Jacqueline M. Izzo Gerard F. Feeney Mayor Corporation Counsel Stephanie ViscelIi Butch Conover Common Council Commissioner of President Public Works David C. Nolan BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND CONTRACT Jean I. Grande City Treasurer CITY HALL· ROME, NEW YORK 13440-5815 City Clerk BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND CONTRACT MEETING AUGUST 10,2017 REGULAR SESSION 8:30 AM 1. CALLING THE ROLL OF MEMBERS BY THE CLERK 2. READING OF THE MINUTES OF THE PRECEDING SESSION (Motion in order that the reading of the minutes of the preceding session be dispensed with, and that they be approved.) 3. COMMUNICATIONS 4. PUBLIC SPEAKERS 5. REPORT OF DEPARTMENT HEADS 6. RESOLUTIONS RES. NO. 190 A AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ROME TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH MILES LEAK DETECTION LLC FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $17,825.00. Conover RES. NO. 191 B AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ROME TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH RBCI, LLC FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $124,262.00. Korpela RES. NO. 192 C AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ROME TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH BERGMANN ASSOCIATES FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $381,000.00. Andrews RES. NO. 193 D AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ROME TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH FISHER ASSOCIATES FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $124,350.00. Andrews RES. NO. 194 E AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ROME TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH O'BRIEN & GERE ENGINEERING FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $228,200.00. Andrews RES. NO. 195 F AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ROME TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH MJ DAKOTA FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $266,840.10. Conover RES. NO. 196 G AUTHORIZING AN EXTENSION TO A CONTRACT WITH GEORGE S. COYNE CHEMICAL COMPANY, INC., PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO. 69A ADOPTED MARCH 12,2015. Conover RES. NO. 197 H AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ROME TO ENTER INTO AMENDMENT NO. 3 WITH CDM SMITH RELATIVE TO THE WATER POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY DISINFECTION ALTERNATIVE STUDY. Conover RES. NO. 198 I AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR THE COLONNADE STEP REPAIR. Conover RES. NO. 199 J AUTHORIZING THE CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE FOR PROPOSALS FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR SURVEY AND SAMPLING OF ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS ON CITY OWNED PROPERTIES. Conover RES. NO. 200 K AUTHORIZING REIMBURSEMENT TO NEW YORK CENTRAL MUTUAL O/B/O VITA F. PUMA FOR PAYMENT OF A CLAIM FOR AN AMOUNT OF $10,000.00. Feeney RES. NO. 201 L AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ROME TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH PLUMLEY ENGINEERING FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $14,250.00. Conover 7. TABLED RESOLUTIONS RES. NO. 49 (2016) G AUTHORIZING BUDGETARY TRANSFER. Nolan 8. ADJOURNMENT BOARD OF ESTIMATE AND CONTRACT AUGUST 10,2017 RESOLUTION NO. 190 AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF ROME TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH MILES LEAK DETECTION LLC FOR AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $17,825.00 By _ WHEREAS, Butch Conover, Commissioner of the Department of Public Works for the City of Rome, has recommended that the City ofRome, New York, enter into an agreement with Miles Leak Detection, LLC, to perform a water leak detection survey of the City of Rome's water distribution system, for a total amount not to exceed to $17,825.00; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board ofEstimate and Contract ofthe City ofRome, that the Mayor of the City of Rome is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Miles Leak Detection, LLC, to perform a water leak detection survey of the City of Rome's water distribution system, for a total amount not to exceed to $17,825.00 in accordance with the specifications that are attached hereto and made a part ofthis Resolution. Seconded by _ AYES & NAYS: Mayor Izzo __ Viscelli Feeney __ Conover Nolan ADOPTED: DEFEATED: A LEAK DETECTI N 321 Glendale Ave. Findlay, OH 45840 ~~"ENT 1.;;·ST. ROME, ~ff' 13440 JUNE 13,2016 REFERENCES Mr.Paul Trovato Superintendent CITY OF SYRACUSE - DIVISION OF WATER 101 N. BeechSt. Syracuse, NY 13210 Phone (315) 427-0000 Mr. ChrisCarmody Engineer MOHAWI( VALLEY WATER AUTHORITY CityHall 1 Kennedy Plaza Utica, NY 13502 Phone (315) 792-0325 Mr. MattReynolds Superintendent TOWN OF DEWITT - WATER DEPARTMENT 5400Butternut Dr. East Syracuse, NY 13057 Phone (315) 446-3734 Mr. ScottBirney Superintendent VILLAGE OF GOSHEN - DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 276MainSt. Goshen, NY 10924 Phone (845) 294-6288 Mr. PeterHoyt Engineer CITY OF QUINCY - WATER DEPARTMENT 55 Sea St. Quincy, MA 02169 Phone (617) 376-1912 Mr.Ken Morse Superintendent TOWN OF WEYMOUTH - WATER DEPARTMENT 120Winter St. Weymouth, MA 02188 Phone (781) 337-5100 Mr. Robert Delaney Superintendent CHELMSFORD WATER DISTRICT 20 Watershed Ln. Chelmsford, MA 01824 Phone (978) 256-2931 Mr. Jeff Farrell. Operations Manager AQUARION WATER COMPANY OF MASSACHUSETTS 900Main St. Hingham, MA 02043 Phone (781) 740-6692 Mr. MarkRiopelle Assistant Superintendent DRACUT WATER WORKS 59 Hopkins St. Dracut, MA 01826 Phone (978) 957-0441 Mr. ToddBrandenburg Superintendent CITY OF PIQUA - UNDERGROUND UTILITIES 121 Bridge St. Piqua, Ohio 45356 Phone (937) 778-2088 Mr. DaleAlbert Superintendent CITY OF KENTON - WATER DEPARTMENT 501 Waterworks Dr. Kenton, OH43326 Phone (4l9) 673-1340 Mr. RobertMunch Superintendent CITY OF URBANA - WATER DEPARTMENT 416 Taft Ave. Urbana, OH 43078 Phone (937) 652-4335 Mr. JasonPhillips Superintendent VILLAGE OF OTTAWA - WATER DEPARTMENT 136N. OakSt. Ottawa, OH45875 Phone (419) 523-5020 Mr. MarkKaufinan Superintendent VILLAGE OF GLANDORF - WATER DEPARTMENT 203 N. MainSt. Glandorf, OH,45848 Phone (419) 538-6140 LEAK DETECTION SURVEY INTRODUCTION Miles LeakDetection, LLC willconduct a water leak detection survey oftheCity of Rome's water distribution system, including Griffiss Air Park. Miles Leak Detection, LLC will provide fully trained leak detection technicians and the necessary equipment. Reports willbeprepared for daily andsummary results. SCOPEOF SERVICES 1. Project Start-Up & Logistics A. MeetwithCitypersonnel todiscuss theproject approach andreview thewater system mapsto getfamiliarized withthetype ofpipe, theageofthepipe, and areaswhere water mainleaks have historically beenaproblem. A leaksurvey plan will thenbe madefrom the information. B. MilesLeakDetection, LLC willneeda copy ofanoverall general distribution map (preferably 400 scale) which shows the general location of valves and hydrants in thesystem to bechecked. Itis recommended to supply a copy on whichnotesandcomments canbe written on. C. MilesLeakDetection, LLC mayalsoneedaccess toanysectional maps ofthe system including fieldbooks, as-builts andservice tie-ins. Good records are veryimportant to the accuracy of pinpointing as well as the timerequired to survey awatersystem. Although Miles Leak Detection, LLC haspipetracing and valve locating equipment, the responsibility for accurate locations ultimately lieswiththe City. D. Miles Leak Detection, LLC requests that the City furnish an experienced, knowledgeable personwhoisfamiliar withthe distribution system with access to a City vehicle with curb keys and valve box keys/openers and other commonly usedtoolsforthisperson to use. This person's responsibilities will include assistance inlocating andopening valve andservice covers aswell as othertasksinvolved inthepinpointing oflealcs. Itispreferred thatthisperson is assigned to thisproject ona full time basis, butis not required. E. Thenames, contact information andassigned duties ofKey Personnel forthis projectwill be identified during this meeting. 2. Phase I- Initial Sounding & Leak Sound Documentation A. Conduct a comprehensive leakdetection survey using theFluidConservation Systems S-30 survey unit, whichconsists of an acoustic sounding amplifier usinga piezoelectric accelerometer sensor with a sensitivity rating of 12VG (voltsper G) minimum for leak soundmagnification. B. Listening points on themetallic and ACtype pipein the system will include all fire hydrants, all main valves, and customer services when there are no hydrants or valves available for distances greater than400feet. C. Listening points on plastic type pipe in the system will include all fire hydrants, all mainvalves and all service connections. D. Whenthepipematerial isnon-metallic orwhen normal contact points arenot available for a distance greater than 400feet, andthe ground cover is a hard surface, Miles Leak Detection, LLC will use a ground microphone with a sensitivity rating of 12VG making physical ground contact at intervals ofno greater than 6 feetdirectly overthe pipe. E. Whenthepipematerial is non-metallic orwhen normal contact points arenot available for a distance greater than 400 feet, andthe ground coveris nota hard surface, Miles Leak Detection, LLC will usetheS-30survey unittolisten on probe rods, driven to a minimum depth of 6 inches, at intervals of no greater than 6 feet directly overthe pipeto sound for leaks. F. To increase the speed of the survey, all suspected leak sounds will be documented withintensity ratings for re-investigation and pinpointing at a latertime. This re-investigation helpsto eliminate usage andotherfalse leak sounds, and is quicker overall than correlating at the first indication of a potential leak. 3. PhaseII - Secondary Sounding & Pinpointing A. Re-sound andverify allpotential leakindications identified during Phase 1. B. Pinpointing of leak indications will be accomplished using the Fluid Conservation Systems - AccuCorr 3000 fully digital water leak correlator. The AccuCorr 3000 is a microprocessor based correlation unit with 3 outstations, giving ittheability toperform linear regression calculations which eliminates the mostcommon causeof inaccuracy.
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