Orchestral Training Association Orchestra in 1952. From 1954 to 1956, hehmpleted the Teachers Certijication Program at Teachers College, Columbia University. From 1960 to 196 1, he taught music theory and composition at the University of Alabama. He taught music theory and composition at Western Illinois University from 1966-1968, at Paterson State College from 1968 to 1970 and from 1977 to 1978, and at Herbert H. Lehman, CUNY from 1970 to 1977. Allan is Professor Emeritus of Virginia Commonwealth University, where. he taught from 1978 to 1996:Allan1s works are published by Boosey & Hawkes, Associated Music Publishers, Carl Fischer & Company, Seesaw Music Corporation, Music For Percussion, Roncorp Incorporated, Falls House Press, and others. His music is recorded on CRI, Orion, Advance, Open Loop, Centaur, Contemporary Record Society, Titanic, Pro Viva, and North/South labels. Allan's composition prizes include awards from the George Eastman Competition (1 983), the National Endowment for the Arts (1983), the Virginia Music Teachers Association (1979, 1988, and 1991), the Eric Satie Mostly Tonal Award, the Chautauqua Annual Choral Competition Award, the Lind Solo Song Competition (l989), and the Flute Choir Competition at the University of-Toledo (1994). Allan is listed in a number of references including the New ,Groves Dictionary of Music and Musicians. Willia Estelle Daughtrey, Hamiton University Professor Emeritus of music, is a native of Portsmouth. She received her Bachelor of Science degree in music education and piano from Hampton Institute, the Master of Music and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in interdisciplii~aryhumanities-musicology from Syracuse University, New York. Willia served on the Hampton University music faculty from 1958 to 1997. Adolphus Hailstork is Professor of Music at Norfolk State University. He received his doctorate in composition from Michigan State University, where he studied with H. Owen Reed. Previously, he had studied at the Manhattan School of Music with Vittorio Giannini and David Diamond, at the American Institute at Fontainbleau with Nadia Boulanger, and at Howard University with Mark Fax. Dolph has written many works for chorus, solo voice, various chamber ensenibles, band, and orchestra. Among his compositions are Celebrahon, which was recorded by the Detroit Symphony Orchestra; the award-winning band compositions, Out ofthe Depths and Amencan Guernica, and the award-winning choral and chamber works, Mourn not the Dead and Consort Prece. In 1990, a consortium of orchestras commissioned the Piano Concerto, which was premiered in 1992. Other coinmissioned works include Festrval Musrc for the Baltimore Symphony and the opera Paul Laurence Dunbar: Comnron Ground for the Dayton Opera Company. Recent perfoimances of Dolph's works have been led by Daniel Barenboim with the Chicago Symphony, Lorin Maezel with the Pittsburgh Symphony, and Kurt Masur with the New York Philharmonic. Bmce Hammel received his Doctor of Music degree in bassoon performance at Florida State University, where. he studied with William Winstead. At the University of Mchigan (Master of Music degree in wind instruments), he studied with Hugh Cooper. He earned a Bachelor of Music Education degree from the Crane School of Music and a Bachelor of Arts degree in biology from Hamilton College. He is Associate Professor of Music at Virginia Commonwealth University, has extensive performance experience. He has served as principal bassoonist with the Amarillo, Tallahassee, and Charlottesville symphonies, and frequently performs with the hchmond Symphony on bassoon and contra-bassoon. He has been an amve performer of chamber music as well and is currently a member of the VCU Woodwind Qwntet, Currents, the University of hchmond's new music ensemble, and the Albermarle Ensemble at the University of Virgirua. He has recorded with the National Wind Players on Klavier records and with Currents on the Centaur label. He recently traveled to Poland to record Allan Blank's Concertinofor Bassoon and Strrng Ensemble with the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra. In 1992, he performed as a guest artist at the Shanghai Conservatory in China. James Preston Herbison, a native of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, is Associate Professor of Music at Norfolk State University, where he teaches music theory, literature, and appreciation and conducts the \UniversityOrchestra He earned the Bachelor of Music Education degree from the University of Oklahoma, the Master of Music degree from the University of Michigan, and the Doctor of Musical Arts degree fiom the Catholic University of America. After his appointment to the faculty at Hampton University in 1970, he taught music theory, coached chamber music, directed the Hampton University combined student and community orchestra, and taught humanities. In addition, he taught and directed orchestra in the Newport News public schools and taught private cello andlor chamber music at the Governor's School for the Arts, Christopher Newport University, and the College of William and Mary. Jim is currently assistant principal , . , : . i: ' .' .. , -' ..... '. I. ... , < ,. ,.. ,. ., . ...I.. - .... ... , I ? .... ....... ... .. ? .../ ... , .. ... ... .. 2.:. .. - ..... , , - ." ',, , . \ ' : .>'- .1 , ........ , . ::.. ..... ... , , . I- .- . ~. - ..... ,. *..I , ... ,,, ... r .... .. .I . i . ? . -. ... -. , . _.I .... , , , :.-. ... ... ... -.<. .... -I . -.-. , , ,. i. ..... ' .:. .' ',. : ,' ; ......... : ,.. +. , ' 1 ... , .. .... ..... 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',-Certificatesfrdm Ml"NA and: FAJ well. as ckrtific+ion through the AmeerieCollege of~usicj'kis:'. .... a ...:. .... ". ... - . , : -.. the 21st idition of.\yho's yoof @eriwWomeni'.Sheis-pBst president of the-. ,, -. - . .. ~ . -:. Jeanette is listed . w - ,. ~id'ter Music ~Achers~ow'aqd prekldent-elect of the Virginia:Misic Teachers AssocSOC&ition:Her ..- :, .: ... ..... , . ,.. ::<!,. ... .,' ...... : articles o<pianq-pedagogy havk been published,by:PianoGGld Notes: She is zq adjunct faculty memW 06 ...; .-. .....% ,; .... - ",A ', - . ..... , - - :: . :. ... .. ..-. ... ....,A .,. , .. ..Ti'dei;vatif~~~~~~~6lle~e.and Old ~omiriionuniveril~; -, "..'. ......... : . , . , .,!: ;.. ' .. - , , .,. ....... ...... -. -. .- . .- ... :... ... , %I. ...... v ... > . ; 5 ,. .' ". ; . 1 ._,I. 0 ' ?' .; ! ..:....., . ...> ... .. .. , ...... I:: Hanis;-iqd'~obert.~ar&llius :. ........ , . .... ~~h~'winsor -&died.clar&d %th.RobefiHanison; Diivid ofthe Clevelimd,' .. ... -"-1 ' . % .... .. Orchestra and composition iviih'John-&ehart:and,J~s,~rs.He received a Bachelor of Music degree . ... , . ; . ,.-:,. ': from H&delbeig'College ada' ~ast&of Arts,;degr&.in.m'usic theory from Kent state'uriiversik He.has ...... '1.:. ..... , . ., ..... L... :.. ,...- taught;music theory iinddesigned bandsmai trairiingg-xktefials'atfhe hedForces school of ~isic.:He:.:~.;...:...: 1 .... .;. ... :. - : ..... ..... i has also taughtcliijriet, -musictheory, and composition at the-virgi~aGovernor's School,f+ the' Arts. - .,Q , . ' , . , ...... ......... ,. .' John's &mposition priies iriclude,the ,lP92-~eli~Vocal Category &yard, the1995 DeliuS ~eybbard' . , .,-I .... : :-~a@g6ry A&&' a.tbl.992-and .199+,VMTA Con@ssioned Composer Competitions. In addition:tq..'1'' ....' - . ' - .... - . - ......... - ..: * .. :. ... ~.,. ' . .many N~~~~~perform&cesarourid the U,+ted,States,.h$ worb.krerkntly!selected forpeerforhnceat ....... -. I . , - ' . :. : the,l998'Southea$em ComposepLeagueFestival and .the' 1998 SCI Region',IKConferen&.He hasalso. ' ., .::. , ,.- . .... ~. , . , . - *e~ed.~rantsfrob the Ameiid Music Center and from.~&tt&e Composer, 1nc: Since ,1992, he'has ' ' : ', ... ... f.. ,. ... ..., . , .received ,commissionsfrdm :@OFVirgida arts.orgktions. Articles bjrand about ;lohn 'have'; ‘... 1 .:' .... *en . ': ....... .' I.. ' I <. ,... , . .iI) ' .: . '. ..... .. .. , ,, . .. &~~edin ~ompo&ruSA:: . .> . ,. ~ , . .. .,>.,-... ... ".I . 8. I.. J I. ..... .. - . - ,_+ ' _ .' . ~ - . , .. , -: ..,, . ,,.. ..i .<.. .. '. ... , . ., 3.. z. '. .......... ........ ..... <'. .: >: ., . ., ; . : , : ...... I . .: . ' : ,,. -. ., ", .. .., * ... ..... ....... , . : .. , :. ,; ,< ' . .': ,. , .. .- ' . , .. ...... : - ,.- .. -. *'I . , . -, . .i ..... ......... -... , . ., . , . .. .. '> . > )I.' .... ,. '.I . ,* . , ...... :. , . , , . .c .. , .. ~. , ... ......:,, ..... ..... ... .,: ... , . t L ..... ... , . 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