Index Note: Page references in italics refer to figures and tables Aeronian 337, 338, 339 basin-related magmatism 13 Agly Massif, Pyrenees 230 Belvianes Syncline, Pyrenees 244 Alaric Anticline, Pyrenees 240, 241,242, 246 Belvianes-Cucugnan Syncline, Pyrenees 235 Alaric Depression, Pyrenees 245 Bess6de Massif, Pyrenees 230, 233 Alaric Massif, Pyrenees 231,236 Bess6de-Slavezines Anticlines, Pyrenees 242, 245 Alborz, Poland 144 Betic Cordillera, Spain 18, 29-51 Alpine deformation 160 External Subbetic 31, 50 Alpine Orogeny 137 geological setting 30-1 Ammonitico Rosso Formation, Spain 31, 32, 34, 39, Intermediate Units 30, 50 41, 43 Internal Betic Zones 30 Anagara Craton, Siberia 333,334 Internal Subbetic 31 Andean Patagonia, Chile 253-66 Middle Subbetic 31, 50 geochemistry 256-62 Prebetic Zone 30, 50 geological setting 253-5,254 rock stratigraphy 31-7 Nd-isotopes 262-4 Subbetic Zone 30, 31, 50 tectonic setting 264-6 syn-sedimentary deformations and structures 46-7 anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) 206, tectonics and sedimentation 37-47 215-18,219-20 Bihor-Apuseni block, Poland 144 Antognola Formation, Italy 273,278 Birstonas Formation, Lithuania 102 Apulia (Adri~Taurus) Platform 144 Bodzentyn Syncline, Poland 177 4~ geochronology 289-303 Bohemian Massif 143 arc-related basins 7-10 Bositra ('Posidonia') 145 Arroyo de Taibena Basin, Spain 34, 38, 41, 42, 43-4, Bossola Pass, Italy 214 46, 49, 50, 51 boundary basins 10 Avalonian Orogen 109 Bowen Basin, Australia 185, 187, 188, 190, 192, 195, Axat Syncline, Pyrenees 233, 244 200, 201 Axial Zone 230, 233 Branisko Succession, Poland 146 Axial Zone Thrust 234, 245 Bronkowice Anticline, Poland 176-7 Brzeziny Syncline, Poland 167 back-arc basins 8, 9, 9, 10 Bucovino-Getic Plate, Poland 149 Bahia de la Lancha Formation, Chile 255,263 Bugarach Thrust, Poland 245 Baltic Basin 19 Bukowa Formation, Poland 167 Baltic Silurian Succession 95-113 Bukowa G6ra Formation, Poland 177, 180 sequence-and cyclo-stratigraphy 102-9, 103 Bukowa Mountain, Poland 177 Baltica 101, 107, 108, 159 Bukowa Quarry, Poland 167, 177, 180 Barahona Formation, Spain 34, 37, 39, 41, 43, 44 Burunga Fault, Australia 187 basin classification 2-3, 3 C. centrifugus-M, riccartonensis 108 compartmentalization 20-1 Caledonian Deformation Front (CDF) 73, 97, 101, 112 modelling 19 Caledonian Orogen 109, 101, 111, 112 phase of development 21 Calpionellopsis 150 sediment budget within 21 Camarena Formation, Spain 32, 34, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, tectonic and other controls 21 44, 46, 47, 49 tectonic response Cambrian Tesoffi Rift, Africa 5 type and preservation potential 17-18 Capas Blancas Formation, Spain 34, 34, 38, 39, 41, types, understanding 20 42, 44 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3869751/9781862394568_backmatter.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 352 INDEX Capas Rojas ('Red Beds') Formation, Spain 33, 34, sedimentology ll9 26 34, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 structural setting 128-30 Cappella della Valle, Italy 274 volcanism 126-8 carbonate compensation depth (CCD) 34, 49 Dubysa Formation, Lithuania 104 Cardona Basin, Spain 316 Dyminy Anticline, Poland 163, 173, 178, 179 Cardona Formation, Spain 316,317 Dyminy High, Poland 172, 173, 176 Carpathian Keuper, Poland 145 Carpathian Thrust, Poland 148 East African Rift 3, 5 Carretero Formation, Spain 32, 34, 38, 40, 41,43, 47, East European Craton (EEC) 95, 96, 101,159, 336 48 East European Platform 117, 343 Cassinasco Formation, Italy 207 East Siberia Basin, Silurian sedimentation 321-47 Castagnola Formation, Italy 273, 276 chronostratigraphic scale 324 Ceno River Valley, Italy 276-7 Fischer plots Central Alps, exhumation and provenance 289-303 based on elementary cycles 326-8, 328, 343-7, Cerro Gordo, Spain 43 3467 characteristic remanent magnetization (ChRM) based on sediment thicknesses of chronozones 218-22, 221 328 9, 329 Ch~ciny Beds, Poland 179 indications of changes in the rate of crustal Ch~ciny Anticline, Poland 164, 173,174, 175, 179 subsidence 331-2 Chelm Mountain, Poland 177 indications of relative stability of sea-level 330-1 Cieszyn Beds, Poland 152 metamorphism rate in the lower crust 335-6, 335 Cimmerian continent 144 rates of crustal subsidence 325 Cimmerian Plates 143 sea-level changes estimates 336-41 Clarence Moreton Basin, Australia 185 thermal relaxation and changes in lithospheric climate, influence on sedimentation 17 forces 332 3 collision-accretion-related deformation 9 thickness of deposits 322 collisional foreland basins 12 variations in the dynamic topography 3334 compressional settings 12 Eastern Alpine Molasse Basin 301 compressive basins, synkinematic sedimentation and Eastern Andean Metamorphic Complex 254, 255, 307-18 263,264, 265,266 analogue models of compressive growth structures Eastern Avalonia 113 309-11 Eastern Gabar Basin, Spain 38, 39, 40, 42-3, 47, 49 geometries of natural compressive growth Eastern Piedmont Tertiary Basin, Italy 274-6 structures 308 Ebro Basin, Spain 316 influence of synkinematic sedimentation rate ECORS profile 245 311-15 Elbe Subgroup, Germany 76 type I models 311-12, 311 Emsian Zagdrze Formation, Poland 167 type II models 312-13 312 Enza River Valley, Italy 276-7,278 type III models 313-14, 313 Eo-Cimmerian Orogeny 144, 145 type IV models 314-15, 314, 315 Epiligurian piggy-back basins (EL) 271,273 Conglomerados Calcfireos del Puerto Formation, eustatic events 321 Spain 34, 34, 38, 41,42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, Exotic Andrusov Ridge, Poland 144 48, 49 extensional settings 3 12 conjugate convergent transfer zone 58 Contignaco Formation, Italy 273 Famennian Succession, Ukraine 122-4 Cordillera 153 Farah Block 144 Cortemilia Formation, Italy 207 Fardes Formation, Spain 32, 33, 34, 34, 39, 40, 41, 42, Cucugnan Anticline, Pyrenees 236 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49 Cucugnan Syncline, Pyrenees 244 fault bounded intra-arc basins 10 Cuone River Valley, Italy 274-6 fault segmentation 20 Czarn6w (Sluchowice) quarry 169, 178 Fennoscandian Sarmatian Platform l I 1 Czertezik Succession, Poland 146 flexural-rotation (rolling hinge) model 6 Czorsztyn Ridge, Poland 146, 147, 149, 150, 152, 153 fore-arc basins 8, 9-10, 9 Czorsztyn Succession, Poland 146 foreland basin systems 12 propagation of 229-48 DEKORP-BASIN 9601 profile 72 Franconian movements 75 Dethlingen Formation, Germany 76, 85-7, 87, 88, 89, Frasnian Succession, Ukraine 122-4 91 Fyn Mort Arkona High 74 Dniepr-Donets Basin (DDB), Ukraine 117 Dobrogea Rift, Poland 144 Gabardiella Anticline, Italy 316 Donbas Basin Formation, Ukraine 133 Gat~zice Syncline, Poland 163, 164 domino faulting 6 Galicia Bank 50 Donbas Basin fold belt, Ukraine 18, 117-34 Gavilfin Formation, Spain 31, 34, 34, 46, 49 geological background 119 Gesse Syncline, Pyrenees 233,234, 242 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3869751/9781862394568_backmatter.pdf by guest on 30 September 2021 INDEX 353 Goodiwindi Event 200 Laskowa Quarry, Poland 177 Goondiwindi Fault, Australia 187 Lau events 107 grain-dating 19 Leichhardt Fault, Australia 187 Grajcarek Unit, Poland 153 Lepidodendron 122 Gruchawka, Poland 178 Lepontine Dome, Switzerland 291,296, 297 Grfineberg Formation, Germany 76 Lequio Formation, Italy 207 Gunnedah Basin, Australia 185 Ligurian Alps 224 Ligurian Ocean 145 Hannover Formation, Germany 76, 87, 89, 89, 90, 91 Ligurian-Penninic-Pieniny-MaguraOcean 149 highstand systems tracts (HST) 106 Liguro-Proven~al Basin 224, 225 Holy Cross Fault, Poland 160, 161,163 Linde events 107 zone 161,169, 173, 177, 178 Liquit~e Ofqui Fault Zone, Chile 255,265 Holy Cross Mountains, Poland 159-81 listric normal faults 6 differentiating Devonian, Variscan and Alpine Llandovery Succession 97, 102, 326,326 deformations 171 5 lowstand system tract (LST) 105 Alpine deformations 173 5 Ludlow Succession 97, 99, 102, 104, 107,338 balancing Variscan and Alpine deformations Lut Block, Poland 144 172-3 Luzon Central Valley 9 geology 161-2, 161,164 Lysogdry Unit, Poland 161,162, 163, 164, 169, 170, lithostratigraphic cross-section 163-4 171,173, 176, 177 main structures 165 palaeomagnetic analysis 164 magmatism, basin-related 13 strike-clip component 169-71 Magura Basin, Poland 148, 150, 153 structural cross-section 162-3 Magura Unit, Poland 144 structural indicators 176-80 Maimdn Formation, Spain 32 Variscan polyphase deformation 167 Maimon Unit, Spain 31, 34, 34 Itulina Succession, Poland 153 Matopolska Massif, Poland 161 Hunter Fault, Australia 187 Marmarosh Massif, Poland 148 Hydromedusae limnica 82, 83, 91 maximal flooding surface (MFS) 108 Meliata Ocean 144 Iberian Massif 30 Meliata-Halstatt Ocean 144, 147, 149 llerdian marine series 2364 l Michigan Basin l l, 333 Illinois Basin 11 micro-fault inversion 129 lnacovc~Kricevo Zone, Poland 147 Mid-Polish Trough 162 Inner Carpathian Belt 140 Miedziana Gdra Conglomerate, Poland 178 Insubric Line, Switzerland 290 Minija Formation, Lithuania 104 intra-arc basins 8-9, 9, 10 Mirow Formation, Germany 76, 83-5, 85, 86, 89, 91 intracratonic rift basins 10 11 Mituva Formation, Lithuania 104 intrusion-accretion-related deformation 9 models of sedimentation 13 17 Ionian-Taurus Platform 144 in a compressional setting basin scale 14 15 Jaca Basin, Spain 308, 308, 315, 316 local scale 15-16 Jacionys Formation, Lithuania 102 in an extensional setting Jaworznia Quarry, Poland 177, 178-9 basin scale 13 Jura Formation, Lithuania 104 local scale 13-14 influence of climate 17 Kalmius Torets Depression, Ukraine 128 influence of sea-level change 17 Kapkazy Formation, Poland 167, 177, 180 sequence stratigraphic models 16 Karpinsky
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