MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1975 WASHINGTON, D.C. Volume 40 ■ Number 13 Pages 3210A—3283 PART I « HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS ISSUE This listing does not affect the legal status of any document published in this issue. Detailed table of contents appears inside. CONVICT EMPLOYMENT— Justice/Parole Board prohibits, unless exempted, persons convicted of certain crimes from working in employee benefit plan organizations; effective 1—20—75............................................... ................ 3210K RADIOPHARMACEUTICALS— AEC amends fuies for cer­ tain human medical uses. .................... '........ ................. 3210B January 17, 1975— Pages 3210A-3283 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE COST FOR DRUGS— HEW/SSA proposes price regulations for multiple- source products; comments by 3-21-75.......... —....... 3219 HEW/PHS proposes amount spent by Health Services Delivery Programs; comments by 3-21-75.............. .. 3218 CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES—Justice/DEA issues 1975 final aggregate production quotas for certain drugs; effective 1-20-75...................... ............... ...... ..................... 3225 U.S. CITIZEN IDENTIFICATION CARDS— Justice/1 NS es­ tablishes use of single form; effective 2-19-75............ 3210A MEETINGS— National Science Foundation: Instructional Scientific Equipment Program Subpanel, 2-6 thru 2-8-75........................... 3257 Advisory Panel for Metabolic Biology, 2-6 and 2-7-75 .................... 3256 Advisory Panel for Neurobiology, 2-6 and 2-7-75.... 3257 Advisory Panel for Regulatory Biology, 2-6 and 2-7-75 ............... ...................................... 3257 Commerce/SESA: Census Advisory Committee on the Black Population for the 1980 Census, 2-27 and 2-28-75 ............. 3236 USDA/AMS: Flue-Cured Tobacco Advisory Committee, 2-10-75 ................ ......................................................... 3235 State: U.S. National Committee for the International Telegraph and Téléphoné Consultative Committee, Study Group 1, 2-13-75................. ................................. 3224 National Endowment for the Humanities: Education Panel, 2-6-75........................................................... i..... 3256 * DOD: Defense Advisory Group on Electronic Devices, 2-11, 2-13, and 2 -2 5 -7 5 .................... .................... 3225 Defense Science Board Task Force on “Electronic Test Equipment," 2—13 and 2-14-75..................... 3224 Air Force: AFROTC Advisory Panel, 1—27—75............... 3224 AEC: Advisory Committee on Reactor Safeguards Sub­ committee on Atlantic Generating Station and Float­ ing Nuclear Plant, 2-^4—75...... L .................... ......... 3238 PART II: CHILDRENS SLEEPWEAR FLAMMABILITY STAND­ ARD— CPSC issues policy statement and pro­ poses labeling, recordkeeping and other require­ ments (3 documents); comments by 2-19-75. .. 3275 rem inders (The items in this list were editorially compiled as an aid to Federal R egister users. Inclusion or exclusion from this list has no legal significance. Since this list is intended as a reminder, it does not include effective dates that occur within 14 days of publication.) Rules Going Into Effect Today page no. * and date HEW/FDA— Antifungal antibiotics; revised minimum potency limit for nystatin. 43832; 12-19-74 DOT/FAA— Noise standards; aircraft type and airworthiness certification.— 43830; 12-19-74 FHLBB— Operations; branch office applica­ tions.................. .......... 43707; 12-18-74 ICC— General rules of practice; shipper certification requirements....... 43725; 12-18-74 ATTENTION: Questions, corrections, or requests for information regarding the contents of this issue only may be made by dialing 202-523-5286. For information on obtaining extra copies, please call 202-523-5240. To obtain advance information from recorded highlights of selected documents to appear in the next issue, dial 202-523-5022. ^ ^ ( ¡ ¡ , Published daily, Monday through Friday (no publication on Saturdays, Sundays, or on official Federal holidays), by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services j y l L Administration, Washington, D.O. 20408, under the Federal Register Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., ch. 15) nnrt the regulations of the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (1 CFR Ch. I ) . Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The Federal Register provides a uniform system for making available to the public regulations and legal notices issued by Federal agencies. These include Presidential proclamations and Executive orders and Federal agency documents having general applicability and legal effect, documents required to be published by Act of Congress and other Federal agency documents of public interest. The Federal R egister will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $5.00 per month or $45 per year, payable O in advance. The charge for individual copies is 75 cents for each issue, or 75 cents for each group of pages as actually bound. X» Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, o o D.C. 20402. <Q0) There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the Federal R egister. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 40, NO. 13— MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1975 contents AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL Notices EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY DEVELOPMENT Authority delegations: COMMISSION Notices Assistant Secretary for Science Rules Authority delegation, revocation:— and Technology----------- 1----- 3235 E m p l o y m e n t discrimination Affairs Officer, Venezuela------- 3224 Organization and f unctions: charges; deferral.___ ________ 3210M National Bureau of Standards— 3235 Proposed Rules AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE National Technical Informa­ Section 706 agencies______________ 3220 Rules tion Service _______________ 3235 Handling limitations: Patent Office_____________ ____ 3236 FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION Oranges (Navel) grown in Ariz. CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY Rules and designated part of Calif— 3214 COMMISSION Control zone.______________________3210K Milk marketing areas: Proposed Rules Lake Mead area--------.---------- 3214 Transition area_________________ 3210K Children’s sleepwear, sizes 7 Proposed Rules Proposed Rules through 14; labeling, record­ Grade standards: VOR Federal airway and tempo­ keeping, and other require­ rary restricted areas; correc­ Grapefruit and orange, canned, ments (2 documents)_____ 3276, 3279 for salad; correction and ex­ tion _____________ 3220 tension of time (2 docu­ Notices Notices ments) ---------- ----------------- . 3217 Children’s sleepwear; policy state­ Commissioning of airport traffic Grain standards: ment ___________ ______________' 3282 control towers: Weighted average, mechanical DEFENSE CIVIL PREPAREDNESS AGENCY Sugar Grove, HI----------- 3247 sampler inspection, etc.; ex­ Twin Falls, Idaho______________ 3247 Rules tension of time------------------- 3217 Walla Walla, Wash___________ 3247 Milk marketing areas: * Nondiscrimination on Federally Lake Mead area---------- --------- 3218 assisted programs----------------- 3212 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Notices DEFENSE DEPARTMENT Proposed Rules Meetings: See also Air Force. Cable television annual financial Flue-Cured Tobacco Advisory Notices Committee__________ — ------ 3235 report; extension of time__----- 3223 Meetings: Notices AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Electron Devices, Advisory Group on_._______________ -— 3225 Hearings, etc.: See Agricultural Marketing Serv­ Belo Broadcasting Corp. and ice; Soil Conservation Service. Defense Science Board Task Force on Electronic Test Wadeco, Inc------------ 3242 AIR FORCE Equipment____________ 3224 Communications Satellite Corp_ 3243 Notices General World Administrative Environmental statement; F-15 DRUG ENFORCEMENT ADMINISTRATION Radio Conference----------- -— 3245 Howell, Jimmie H., and Aaron J. beddown at Langley AFB, Va.; Notices Wells ___________________ 3244 hearing_______________________ 3224 Controlled substances, schedules Vegas Instant Page and WUI/ Meetings: I and II; 1975 final aggregate TAS of Las Vegas, Inc--------- 3245 AFROTC Advisory Panel-------- 3224 production quotas_____----------- 3225 FEDERAL ENERGY ADMINISTRATION ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY OFFICE Rules Rules Rules Administrative procedures; can- Byproduct material, human uses; Community action programs; suc­ group licensing for medical v cellation of hearing--------------- 3210D cessor authority--- ----- _______ 3213 uses___________________________ 3210B FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION Licensing; quality assurance cri­ EDUCATION OFFICE teria _________ 3210C Notices Notices Notices Rhode Island; proposed action Applications, etc.: Applications closing dates: j p la n ___________________________ 3247 Commonwealth Edison Co_____ 3237 Library Resources Program; Li­ ' f e d e r a l p o w er c o m m iss io n Meetings: brary Research and Demon­ Reactor Safeguards Advisory stration Program; Library Notices Committee __________________ 3238 Training Program; changes. 3236 Natural gas: Certificates of public conven­ CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Notices ience and necessity; applica­ ADMINISTRATION tions, abandonment of service Hearings, etc.: Notices and petitions to amend (2 International Air Transport AS' Authority delegations: documents)---------------- 3253, 3254 sociation (2 documents)____ 3239 “ Small producer” certificates; Ozark Air Lines, Inc___________
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