1941 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 8371 policy of the present administration, particu· purposes, not in passive acquiescence but Delaware [Mr. HuGHEs], the Senator larly against changing the Neutrality Act; to in high resolve, sound judgment, and from New York [Mr. MEAD], the Senator the Committee on Foreign Affairs. bold initiative. fr9m North Carolina [Mr. REYNOLDS], 1986. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the Workman's Sick and Death Benefit Fund of Admit us, dear Lord, to Thy council- the Senator from West Virginia [Mr. the United States of America, Branch No. 168, chamber; then do Thou send us forth, RosiER], the Senator from South Caro­ Woodhaven, Long Island, N. Y., urging the ·that we may assuage the sorrows of our lina [Mr. SMITH], the Senator from passage of House bill 1410; to the Committee fellow men and bring them under both Arkansas [Mr. SPENCER], and the Sen­ on Ways and Means. the staff and sceptre of Thy Love. ator from Maryland [Mr. TYDINGS] are 1987. Also, petition of the Board of Super· We ask it in the name of Him who is necessarily absent. visors of Iron County, Mich., urging the pas­ our Shepherd and our King, Jesus Christ, Mr. AUSTIN. The following Senators sage of House bill 1036; to the Committee Thy Son, our Lord. Amen. on Ways and Means. are necessarily absent: 1988. Also, petition of the city of Chicago, THE JOURNAL The Senator from Maine [Mr. BREW .. office of the city clerk, Chicago, Ill., petition­ On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by STER], the Senator from Ohio [Mr. BuR­ ing consideration of their resolution with ref• TON], the Senator from Massachusetts erence to permission to construct a modern unanimous consent, the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of the calen­ [Mr. LoDGE], the Senator from Kansas vehicular highway along the channel of the [Mr. REED], and the Senator from In­ Illinois and Michigan Canal; to the Commit­ dar day Thursday, October 30, 1941, tee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. was dispensed with, and the Journal was diana [Mr. WILLIS]. 1989. Also, petition of the Municipal Coun­ approved. The VICE PRESIDENT. Seventy­ cil, St. Croix, Virgin Islands, United States six Senators have answered to their of America, petitioning consideration of their MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT­ names. There is a quorum present. resolution with reference to their bill No. 58, APPROVAL OF BILLS PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS dated October 20, 1941, relative to the Sugar A message from the President of the Act of 1937; to the Committee on Agriculture. United States was communicated to the Petitions, etc., were laid before the 1990. Also, petition of the General Welfare Senate and referred as indicated: Center, No. 316, Irwin, Pa., petitioning con· Senate Jay Mr. Miller, one of his secre­ sideration of their resolution with reference taries, who announced that on October By the VICE PRESIDENT: to the General Welfare Act; to the Commit­ 30, 1941, the President had approved and A resolution of the City Council of Chi· tee on Ways and Means. signed the following acts: cago, Ill., requesting congressional authority 1991. Also, petition of the Massachusetts to construct a modern vehicular highway S. 1701. An act to provide for pay and al· along the Illinois and Michigan Canal; to the State Convention, General Welfare Federa· lowances and mileage or transportation tor tion, Worcester, Mass., petitioning considera· Committee on Commerce. certain officers and enlisted men of the Naval A letter In the nature of a petition from tion of their resolution with reference to the Reserve and Marine Corps Reserve and re· General Welfare Act; to the Committee on Ruth Zimmerman, of Bridgewater, Va., pray­ tired officers and enlisted men of the Navy ing that the United States keep out of war; Ways and Means. and Marine Corps; and 1992. Also, petition of the Massachusetts to the Committee on Foreign Relations. S. 1772. An act to authorize Army of&cers A resolution of Municipal Employees• Advisory Council, General Welfare Federa· designated by the Secretary of War to take tion, Boston, Mass., petitioning consideration Union, No. 205, of Fresno, Calif., favoring final action on reports of survey and vouchers the granting of priorities to all United States of their resolution with reference to the Gen· pertaining to the loss, damage, spoilage, un· eral .Welfare Act; to the Committee on Ways Housing Authority aided projects in conform· serviceability, unsuitability, or destruction ity with the housing needs of the commu­ and Means. of Government property. 1993. Also, petition of the Clark County nity in which they are located; to the Com• CALL OF THE ROLL mittee on Military Affairs. Old Age Pension Society, Springfield, Ohio, A memorial of several members of the Sen• petitioning consideration of their resolution Mr. HILL. I suggest the absence of a ate of the Territory of Hawaii, remonstrating with reference to the General Welfare Act; quorum. against the adoption by the Senate of Hawail to the Committee on Ways and Means. of Senate Resolution No. 21, opposing the 19911. Also, petition of Joseph P. Wil­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. appointment of Judge Louis Le Baron to the son, Columbia, county of Richland, S. C., Supreme Court of the Territory of Hawaii; petitioning consideration of his file relative The Chief Clerk called the roll, and to the Committee on the Judiciary. to willful and contemptuous violation of Fed· the following Senators answered to their eral grants of patents, copyrights, and trade· names: A resolution of the Senate of the Territory mark grants; to the Committee on the Adams George Nye of Hawaii; to the Committee on the Judi· Judiciary. Aiken Gerry O'Daniel ciary: Andrews Gillette O'Mahoney "Senate Resolution 21 Austin Glass Overton "Whereas there is a vacancy in the Supreme Bailey Green Peace Ball Guffey Pepper Court of the Territory of Hawaii; and Bankhead Gurney Radcliffe "Whereas it has been reported in the press SENATE Barbour Hatch Russell that such vacancy will shortly be filled by Barkley Hill Schwartz the appointment of Judge Louis LeBaron, of FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1941 Bilbo Holman Shipstead the first circuit court; and Bridges Johnson, Calif. Smathers "Whereas the. members of the supreme (Legislative day of Monday, October 27, Brooks Johnson, Colo. Stewart 1941) Brown Kilgore . Taft court have been men of high caliber and Bunker La Follette Thc,mas, Idaho attainments and learned in the law· and Butler Langer Thomas, Okla. "Whe:r:eas it is to the best interest~ of the The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, Byrd Lee Thomas, utah TerritorY. of Hawaii that such appointment on the expiration of the recess. Capper Lucas Truman be not made, as such appointment would The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phil­ Caraway McCarran Tunnell tend to lower the tone and quality of such Chavez McFarland Vandenberg court: Now, therefore, be it lips, D. D., offered the following prayer: Clark, Idaho McKellar VanNuys Clark, Mo. McNary Wallgren "Resolved by the Senate of the Territory of 0, Thou, who art the Shepherd of our Connally Maloney Walsh Hawaii, special session of 1941, That the souls, whose Shepherd's name is Love, as Danaher Murdock Wheeler members of this senate hereby oppose the love becomes the tenderest thing in all Davis Murray White appointment of Judge Louis LeBaron to the the world; 0, Thou, who art the King of Doxey Norris · Wiley Supreme Court of the Territory of Hawaii; thought and will, whose Kingly name is Ellender and be it further . Love · also, as love becomes the strongest Mr. HILL. I announce that the Sen­ "Resolved, That a certified copy of this thing in all the world: Help us to realize ator from Washington [Mr. BONE] and resolution be transmitted to the President [Mr. of the United States, to the Attorney General this dual aspect of Thy love, for now it the Senator from New York WAG­ of the United States, to the President of shelters and protects, again it thrusts us NER] are absent from the Senate because the Senate of the Congress of the United forth; now it humbles to the dust, again of illness. States, and to the Delegate to Congress from exalts beyond the stars, for -in it all the The Senator from California [Mr. Hawaii." loveliness and majesty of souls are hid DowNEY l is detained on important pub­ TELEGRAM FROM CITIZENS OF ARIZONA and it hath ever been · the lord of life lic business. URGING REPEAL OF NEUTRALITY ACT and death. The Senator from South Dakota [Mr. As we have known the tender shep­ BuLow], the Senator from Kentucky Mr. McFARLAND. Mr. President, I herding of Christ, teach us this day to [Mr. CHANDLER], the Senator from Ari­ present a telegram signed by 500 citizens yield our wills to His moulding hand, zona [Mr. HAYDEN], the Senator from of the State of Arizona. I ask that the that we may cooperate with His divine Iowa [Mr. HERRING], the Senator from telegram may_lie on the table, and that 8372 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE OCTOBER 31 the body thereof be printed in the RECORD This bill has been worked out by an in­ ·Mr. McKELLAR. Mr. President, I de­ without all the signatures attached. terdepartmental group appointed by the sire to call especial attention to the por­ There being no objection, the telegram Secretary of War. I ask that the bill be tions of Mr. Scharff's letter and Dr. El­ was ordered to lie on the table, and the referred to the Committee on Military lett's letter which deal with the present tody thereof was ordered to be printed in Affairs. , labor situation.
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