L ighting Lighting lame the theF F lame Junior School Heads’ Association of Australia 1952 - 2000 Lighting the Flame ISBN 0 646 39417 7 Published and Printed by 205 Halifax Street Adelaide SA 5000 Design by Openbook Publishers Inside front: Cranbrook Conference 1952 Inside back: Nudgee Conference 1992 Lighting the Flame Editorial Committee Kel Emmett Pam Ayers (Yarra Valley, Vic., 1966-92) (Melbourne Girls Grammar, Federal Chairman 1980-82 Morris Hall, Vic.,) 1981-96 ‘Bulletin’ Editor 1971-82 Federal Treasurer 1988-96 Life Member Life Member Editor Peter Valder Roy Zimmerman (Melbourne Grammar, Grimwade (Scots College, Queensland, 1956-65) House, Vic., 1979-97) (Newington, Wyvern House, N.S.W., ‘Bulletin’ Editor 1982-94 1966-96) Life Member Federal Chairman 1964-66 Federal Secretary 1984-94 Life Member CONTENTS Preface 9 Foreword 11 The History - Genesis 1948-52 14 - Development 1952-76 18 - Amalgamation 27 - The 80s 29 - The 90s 32 - Constitution 35 - Branch Histories - New South Wales 37 - Victoria 44 - South Australia 54 - Queensland 59 - Western Australia 66 - Tasmania 69 Personalities - N.S. Connal 74 - E.C. Rowland 75 - Life Members Federal 76 - Life Members State 100 Impressions 107 Some Major Achievements - Grants-In-Aid Scheme 166 - The Wells Orations 171 - Association Publications 184 Here and There 189 Links with Associations - Australian Senior Heads 224 - APPA 225 - Overseas 227 Conference Summaries 231 Innovations of Recent Years 243 Membership Records 247 Honour Roll 291 From ‘The Bulletin’ 297 The Future 303 ABBREVIATIONS ACE Australian College of Education ACER Australian Council for Educational Research ACPPA Australian Catholic Primary Principals’ Association AHIGSA Association of Heads of Independent Girls’ Schools of Australia AHISA Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia AHIPS Association of Heads of Independent Primary Schools (NZ) AHISNZ Association of Heads of Independent Schools in New Zealand AIS Association of Independent Schools AISQ Association of Independent Schools of Queensland AMA Assistant Mistresses’ Association APAPDC Australian Principals’ Association for Professional Development Council APPA Australian Primary Principals’ Association BLIPS Basic Learning in Primary Schools CAIS Canadian Association of Independent Schools DEETYA Department of Education, Employment, Training and Youth Affairs ELIC Early Literacy in Children ESHA Elementary Schools Heads’ Association (USA) FASPP Forum of Australian State Primary Principals HMC Headmasters’ Conference IAPS Incorporated Association of Preparatory Schools (UK) IARTV Incorporated Association of Registered Schools of Victoria JSAA Junior Schools’ Association of Australia JSHA Junior School Headmistresses’ Association JSHAA Junior School Heads’ Association of Australia NCIS National Council of Independent Schools NEC National Educational Council NPDP National Professional Development Project SCHIPA Sunshine Coast Heads Independent Primary Schools Association SCV State College of Victoria SPELD Specific Learning Difficulties Association PREFACE Trevor Jones. uring early 1993 the Federal Like these two editors of the earlier Board of the Association decided publication, those responsible for setting down in that a JSHAA History Publication acceptable form in this book the story of the Dshould be aimed at during the Year 2000. This birth, rise and dramatic recent development of suggestion was made in light of the early what has been an influential group in the publication in 1976 of ‘The First Twenty-Five professional forces in Australia have found the Years’ which was an account of the task an honour. establishment and development of the Junior The aim to publish the names and years of Schools Headmasters’ Association of Australia service of all members in our JSHAA schools, 1952-76. coupled with similar listings of State Branch and This splendid early publication, produced on a Federal office-bearers over the 1952-2000 period limited budget, reflecting the relatively small is fraught with the possibility of omissions and membership of the Association then, was edited inaccuracies. We apologise for these. by two JSHAA stalwarts, Bob Gilchrist and Trevor Gratitude is recorded to all who have offered Jones. suggestions, sent material, discussed progress, Following the Federal Board’s decision to spurred on those who were holding vital proceed with a history, Kel Emmett was information and in so many, many ways have appointed to plan the project. For some years he helped bring the task to its conclusion. researched for copy available and in 1997 was For almost fifty years the JSHAA has been joined by Pam Ayers, Peter Valder and Roy serving Primary Education in Australia. Zimmerman making up an Editorial Committee. Other enthusiasts have been responsible for May we continue to enjoy specific separate sections and thanks are ‘Lighting the Flame’. recorded to Maurice Alliston (SA), Robert Armstrong (WA), Jeff Boyes (Tas), Richard Cornish (Vic), John Deane (NSW/Q), Ian Fraser (Tas), Keith Grundy (SA), David Hine (WA), Robert Hoff (SA), John Hosford (Tas), Debi Howarth (Q), Bill Leak (SA), John Maffey (NSW), Geoff Matthews (WA), Rosalie Ramsay (NSW), Julie Rimes (Tas), Reg Ritchie (WA), Bill Sayers (Vic), Natalie Vandepeer (SA), and John Watson (Vic). Thanks are also recorded to hundreds of other current and former members for providing copy and also the office of Ballarat Grammar Junior School for typing and other services. The response to requests for copy indicated at first there was a sense that the exercise was only required for long serving members and it was only from late 1998 on that new members began to make contributions. Much of the early history of the Association has been taken directly from the publication ‘The First Twenty-Five Years’ and we record particular thanks for the work of Bob Gilchrist and 9 FOREWORD recognise outstanding contribution to the Association, namely Honorary Life Membership. t is indeed a great honour for • The resolution in 1984 at the Perth Conference me to write the Foreword for to extend membership to Heads of girls and this book, the History of the co-educational independent schools. Junior School Heads’ Association of Australia • The adoption of the current name in 1982 of Ititled ‘Lighting the Flame’. ‘Junior School Heads’ Association of The launch of ‘Lighting the Flame’ signals a Australia. real milestone in the rich and emerging history of • The Incorporation of the Association in 1994 the Association. From very humble beginnings and the accompanying legal framework. in 1952 when the first group of independent • The decision in 1996 for JSHAA to join with primary Heads gathered at Cranbrook School in our state and catholic school colleagues to Sydney we have grown as an Association which have equal representation on the National now has over 300 Full Members, 120 Associate, Executive Council of the Australian Primary Life and Overseas members and its schools Principals’ Association. employ about 6000 staff and educate over This book has been a labour of love for the 100000 children. Editor, Kel Emmett. I don’t use this as some old, A book such as this is a story about people. overused cliché but as a phrase which The fact we have such a high profile on the encapsulates what Kel has achieved. From national scene is due totally to the tireless efforts volunteering to take up the challenge first of so many members over almost 50 years, who presented by Peter Rogers, Federal Chairman have committed themselves, not only to their 1990 - 92, for a history to be published at the schools, but to the Association and thus ensured turn of the century, Kel has been totally its growth at a branch, national and dedicated to the task of providing current and international level. succeeding JSHAA members with a There have been a number of critical comprehensive, accurate and light-hearted look highlights during this journey. The following list at what has been a wonderful journey. is not meant to be exhaustive but merely provides Kel has been ably supported by the Editorial a snapshot of developments which have shaped Committee comprising Pam Ayers, Peter Valder the vision and values of the Association. and Roy Zimmerman. On behalf of our Association I thank them and all members past • The first Conference at Cranbrook School in and present who have made such a valuable Sydney in 1952, with the biennial conference contribution to this history. Your efforts have continuing to be a feature of our Association. left us with a legacy of which we can be • The first meeting of the Executive Committee justifiably proud and which give us a solid held in Melbourne on 15 May, 1953 and foundation for the future. which recommended we call ourselves ‘The In closing, those of us who were present at the Junior Schools’ Association of Australia’. launch of this book on 5 July, 2000 are indeed • The commencement of the Grants-in-Aid privileged to have been part of a significant event scheme in 1958. in the history of the Junior School Heads’ • The introduction at the 1968 Conference at Association of Australia. May our next 50 years Newington College of the Wells Oration. be just as enlivened by the vision of Heads who • The initial Association publication called ‘Junior so actively and passionately promote the value of School’ (1952 - 58) which was superseded by independent, primary education in Australia. ‘The Bulletin’ in 1965. David Hine • The introduction in 1972 of Awards to Federal Chairman 1998 - 2000 11 TTHE HISTORY LIGHTING THE FLAME • JUNIOR SCHOOL HEADS’ ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA HISTORY GENESIS yet integrated in the whole of which it forms a part. mong the great The Junior School Heads’ Association of educators to visit Australia owes its origin to the confluence of a set Australia early last of circumstances - overseas visits, Acentury was Professor Kapur, Director of correspondence, personal associations and ideas. Education for the Punjab, India. His particular And there is nothing so powerful as an idea contribution was his exposition of the theme whose time has come.
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