ˉ F厂 D m一 丿 HoΠ 丨 D Ⅱ△s卜 l呵 讠 · FlIIJ ∴ 丿 氵 ︱ H一 叫 叫 I ﹁ 0 一 J冖 0 · ~ JIE。。DC⊥△ⅡDn £JJ/一 £JJJ 厂 ∷ F ¢ 〓 〓 ⒎ 矿 疵 / 〃 肛 ff 乃 / ∵ 厂 Our O丬 ective 1。 TO prOmOte and enhance the knowledge and skⅡ ls Of and expertise in training and develOpment Of HOspice Nursing。 2。 TO prOIuOte the we1fare and protect the interest Ofnurses engaged in HOspice Care。 3. TO prOⅤ ide fOr the deⅡ Ⅴery and ho1ding Of educatiOna1 actiⅤ ities related tO Hospice Care。 4。 To send representatives tO attend and participate in conferences and Other events in training and develOp1uentin aⅡ parts Ofthe wOrld。 5.TO grant schOlarships and to 1uake recO∏ 1InendatiOns tO any instituton Or OrganizatiOn whOse O匀 ect"eS are similar tO thOse Of the assOciatiOn。 6.TO liaise between the assOciation and the receptiⅤ e authOr⒒ ies,、Ⅴhen necessary。 7.TO cOΠ1Fnent On pOⅡ cies and enhance】 Hospice patient· s right。 8。 TO acquire knOwledge and skⅡ ls froΠ1overseas experts,and transfer Or transfOrm tO fIt the lOcal setting。 △ Ι Mcsscgc9om Sr。 Mαrγ Grcαηcγ Pαtroη of Thc Hoηg Koηg Hosp讠cc N%rscs′ Associα ttoη 1t js mγ pJc“ %rc tO con罗at训⒍tc thc HOs,∝ N%rScS Oη ⒍nOthcr γcαr OF m"ng αnd shα g。 YO%r dc凼 m南 n αηd h⒍rd叨 Ork泌 dccpb "η 呻p下c。 ⒍tcd bγ b0th p⒍ ocnts⒍ ηd thc″ rchov6。 Thc phlosOphγ OF (∶ OFFc"ng q%αhtγ mrc⒃ thc tcrm汛 ⒍Ⅱγ洲,th%s(.,【川i丨幽ng1和 ⒃ d⒍γS %氵 hcη d⒍ γs canη 0t bc ⒍ddcd t0 J亻℃ js q,crγ Gpproprj⒍ tc jη HOng KOng at ths pO汛 t汛 。mc,C%rrcη tb,thcrc泌 ⒍bt OF p下cSSⅡ 丫J jntlII、 αηd strcss arO锐nd thc HccJth Scrvjccs hcrc sO thc tcr?η 氵丨I ⒍rc⒍ vcrγ v%Jη crα bJc返∷O锐p αnd dO nccd O%T skjⅠ Icd pα JIjα 。t9c/hospicJ cαrc ⒍nd suppO下 t morc th⒍n cvcr, 1 havc ηO dO锐 bt th⒍ t (比丿c jη Hoη g K0η g 叨 jII c0η rinⅡ J r(丿 shd1· e O%r cxpc下 tjsC jη Pdd【jatjvc C⒍rc,aη d"nOvc FO下 悦la1。 d tt氵 rh tis氵 Oη αnd cOη vjctjOη sO thα t mOrc⒍ nd mOrc OF thc rem1int1灬 氵I丨 cnn jth pc⒍ 'l1jtγ djC (l'计1'′ cc⒍ ηd dj{~:丨 · :1⒈ Sjstcr Mα rγ Grcαηcγ 2 Mc“cgc,om D· S箔 记LLJM Hoηorα rγ αdvisor ofHong Koηg Hospicc N%rscs′ Assoctα tjoη 1qtlO%Jd Jjkc εO cxrcnd?η y hc⒍rocst cOngaF%JaoOns εO εhc HOng KOng HOsp讠 cc ′ N锐rs‘ Ass(,cjaoOη On th^exoong c,cmson OF jts th″ d hⅦ ηn仇d rcpOrt,1 jFnessed the q丬 Ω9ms1饣 re FhaF aⅡ r,F仇s herc,q丬 丿hO have q丬 丿 丿Ork and dcdj⒃tjOn OF h“pjce nz饣 rscs O凵 er thC eα γ “ ,havc αIJ becn j1r1sp″ cd bγ thcj下 fOc凇 cd cOmnljFmcnF εO heaI aη jth thc″ d FO reI池 ve εhc s悦加 r泗g叨 cOmp“ sjOη耐 c hc口 rFs,Shη pk as jε maγ mcan hFerα Ⅱγ,εhc∈ sscn∝ OF hOsp泌 cn锐rsjng prOq,旧 cs nOF(,η cⅡ eη F cα rc FO s%ppc,下 ε ε。 Ⅱ c玎 pcf,p比 ∝hcvc εhc bcst q%⒍ hε γ OF I和 pOssjbJe 丿 j。 饥hcη c11'刂 :rc js nO JOn扌 l(:∶ r nn (丿 pε η,H。 spjcc carc, tO jts (1'`Cr∶ ~∶丨 rOOε ))丿 , js rO O加r⒃ r浏 mTc仍 r pcopk砷 prO口ch汛g εhc cnd OF εhc″ 咖 加 锐rη cγ and Fhc沁 sj胛 ∫ mnF α he‘ ⒛ “ ⒃ 耐 d da” ⒃ I咖 。 MO?冖 c Fhm e℃ Om∫,‘⒎sS加1g εhc Tc,%rfDn泌 rOO‘ Of mrc,hosp泌 cη%rs6hOrLOr I咖 口nd vd1钅 c Oη c、 b幽1g泗 Fhe″ dny'tf,ˉ dny pr∝ εjcc。 HOspj∝ n%rs6eη tcr 汛 tc,p口 。cη εs′ pa泗 ,sv睡 3"ng,nηd hc,pc顶 εh thc p"vjIcgc OF sharjng and rη jng jη jm口 JO仇 cγ ε tcIγ 吡`jFh Fhe dγ 氵ηg。 Entr%stcd bγ Fhc dyjng jη djvjd%⒍ ls‘nd εhc″ sj胛∫mη r oε hc阝 ,hr,sp泌 cn叨 rscs Opcη Fhe″ hcar‘ ⒃ εhc冫 chngs OF thc ˉ necdy;ε O demOnsFrnε c cmpaε hy;ε。 rcJjcq召 p‘ 1jn;tO prOq1`jdc cOmFO下 t;to hclp εraη scendencc c,F thc meα jη ηg OF ⅡInesscs汛 FO jη ncr sO仍 rccs OF sεrcηgth。 rn rhe very mOmcη t凵 hcη JⅡ eηdsi,hO” 泌en锐 rs6nnc南 η t。 trα nsFOrm εhc 浏 g勾气s oFJ〃 fη ℃ 汛⒃ ℃arcd εrα nsjoOηs OF pnssα 8c For ramj加 cs t。 cOmp切 tc εh∈ 。rcJc OF h冫 ,H“ pj∝ nttrs泗 g trα jnarγ nsFOrms εhc or‘ i丨 氵nε O thc (∶ e∶;‖ εr刂 .∶ l饣 Ordjη ar∶ ))`。 Dear mcmbe、 f,F Fhc Hoηg Kc)ng Hc,sp泌 cN仇 rs6′ AssOcj⒍ tj0η ,” %haVe mγ αdm″aFj0η r,F γc9o饣 r叨 n㈨aVcr泗 g dcdjcaoOη ,cnεh%s泗 sm,Ωnd prOFcssjoη d ∞ 1}'l}'l↓ tcη∝ 汛 ca"ng Ff,rh“ p沁 冫 c cJjcη εs,1叨O训d Jjke FO t⒍ kc th泌 OppOrt%而 tγ εO CXε Cη d my apprcc泗 。f,n εO thc εhjrd cxcc锐 t汹c commjtε ec membcrs FOr o%r hard qtlOrk 0vcr γ εhe pasε ε叨O γecl下 s· Mαy thc AssOcjaoOη cOnon%c tO mOvc fr。 rcngεh FO sFrengrh,α η ηt山q锐 d∞ c tO拒 ad thc叨 Ωγ FO下 叨Ω下d山q "njF sεOF yO%rr∈ rhc p叨 rs悦 vercηd m泌 sk,η (f HOsp泌cN锐 rsjηg jη HOng KOng。 D?· ,So饣 s汩 LUM,SEM(N),HAH○ , 3 McssGgc9om Chα 1rpcrson 2OO3 js α cOmmcmOratjvc γcar Fc,r εhc HOηg KOng HOspjcc N叨 rscs′ l aη AssOcjΩ oOn,We ccIcbrα εcd O锐 r 6r∫ ηiversarγ ; aη d εhc Assocjα 0On had ⒍ pγ s1饣 1冫 Stαηtj口 I‘「rOttlrh汛 kDJq3ss0n口 I cxpc"encλ 3αηd Ωttajγ17γ1enε s。 1havc rhe p"而 k:召 εO havc εhe Oppc,rt%而 tγ Of犯 rv汛gO%r AssOcjatj0η h1 jrγ thc cap∝ OF cha氵 rpcrsOn FOr thc p“ t tqt,O γears。 昵 prO罗 α?η s On ′ q丬 "O陌 Eη d亻 LⅡ C口 rc′ 丿e下es锐 ccc“nⅡγ la锐 ηchcd。 I,Oη bcha丫 OF thc AssOc泗 oO11q · c犭prcss c)t饣 丫nFjε j0ns aη ppOrε r黑 叨dc εO εhc cOntrjb锐 ε d s锐 bγ paFrOη s, 口ci19氵 s()↑ s、 jn。 jcs mcmbcrs, ‘】nd sp。 nsOrs, cOII‘ ⒎bOr‘ 1ε F sOcjcε ‘兀nd ‘兀ssOCj‘ 兀εiOη s,1 tl↑ 11 氵11 pε r。 α tln丬 ∷ p冖口FcftJI FO thc d“ hⅪ Fcd cFFf,rFs,jnsp″ α。O“ aη d eη Ormf,t亻 ss1巾冫 n· r OF cc,。 饣n。 I me?11b∈ rs,rndecd,I havc杨 arη ε α bt FrOm thcm。 Wc h口 ve胛 h1cd口 br f,F产访 币 J cD-∫,e"cn∝ s晶 rO嗯h cOⅡΩbOrnoTc Ⅱ 丿“ 汛 Organjj71g sc氵 c11r∫ · c scm汛 a阝 aηd cI汛 沁d meeoη 胪 。 Ⅵ杨 have口 ls· l)sr↑ 氵tJn rO ′ prOmOεe E11d OF LjFc,Carc′ rhrO锐 gh knOq丬 丿比dgc shar汛 gn?1dc(丿 ndI刂 crjng rcsearch(::∶ s。 Mean叨 h氵 k,p口 I丨 泗otc cnr∈ se丫V泌C汛 HOng KOη g“ 阳cjη g OF p?ar chd丨kn照 s 锐ndcr rhc∝ On(丿 n1沁 d()】 t9nr1m。 Thc scOpe and mOdc OF Fhe ser1i⒈ c、 2hds bee?1 'Γ · %ndcrgojn‘ F drasr氵 c cll。】11。ⅠJs。 hCre js ?1O dO%bt εh‘ 兀t ‘兀 JOr ?η O↑ e ∫1cls r() be qj南 6hDnc tO泗 prO1℃ rhc du℃ cncss,rcc\丿 阝卩 η Ωnd朔 pp。 rr OF rhe essen″ r,F "· paⅡjα 。ve⒃ rc amOng郸 丿t?""lcnr()fc泗 、,heaJth m下 C prOFcss。 na`aη d Fhc p悦 bIjc。 l氵 ‘冫13qtljJI cO?而 11】 tJ“ )!亻 )h(丿 lcl()1tr mjssjOη αηd Ot7丿∝tjvcs FOr Fhe pc0pIc thα t∪c scrve。 jq丿 jεj6, 1s汛 ∝ reI:y hOpc thnt mcmbcl·su℃ 丿I刂 lcl cllJ(丿 ∷ a冫 1d be benc芦 εcdfr。mO锐 r acε 伪V nccd γO%r cOntj71仍 aI s1tpp(,,· r“ )rhc px丿 1t9rh(f rhc AssOc泗 tj(丿 η,1beIjcvc jOη jJI cOnrjn1tnⅡ εh‘兀tO锐 r AssOcj‘ 1ε q丬 丿 ,1· ∷ ∫ Ospcl· 氵ll rhJ cO【 ⒎1氵 n。F。reη crclrj()ns。 CHAN Loˉn四r 4 orε anization Chart P¤ 丨rOns ☆SrlM Gabriel ☆SrM G}reaney The CO∪ ncH AdVisOry Bo¤ rd COnsd|¤ ||ve COmmi丨|ee ☆ Ms Lucy Chung `x Dr susie Lum ☆Dr Carmen Chan Ms Clare Lai ☆ ☆ Dr samantha Pang ` Ms Neva Yung Ms Faith Liu Intcrcst d艮 Pro"I)tk)n& RecRIitment& t′ I· aⅡ 11ng VVeIfare PubⅡ citⅤ Melmbersh∶ SubcomΠlittec ID SubcoΠ ittee Subcomnlittce subcoΠ 1Iu∶ ttee "η ·· ′ ∶,· ★AnnaI'i 、、011g、 Iak CI1iu ☆(、 h:1111'a∶ NgOr ☆Mam si1I LiIlg Ⅰ々 'a:l ˉ⒎ ★ szeto、 。John′ Γ:、 m EⅡ cm、 ℃ung 'I′ 冫 ★、/ickv shiu ⅢangI丿 :li、1i:lg ☆、ivian()h:tn IⅡ J()1t Il、 、'u ☆Phocbc I'cu:lg Editol· ial BOal· d 女 E"cn Ycung w· 、1mr、 IJiu ☆ ∫ 1'c1∶ 1an、Vai "g、 5 Office Be¤ rer2001-20o3 j∷ j ,∷ ^∶ ∴⋯∴。¨' ; Rˇ ~宀 · ChaIrperson Chan Lai Ngor Vice Chairperson Yeung1Vai Fong,EHen Hon。 secretarv shiu sin1、 y4【 an,Vicky 厂 Hon。 Treasurer Leung「 y】 an、内ai CouncⅡ Members Chan Po Yin,Vivian Leung Sze Wai,Phoebe Li oi Nor,Anna Liu\、’、/ai Heung9卜 】ary 卜tan Siu Ling9Elaine TaIη Yiu Fai9John Tang Lai「V】 ing Wong「Ⅶak Chiu Wu Yi1rl I〈 【ing,Joan Szeto Yan Recrui|men|No|es Up|oJ¤ ∩u¤ ry 2003'丨 here were 70ord丨 n¤ ry members o∩ d61 gSSOCi¤ 丨e rnembersreg丨 s丨 ered, D丨 s|r丨 b∪ 丨丨on of members¤ s fO||Ow∶ ○rdi∩ ory Member HOspil¤ l Assoc|o|e Member 4197411315438172 Bl· adbury HOspice 10 CanOssa Caritas Medical Cent1· e 7 Haven Of HOpe HOspital Ⅱ2 Na111LOng HOspital 7 O1Ir Lady of Mary K11oll HOspital 2 POk Oi HOspital 4 Pa111eia YOude Nethel· sOle EasteH1HOspital 1’ Queen Mary HOspltal RuttO11jcc&Tang Shiu Ki11HOspital ~3 8 Shatin HOspital Tai PO HOspital Tuc11Pv1un HOspital Tung、Vah HOspital U11itcd Chlˉ istia11HOspital 4 Pri、 严atc rJr.' 70 61 6 Financial彐 Ⅱghlight Sun1Iη ary OfIncOlη e&Expenditure frOlη l AprⅡ 2001to31Dec2002 INCOM|E Donations s32452.9 EducatiOn& Social Activities $40137.5 Mcn1bcrship「 cc SI8350 TotaIIncome HK$90940.4 EXPENDITURE StatiOncry&Sundry Other $I227。 4 47 Postagc $7845。 s1541 Pri11tillg $14633.1 Educational犭辶SOcial Activities $74614 Total Expenditure HK$99860.97 Fro△n1■ 4¨ 2001to31¨ 12¨ 2002:a deficit of1-IIC$8920。 57 7 Traininε and Educati0nal Proε rarns The 4tll annual gencral lη eeth1g Of HOng PaⅡ iative Care in(ChⅡ dren11`ly′ ith cancer KOng HOspice Nurses· AssOciatiOn was and ChⅡdren in(Grief:Facing the Loss held on the 6th AprⅡ 2001 in Hospital of Parent。 The invited speakers fOr bOd1 Aud1ority buⅡ ding and was fOllOwcd by a tOpics were Dr。 GOdfI· ey C11an and Dr。 scientific prOgralη 。 The then1e fOr this Ka1· en Shu1η 。 prOgralη was ll、 1//Ⅱ ndfulness Living。 We had a well¨ knOⅥ711 speaker Dr。 ThOmas MorcOⅤ cr, On Dccclη bcr 1 20019 thc Κ∶、Ⅴan, Ph。 D。 to give us a very thOught- HKHNA co¨ Ol· ganized with HO11g KOng prOvoking lecture On Apri1 6 and then Alzhehner· s Disease & Brain FaⅡ ure fOllowed 、汛/ith a skill building workshOp AssOciatiOn9 HOng KOng Dietitian fOcus On incOrpOrating lmindfulness AssOciatiOn and the Society Of Palliative practicc into cvcryday expericnce On April Medicine fOr a selη inar On Hospice Care 7.There、 vere111ore than 100participants for the Dementia E)r。 L。 VOhces and Ms。 attended the seΠ1inar and 40 participants A。 Hurley were invited as speake1· s。 BOd1 attended d1e wOrkshop。 Participants were sc1η inars wcre intcrcsting and all i1η pressed by his inspiring presentation enlightcning w11ich attractcd n)any and exerclses。 palliative care wOrkers tO attcnd。 In May2001q the4th Asia Pacific丨 HOspice On Apri1292002q fOllO、 Ⅴing the5∷ annual ˇˇ Con∶ li、 i::)rence(APHC)was held in Taiwan。 ge11el· al mccti11g ofdle HKHNA。 ⅥeⅥ ere Eleven cOuncⅡ lη elη bers attended d1e dclighted tO haⅤ e \Is。 lDorcas Shuen tO cOnference。 C)tlr assOciatiOn alsO had the deli、 cr a sen1inar On AppⅡ cabⅡ ity of oppOrtunities tO share Our researchess GrOups in PalliatiⅤ
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