ROTC page7 VOL XVIII, NO. 135 the independent ~tudent new~paper ~lT\ing notn dame and .,amtmary·, TUESDAY, MAY 1,1984 President Reagan ends six-day trip to Communist China on good note Associated Press gether to write a new chapter of "We have seen your great monu· peace and progress for our people." ments such as the Great Wall. But SHANGHAI, China - President "My visit to China leaves me we're not working in mortar and Reagan received the warmest confident that U.S.-China relations stone here. My hope is that we can welcorpe of his six-day visit to China arc good and getting better," he said. accomplish something between and said at a farewell banquet that ourselves that will also be remem­ the United States and China are plan· The president returns to the bered 1,000 years from now." ning "to write a new chapter of United States today, crossing the in­ peace and progress." ternational dateline and landing in From the farewell ceremony in Winding up his final day in China Fairbanks, Alaska. after first visiting a Peking, Reagan flew south to this at a banquet given by Shanghai child care center and modest private teeming city of 12 million. Mayor Wang Daohan, Reagan said, residence at a commune on May Addressing more than 1 ,000 stu­ "My trip to China has been as impor· Day, the international workers· dents in a handpicked audience at tant and enlightening as any I've holiday. Fudan University, where a huge taken as pn:sident." As China prepared to celebrate statue of the late Mao Tse·tung Reagan also finally got an oppor· the two-day holiday. workers placed adorns a campus plaza, Reagan tunity to speak directly to a Chinese towering portraits of four com· quoted from the opening of the Dec· telt-vision audience with out having munist heroes of the nation - Karl laration of Independence, and also his remarks censored, but there was Marx, Frederick Engels, Josef Stalin from the late Chinese leader Cho En· still a hitch - his speech was not and V.I. Lenin - in Tiananmen Lai. translated into Chinese. Square in Peking. along the Reagan's comments on Observing that I 2 years ago motorcade route Reagan took from democracy and on the Soviet Union Richard M. Nixon visited the the Great Hall of the People and a were deleted earlier in the trip from People's Republic of Chna, becom· farewell meeting with President Ii Chinese television coverage of the ing the first American president to Xiannian and Premier Zhao Ziyang. president. Regional television here do so. Reagan said at the Shanghai In his farewell meeting with Li, broadcast in full his speech at the banquet: Reagan was said by White House university, but the coverage was in "Today, America and China share spokesman Larry Speakes to have English and no translation was the commitment to go forward to- told the Chinese president: provided. LaFortune renovations planned l'hl." Obst·rvt_-r/l.ev Chapclsky By MARK POTTER Tyson said part of the delay Although McDonnell is pleased Students study in the Chautauqua ballroom, part of LaFortune Copy Editor towards remodeling LaFortune has that something is finally going to be targeted for renovation under the proposals by the LaFortune been t-hat the administration did not done to LaFortune he added, "I don't Renovation Committee. Plans for the second floor include an un­ The new Student Center students have a plan from the students that think what we are coming up with is have been asking for is not probable they could work with. McDonnell the ideal solution. I think there is a dergraduate club and a pizzeria. in the immediate future but a submitted a renovation plan last question of committment on the remodeled LaFortune is, according year but it was not adequate, accord· part of the University. Perhaps there to Executive Assistant to the Presi­ ing to Tyson. It was not should be a presidentially appointed Hart contends he is only dent Father David Tyson. "interpretable by the people at committee to look at this problem, The first stages of renovation and Physical Plant," said Tyson. They just like there was one on alcohol," Democrat to beat Reagan addition to LaFortune are underway, were not able to interpret McDon­ McDonnell said. "Maybe we should said Tyson. The Lafortune Renova­ nell's ideas into a concrete set of bring in an outside consultant to Associated Press He warned that the country can­ tion Committee, composed of five plans for the building. look for the ideal solution, as is stan­ not afford a "costly and unnecessary students and Director of Student Ac­ McDonnell said he has been dard in this sort of situation." ANDERSON, Ind. - Democratic and dangerous nuclear arms race." tivities james McDonnell, submitted "working with student government McDonnell said, "I know that presidential contender Gary Hart Hart also put in plugs for Indiana's ideas for the LaFortune renovation for two months coming up with especially with the new alcohol portrayed himself yesterday in this farm economy, saying that farm ex­ to Tyson yesterday morning. ideas, we (the committee) have policy we need something outside auto industry town as the only can­ ports must be encouraged to im­ "Basically now we have to meet been meeting weekly since our residence halls." Notre Dame didate in his party who could beat prove the lot of agriculture. with the architects and have them February." He submitted one set of needs a better student center for Ronald Reagan. He called for an industrial policy draw up the preliminary drawings ideas a couple of weeks ago and gave several reasons, said McDonnell, The Colorado senator was that would modernize the auto in­ which we will then show to the Of­ a revised copy yesterday to Tyson. "Because we don't have a college greeted by a crowd of more than dustry rather than protectionist ficers of the University for ap­ "The University is interested and town or the big city amenities that 300 supporters who waited at the legislation that would bail out a few proval," said Tyson. Right now the wants to make improvements," said other univeristies have we need a Anderson Municipal Airport in hurting companies. University's Officers are waiting for McDonnell. He said he believes this good student center." He says he winds gusting up to 40 mph. Eighty­ The candidate drew more cheers the plans to be drawn up. Tyson said to be especially true since "the al­ believes, "something will be done pound bags of water-softener salt when he called for restoring money the process "normally takes three to cohol report was approved by the but I'm not in a position to know were used to anchor the amplifiers cut from the nation's education four weeks." Officers and Trustees and it calls for what." to broadcast Hart's message to the budget, saying it should be used to "I don't know what the response action and for immediate plans to be McDonnell said, "What we need is group. finance everything from free of the Officers will be," said Tyson. developed." too big for the present structure." Hart proclaimed that the 1984 lunches for schoolchildren to He added, "Father Hesburgh has McDonnell said, "Maybe we have Plans for adding on to LaFortune campaign will be a "watershed elec­ guaranteed student loans for college been waiting for a program from the all those alcholic parties in the halls above the game room on the east tion." students. students for us to work with, and he because we don't have a college side of the building have been dis· "This country cannot afford four "I say to Mr. Reagan that if you is supportive of a program to town, a big city, or a good student more years of Reaganomics for the think education is too expensive, renovate LaFortune." center, like other universities have." rich," he said as the crowd cheerecl. wait until you find out how much ig­ norance costs," he said. Hart proposed to find the addi­ A tree tional money for education by canceling the MX missile and the B I that fell bomber. Hart made a veiled reference to for Indiana former Vice President Walter 1\bndale, who was in South Bend weather Monday, saying "I hope this party will nominate a candidate who has Because of yester· not taken political action committee dav's and last night's special interest money." extreme/}' high winds. Hart shared a platform with local frees fell all f)l!er Democratic officials, including Rep. campus and were sub· Craig Campbell, D-Anderson. who described Hart as "our party's best sequent~v chain-sawed chance to beat Ronald Reagan." into logs and cleaned Campbell remarked about the by up Notre Dame presence of local United Auto maintenance. This tree Workers officials and said "don't toppled over on South believe for a minute that just be· Quad in front ofLyons cause the UA W made an endorse- Hall. ... ' .... ' see, HART, page S , . .. .. ~ .. The Observer Tuesday, May 1, 1984 - page 2 In Brief Sociologist Gordon Zahn: Pacifist and Roman Catholic.... Though many U.S. Catholics have yet to recognize A Notre Dame junior David F. McGonigle has been pacifism as a viable option in today's world, the U.S. bis­ awarded an Edwin, Frederick and Walter Heinecke Memorial hops' pastoral letter on peace and war gradually is Paul McGinn Scholarship from the S & H Foundation, to help defray expenses of making more persons aware of the Christian commit­ his senior year and two years of graduate study.
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