WHY SUNNYVALE? WHY CITYLINE SUNNYVALE? DENSITY A built in customer base. EVERYTHING IS HERE. » One of the major cities comprising Silicon Valley with over 76,000 Onsite customer base with almost 1,000 residential units, 1,000,000 SF of office onsite with 2,000,000 SF additional office employees within the city and 282,500 employees within 5 miles of the within 3 miles, and 585,000 SF of retail! site. In comparison, this is substantially more than both Palo Alto and » High identity co-tenancy including Whole Foods, AMC theaters, and Target. Walnut Creek. » Within the City 3 miles 5 miles Brand new infrastructure and facades for distinct brand identity. 76,419 102,586 282,458 CityLine Sunnyvale » The Tenant mix makes CityLine a central location for daily shopping needs, entertainment and lifestyle essentials. Stanford Mall, Palo Alto 66,282 103,193 180,492 » CityLine will be a direct extension of the existing Downtown Sunnyvale and is a distinct void in the trade area. Broadway Plaza, Walnut Creek 49,598 65,953 98,936 Sunnyvale is home to high tech campuses such as Yahoo!, Google, Apple, S Mathilda Ave LinkedIn, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, Synopsys and many more. WHEN CAN YOU JOIN THE MIX?!LEGEND The site is a little over 3 miles away from Apple’s new infinite loop campus B S Mathilda Ave 2,800,000 sf campus with 13,000 employees. Apple and Nokia both Retail Phase I LEGENDDelivery Q1 2020 have office buildings at CityLine as well. Aries Way B Aries Way Retail Phase I Facebook recently signed a lease to take 1M SF in Moffett Towers II in DeliveryRetail Q1 2020 Phase II RRAries Way D RR Sunnyvale (3 miles away) which would add an additional 5,000-6,000 Block 1 BlockAries Way 2 Delivery Q1 2022 employees along with Amazon who just leased 350,000 SF in addition to Retail Phase II RR D F RR Block 1 E Block 2 DeliveryExisting Q1 2022 Retail the 1M SF they already are leasing. RR RR F E Existing Retail RR RR 453,029 residents within 5 miles of the property and 220,100 residents S Taae St Oce S Taae St G within 3 miles. S Taae St Oce Target S Taae St G W Washington Ave W Washington W Iowa Ave W Iowa Entry Target W Washington Ave W Washington Residential W Iowa Ave W Iowa Block 4 Entry Block 4 Ave W McKinley J Residential New Street New W McKinley Ave W McKinley J AFFLUENCE & EDUCATION N Street New N New Street New Street Block 3 Average HH income of $134,404 within 3 miles of the property and Block 3 Redwood Redwood $138,821 within five miles. Square SquareH H S Murphy Ave P S Murphy Ave P 63 percent of residents have earned a bachelor’s degree or higher with S Murphy Ave more than 35 percent of residents being born outside of the United States. S Murphy Ave Block 5 Block 5 Housing is selling for record prices which is a testament to demand and R Block 6 R the success within Sunnyvale - a 848 SF home sold in March for $2M in two days, $550,000 over asking. Block 6 S Sunnyvale Ave S Sunnyvale Ave STANFORD SHOPPING CENTER THE VILLAGE AT SAN ANTONIA CENTER W EVELYN AVE 101 11 MATHILDA PLACE 3 10 3 1 12 OLSON WAY 9 82 5 STANFORD ARIES WAY 8 S MURPHY STREET 13 UNIVERSITY ST. FRANCISST. STREET 1 2 4 2 6 7 14 15 W WASHINGTON AVE NEW STREET El Camino Real (Hwy 82): 37,000 ADT Hwy 85: 56,000 ADT CHARLES STREET W MCKINLEY AVE S MATHILDA AVE 1 mile 3 miles 5 miles Total Population 36,806 220,092 453,728 S SUNNYVALE AVE CARROLL STREET Households 13,328 84,036 170,375 Median Age 35.9 36.9 37.7 FLORA VISTA AVE MURPHY STREET S TAAFFE STREET Median HH Income $97,100 $102,819 $104,120 W IOWA AVE Average HH Income $122,232 $134,404 $138,821 Over $100K 48.5% 51.9% 52.6% USPS 1 Kabul Afgan Cuisine 5 Roko (Japanese) 9 Tumeric 13 Roberto's Cantina $200K+ 14.9% 17.6% 19.1% 280 Inchin's Bamboo Firehouse Grill & 1 Philz Coffee 2 PhoEver 6 10 14 Dishdash Garden Brewery Businesses 1,145 7,696 19,279 Starbucks 3 Don's Deli 7 Lily Mac's 11 Thai Basil 15 King Wah 2 Employees 12,806 113,924 281,221 % of Bachelors 63.6% 62.4% 63.6% 3 Coffee & More 4 Nom Burger 8 Ramen Seas 12 Rok Bistro Orange Theory Degree or Higher VALLEY FAIR CHARLESTON PLAZA @FIRST SHOPPING CENTER MOFFETT FEDERAL AIRPORT 237 101 85 MINETA SAN JOSE INTERNATIONAL 1 MILE 3 MILES 5 MILES 82 VALLEY FAIR SHOPPING CENTER BLOSSOM VALLEY CHERRY ORCHARD HOMESTEAD SQUARE MAIN STREET CUPERTINO VALLCO SHOPPING MALL STEVENS CREEK CENTRAL SANTANA ROW LAZY DOG CAFE 280 PALO ALTO MOUNTAIN VIEW SUNNYVALE SANTA CLARA SAN JOSE EL CAMINO REAL CUPERTINO MAIN LAUREL TOWN & SAN UNIVERSITY PRUNEYARD STREET STREET 3 MILE COUNTRY ANTONIO AVE CUPERTINO SAN CARLOS VILLAGE RADIUS POPULATION - 2017 223,526 149,447 150,215 242,697 222,539 135,635 148,417 RELATIVE TO CITYLINE -- LESSER LESSER GREATER LESSER LESSER LESSER HOUSEHOLDS - 2017 84,868 53,070 52,528 92,834 91,207 51,880 60,166 AVERAGE HH SIZE 2.62 2.66 2.7 2.59 2.77 2.57 2.44 AVERAGE AGE 37.2 35.5 34.9 38.5 39.2 40.6 38.8 EDUCATION ADULTS 25+ 156,327 96,846 96,822 168,852 174,246 94,130 104,420 LESS THAN HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA 11,411.9 8,425.6 10,069.5 15,872.1 9,235.0 7,906.9 4,908 BACHELOR'S DEGREE OR HIGHER 98,955 66,630 72,907 81,217.8 114,131.1 51,489.1 76,748.7 AVERAGE HH INCOME $142,286 $178,673 $171,629 $120,077 $147,099 $149,918 $168,818 RELATIVE TO CITYLINE -- GREATER GREATER LESSER GREATER GREATER GREATER MEDIAN HH INCOME $106,194 $115,278 $108,704 $88,831 $108,474 $103,149 $114,035 RELATIVE TO CITYLINE -- GREATER GREATER LESSER GREATER LESSER GREATER PER CAPITA INCOME $54,280 $64,842 $61,414 $46,429 $53,213 $57,877 $68,556 OCCUPATION CLASSIFICATION 18,481 71,881 72,535 125,147 121,540 73,464 76,669 % WHITE COLLAR 79.1% 77.6% 75.1% 70.6% 81.1% 80.5% 84.2% % BLUE COLLAR 9.5% 7.3% 8.7% 13.1% 7.9% 11.1% 6.0% % SERVICE AND FARMING 11.4% 15.1% 16.2% 16.3% 11.0% 15.5% 9.7% % OWNER OCCUPIED HOUSING UNITS 44.5% 48.0% 47.4% 49.4% 50.4% 54.4% 47.4% HH INCOME BY RANGE 84,868 53,070 52,528 92,834 91,207 51,880 60,166 # - % $75,000 - $99,999 11,287.4 / 13.3% 4,882.4 / 9.2% 5,095.2 / 9.7% 11,418.6 / 12.3% 17,511.7 / 12.0% 6,225.6 / 12.0% 5,896.3 / 9.8% RELATIVE TO CITYLINE -- LESSER LESSER GREATER GREATER LESSER LESSER # - % $100,000 - $149,999 17,482.8 / 20.6% 7,642.1 / 14.4% 7,564.0 / 14.4% 16,338.8 / 17.6% 17,694.2 / 19.4% 8,767.7 / 16.9% 9,686.7 / 16.1% RELATIVE TO CITYLINE -- LESSER LESSER LESSER GREATER LESSER LESSER # - % $150,000 - $199,999 11,117.7 / 13.1% 5,519.3 / 10.4% 5,252.8 / 10.0% 10,211.7 / 11.0% 12,039.3 / 13.2% 6,070.0 / 11.7% 7,159.8 / 11.9% RELATIVE TO CITYLINE -- LESSER LESSER LESSER GREATER LESSER LESSER # - % $200,000+ 17,058.5 / 20.1% 16,292.5 / 30.7% 15,180.6 / 28.9% 14,574.9 / 15.7% 20,065.5 / 22.0% 11,932.4 / 23.0% 16,726.1 / 27.8% RELATIVE TO CITYLINE -- LESSER LESSER LESSER GREATER LESSER LESSER OF NEW DEVELOPMENT IN THE 6 BLOCKS HEART OF SILICON VALLEY! A modern blend of daily needs, entertainment and high-end shops make CityLine your one stop destination. S Mathilda Ave LEGEND B S Mathilda Ave Retail Phase I Delivery Q1 2020 Aries Way Aries Way LEGEND Retail Phase II RR D RR Block 1 Block 2 Delivery Q1 2022 B F Retail Phase I E Existing Retail RR RR Delivery Q1 2020 Aries Way Aries Way S Taae St Oce S Taae St G Target W Washington Ave W Washington W Iowa Ave W Iowa Entry Retail Phase II Residential RR D Block 4 RR W McKinley Ave W McKinley J Block 2 Delivery Q1 2022 New Street New Block 1 N New Street Block 3 F Redwood E Existing Retail Square H 1,654 Spaces RR 1,285 Spaces RR S Murphy Ave P S Murphy Ave S Taae St Oce S Taae St Block 5 G R Target W Washington Ave W Washington W Iowa Ave W Iowa Entry Block 6 Block 4 Residential W McKinley Ave W McKinley J New Street New S Sunnyvale Ave N New Street Block 3 Redwood Square H S Murphy Ave P S Murphy Ave Block 5 R 995 Spaces Block 6 A modern blend of daily needs, entertainment and high-end shops make CityLine your one stop destination. S Sunnyvale Ave BLOCK 1 F F 100 ±4,127 SF F 105 ±2,120 SF BLDG F FROM CORNER OF MCKINLEY AND TAFFE F 110 ±5,438 SF F 115 ±6,050 SF BLDG F FROM CORNER OF MCKINLEY AND ARIES F 120 ±1,970 SF F 125 BLOCK 1 ±1,957 SF F 130 ±1,987 SF S Mathilda Ave LEGEND B Retail Phase I F 135 Delivery Q4 2018/Q1 2019 Aries Way Aries Way ±4,525 SF Retail Phase II W McKinley Ave Delivery Q2 2021 LEGEND Block 1 Block 2 F E Existing Retail S Taae St Oce S Taae St G Target W Washington Ave W Washington W Iowa Ave W Iowa Entry Retail Phase I Residential Block 4 W McKinley Ave W McKinley J New Street New N Delivery Q4 2018/Q1 2019 Block 3 Redwood Square H S Murphy Ave P S Murphy Ave Residential Block 5 R Block 6 GROUND LEVEL RETAIL S Sunnyvale Ave Aries Way S Taae St S Taae W Iowa Ave BLDG E FROM CORNER OF MCKINLEY AND TAFFE E 100 ±3,631 SF D 100 E 102 ±4,000 SF ±2,500 SF E 105 ±2,178 SF D 110 ±1,738 SF E 110 ±4,006 SF E 115 ±3,852 SF ±6,395 SF BLDG E FROM CORNER OF E 117 ±1,567 SF MCKINLEY AND ARIES E 120 ±2,474 SF E 125 ±2,452 SF E 140 E 145 E 130 ±4,451 SF ±2,954 SF ±3,272 SF BLOCK 1 S Mathilda Ave LEGEND B Retail Phase I Delivery Q4 2018/Q1 2019 Aries Way Aries Way Retail Phase II W McKinley Ave Delivery Q2 2021 Block 1 Block 2 LEGEND F E Existing Retail S Taae St Oce S Taae St G Target W Washington Ave W Washington W Iowa Ave W Iowa Entry Residential Retail Phase I D Block 4 E Ave W McKinley J BLOCK 2 Street New N Block 3 Delivery Q4 2018/Q1 2019 Redwood Square H S Murphy Ave P S Murphy Ave Block 5 Residential R GROUND LEVEL RETAIL Block 6 S Sunnyvale Ave Aries Way S Taae St S Taae W Iowa Ave S Taae St aae Street aae T 5 Park Dog J J-100 G ±2,554 SF J-106 J-104 J-102 ±4,350 SF ±2,846 SF ±3,144 SF J 3 BLOCK J-108 J-114 ±3,365 SF W ±4,100 SF J-112 J-110 .
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