COMA Celebra 17 Aniversario News Briefs Delia Reyes, chair of La organizaciOn dc Comer- Desdc ese tiempo la organiza- Dems Push Work Education Plan ciantes Organizados Mexico the United States His- ciön sc ha establccido como la Americans, COMA, celebrara panic Chamber of organizacicin Hispana mas pre- The Washington Post reports that there is growing consensus su 17 aniversario do existencia Commerce will be the dominante en Lubbock ya quc on Capitol Hill that the nation's public schools should he gcarcd toward preparing students for work, and not for col- con un banqucte estc proximo featured speaker at the cucntan con un cuerpo dc tra- viernes. bajadores y son fundados por lege. Democratic leaders are expected to use this approach to 1 7th Annual Installa- la ciudad para su Irabajo. reforming education as part of their 1992 party platform. EI banquete tambien sera el tion and Award Ban- sitio do Ia instalaciön los nue- La directora de la organiza- A majority of high school graduates never go to college and vos oficiales quc tomaran las quet of COMA, the Lub- cicin es la Sra. Esther Sepeda. half who do go never finish, according to advocates of the EI costo plan. That means the entire education system is geared toward riendas de Ia Camara dc Co- bock Hispanic Cham- dc admision para el mcr ber of Commerce. banquetc y halle en donde toca- only 25% of students, according to Sen. Edward Kennedy, D- cio Hispana. El nuevo pres- MA. "We really have an elite type of school system," he said. idents do la Junta dc Directores The event will be Fri- ra la orquesta "Twin City sew el Sr. Leroy Montoya. Band" de la ciudad de Midland, "We want to recognize that the real economic strength and day and will be held at sera $25 wealth of the nation is how the other 75% perform." La oradora principal para el the Holiday Inn Civic Kcnnedy and House Majority Leader Richard Gephardt, D- banqucte sera la Sra. Delia El hanquete y harte son pa- Center. trocinados por el banco Texas MO, have introduced legislation that would create national per- Reyes, Ia nucva presidente dc formance standards for students who do not plan to go to col- la Junta de Directores de Ia Ca- Commerce y Southwestern Bell primer mujcr quc ocupa este bock en cl 1974 para tratar dc Telephone. lege. Under the proposed voluntary standards, students would mara de Comercio Hispano.de puesto. ayudar al ncgociante Mexico he assessed on their ability to learn skills for specific occupa- los Estados Unidos. Ella es la COMA se establesio en Lub- Americano en todo aspccto. tions. The proposal is based on the recommendations of the Commission on the Skills of the American Workforce a bipar- tisan group sponsored by the National Center for Education Established and the Economy that is chaired by John Sculley, chairman of Establesido Apple Computer. The plan calls for allowing students to move on different 19 77 tracks related to occupation and then developing standards for 'El respeto al those tracks. School-to-work transition programs and a dereeho aieno es EL ED TO "second chance" training program for dropouts would also be la paz' West Texas' Oldest Weekly Bilingual Newspaper created. Finally, employers of 20 or more workers who do not Lic Benito Juarez provide specified minimum training to their employees would he required to pay into a high-skill training fund. October 10 thru October 16, 1991 Lubbock, Texas Vol- XV No. 3 Congress Faces Up to Health Crisis UPI reports that Democratc and Republican leaders agreed yesterday that Congress must begin to address the "burning is- Population Growth Feeds Marketing Fiesta sue" of health care coverage 'n the U.S. The consensus means only the White House has not joined in calling for a compre- 13y Octavio Nuiry population, Latino advertising ic-owned agencies, especially Masius, Benton & Bowles last hensive solution to the health care crisis. A Spanish Rcconquista, agencies arc promoting a Span- in California, Texas and the year. House Speaker Thomas Foley, D-WA, made an unusual ap- fueled by high Latino birth and ish-language crusade, convert- Southwest. Of 100 or so Lati- "Once you're bought by a pearance before the Ways and Mcans Committee to recommend immigration rates, is creating a ing major national advertisers no agencies that claim Spanish- general-market agency, your beginning the search for answers to the problem. "Some might marketing fiesta on la Avenida into enthusiastic pureyors of language advertising expertise, days are over," claims George find the task daunting...," he said, but "we have an obligation Madison. Triggered by in- cspanol. only about 20 can truly serve San Jose', president of San to begin working earnestly toward finding a solution." The creasing corporate interest in Ten years ago, there were the national market competent- Jose' & Associates, the largest "litany of problems is exactly the reason health care has become the nation's fastest-growing only a dozen Hispanic advertis- ly, according to ad executives. Latino-owned ad agency in one of the burning issues of our day and why Congress can no ing agencies. But like the Today, six of the top 10 His- Chicago, with $12 million in longer ignore the matter," he added. Ca//entarios growth of black-oriented media panic ad agencies are affiliated annual billings. "You take the House Republican leader Robert Michel of Illinois, agreed. in the 1970s, Latino-owned ad- with or owned by large Madi- entrepreneurial spirit out of an However, he cautioned against moving toward a government- de Bidal vertising companies are now son Avenue giants. For exam- agency and you begin to crip- run system. "We must seek solutions that build upon what we by Bidal Aguero springing up to teach the na- ple, Newport Beach, Calif. - ple it." have, utilizing the great strengths of our free enterprise sys- Not many people noticed tion's 23.6 million Hispanic nascd Menaoza union, with San Jose' and others fear that tem," he said. that EI Editor recently en- the major Hispanic ad agen- Michel and other Republicans speaking before the committee tered its people with spending power estimated annual billings at $"3 exceeding $171 billion a year. million, was gobbled up by the cies, which arc responsible for urged lawmakers to present a carefully considered, bipartisan Fitt htesnth shaping society's image of the year of "Hispanic advertising is WPP Group, the world's larg- bill that could gain broad support from the American people. continuous growing 25 percent faster than est advertising and communica- modern Latino consumer, are More than a dozen bills dealing with the healthcare problem publishing general-market advertising." tions company. Publicidad increasingly becoming Madi- have been introduced in the House, but it is considered unlikely and serv- Lionel Sosa, founder and pres- at $21 million, is an son Avenue subsidiaries. that one will he passed this year or even next year. ing the Siboney, ident of Sosa, Bromley, Agui- offshoot of Foote, Cone & "If what you want is to make Committee member Marty Russo, D-IL, urged support for Lubbock a lot of money fast, you can area. lar & Associates of San Anto- Belding, which owns 51 per- his proposaj for a single-payer health care system that would E I Editor was established nio told Adweek a couple of cent of the Latino shop. Brit- sell out," Viviano 4Trrritt; vice replace 'the munitudc of health insurance plans now in place." in October of 1977 and has years ago. The pace has held ish ad giant Saatchi & Saatchi president/creative director of Ir- He said he has 57 co-sponsors for his bill, more than any other continued to be printed vine, Calif.-based Casanova in the House or Senate. every week since then. steady since then. Sosa, with owns 51 percent of Conill Ad- $70 million in billings annual- vertising, at $20 million; Pendrill Publicidad, t old Ad- The newspaper was first wee. "But if what you like is printed as a tabloid and ly, now outstrips longtime Young & Rubicam owns the Half of US Wetlands Threatened was converted to a full size leader Mendoza Dillon & Aso- Bravo Group, at $34 million; advertising, being bought out broadsheet newspaper. ciados as the leading Hispanic and Font & Vaamonde, at $32 is not attractive." S ince its inception, we at ad agency. It counts Coca- million, is owned by Grey Ad- Others disagree. "I think it's E I Editor has strived to pro- flattering to sell a' successful The Saa Jose Mercury News reports that two leading envi- ✓ Cola U.S.A., Burger King, vertising, which contro s 51 ide the best and most business," says Enrique ronmental groups are expected to release analyses today that complete news that primari- Anheuser-Busch and American percent. Sosa, a longtime Lati- Fernandez, editor of Ma's, the show half of the nation's wetlands would he removed from ly affect the Hispanic com- Airlines among its clients. no-owned independent, sold federal protection under President Bush's proposed wetlands munity. Also we have nation's largest Spanish- Most of the growth has in- 49 percent of his agency to the plan. That is a dramatic increase over earlier estimates that worked to provide sports, volved small, regional Hispan- general market shop D'Arcy, e ntertainment, religion, and 10% of wetlands would he lost. health news for our readers. The National Audubon Society and the National Wildlife Fed- Also since its inception eration plan to release the findings of two prominent environ- E l Editor has been known mental scientists who say roughly 50 million acres of hogs, as an advocacy newspaper tQue Pasa? with somewhat liberal and marshes, soggy potholes and other wetlands will he open to sometimes controversial Emergency Food Distribution ptugrarna o desea mss informacibn sirvace I1amsr development under Bush's plan.
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