Photo Rounds Painful genital ulcers Richard P.Usatine, MD Vice Chair for Education, Department of Family and Community Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio colleague came into the charting area and He had recently fallen in love, and was con- said he thought he had just seen his first cerned about these ulcers—he did not want to A case of chancroid. He asked me if I had a give her any diseases. They had only kissed so far moment to see the patient, a 32-year-old African and he wanted to know what he should tell her. American man who noted the onset of painful He said he had never had sex with men or inject- sores on his penis 1 week ago. The patient con- ed any drugs. He has had a number of serially sented to a second opinion. On further question- monogamous relationships and reported no other ing, he remembered a tingling pain that started a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) risk factors. few days prior to the sores. When asked about any The patient was a healthy-looking young man. previous outbreaks, he thought he may have had Examination of his penis (Figure 1) showed the something like this 1 year ago. He did not remem- ulcers clearly visible (Figure 2). He had only shot- ber seeing blisters before the sores appeared. ty inguinal adenopathy that was nontender. The last time the patient had sexual relations was 2 months ago, with someone he met at a ■ WHAT IS THE DIAGNOSIS? party. He claimed he used a condom. He did not have any lesions at that time and had never had a ■ WHAT IS THE TREATMENT sexually transmitted disease before. ANDPREVENTIONSTRATEGY? FIGURE 1 Painful sores on the genitals FIGURE 2 Close-up of ulcers on the penis The patient noted the onset of these sores on his penis The sores had shotty inguinal adenopathy that was 1 week previous. nontender. DECEMBER 2003 / VOL 52, NO 12 · The Journal of Family Practice 951 PHOTO ROUNDS ■ DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS Other characteristics to look for The most likely causes of painful genital ulcers in All of these sexually transmitted diseases can this case are herpes simplex, chancroid, and cause tender painful adenopathy, which is partic- syphilis. Granuloma inguinale and lymphogranu- ularly characteristic of chancroid and LGV. loma venereum (LGV) are rare causes of genital Suppurative inguinal adenopathy with painful ulceration in the United States. A zipper accident genital ulcers is almost pathognomonic of chan- or other trauma can cause genital ulceration, but croid. With LGV, there may be a self-limited the patient should be able to give a clear history genital ulcer at the site of inoculation, which is of such an event. often gone by the time a patient seeks care. By epidemiology alone, the order of likelihood Granuloma inguinale causes painless, progres- for the cause of any genital ulceration is herpes, sive ulcerative lesions without regional lym- syphilis, then chancroid. phadenopathy. These lesions are highly vascular (with a characteristic beefy red appearance) and This case points to herpes bleed easily on contact.1 While HIV can be spread Herpes simplex is by far the most common cause more easily with open genital ulcerations, HIV of painful genital ulcers in the United States; at alone does not cause genital ulcerations. least 50 million people have genital herpes sim- plex virus (HSV) infection.1 The features of this ■ LABORATORY EXAMINATION case pointing to herpes are the appearance of Herpes multiple ulcers, the tingling pain that preceded All patients with genital ulcers thought to be the ulcers, and the history of a possible episode in from an STD should be tested for syphilis and the preceding year. While it would be helpful to HIV regardless of other risk factors.1 This have a history of blisters that preceded the ulcers, patient should additionally be tested for herpes the evidence still points to herpes as the most simplex. A bacteriologic test for chancroid is likely diagnosis. not necessary, but the clinician who first saw the patient asked that we conduct the test for Could it be syphilis? chancroid—a culture for the Haemophilus While the primary chancre of syphilis is classical- ducreyi bacterium. ly described as painless, the patient with syphilis Isolation of HSV in cell culture is the preferred may experience pain. Syphilis tends to present as virologic test for patients with genital ulcers.1 a single ulcer but may cause multiple ulcers. Unfortunately, the sensitivity of culture declines rapidly as lesions begin to heal, usually within a Why not chancroid? few days of onset. Direct fluorescent antibody Chancroid may also cause multiple small painful tests are also available. Both herpes culture and ulcers. However, the ulcers of chancroid tend the direct fluorescent antibody test distinguish to be deeper than those of herpes and bleed HSV-1 from HSV-2. Polymerase chain reaction more easily. assays for HSV DNA are highly sensitive, but ■ SUBMITTING IMAGES TO PHOTO ROUNDS Do you have images (slides, prints, digitized photos) of compelling clinical cases of interest to family physicians? We would like to publish them, along with a brief description of the clinical presentation and a diagnostic question for readers. The case should include information on the differential diagnosis and treatment, the latter applying an evidence-based approach supported by cur- rent references. Submit electronic files to [email protected], or send high-quality slides and prints to: Richard P. Usatine, MD, Editor, Photo Rounds, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Department of Family and Community Medicine, MC 7794, 7703 Floyd Curl Drive, San Antonio, TX 78229-3900. 952 DECEMBER 2003 / VOL 52, NO 12 · The Journal of Family Practice PHOTO ROUNDS their role in the diagnosis of genital ulcer disease the first clinical episode of genital herpes: has not been well-defined. • Acyclovir 400 mg orally, 3 times daily for 7–10 Most cases of recurrent genital herpes are days or until clinically resolved, OR caused by HSV-2. Specific serologic testing can • Acyclovir 200 mg orally, 5 times daily for 7–10 be expensive, and is not needed at the time of days or until clinically resolved, OR the initial virologic screening. However, consid- • Famciclovir 250 mg orally, 3 times daily for er ordering the test at a subsequent visit, 7–10 days or until clinically resolved, OR because the distinction between HSV serotypes • Valacyclovir 1 g orally, twice daily for 7–10 days influences prognosis and counseling. Also, or until clinically resolved. because false-negative HSV cultures are com- mon—especially with recurrent infection or Topical acyclovir is less effective than the oral healing lesions—type-specific serologic tests formulaton and its use is discouraged. are useful for confirming a diagnosis of genital The suspicion for syphilis is too low to warrant herpes.1 Herpes serologies can also be used to an intramuscular shot of penicillin, which is help manage sexual partners of persons with painful and can cause anaphylaxis in some genital herpes. patients. The likelihood of chancroid is too low to prescribe an oral antibiotic such as erythromycin. Syphilis The patient wanted empirical treatment for The Venereal Disease Research Laboratory herpes. He was given valacyclovir, 1 gm for 7 (VDRL) test or rapid plasma reagin (RPR) test days, taken twice daily, with the option to call in should be used to detect syphilis. Both tests are for more if the ulcers did not resolve by day 7. used for nonspecific screening only, because He was told he might apply petrolatum and they measure anticardiolipin antibodies. A posi- clean gauze to the ulcers to diminish the pain tive result should be confirmed with a specific when open ulcers rub against underwear. treponemal test such as a fluorescent trepone- Acetaminophen or other analgesics were recom- mal antibody absorption test (FTA-ABS). mended for pain, and he was advised to avoid The results of these laboratory tests are not sexual activity until the ulcers had fully healed. available immediately during the patient’s visit. If there was a high suspicion for syphilis, a dark ■ PREVENTING TRANSMISSION field examination from the ulcer exudate could The patient is appropriately concerned about the be used to look for spirochetes while the patient transmission of this condition to a new partner. was still in the office. In this case, the suspicion Not having a firm diagnosis makes definitive for syphilis was low. counseling more difficult. However, general principles of safe sex and condom use were ■ TREATMENT: ANTIVIRALS discussed. On the follow-up visit the patient was The major question is whether the patient should told that the result of his herpes test was positive be treated empirically with medication. The most for HSV-2. Results of his RPR, HIV antibody test, likely diagnosis is herpes simplex. Randomized and H ducreyi culture were all negative. trials indicate that 3 antiviral medications— Information about condom use was reinforced, acyclovir, famciclovir, and valacyclovir—provide and the patient was told there is definitive clinical benefit for genital herpes (level of evidence that condom use does diminish the risk evidence [LOE]=1a).1 of transmission of herpes from a man to a woman The Centers for Disease Control and (LOE=1b).2 That same study did not show that Prevention (CDC) 2002 treatment guidelines for condom use prevents transmission from women STDs recommend the following medications for to men. Also, changes in sexual behavior, DECEMBER 2003 / VOL 52, NO 12 · The Journal of Family Practice 953 PHOTO ROUNDS THETHE JOURNALJOURNAL OFOF FAMILY correlated with counseling about avoiding sex when a partner has lesions, were associated with PRACTICE reduction in HSV-2 acquisition over time 2 (LOE=1b).
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