English and American sportsmen to a se- portune times. Joyce and Crooks are GIVEN TO vere test." credited with os error and, unfortunately. We Want DEFENDER they came in the same inning. Crooke mad FOOT_ B#LL. his on a slow bounder that he could probe- bly have secured easily if he had not been Your Wash! Casdidna s-_.r Prineeton Team so eager, while Jesse's mtiay was nde The Seoond Race for the America's on a stinging liner that off his ** Begin Training. arm cpromed We.-have,the the Some of Princeton's ummer foot ball and went into left field. Brown tum- machinery, bled a safe * * at hit from Clements' bat in the methods, the help and the de- Cup. squad .have inade .tbeir appearance sixth inning. Clements was hurt In the * termination to wash your Princeton. Of the thirty men ordered to fifth, spraining his left thumb, but he afn- * * dirty return by the 11th InstAnt, fourteen have imbed the inning and went to bat in the linen whiter and cleaner than made their who arrived sixth, but had to retire in favor of Buckley * * $ppearance. Those at the end of that any in YALKIRIE ADJUNED IN THE WRONG were a course of inning * * laundry Washington. put through light practice With better support Mercer would have Have you noted our rapid yesterday a!terndon fnder the direction of kept the visitors down to one run, and it Is * * Lee and Trainer McMasters. More barely possible that he might have shut growth in the past year? Drop Capiap them out, * * Declared to Have Violated a Yacht- men are expected to arrive by today, so home though this Is not likely. Tile a postal and our wagons will that by the end of the week things will team played with snap and vigor, and * call was in the game at every stage. for and deliver your laun- be in the old-timewp again. It Is Capt. The game was called after the first half * dry. ing Regulation. Lea's intention to out the men through a of the eighth inning on account of dark- course of strict training from now on until ness. There were about 1,200 persons pres- ent, a the close. score:Including large number of ladles. The THE YALE, - ~'* 3-g The old players who arrived yesterday F. n. WAlZa a Co., COMMENTS OF THE ENGLISH are Lea, '90, captain; Bannard, '98; Poe, WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA. '97; Reiter, '98; Cochran, '98; Rhodes, 'J7; R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.RI Smith, '97; Andrus, '97; Beymer, '98; Kelly, Mf... 1 1 3 0 1 Reannten,ef 0 0 4 0 loth Joye-. 1 0 0 2 1 Delehanty,lf 0 2 2 0 514 St. N. W. The committee of '98; Armstrong, '98; Reynolds, '9)8. Two Abbey.rf... 2 2 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 It 'Phone 1082. 48 G t. ..w. regatta the New York new men made their Cre,3b.. 0 Plant, Yacht Club late have already appear- McGure.e.. 1 0 2 0 0 11ampwa,rf 1 0 0 0 0 yesterday afternoon an- ance.. They are Townsend, from Penning- Selbach,if... 1 2 4 0 0 Sullivan.ss.. 3 3 2 4 0 nounced that they sustained the protest ton Seminary, and Tucker, from Princeton Cartw't.ib.. 2 2 A, O 0 Clementsc.. 0 1 4 1 0 made the Defender in preparatory school. The former is a prom- CrsoksS... 1 1 5S 1 Hallman.2b. 0 1 0 1 0 by Tuesday's race, Scheibe.* 0 1 2 3 0 Boyle,b.... 0 0 7 0 0 KNOX and awarded the same to the Yankee boat. ising candidate in the line, and the latter Mercerp.... 1 1 0 1 0 0 00 0 0 for quarter back. Lneld.p.... The announcement was in the form of a Totals... 1010 29i Bckey,e... 0 0 1 O 0 letter to Mr. Isalin, as follows: A Meeting in New York Between Cap- Totals.... 4 721 6 0 Hats Cover NEW YORK, September 11. tains Williams and Brewer. Wshidlngtn-............. 0 2 2 0 1 2 2 z-0 C. Oliver Iselin: Phldlhi---....-... 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 0-- 4 -the brainiest heads in America. Dear Sir: We Deg to acknowledge the re- Capt. Williams of the Pennsylvania team Earned rons-Washlnado. 7; Philadelphia, 1. of your letter of First base by 2. en "Knox" Hats can be had only of us ceipt yesterday, protest- left Grimsby late Tuesday night for New error-Piladelphis5; Lft bainm ing Valkyrie. We have given the matter York, where he is to join Mr. John C. Bell hWashIngton, Phladelphia,2: 5. First base ea our careful balls- Meer, 1; hlcid, 6. Strck in this city. consideration, and believe that of the Prof. Ames lierCer, 1; by LImd, 4. Home nut-By the foul occurred through a miscalculation Athletic Association, Cartwright. Three-base rIan-Brown sad B. H. STINEMETZ & of the and Capt. Brewer of Harvard to arrange --Abbey. Sacrifice ht-Crooks. Two-.ee bit natters SON, distance between the two yachts at htt-Beqrle. Psased balls-Me-. rad FurrIers. 1287 F. ave. seS-3m,20 a critical moment. From our own observa- the date for the Harvard-Pennsylvania Gure and Cleements. Umpire-Murray. Tlme-2.0e. * tion, confirmed by that of others who were and conditions f you are about your D E F E N D E R O N T HE H OM E STRETCH. in game and discuss the rules * particular good position to see all that occurred, which are to govern it. Other League Games. II clothes, so much the better-for we find that Valkyrie III, in contradictior Foot At Baltimore- * (Sketched by a N. Y. World artist.) of section 11 of rule The University of Pennsylvania R. H. E. the work we turn out is sure to racing XVI, bore dowr Ball Team are rapidly getting into condi- Brooklyn..........Kennedy.......... 3 7 2 upon Defender and fouled her by the swing the on * of her main boom when to tion at Grimsby, and from material Baltimore.........Hemming......... 2 9 1 please you. he occupies a somewhat similar position to mission and lulling straighter hand the team ought to be a good one. At Pittsburg- * - tied up at Lawley's basin, her course. We also consider that Fall and Winter Novelties he people of Chelsea and vicinity that the De- The daily practice at times has been inter- 6 id Ports- South Boston. fender left Valkyrie sufficient room to Pittsburg..........Foreman.......... 10 2 * OLD CUP DEFENDERS Constitution does to the people of windward to clear of spersed with work at sprinting, kicking, Cincinnati.........Parrott........... 2 4 2 arriving daily. :touth and Kittery. The Mayflower, the defender of 1886, is no pass the committee catching and the like. Several of the new At New SNYDE3 a WOOD, 1111 PKGNI. AVE. boat. The protest is therefore sustained. with York- Pine Tailmriug at Reasonable Prices. The Magie. Respectfully yours. men have put in an appearance, and, New York...........Clarke........... 9 13 4 se5-m,14 (Signed) S. NICHOLSON KANE, the exception of "Ot" Wagenhurst, Drearly Boston..............Nichols.......... 5 9 $ The schooner Magic, the first of the cup CHESTER all of those who will be considered candi- All But One of Them Still in Ex- efenders, is still afloat, and is at present GRISWALD, dates are on hand. The Advertising on Honor. IRVING GRINNELL. with League Reeoerd. wned by Augustus W. Mott of New York. Section 11 Coach Woodruff is greatly pleased Clubs. W. I. P.C. Clubs. W. I. P.. i1tenoa. of racing rule*XVI reads: "A the work of the recruit from St. Paul's Baitimtore... 78 30 .652 New York... 62 54 .534 ,lnce the Magic successfully defended the yacht shall not bear away out of her course School, C. C. Harrison, Jr., who is trying Cleveland... 74 45 .622 Odesgo. 61 55 .15 up she has changed hands a great deal, so as to hinder another in passing to lee- for a back of the line. Of the new Phiadel M 47 .565 Cinehati... 59 55 .510 ward." position 64 50 Result=bringing nd was at one time owned by Dr.Weld of men who are trying for end, Boyle, Orbe- Brooklyn.... .561 Wahgtns. 35 74 .32! The following bulletin was out Boston...... 62 51 .542 St. luis.... 36 79 31 E f-% given son and "By" Dickson are showing up Pittsburg.... I6 54 .542 Lssville... 30 66 AERICA TIED UP AT CH by the committee: "To the members of the well, as is Hedges, a recruit from German- Advertisements. New York Yacht Club: Your committee has .... TIa bureau no theories-no town Academy. Otto Wagenhurst ha. s . t-and- beg to state that before arriving at a de- written up to say that he will try for his League Games Today. .."." dried method. to work of-no pet beliefs- cision upon the Defender's * * * protest they old position when the team comes home, Philadelphia at Washington. *that this ar that partleular style of ad- Condition of the of the endeavored to bring about a mutual agree- but he cannot go up now, as he is to go Brooklyn at Baltimore. - - - vertlaing will 4. the work of bringing Champions ment between the respective yachts to re- out the last two weeks in Septem- Boston at New York. - - .- sail during custOmers. All lie ..ihess me. differ In yesterday's race, but each preferred ber with an engineer corps from the uni- Cincinnati at Pittsburg.
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