Cambridge University Press 0521667380 - An Introduction to the Christian Orthodox Churches John Binns Index More information Index Abgar the Black, king of Edessa, 98, 144 Anba Bishoy, monastery, 112 Abraham of Kashkar, 117, 149 Andrassy, Julius, 182 abu ’Ali Mansur al-Hakim, 174 Andreah, Patriarch of Antioch, 219 abu Ja’far al-Mansur, 174 Andrew of Crete, 51, 117 Acacius, Patriarch of Constantinople, 205 Andrew, St, Biblical Theology Institute, Aedesius, of Ethiopia, 145–6 Moscow, 248 Afanas’ev, Nikolai, 42 Andronicus I, Byzantine emperor, 165 Ahmed ibn Ibrahim el-Ghazi or Granj, 34 Anna Comnena, Byzantine empress, 74 Aimilianos, of Simonopetra, 243 Anselm of Canterbury, 206, 209 Akoimetoi, monastery of, 117 Anthimus, Patriarch of Constantinople, 5 Aksentejevi´c,Pavle, 105 Antioch, 1–3, 9, 14–15, 40, 43–4, 143, Alaska, 152, 154–6 148, 203, 207, 220 Albania, Church in, 17, 157, 159 Antonii Khrapovitskii, 25 Alexander, prince of Bulgaria, 183 Antony of Egypt, 108–10, 114, 119 Alexander II, Tsar of Russia, 154 Antony Bloom, Metropolitan of Sourozh, Alexander Paulus, Metropolitan of 234 Estonia, 187 Aphrahat, ‘Persian sage’, 49 Alexandria, 14, 43, 63, 71–2, 115, 144, Aquinas, Thomas, 91 146–7, 158, 169 Arabs, 4, 5, 6, 11, 12, 28, 33, 66, 70, 169, Alexis II, Patriarch of Moscow, 105, 238 173, 176, 190, 204; Arab Christianity, Alexius I Comnenus, Byzantine emperor, 15, 55, 79, 146–7, 172 206–7 Armenia, Church in, 30–1, 145, 190, Alexius IV, Byzantine emperor, 207 192, 219 Alexius V, Byzantine emperor, 207 Arseniev, N., 225 al-Harith, 147 Arsenius, 138 All-American Council, 157, 159 Artemije (Radovic),´ bishop of al-Mustazhir, 27 Raska-Prizren,ˇ 198–9 A-lo-pen, 148 Ashtishat, 145 Ambrose of Milan, 45 Aspabet, 146 America, Church in, 23–4, 25–6, 154–5, Ataturk, Kemal, 180, 190 156–60, 242, 244 Athanasios of Athos, 115 Amphilochios of Patmos, 133–4 Athanasios of Paros, 80, 131 Amvrosii Grenkov, of Optina, 133 Athanasius of Alexandria, 32, 34, 63, 69, Amvrosy of Bosnia, 84 75, 79, 119, 122, 210 Anastasius I, Byzantine emperor, 65 Athanasius, bishop of Beni Suef, 249 263 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521667380 - An Introduction to the Christian Orthodox Churches John Binns Index More information Index Athanasius, St, Greek College in Rome, Catherine’s, St, monastery on Mount 80, 218 Sinai, 17, 99, 127 Athenagoras I (Spyrou), Patriarch of Caves, monastery of, in Pskov, 194, 238 Constantinople, 158, 203, 227 Ceaucescu, president of Romania, 22 Athens, University of, 17, 139 Celije,´ monastery, 93 Athos, Mount, 16, 19, 77, 108, 111–12, Chariton, 116 115, 118–19, 181, 234, 243–4 Charles the Great (Charlemagne), Atiya, Aziz, 29 Frankish emperor, 204 Augsburg Confession, 224 Chetniks, 198 Augustine of Canterbury, 120 China, Church in, 23, 148–9, 152 Augustine of Hippo, 205, 209 Chernychevskii, Nikolai, 86 Aurelian, Roman emperor, 110 Chrysostom of Florina, Old Calendarist Auschwitz, 180 bishop, 85 Avvakum, archpriest, 84 Church Missionary Society (CMS), 95 Axum, 145 Clement VIII, Pope of Rome, 223 Clement of Ohrid, 151 Babai the Great, 68 Cleopas, staretz of Russia, 132 Bahira, 170 Cleopas of Sihastria, 133–4 Balamand, academy of St John of Cluny, monastery, 202 Damascus, 15, 228 Codreanu, Zelea, 185 Barki-Yaruq, sultan, 27 Communism, 86–7, 133, 157, 192–3 Barlaam of Calabria, 73, 77–8 Congar, Yves, 59 Bartholomew I, Patriarch of Conon of Tarsus, Monophysite bishop, Constantinople, 239 147 Basil, St, 72, 114; liturgy of, 44, 55 Constans, emperor, 22, 71 Basil I, Byzantine emperor, 151 Constantine I, emperor, 4, 5, 6, 45, 63, Basil II the Bulgar Slayer, emperor, 11, 21, 110, 162, 165, 169, 214 112 Constantine V, Byzantine emperor, Basil III, prince of Moscow, 168 99–100, 102 Basil the Blessed, or Blazhennii, fool for Constantine VI, Byzantine emperor, 65, Christ, 121 66, 102, 164 Basilios, 32 Constantine XI, Byzantine emperor, Benedict, 110, 119; Benedictines, 91, 118 165–6 Berlin, Congress of (1870), 182 Constantinople: Church, 3–8, 10, 14, Bogomil, 21 43–6, 66, 68, 76–8, 85, 151, 162–6, Bogomoljci, 139 239–40; fall of, 78–9, 166, 173, Bohemond, 207 216–17; monks, 117–18; under Bolotov, B., 211 Ottomans, 173–4, 175–6; and Boniface VIII, Pope, 214 nationalism, 12–13, 176–7, 184–5; and Boris, khan of Bulgaria, 21 West, 202–3, 205–8, 216–17, 225–6 Boris, passion bearer, 167 Cosmas Aitolos, 131 Boutros Boutros-Ghali, 33 Cosmas Indicopleustes, 148 Brailsford, H.N., 184 Councils, Ecumenical, 62, 63–8; Nicaea Brest-Litovsk, Union of, 81, 221 (325), 62–3, 208; Constantinople (381), Brezhnev, Leonid, 233 12, 62, 208; Ephesus (431), 29, 62, 73, Brock, Sebastian, 125 125; Chalcedon (451), 9, 11, 16, 33, 62, Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre, 15 64, 70, 75, 116–17, 158, 208; Second Brown, Peter, 112, 135–6 Constantinople (553), 64, 72–3, 124; Bulgakov, Sergei, 67, 86, 87, 89, 211, 230 Third Constantinople (681), 64, 6; Bulgaria, Church in, 21–2, 179–80, Second Nicaea (787), 64–5, 102 182–3, 185–6, 197, 227, 244 Councils: Constantinople (869), 11; Constantinople (1341, 1351), 78; Callinicus III, Patriarch of Constantinople (1870), 184; Ephesus Constantinople, 178 (449), 66; Florence (1438–9), 35, Calvinists, 81–2, 223–4 216–17, 220; Jassy (1642), 82; Catherine II, Russian empress, 132 Jerusalem (1672), 82; Lviv (1946), 187; 264 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521667380 - An Introduction to the Christian Orthodox Churches John Binns Index More information Index Lyons (1274), 212, 216; Moscow Egeria, 136 (1503), 116; Moscow (1551), One Egypt, Church in, 14, 32–3, 55, 94–5, Hundred Chapters, 103; Moscow 234–5, 241; and Islam, 172–4, 178–9, (1917), 19, 157, 188–9; Moscow 192, 201; monks, 108–9, 112, 115, 118 (2000), 247; Piacenza (1095), 206; Elias, Metropolitan of Merv, 149 Serdica (343), 205; Toledo (521), 210 Elias, skete of Prophet, 130 Crusades, 4–5, 14, 16, 27, 179, 201, Emesa (Homs), 31, 50, 121 206–7 England, Anglican Church, 16–17, 120, Ctesiphon, 159 183, 191, 212, 224, 229 Curzon, Lord, 183 Ephraim, monk of Mount Athos, 244 Cyprus, Church in, 16–17, 207, 234 Ephrem the Syrian, 49–50 Cyril or Constantine, apostle to the Slavs, Eritrea, Church in, 34 18, 22, 149–51, 153, 186 Esphigmenou, monastery, 238 Cyril of Alexandria, 64, 69, 72–3, 79 Estonia, Church in, 10, 186–7 Cyril of Jerusalem, 51 Ethiopia, Church in, 33–4, 95–6, 118, Cyril I Lucaris, Patriarch of 145–6, 241 Constantinople, 81–2, 175, 224 ethnic cleansing, 183 Cyril II, Patriarch of Constantinople, 175 Eugenios Voulgaris, 80 Cyril VI, Patriarch of Antioch, 220 Eugenius of Seleucia, 147 Cyril VI, Pope of Alexandria, 83 Euphemius, Patriarch of Constantinople, Cyrillona, 49 64 Czech lands and Slovakia, Church in, 22 Eusebius of Caesarea, 99, 162 Euthymius, monk of Palestine, 116, 146, Damascus, 1, 3, 15, 99, 137, 169, 172, 149 240 Eutyches, Monophysite archimandrite, 70 Dante, 170 Eutychius, Patriarch of Constantinople, Daughters of Mary, Banat Maryam, 249 53 Debre Libanos, monastery, 118 Evagrius of Pontus, 107, 122–4, 125, Deir el-Zaffaran, Saffron Monastery, 31, 127, 129, 138 117 Evdokimov, Paul, 211, 249 Demetrios I, Patriarch of Constantinople, Evlogii, Metropolitan in Paris, 24–5 246 Ezana, Ethiopian king, 146 Demetrios Doukas, new martyr, 176 Diadochus of Photike, 129 fasting, 137–8 Diaspora, Orthodox, 13, 23–6, 43, 241–2 Felix III, Pope, 205 Dinkha IV, Mar, Patriarch of Church of Fellowship of St Alban and St Sergius, the East, 29 229 Diocletian, Roman emperor, 110, 203, Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg, prince of 230 Bulgaria, 183 Dionysius IV, Patriarch of Feuerbach, 86 Constantinople, 83 filioque, 205, 208–10, 215–17, 229 Dionysius the Areopagite, 52, 73, 91, 125 Finland, Church in, 23 Dioscorus I, Patriarch of Alexandria, 70, Flavian, Patriarch of Constantinople, 70 73 Florensky, Pavel, 90, 135 Djquondidi, 121 Florovsky, Georges, 73, 81, 89, 191, 230 Dositheus, Patriarch of Jerusalem, 82–3 Fourier, 86 Dostoevskii, Fedor, 19, 93, 133, 168, 191 Frank, Simeon, 87 Dragomirna, monastery, 130, 132 Frederick Barbarossa, German emperor, 207 East, Church of the, 28–9, 148–9, 173, Frumentius, archbishop of Axum, 34, 190, 219 145–6, 149 ecclesiology, eucharistic, 40–2, 211–13 ecumenism, 2, 88, 92–3, 223–31 Gabriel Petrov, Metropolitan of Edessa (Urfa), 28, 49, 55, 98, 117, 134 Novgorod, 132 education, 80–1, 88–9, 95–6, 108, 139, Gennadios Scholarios, Patriarch of 151, 177, 247–8 Constantinople, 173, 217 265 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521667380 - An Introduction to the Christian Orthodox Churches John Binns Index More information Index Georgia, Church in, 15–16, 121, 145 Hopko, Thomas, 249 German of Solovkii, 153 Humbert, Bishop of Silva Candida, 202, Germanos, bishop of Old Patras, 181 206, 216 Germanos, Metropolitan of Thyateira, Hunayn ibn-Ishaq, 173 225 Huntington, Samuel, 236 Germanus, Patriarch of Constantinople, 43, 52, 54 icon, 17, 19, 58, 64, 76, 97–106, 108, Gleb, passion bearer, 167 139, 237, 245; iconoclasm, 76, 99–100, Glubokovsky, N., 225 102, 105–6; iconostasis, 44–6 Glukharev, Makarii, 154 Ibas of Edessa, 64 Golitsyn, Prince, 191 Ignatius, Patriarch of Constantinople, Gorbachev, Mikhail, 194 205–6 Great Laura, monastery on Mount Ignatius IV, Patriarch of Antioch, 1 Athos, 112, 115 Ignatius of Antioch, 40–1, 239 Greece, Church in, 17–18, 131, 139–40, Ignatius Zakka I Iwas, Syrian Patriarch of 158, 180–2, 234 Antioch, 1 Greek Catholics, 1, 9, 34–7, 81, 187, Ilminskii, Nikolai, 155 218–22, 227–8 Innocent (John) Veniaminov, Patriarch of Greek Street,
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