-A- Serial Numbers for Plug-Ins, Filters and All Sorts of Programs ============================================== Abacus Law Office Calendar System - : F4904 ABC FlowCharter v3.0 - : 0601001053909501 or 0601001008295501 ABC ToolKit v1.0 - : 01103158901 ABC ToolKit v1.1 - : 1001001103158901 AboutFace 1.3 - : 1022446 Above Disk+ v4.0a - :506824 Abuser v0.8b - : name: me 14644 Accelerated-X 2.1 (Linux/BSD) - : 112955 Accelerator - : A300-11114-CP4U A300-12935-CP4U A300-31239-CP4U Accent Express (95) - : 064201130459806 Accent - : 042807358902273 Accent Professional v2.0 (95) - : 062202100002277 or 064201130459806 Accent v2.0 Final Beta - : 12345678900012 Access PC 3.0 - : 0120 0000 0253 0278 0120 0000 4589 1115 Accountant Inc. Pro - : 18225 Accounting Works (one write plus) - : 20.11A1111 AccPac Simply Accounting v2.0a - : 1021602-48016 Accutext 2.0 - : 10900016 ACDSee +v1.30+7 - : name: kermu 2067038799 or name: mARQUIS 142441610 ACDSee v1.0+2 for Win95 - : name: letis +tHE riDDLER [uCF] 213111 ACDSee v1.30 (95) - : name: kermu 213208680 or name: mARQUIS 120530089 Aces of the Deep - : 8563441101743 Acrobat 2.0 (mac) - : ANW200U3010000-353 Action WorkFlow Analyst - : AA200013001W1001823 Adaptec Easy CD Creator Deluxe V4 - : 110010629931 Adaptec GoBback v2.2 - : CD-KEY : G-1038M-DBT9M-N8KCL AdCADD Auto Architech for AutoCad 12 - : DAAHE 20104 Add Impact - : 3009034001 AddEffects 1.0 for Premiere - : Pass: MUSTER AddDepth v1.0 - : AW-100-1-2716-52987 AddDepth v1.1 - : AW-110-1-1701-30232 AddDepth 2.0 - : AD-200-1-6501-54924 or AD-200-1-1764-42848 Address Book v1.5 - : JLJ4EVR Address Mate v2.12 - : AM212101704 Address Wijzer v3.10 - : AD38170 Adobe Acrobat Capture v1.0 - : WCW100R3101909-171 Adobe Acrobat Capture v2.0 - : WCW200R7100755-319 Adobe Acrobat Distiller PE - : WAW210P7121183-537 Adobe Acrobat Distiller v1.0 - : DEE100R3001172-010-496 Adobe Acrobat Distiller v2.0 for Windows - : WAW210P7121183-537 Adobe Acrobat Distiller 2.0 - : MDW210P7154748-899 or ANW200U3010001-986 Adobe Acrobat Distiller v2.1 - : DEE100R3001172-010-496 Adobe Acrobat Distiller v2.1 PE - : WAW210P7121267-246 Adobe Acrobat Editor 3.0 - : 03W650R7104326-845 Adobe Acrobat Exchange 2.0 - : MVW200R3100411-609 or MVW100R3100000-050-208 or D EW100R3100564-885(50 User) Adobe Acrobat Exchange 2.1 - : WVM681R4000077-810 mARQUIS Adobe Acrobat Exchange v4.0b2 - : AEW400R3900106-762-184 Adobe Acrobat 1.0 - : ARW100R3100230-826 Adobe Acrobat 2.0 - : WVW200R3100221-398 or WVW200R3110509-339 or WVW200R3110509 -334 Adobe Acrobat 3.0 - : KWW300R7126832-330 Adobe Acrobat v3.0 French - : KWM301R7223308-275 Adobe Acrobat v3.01 - : PWW250R3107069-312 Adobe Acrobat 4.0 - : AOW301R7136978-298 Adobe Acrobat WorkGroup 2.0 - : DEW200U3100000-010-974 or DEW200U3100001-010-607 or DEW200U3100002-010-240 Adobe After Effects - : EWW310R7102807-125 or 36-1529-303576267 Adobe After Effects 3.1 - : EXX344R7032197-886 or EXX666R9123199-434 Adobe After Effects 3.1 Bundle Edition : s/n: EWW360R3100034-100-504 Adobe After Effects 4.0 - : EWW400R3000406-412 Adobe Capture 2.0 - : WCW200R7100755-319 Adobe Dimensions 3.0 - : A1430204D or DJW300R7101786-723 or DJW300R7102283-1 36 Adobe Electric Cat - : Setup Name : tHE rIDDLER Company : xFORCE serial : Pww300 r3000011-926 Beta Code : 17479d251e51aa7d1d3eb7bfd7f3ee Adobe Exchange 3 - : PWW250R3107069-312 Adobe Essentials collection Vol 2 : Adobe Go Live 4.0 - : GJW400R2100006-625 Adobe Essentials collection Vol 2 : Adobe Pagemill 3.0 - : mlw300r7102296-238 Adobe Essentials collection Vol 2 : Adobe Photoshop 5.5 - : PWW400R7106337-339 Adobe Essentials collection Vol 2 : Adobe Premiere 5.1 - : MBF420U3000205-940 Adobe Essentials collection Vol 2 : Adobe After FX 4.1 - : EWW470R1001999-030-25 9 Adobe File Utilities - : KWW300R7105734-545 Adobe File Utilities Code - : KWW300R7105734-545 Adobe Font Folio 8.0 - : AWW400R7110870-808 Adobe FrameMaker 5.11 - : 00-0-01-01-5-0F7BD-B9F0AB Adobe Framemaker+SGML v5.1.1 - : 05-0-01-01-5-0C860-FC44ad Adobe Frame Maker v5.1.2 Win95/NT - : 01-0-01-01-5-37AA0-78BDD6 Adobe FrameMaker v5.5 - : 20-0-01-01-5-011C5-14B57E Adobe FrameMaker 5.5.2 - : 24-0-01-01-5-00000-666160 Adobe FrameMaker 5.5.6 - : 20-0-01-01-5-0D2F9-36EC16 Adobe Gallery Effects - : 36-1529-303576267 Adobe Gallery Effects 1.5 - : 36-1521-303602728 Adobe Gallery Effects 1.52 - : 36-1524-303516493 Adobe Go Live 4.0 Windows - : GJW400R2100006-625 Adobe Go Live 4.0 - : gjw400r7103366-135 Adobe Go Live 5.0 - : GJW500R2898273-460 Adobe Illustrator 4.0 - : ABW400R3101335-714 or ABW400R3106248-986 or ABW400R310 1991-252 Adobe Illustrator 4.0.3 - : ABW4033200000-719 Adobe Illustrator 4.01 - : ABE400R3001625-858 Adobe Illustrator 4.03 - : ABW4003106248-986 Adobe Illustrator 4.1 - : ABW4003109249-420 Adobe Illustrator 7.0 - : ABW700R7106044-373 or BTW-410B1000000-357 Adobe Illustrator 7.0 for mac - : AAW600R1534729-959 Adobe Illustrator 8.0 - : ABW700X7102095-731 or ABW800X7102095-685 or EXX500 R5900103198-51 Adobe Illustrator 8.0 UK (1) - : ABW800X7102095-685 Adobe Illustrator 8.0 UK (2) - : ABW800R7119160-874 Adobe Illustrator 9.0 - : ABW900R71111141-999-830 Adobe Illustrator 9.0 UK - : ABW900R7102722-694 Adobe Illustrator Transparency v1.0 = 3865-1-W-100-TLE-20150 Adobe Image Ready 1.0 - : DGF100S7000001-999-657 or DHE100X799999999-441 or DHM-100XX675123099-999-435 Adobe Image Ready 1.0/Mac - : EXM100XX399999999-956 Adobe ImageReady Preview 1.0 - : EXM100XX675071598-005-414 Adobe Image Styler 1.0 - : FJW100R7102343-395 Adobe In Design 1.0 (1) - : IPE100R99999999-364 Adobe In Design 1.0 (2) - : IPE123R12345678-337 Adobe LiveMotion - : LVW100R7100843-292 Adobe PageMaker - : 03W600E1101564-579 Adobe PageMaker 5.0a - : 03-5025-303224614 Adobe PageMaker 6.0 (1) - : 03-3002-000062275 or 03-5025-303224614 or 03-4004-10 0486078 Adobe PageMaker 6.0 (2) - : 03W600R1118753-720 or 03W600R1124621-479 or 03W600R1 118669-742 Adobe PageMaker 6.0 (3) - : 03-50C0-100010215 Adobe PageMaker 6.0 (Danish) - : 03-5007-201735504 Adobe PageMaker 6.01 upgrade - : 03-3002-00006275 Adobe PageMaker 6.1 - : 03-4001-000716944 Adobe PageMaker 6.5 (1) - : 03-4001-000716944 or 03W601R1114316-716 Adobe PageMaker 6.5 (2) - : 02W652E7105666-321 or 03W650R7104326-845 or 03W600R1 118753-720 Adobe PageMill 2.0 - : MLW200R7139069-780 Adobe PageMill 3.0 - : MLW300R7999999-960 or MLW300R7102296-238 or MLW200R713906 9-780 Adobe Pagemill v3.0 French - : MLF300R7206554-670 Adobe Persuasion v4.0 - : 09W123X523456-521 Adobe Photo DeLuxe (PC and MAC) - : HJW200B7100211-117 Adobe Photo DeLuxe 1.0 - : HGW100C7100001-340 or HTW100R7106474-426 or HTW100R71 08267-350 or HGW100H7100005-937 Adobe Photo DeLuxe Business Edition Code - : CKW200X7999999-915 Adobe Photo Deluxe Business Edition v1.0 - : CQW100R7113867-753 Adobe Photo DeLuxe 2.0 - : HTW200R7174273 or HTW200r7100048-493 or HTW100R710647 4-426 Adobe Photo DeLuxe 3.0 - : HTW100R7100000-363 Adobe Photoshop LE - : SDM401B1506542-293 or SDM501B3824508-217 Adobe Photoshop LE v3.04 - : PWW300R3000011-926 Adobe Photoshop - : PCA 100000100-953 or PDA 100001185-501 or PDA 100001517-722 Adobe Photoshop 2.5 - : PWW250R3000000-880 or PWW250R3001422-135 Adobe Photoshop 2.5.1 - : PWW250R3107069-312 or PWW250R3104501-684 or PWW250R300 0406-282 Adobe Photoshop 3.x 5 user license - : PWW300U3100000-005-285 Adobe Photoshop 3.x - : PWW300R3000011-926 Adobe Photoshop 4.0 (1) - : PWW400R7109955-798 or pww400r7106337-339 or PWW400R7 114078-530 Adobe Photoshop 4.0 (2) - : PWW400X7103409-816 or PWW400R3000011-800 Adobe Photoshop v4.0 Extensis Intellihance - : IDE-400-200-502-000004 Adobe Photoshop 5.0 - : PWS500R7205353-312 or 5exx500xx120052898-308 or PWE500X7 205119-408 Adobe Photoshop 5.0 for mac - : PSW300U3100172-005-319 Adobe Photoshop 5.0 PC compatible - : PWW400X7103409 Adobe Photoshop 5.0 ISO - : WW250R3107069-312 Adobe Photoshop 5.0 upgrade - : PWW400r7106337-339 Adobe Photoshop 5.0 x78 - : EXX500XX120052898-308 Adobe Photoshop 5.5 - : PWW550R7135815-208 or PWE500X7205050-732 Adobe Photoshop 5.5 Upgrade - : PWE500X7205050-732 or PWW400R7106337-339 Adobe Photoshop 6.0 - : PWW600R7105467-948 Adobe Photoshop 6.0 NL - : PWW250R3100000-428 Adobe Premiere - : MBW400R3900106-762 Adobe Premiere 1.0 - : MBW100X3100970-389 or MBW101B3105866-803 Adobe Premiere 1.1 Video Editing - : MBW100D3100371-512 or MBW101X3100132-284 Adobe Premiere 4.0 deutsch - : MBW400R3900106-762 Adobe Premiere 4.0 - : MBW400R1109394-244 Adobe Premiere 4.2 (1) - : MBW400R1104198-375 or MBW400R3900106-762 or MBW400R11 09912-312 or MBW400R1109912-436 Adobe Premiere 4.2 (2) - : SPW250R3163390-352 or MBW100J3100384-488 or MBF420U30 00205-940 Adobe Premiere 5.0 - : MXX500R145503-500-448 or MXX500R666666-500-953 or MXX500R 7999999-847 or MBF420U3000205-940 Adobe Premiere 5.0 for MAC - : MXX500R1455 03-500-448 or MXX500R7999999-847 Adobe Premiere 5.1c - : MXX500R666666-500-953 Adobe Premiere RT v5.1 - : MBF06SGE990001-572 Adobe Premiere 5.5 - : MBE510B7038624-168 Adobe Premiere 6.0 - : MBW600R7100765-881 Adobe Streamline v3.0 - : SBW3001110706-297 Adobe Streamline v3.01 - : SBW300S1100640-184 Adobe Streamline 4.0 Code - : SBW400U7100000-392 or SBW400U7102000-766 Adobe Streamline v4.0 French - : SBF400R7100627-705 Adobe Type Manager 4 NT - : XNW400R0000001-834 Adobe Type Manager 4 Deluxe for NT - : XNW400R7100907-477 Adobe Type Manager Deluxe 4.0 (Danish) Code - : AWW400R7110870-808 Adobe Type Manager Deluxe Windows95 English - : AWW400R7104274-893 Adobe Type Manager v4.0 - : AWW400P0101591-292 Adobe Type on call (41) - : 5399-1995-9328-1470-9838-773 Adobe Wild Type - : FHW251R31003373 Adobe Word
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