Govind Singh Saharan Naresh Mehta Prabhu Dayal Meena Alternaria Diseases of Crucifers: Biology, Ecology and Disease Management Alternaria Diseases of Crucifers: Biology, Ecology and Disease Management Govind Singh Saharan • Naresh Mehta Prabhu Dayal Meena Alternaria Diseases of Crucifers: Biology, Ecology and Disease Management Govind Singh Saharan Naresh Mehta Plant Pathology Plant Pathology CCS Haryana Agricultural University CCS Haryana Agricultural University Hisar , Haryana , India Hisar , Haryana , India Prabhu Dayal Meena Crop Protection Unit ICAR Bharatpur , Rajasthan , India ISBN 978-981-10-0019-5 ISBN 978-981-10-0021-8 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-981-10-0021-8 Library of Congress Control Number: 2015958091 Springer Singapore Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London © Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifi cally the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfi lms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specifi c statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher, the authors and the editors are safe to assume that the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the authors or the editors give a warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein or for any errors or omissions that may have been made. Printed on acid-free paper Springer Science+Business Media Singapore Pte Ltd. is part of Springer Science+Business Media ( www.springer.com ) Dedicated to Beloved Dr Prithwi Raj Verma (10 January 1940–07 Feb 2015) F o r e w o r d Brassica species including B. campestris , B. juncea , B. napus and B. carinata are an important group of oilseed crops, constituting almost 13.2 % of the world edible oil requirement. Together these occupy about 29.39 million hectares of area with an annual production of 53.01 million tons in the world. These have wide adaptability and are often grown under varied agroclimatic conditions throughout the world. During the last two decades, the area and production of these crops have increased substantially and the total production has almost trebled. Considerable potential exists for improving production and productivity of oilseed brassicas, as well as cruciferous vegetables through breeding improved varieties that are resistant to both biotic and abiotic stresses. Among biotic factors limiting the productivity, the diseases like Alternaria blight, white rust, downy mildew, Sclerotinia stem rot and powdery mildew are the serious one. Presently, Alternaria diseases are due to four species, viz. A. brassicae (Berk.) Sacc., A. brassicicola (Schwein.) Wiltsh., A. raphani Groves and Skolko and A. alternata (Fr.) Kiessl, causing heavy yield losses annually in cruciferous crops. To have an in-depth knowledge of Alternaria diseases of crucifers and to evolve effective management strategies, it is necessary that a comprehensive review of literature relating to pathogen and its taxonomy, process of infec- tion, pathogenesis, fi ne structure, biochemistry of host–pathogen interaction, phytotoxins, pathogenic variability, distribution, yield losses, disease cycle, epidemiology and forecasting, resistance, and sources; various techniques for germ-plasm screening; in vitro studies; biotechnological approaches; and vii viii Foreword disease management practices is available for the workers. Presently such a comprehensive document is lacking. This book “ Alternaria Diseases of Crucifers: Biology, Ecology and Disease Management ” is an outcome of sincere efforts of the authors focusing on oilseed crops’ diseases. The sugges- tions by the authors on priority areas of research will benefi t the Brassica researchers to plan their research in a better way. I congratulate the authors for bringing out this long-awaited publication and believe that this book will be of immense use to the scientists, teachers, students, extension specialists and all those interested in the production of crucifer crops. New Delhi, India S. Ayyappan 22 April 2015 Pref ace The aim of this book Alternaria Diseases of Crucifers: Biology, Ecology and Disease Management is to present a comprehensive information available in literature on fundamental and applied knowledge of Alternaria species infecting Brassicaceae crops and weeds. Since the fi rst publication of Monograph on Alternaria Diseases of Crucifers (Verma and Saharan, 1994), voluminous valuable research data have been generated and published that encouraged the authors to update the information in the form of a book. The four species of Alternaria , viz. A. brassicae (Berk.) Sacc., A. brassicicola (Schwein.) Wiltsh., A. raphani Groves and Skolko. and A. alternata (Fr.) Kiessl., are most widely distributed and cause severe quantitative and quali- tative losses in crucifers where these crops are grown in the world. Brassica crops are grown for high-quality edible (rapeseed–mustard, canola and other rapes) and industrial ( Crambe ) oil, common vegetables (cabbage, cauli- fl ower, radish, kohlrabi, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kales and other Brassica vegetables) and a few weeds. For convenience of the readers and coherence of the text, the information has been arranged in 13 chapters with several subsections. The arrangement includes the disease, geographical distribu- tion, symptoms on different hosts, host range, yield losses and disease assessment method, while detailed description on pathogen includes taxo- nomic position, phylogeny, variability, sporulation, perpetuation and spore germination, host–parasite interactions in the form of seed infection, disease cycle, process of infection and pathogenesis, epidemiology, forecasting, fi ne structures, biochemical changes and phytotoxins, host defence mechanism, techniques to study host–parasite relationships, management practices (including cultural, chemical, biological control practices) and deployment of host resistance. The last section deals with gaps in our understanding, and knowledge about management of these diseases, and offers suggestions for future research priorities. The subject matter has been vividly illustrated with photographs, graphs, fi gures, histogram, tables and coloured plates, which makes it stimulating, effective and easy to comprehend by the readers. The headings and subheadings of each chapter have been arranged in num- bered series to make the subject matter contiguous. All important and rele- vant references have been included for further consultations by the researchers, teachers and students. ix x Preface We believe that this book will be immensely useful to researchers, teach- ers, extension specialists, students and all others who are interested in the diagnosis and management of Alternaria diseases of crucifers. Suggestions for the improvement are always welcomed. Hisar , India Govind Singh Saharan Naresh Mehta Bharatpur , India Prabhu Dayal Meena Acknowledgements Authors are highly grateful to the following persons/scientists/publishers/ societies/journals/institutes/websites and all others whose valuable materials such as photographs (macroscopic, microscopic, electron micrographs, scan- ning electron micrographs), drawings, fi gures, histograms, graphs, tables, fl ow charts, etc., have been used through reproduction in the present docu- ment. The address of the author(s)/source(s) from where the material is adapted can be obtained from the reference which has been cited in the refer- ence section of the book. A. Persons/Scientists A. Tsuneda B. M. Pryor B. P. H. J. Thomma Claudia A. Jasalavich D. P. Lawrence E. G. Simmons F. M. Humpherson-Jones J. H. C. Woudenberg J. P. Tewari M. Soledade C. Pedras P. R. Verma P. Parvatha Reddy P. S. Bains Philippe Simonea R. P. Awasthi R. Y. Parada S. J. Kolte S. K. Shrestha Yangrae Cho B. Journal African Journal of Biotechnology Australian Journal of Agricultural Research Botany Brazilian Phytopathological Society Canadian Journal of Botany xi xii Acknowledgements Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology Crop Protection European Foundation for Plant Pathology Fungal Genet & Biology Indian Phytopathology International Journal of Agriculture, Environment & Biotechnology Journal of Mycology and Plant Pathology Journal of Oilseed Brassica Journal of Phytopathology Molecular Microbiology Molecular Plant Microbe Interaction Molecular Plant Pathology Molecules Mycologia Mycological Progress Mycological Research Phytochemistry Plant Molecular Biology Plant Pathology Plant Pathology PLoS Pathogens Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA Review of Plant Pathology Seed Science & Technology Journal The Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology The Plant Pathology Journal Transaction of British Mycological Society Tropical Plant Pathology Website http://cals.arizona.edu/PLP/pryorlab/alternaria.html http://nt.ars-grin.gov/fungaldatabases/ http://www.mycobank.org http://www.marinespecies.org www.elsevier.com/locate/yfgbi www.sciencedirect.com Publishers CABI, UK CSIRO Publishing Elsevier
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