North Kurzeme Ta l s i Dundaga North Kurzeme Regions of Talsi, Dundaga, Roja and Mērsrags Roja Tourist map IGAUNIJA Mērsrags ZVIEDRIJA KRIEVIJA Kurzeme Rīga LATVIJA BALTIJAS JŪRA LIETUVA KRIEVIJA BALTKRIEVIJA POLIJA TOURIST INFORMATION CENTRES Talsi Regional Tourist Information Centre Lielā Street 19/21, Talsi, Talsu region, LV-3201 +371 63224165, 26469057 [email protected], www.talsitourism.lv TalsiTourism Dundaga Municipality Tourist Information Centre in Dundaga Castle Pils Street 14, Dundaga, LV-3270, +371 29444395, 63232293 [email protected], www.visit.dundaga.lv, www.kolka.lv Cape Kolka Visitors and Information Centre Dundaga Municipality, Cape Kolka, LV-3275 +371 29149105 [email protected], www.kolkasrags.lv, www.kolka.lv Roja Tourist Information Centre Sabile Selgas Street 14e, Roja, Rojas region, LV-3264 +371 28630590 [email protected], www.visit.roja.lv, www.roja.lv Mērsrags Information Centre Zvejnieku Street 2, Mērsrags, Mērsraga region, LV-3284 +371 63237704 [email protected], www.mersrags.lv Sabile Tourist Information Centre Pilskalna Street 6, Sabile, Talsu region, LV-3294 +371 63252344, 27841827 [email protected], www.sabile.lv, Sabile_info Valdemārpils Tourist Information Centre Raiņa Street 14a, Valdemārpils, Talsu region, LV-3260 +371 63254762, 25426323 [email protected], www.valdemarpils.lv Funding: Talsi, Dundaga, Roja and Mērsrags municipalities Compiled by: Inese Roze and TIC of Talsi, Dundaga, Roja and Mērsrags Translator: Santa Svarinska Photo: TIC Archives Drawings: Antra Auziņa-Bajāre Cartography: Jāņa sēta Map Publishers, Ltd. Printing: Adverts, Ltd. 2016 Objects of nature Castles and manors Artisans and Snacks, treats and tastings Fish product tasting Active Recreation Windmills Workshops 23 67 99 140 148 176 TALSI REGION 18 TALSI REGION 64 Nurmuiža Castle, TALSI REGION 107 TALSI REGION 142 Kurzeme meals in Cafe “Krūziņi”, DUNDAGA REGION 155 Kraujas Great Stone (Krauju Works and Mischiefs by Fish Cookery “Kaltene VM”, TALSI REGION DUNDAGA REGION Nature park “Talsi Hillock”, Lielais akmens), Vandzene parish 59 Villa Hochheim, residential Lauciene parish, 99 Workshops in Talsi Cultural Laimonis – woodcarvings, 133 Gourmet club cafe “Martinelli”, Vecmuižas Street 1, Dundaga, 148 “Pie Andra Pitragā”, Kaltene, +371 26008020 171 Disc golf in Laumas 181 Riding horses, “Kalēji”, Pāce, www.talsupauguraine.lv: 19 Basi werewolf stone, building of Baron Fircks in Talsi, +371 29171700 centers’ Creative Yard, “Āboliņi”, Pastende, Ģibuļi parish, Lielā Street 7, Talsi, +371 63242104, 29174944 ”Krogi”, Pitrags, +371 26493087, 156 Ltd. “Dižbute” offers fish Nature Park, +371 29477731, Dundaga parish, +371 26497430 1 Viewing tower Kamparkalns, Vandzene parish Mīlenbaha Street 19, Talsi, 65 Stende (Dižstende) Manor, Lielā Street 19/21, Talsi, +371 26156970, +371 26033643 +371 29403911, www.martinelli.lv 143 Pub “Pie Pūpola” offers herring www.pieandrapitraga.lv production and it is possible to www.diskgolfs.lv 182 Excursion with soviet army car 108 135 ”Talsu piensaimnieks” products with rūšrāceņi (potatoes), gray Libagi parish +371 29102628, www.talsumuzejs.lv Lībagi parish, +371 26344889 www.talsutautasnams.lv Artist workshop “Līdumkalni”, 149 “Pūpoli”, Kolka, +371 28311813 and picnic in the mood of Soviet DUNDAGA REGION observe and participate in the 172 Sports and active recreation 2 60 66 Vandzene Manor and park, 100 Ķurbe, Īve pagasts, (dairy products, cheeses and peas with bacon, soup boiled on 150 Walking trail in Vanagkalns, Talsi vicarage house and Pottery “Ciparnīca” “Strautmaļi”, process of smoking fish, place “Kamparkalns”, “Dziļlejas”, times, guest house “Pūpoli”, Dundaga, Slitere national park, Vandzene parish, +371 63225081 +371 29567279 pastries) store - café “Piena sēta” open fire, vegetables, Užavas beer, Libagi parish K.F.Amenda resting place Tals ’ Keramik ‘, Kolka, +371 29256174 Viļņu Street 1, Roja , +371 29140234 Lībagi parish, +371 29518415 +371 29197900, 26554001 3 European grove, +371 63286000, www.daba.gov.lv, Laidze parish, +371 26208929 Lielā Street 30, Talsi, +371 22429527, 109 Artists workshop and art Studio Kalna Street 10, Talsi, +371 25434012 Dundaga, +371 29197900, 26554001, 151 183 Fishing and pedal boats in DUNDAGA REGION “Ūši”, walks with the degusta- 173 Cross-country skiing in Talsi www.slitere.lv 61 in Tiņģere castle, 136 IU “Caprine” – Goat Cheese, www.dundaga.lv/pupoli 157 Fisherman Ervīns Vilciņš. landscaped recrestional area near Luciene parish Spāre Manor and park, http://ciparnica.blogspot.com tion of exclusive sprats, “Ūši”, Kolka, hillock, Mīlenbaha Street 32, Talsi, 20 67 Pastries and Ice-cream 144 Tasting of soy products and Ēvaži steep and nature theatrical performances, ‘ Drowning ‘ Dundaga Castle and park, 101 “Galerija Art”, Īve parish, +371 26324662 +371 29475692, www.kolka.info The fisherman offers: smoked or Zēņu pond, Kolka, +371 29323048, “Bērzi”, Vandzene, +371 29136187 +371 29196359, www.raimaks.lv trail (0.6 km), pretzels baking, Pils Street 14, Dundaga Lielā Street 41, Talsi, +371 29122137, 111 Candle dipping in “Bandenieki”, other healthy food in “Mežlīdumi”, 152 fresh fish, rides in a fishing boat, www.kolka.lv Nature park “Abava valley”, “Sudrabkalni”, 174 Talsi ice rink, Kolka parish Ģibuļi parish, +371 29285654 +371 29141121, 29478393, Valdgale parish, +371 29129832 137 Products made from grain “Mežlīdumi”, Cirste, Dundaga parish, +37129171505 192 Boating up to the Kolka www.senleja.lv: www.galerijaart.lv Mazirbe, +371 26114424 Kalna Street 10a, Talsi, 21 Cape Kolka. Visitors’centre, www.dundagaspils.lv in State Stende Cereal Breeding +371 26543781, +371 26185402, 189 Lodge of Fish – fish cookery lighthouse, +371 29394504 4 Botanical pathway 62 Tiņģere Manor and park, 103 Farmstead “Kauliņi”, 153 “Madaras”, Mazirbe, +371 26465991 DUNDAGA REGION Institute, Lībagi parish, 145 +371 29251004, www.thk.lv +371 29149105, www.kolkasrags.lv theatrical performances, Creative Ārlava parish, +371 29430282, Vegetables, honey, honey shop, Selgas Street 12, Roja, ROJA REGION “Drubazas” (2 km), +371 29265347, www.stendeselekcija.lv 175 Game path “Fairytale Forest”, 22 Kolka Pine nature trail crafts and art studio, www.meistarsigurds.lv 112 Park of ancient signs, products, “Ziedkalni”, Dūmele, ROJA REGION +371 28606279 Abava parish, +371 26473783 TALSI REGION 138 Biscuit Baking, “grūdeņa” Plostkrogs, Abava parish, 184 Boating routes along the river (1.2 km), Kolka parish Īve parish, +371 29172760 104 Ancient adornment and signs Dundaga, +371 22074210, +371 29417229, www.ziedkalni.lv 154 “Regale in fishing yard”, for 5 Abava waterfall, Cooking and Cheese Making in MērsrAGS REGION +371 29196494 Roja and ponton rental, 23 Pēterezers nature trail 63 Strazde Manor and park, 68 Valdgale Windmill, by Harijs Jaunzems, www.etno-parks.mozello.lv 146 Various Livonian traditional tourist groups - great relaxation, a Abava parish, +371 22015165, the Chimney of the Guest House 176 Jeep off-road Trips, +371 28627919 (3.4 km), Kolka parish “Strazde manor dwarf party”, Valdgale parish, 113 Wool Factory in Pāce, dishes, lunches, “Stūrīši”, Mazirbe, trip with a fishing boat, race skills, 159 Smoked fish, www.abavasrumba.lv Ventspils Street 20, “Ūdensdzirnavas”, “Bandenieki”, Valdgale parish, 185 Rope Track at the Top of the 24 +371 26678889, 26378583 “Pāces dzirnavas”, Kolka parish, +371 29469165 Upesgrīva, +371 27807477 6 Slītere nature trail (1.2 km), Strazde parish, +371 20266761 Sabile, +371 29995605 making of ‘sklandrauši’ (fence pies), Trees, Roja, +371 28627919 Māras kambari (Caves), Strazde parish, +371 29172252, 190 +371 29460745 Dundaga parish 105 Pāce, +37126151720, 26431463, 147 Sklandrauši (included in reg. of salmon soup and dried fish, Smoked fish, 186 Ģibuļi parish Ina Walter handicrafts www.udens-dzirnavas.lv 177 Open-air hockey field in Roja, www.draugiem.lv/pace Lielā Street 56-1, Mērsrags, Rope route, “Cimdiņi”, 139 Cafe “Serpentīns”, EU TSG - rye flour pies with a carrot hotel “Roja”, Jūras Street 6, +371 28394308, www.roja.lv +371 26429485 “Godeļpols”, Ģibuļi parish, 25 Raķupe river valley, Rīgas street 25, Sabile, 114 Dressmaker`s of woollens, and potato filling), bukstiņbiezputra +371 29477602, www.rojahotel.lv 193 Trips with yachts in the sea, to 7 Nature park “Engures ezers” – near Strazde church, Strazde parish, +371 29289349, www.godelpols.lv www.ldf.lv, www.celotajs.lv +371 26152461 (barley porridge) and other Livonian the Ruhnu or Saaremaa islands wild cattle pens in Krievrags, (pillows, blankets of naturally +371 26399883 178 Rope track near Valdemārpils, 26 Kaļķupe river valley, 106 dishes. Walks into the historical fish Ostas Street 1, Roja, +371 27495582, www.eedp.lv Churches Artisans of Stende, processed sheep wool) “Doktorāts”, Ārlava parish, www.ldf.lv, www.celotajs.lv Dumpīšu Street 3, Stende, Dundaga, +371 26311838, DUNDAGA REGION processing industry of Kolka with the www.visit.roja.lv 8 Laumas nature park – +371 22332623 27 Liepniekvalka caves, + 371 29387507, 26314135 www.draugiem.lv/pace 140 Tasting of local dairy products, degustation of exclusive sprats bee trail, bird trail, forest and sports 179 Horseback riding in Spāre, MērsrAGS REGION Dundaga parish ‘sklandrauši’ (fence pies) and ‘pūtelis’ (for groups), camping “Ūši”, Kolka, trail, disc golf, Farm and pet visit Spāre, Ģibuļi parish, +371 26868379 187 Trips by yacht “Palsa”, 28 Rīgzemju great oak, (dish made of rye grain) in Dundaga +371 63276507, 29475692, Īve parish, +371 29477731, 180 Horseback riding, “Vēži”, Lielā Street 62, Mērsrags, Dundaga parish Castle, Dundaga, www.kolka.info
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