E· EPISCOPAL CHURCHPEOPLE for a FREE SOUTHERN AFRICA C 339 Lafayette Street, New York, N.Y. 10012.2725 S (212) 4n-0066 FAX: (212) 979-1013 A .#147 6 April 1994 't' THE INDEPENDENT 20 TheGuardian British police TUESDAY 5 APRIL 1994 to help force SA opinion polls say inS. Africa' THE GUARDIAN ANC is assured of Tuesday April 5 1994 aegis of the European Union. It David lerufont lit will be led by the Assistant electoral victory ..0 .........1141,. .. ctlrl. MoG..... ItI ...... CollUIl.!s&iotler. Keith Biddle. an with ~ lMincsa of boldintJ free expen in counter-temlrism Qt. and fair dettiODS, the rd'uIal Dl tached to the Home omce. ChidButhelezi to heed the popuillC RITAIN is sending a Ta.sk grtl\lP members will be will hu ted to tantiDuing tensiol1 team of about 40 top attached to regional police KwaZu!u will bs~ i13 own fedcn1 .between IDbtha aad ~Csupport­ policeomcers to South hea<!quartllrs, but will be d~ Atr1ca to help to over- ployed by the Independent !!:let> psrJiameDl afkr Ihe elecrioos: crs in the Zulu IOWDlbips. The deC- B Despite Cbief Buthelezi'l - ind . lInbao of• I~e ofemergcaC)' lui ' seetthe Ioca1 l101ice amid new toral ColUllliss1on. in­ ZwelilhiDi's - Thursday has di­ controversy over the alleged Lieutenant·General Basie Zulu 0118 Goodwill iD NataliKwaZulu of senior rommand· call fur "the Zulu Dation" DOt 110 .inilhed the nllJDber af violel1t volvement Smit. deputy coltlDlissioner of ers ma plot to de8tab1lise the the South African pol1ce. and YOIe, balfoflnkat!»s $UPport~ Mid tlasbpointJ,uc.ordin:g to the poIiee. country. they were delermmed to do Se), '. ba' hu' had.little UIIpaet OJ! the Lieutenant·Gueral Johan Ie The row has provoked 'un­ TheSlmIla:! r_' mott campre- death rate, whicb yeslerday climbed Rowe were due to return from ,hm1i'e DmoDai poll abo put ~ .1boYe 60 for the lasl five daY'- . precedented exchanges be­ "leave" today after giving the ANC colDfortably ahead ofInbtha. Hopes tor peace weorc bol&tered tween two Supreme Court GoldstoDe Commission of in· judges over a1leptiOni by one in Naw. II also allowed that sup;. :)I'eS~ by Dews of the imminCDt Quiry 10 dayS to prove they port b Inbths among Whiles,. .mYeJlD South Africa ofthe lionner that the other had ID1eared the were leaders of the scrcalled which .... high io November. bas VS aaewy ofatate HeDry Kis:sin­ force. Third Force. Yirtua1Iy cased (() c::ml. l!tfaI!-d Brilaio'a farmer fareian ae<:- In Natal, meanWhile. the Judge Goldstone returned to The paUl RinfOrce the wide- .KI81Y LonICarrin,ton.on I media­ army is preparing £Or a big Johannesburg yesterday aitllr a apread perception dlat the maiD. tloD miRian. crackdown on Inkatha under Wilt to Britain, and said he had ra. eme~ncy. 1011 Chief Badlelezi is boy\lo(tUIJ A lCnior ANC official. wbo did the reeionalstate of received substantial further in· die clettioDl. iad~ is tryiolJ to IIOt wi&h to identified, laid talks be­ Government intelliience formation relating to his publi· hold the eam demlX:raric prooca lWUD the ANC aod lakadaa would SOtU'ces &aid tM crackdown cation of the Thlrd Force allega. 10 1'Il1$001 wilb the threat of ''ciw tate place over me Den few days to would go ahead ifFtlday's swn· tions last month. He Aid he Mango. war". is ilia difficulty '!rim tAe 00- JlRPIR the polllld CDr the _dia· ilUi involving Chief would hand the material to an WJD of bcalming U qIpOSitioll tors' urinl. suthu Buthelezl. or fore1&!1 me­ intemational team to as&e$S the poIiticiaD., "My undct8l2Ilding is Wt KU- diation,failed to prodUce a evidence. As to the mlSOD w~y the ANC is .aer uel Caningron ...•iD ar­ swift reduction in violence. He $0 crit:ldsed a fellow continued in 5IteddingIOlIlC ofils,ole.it appean me dais lIR'Ck." Mid the ANC om­ The slaughter member or the bench who had pro~ - 12 tel be dDc (() the ~ioll taien col- c:ial. lidding Wt dae mcdiMon' the with at least suggested the commission be more deaths ovem1Cht - it up keth'e1y by ~c ANC and the gov- reoommc:udations Wtluld Il()[ lie wound alter it had spread seen as confirmation that influ­ ernmeat tD introduoe. double bel- biodial. "1'hey,.ill be hue to me­ suspicion and d1strust aea1nst ential elements within Inkatha the force 1nternat1onlilly. lD( SYSlem for the llaDaDai and d4te, 80t to adlitnte," he laid. the provincialparlialIIeDe;,. SomuOle:rll Spcal.illl ill StaICl, Intend to Pre68 ahead with The attAck on the commis­ the Uaited campaign wreck IIOW Iccaa disposed 10 McI&ing their Mr KiaaiaIJU laid he _ honoured to the vote. sion came last week from Mt An Inkatha mareh through Justice Smit as he passed judg­ bets aud ,p!itting dIcK YOtCi 011 to be asked to .ediate. "1 IUD wait­ .o~ Empangeni in northern Natal ment on 17 hostel dwe1la's con­ polling day. lAg liac precise terms of refer- today will be the first test of the Ifdae rcsula oflheSrut4ay Tr-r enoe and the bi&h-l~l meeting be­ victed of responsibility for the securl.ty forces' w1l\ingn.ess to 1992 Boipatong massacre in naCODa! poll hold fJnll men four tweeD tk pUlics whicll i' takiq enforce a ban on carrying arms NP ministers would accompany a place on Friday.~ he said. which 45 people were killed. under the emersellCy ~' Judge Yiee-prc:aideDt FW de Klerk ill the Today Inkaw is dlle tel ItoId s Judge Smit accused tiona. The South African D&­ Goldstone of accepting tbe evi­ cabinetofme toalition lo"CmmeDt .arc:h in the nonhera Natll towa fence Force baa deployed UOO dence of two witnl!.S$8S who of IHtioaal UDity that will rule ofEaapaDlleni. It is expected 10 pro­ troops in the province. ~ were proven l1ars that police Soutll Afriat far the fine liyc yean vide. stifflen ofthe ability and The ANC said yesterday that were responsible for the after lIIe dection. solve ofthe army, deployed in DUID- Henry Kissinger and Lord Car· massacre. Whilc 111011 ofthe country, II the ben in lhe province ioUOIlWmg rington were due to arrive thi$ In his statement yetlterday, polls now COIlclllsively sbow. wolild Uapll6itiaD l)( the scate of emn'· week to mediate betwee:l the Judge Goldstone said the two like nothing more than to get on pIIC)', to QOI1tain the killinp. ANC and Inkatha. But it is un· wltnes.ses were produced by the likely tpey will go unless they police, and that his report on are l!IVlted by qreement at fri­ tM Boipatong inquiry still had day'S summit. to be published. The British police team going out this week will be part of an ll(H;trong task ~up under the Suddenly Chief Buthelezi is talking peace, not war In a head-on clash, his opponents have called his bluff Fight goes outofZulu warriol THE writing is on the wall for No he did DOt: The: official Tht;: fear now WIlS that the war- was clearly "traumatiled" by did not 'oin iIi the enthu~~tK; Chief Mangosuthu Buthele-Li, riors would wrellk vengeance on the lcilling& 01'1 Moud.lly and did a ilUSC was er. and be knows it. the townships. In6tead !hr;y re- :. not know what he was sayini- IS hold over the KwaZulu The decision ot President trr;ated to their h~tels. In the Durban srudio, Jaeob ildministtatlon is shaky. After F W ae Klerk on ThursclllY to The next day Chief Buthe- Zuma, the ANC'5 candidate for the ell:ctiQo&, tile fl!nd~ 1Iol:rl send South African Defence lui snarled lUld raged lind called lovernor - or prt;:mier - of Pretoria on which rbe 11 me- Force troops irlto his KWlIZulu off, witb King Goodwill's sup-. Natal / KwaZulu. expressed his Illn e f fiefdom has shaken his willllnd port, a summit pl8lU\ed for horror at the killiniS of ANC its udger w..ill .d.r.¥ .\U2.. and the destroyed lilii capacity to wrec.k Wednesdlly with Mr de Klerk and lnbtha officials, and noted c1VilS~ServSJWlliUiu police the country's firsr dc::mocratJc and Mr Mandela. The "war" his own homestead had been iDc 1.1 _ar~ ;llte~esrless. elections later this montb. $hiftcd ~ to the NatalI Kwa- burnt down a few days earlier. - e National Party gavem- Tht;: Zulu LT.iJ war between Zulu ~~it. Thllt nighr five %Mot of Mr de Klerk, as offi- ~ppo!ten; of Chief Buthele2i's young AN affjCI'alII were Iurcd Chief Buthelezi' came in cl'als will r--"ily........ c;on~~d~...... .. I'n lnkiitha party and Nellion Man­ to an Inkathll hostel tor "pe~ and, meekness itself, said be privlltf;:. hiUi lo~t all patience dela's ,toJricall National Con­ ta1lcs" and mown down with agreed with rtI\1ch of what Mt with Ch.ief ButhelezL It views gress will be containod suffici­ AK47s, in revengefor tbe events Zumll hlld said ond, "II fight to him as an ami.democrat and a ently to allow reasonably free in Johannesburg. The Natali the finish" now IIpparently for- volatilt;: troublemuer. The and fair c:.1cctions. preventing In­ Kwazulu death toll for March, gotlt;:n, e::xprew;:<! his deep ~r- ANC, the government-in-wait- ~tha from undermining Soutb the Human Rights Comm.ist;ion rOW at the burning of hi~ ins. believes him to be unpre- Africa's ~nt democracy. lJloounced, was 266. homestead. He repeated three dictablc and dangerous. Inkatha V. now a wounded, On Wednesday the cabinet times how sorry he was to have , Most impor1ant.
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