contest required a huge amount of judging went flawlessly.
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