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INDEX Page references followed by f denote fi gures. Page references followed by t denote tables. Aanes ’ method of repair of third-degree Analgesia Antiseptic agents, 94 perineal laceration, 169–174, infi ltration, 7–8 Arthrotomy, fetlock joint, 134–136, 171f–173f intravenous local, 14–16, 15f 135f Abdominal exploration regional, 7–16 Asepsis, principles of, 4 in cattle, 212–215, 213f–214f epidural analgesia, 10–11, 11f–12f, Aseptic surgery, 6 in horses, 196–202, 197f–200f 13t–14t Atropine, 19 Abomasopexy eye, 14 Autoclaving, 38 left-fl ank, 222, 225, 226f–227f horn, 14 Azaperone paramedian, 221–222, 228, inverted L block, 8, 8f for cesarean section in swine, 292 229f–230f limb, 14–16, 15f for tranquilization and sedation in right-fl ank, 222, 225, 228 paravertebral block, 9–10, 9f swine, 16, 18t Abomasum Anastomosis, 231–232 left-side displacement (LDA), Anesthesia. See also Regional analgesia; Babcock intestinal forceps, 43f 221–222, 224, 226f, 228, 230 specifi c surgical techniques Backhaus towel clamps, 42f right-side displacement (RDA), general, 16–23 Balfour retractor, 38, 48f 221–222, 224–225, 230–231 induction, 19–21, 19t–21t Balling behavior of boars, 316 right torsion (RTA), 221–222, 224, maintaining, 21–23, 22t Balling gun, 58f 228, 230 overview, 16, 18 Bandages, stent, 88, 88f Acepromazine (acetylpromazine) preanesthetic evaluation, 18 Bandage scissors, 36, 40f maleate, for tranquilization and premedication, 18–19 Bandaging skin grafts, 109 sedation local and regional, 7–16, 8f–9f, Barnes dehorner, 280 in horses, 16, 17t 11f–12f, 13t–14t, 15f Base defi cit/excess, 25–26, 28 in small ruminants, 16, 18t monitoring, 23 Bennett ’ s speculum, 55f Acid-base imbalance, diagnosis of, tranquilization and sedation, 16, Benzotropine mesylate, for priapism, 146 24–26 16t–18t Bicarbonate Adhesions, equine castration for wound exploration, 95 administration of, 28 complication, 146, 152 Anion gap, 26 concentration in acid-base Adhesives, tissue, 67 Annular ligament of the fetlock, diagnosis, 25–26 Alexander chisel, 49f COPYRIGHTEDtransection of, 127–129, MATERIAL 128f Bistoury (tenotomy) knife, 114, Alexander gouge, 49f Antibiotics 115f–116f Allis tissue forceps, 37, 42f antimicrobial impregnated suture Bladder marsupialization, 297 Amputation materials, 65 Bloat, 11, 18, 23, 219 of digit in cattle, 273–276, 275f role in surgery, 5 Blood gases, 25, 25t, 26 of the penis in the horse, 166–169, topical, 5 Bone-holding forceps, Kern, 48f 167f–169f Anticholinergic drugs, 19 Bone rasp, 48f, 50f preputial in cattle, 245–248, 247f Antiinfl ammatory drug use in wound Bone rongeurs, 50f of splint bones in the horse, 131–134, exploration, 95–96 Bovine. See Cattle 132f–133f Antimicrobial therapy, in traumatic Bowed tendon, 127 via disarticulation, 274, 276 wounds, 95 Braided absorbable sutures, 62, 65 Turner and McIlwraith’s Techniques in Large Animal Surgery, 4th Edition. Dean A. Hendrickson and A. N. (Nickie) Baird. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2013 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 323 324 Index Breeder ’ s stitch, 159 mare, 56f preputial resection and anastomosis Brown-Adson forceps, 42f stud, 56f in bull, 245–248, 247f Buhner method of repair for vaginal Cattle retention suturing of vulva, 265– prolapse, 265–266, 267f–268f abdominal exploration, 212–215, 266, 267f–268f Buhner tape needle, modifi ed, 57f 213f–214f teaser bull preparation, 248–252, Bulb syringe, 51f dehorning, 277, 279–280, 281f–282f 249f–250f Bulls digit amputation, 273–276, 275f urethrostomy, 236, 238, 239f–240f, castration epidural anesthesia, 10–11, 11f 241 of calf, 235–236, 237f eye enucleation, 276–277, 278f–279f Cattle leader, 52f unilateral, 257–258 fl uid balance evaluation, normal values CCP (corpus cavernosum penis) corpus cavernosum penis (CCP) for, 25t thrombosis, 251–252 thrombosis, 251–252 gastrointestinal surgery, 211–232 Cecal dilatation/volvulus, in cattle, epididymectomy, 252, 253f for abomasal displacement/ 231 hematoma evacuation of penis, torsion, 221–231, 223f, 226f–227f, Cervical prolapse, 265 241–245, 243f–244f 229f–230f Cervicopexy for vaginal prolapse, in inguinal herniorrhaphy, 252, 254–257, abomasopexy, left-fl ank, 222, 225, cattle, 266, 268–270, 269f 255f–256f 226f–227f Cervix, laceration of, 170 penile fi xation, 250f, 251 abomasopexy, paramedian, Cesarean section penile translocation, 248, 249f, 251 221–222, 228, 229f–230f in camelids, 304–305 preputial resection and abomasopexy, right-fl ank, 222, 225, in cow, 258–265, 260f–264f anastomosis, 245–248, 247f 228 in mare, 160, 162–164, 163f teaser bull preparation, 248–252, cecal dilatation/volvulus, 231 in small ruminants, 299–300 249f–250f laparotomy, fl ank, 212–215, in swine, 317–319, 318f urethrostomy, 236, 238, 239f–240f, 213f–214f Chains, obstetric, 56f 241 laparotomy, principles of, 211 Cheek tooth repulsion, in horses, Bupivacaine, 7–8 omentopexy, right-fl ank, 221–224, 191–196, 193f–194f Butorphanol, for tranquilization and 223f Chemical sterilization, 38 sedation pyloro-omentopexy, 224–225 Chip fractures, fetlock joint, 134–136, in cattle, 16t rumenostomy (rumen 135f in horses, 17t fi stulation), 219–221, 220f Chisel rumenotomy, 215–219, 217f–218f Alexander, 49f Calculi, urinary small intestinal resection and U.S. Army, 49f in cattle, 238 anastomosis, 231–232 Chlorhexidine, 6, 94 in small ruminants, 296–297 general anesthesia in, 16–24, 20t, 22t Chloride, serum, 27 Calf castration, 235–236, 237f intubation in, 20 Chromic catgut, 62 Camelid surgery, 303–309 regional analgesia, 8–11, 8f–9f, 11f, Circumcision castration of the llama, 303–304 13t, 14, 15f in bull, 245–248, 247f cesarean section, 304–305 rib resection and pericardiotomy, 280, in horses, 164–166, 165f–166f tooth removal in the llama, 305–309, 282–283, 284f–285f Clamp, towel, 37, 42f 307f–308f surgical site preparation, 6 Cleaning wounds, 94 Cannula, teat, 58f teat laceration repair, 283, 285–288, Clipping, preoperative, 5–6 Capillary refi ll time, 24 287f Closure Caprolactam, polymerized, 64t, 66–67 third eyelid resection, 288 delayed primary, 96 Carbon dioxide, measurement of, 25–26 tracheotomy, 288–289 primary closure, 96 Caslick ’ s operation for pneumovagina in tranquilization and sedation, 16, 16t secondary-intention healing, 96–97 the mare, 156–159, 157f–158f umbilical surgery, 289–290 using tension-relieving incisions, Castration urogenital surgery, 235–270 103–104, 104f cattle castration of calf, 235–236, 237f Clubfoot, treatment of, 120, 122 calf, 235–236, 237f cervicoplexy for vaginal Coffi n (distal interphangeal) joint, unilateral in bull, 257–258 prolapse, 266, 268–270, 269f fl exure deformities of, 120, 122, horse, 139–152, 141f–144f cesarean section, 258–265, 126–127 complications, 145–146, 152 260f–264f Cold (chemical) sterilization, 38 cryptorchidectomy, 147f–152f, corpus cavernosum penis (CCP) Collagen, 62 152–156 thrombosis, 251–252 Connell suture, 85–86, 85f llama, 303–304 epididymectomy, 252, 253f Continuous horizontal mattress swine, 311–312, 313f hematoma evacuation of suture, 79, 79f cryptorchid castration of penis, 241–245, 243f–244f Continuous Lembert suture, 84–85, 84f piglets, 314, 316 inguinal herniorrhaphy, 252, Continuous lock stitch (Ford interlocking Catgut, 62 254–257, 255f–256f suture), 83, 83f Catheter penile fi xation, 250f, 251 Contrast agents, 95 c o w , 5 5 f penile translocation, 248, 249f, Corneal refl ex, 23 epidural, 11 251 Cornual block, 14 Index 325 Corpus cavernosum penis (CCP) superior check ligament, 122–124, Emasculator, 52f thrombosis, 251–252 123f Empyema, guttural pouch, 186, 189 Cotton, 64t, 66 Detomidine Endotracheal intubation, 18 Counterirritants, 113 for anesthetic maintenance, 22t in cattle, 20 Crile forceps, 43f epidural use of, 10–11, 13t–14t in swine, 20–21 Cruciate (cross mattress) suture, 81, for tranquilization and sedation Endotracheal tube, 59f 82f in cattle, 16t Enucleation of the eye, in cattle, Cryptorchidectomy in horses, 16, 17t 276–277, 278f–279f in horses, 147f–152f, 152–156 Dexon, 63t, 65 Ephedrine, for hypotension, 22 inguinal approach, 147f–149f, Diazepam (Valium) Epididymectomy, 252, 253f 153–154 for anesthetic induction, in cattle and Epidural analgesia, 10–11, 11f–12f, laparoscopic, 152f, 155–156 small ruminants, 20t 13t–14t parainguinal approach, 150f–151f, for convulsion control, 8 Epineural capping, in palmar digital 154 for tranquilization and sedation neurectomy, 129 standing fl ank approach, 151f, 154 in small ruminants, 16 Epithelialization, 93 in swine, 314, 316 in swine, 18t Equine. See Horses Curette, 49f Digit amputation in cattle, 273–276, Equine molar forceps, 54f Cushing suture, 85, 85f 275f Ethylene oxide, for sterilization, 38 Cyanoacrylate, 67 via disarticulation, 274, 276 Eventration, post-castration in Cystostomy, tube, 296–297 Disarticulation, digit amputation horse, 145–146 via, 274, 276 Excision, sharp of wounds, 95 Dacron, 67 Disbudding young goat, 295–296 Eye DDSP (dorsal displacement of the soft Distal (inferior) check ligament enucleation in cattle, 276–277, palate), in horse, 184 desmotomy, 119–122, 121f 278f–279f Dead space, 96–98 Dobutamine, for hypotension, 22 regional analgesia of, 14 Debridement, 95, 97 Dopamine, for hypotension, 22 third eyelid resection, 288 Deep digital fl exor accessory ligament, Dorsal displacement of the soft palate Eyeball rotation, for anesthetic desmotomy of, 119–122, 121f (DDSP), in horse, 184 monitoring in cattle, 23 Deep digital fl exor tenotomy, 126–127 Dose syringe, 59f Dehorner Double-layer inverting suture Feed, withholding prior to surgery, 18 Barnes-type, 52f patterns, 87–88 Femoral

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