* TODAY: DRAMATIC DAY IN "AVIS '5' CASE * SUPER SPORT * Bringing Africa South Vol.2 No.303 SOc (GST Inc.) Friday April 12 STOP PRESS • 'Botsotsos' battered a eo a ani to a pulp TWO alleged members of a gang in Katutura were ap­ parently killed in Wanaheda last night after angry resi­ dents stoned them and-beat them up. Plunder was official Their bodies were so badiy injured, that one eye-witness described them a s " smashed ... battered to a STAFF REPORTER pulp". He said they were dead. Approached to confirm the PL UNDER of the Buffalo military base near Bagani in incident, a Namibian Police western Caprivi is continuing, and it has just come to officer at the Katutura po­ light that the stripping of the nation's assets came on the lice station said: "I don't know secret instructions of Namibia's former South African if they are dead, but I doubt ruJers. Latest estimates put the rebuilding cost at R60 if they are alive." He said million and at least one Government official appears to they were "seriously In­ be still robbing building materials. j ured", but said he could not give further details at this The st<U1iing new evidence According to Deputy Minis­ stage. c f official sanction to the t..'1eft ter of Works, Transport and According to an eye-wit­ of millions of rands of materi­ Communications, Klaus Dierks, ness who came to The Na­ als is contained in a letter from several Government depart­ mibian's offices, the incident the formeI Department of Fi­ ments have been involved in took place around midnight.- nance, dated Decembe; 7 1989, strippillg the buildings. He said four botsotsos. .on1hs 3 ner the independence Onc of the main culprits is members oran alleged gang, eiectlOlls. 1bis was sent to the the Department of Natllre Con­ apparently called 'Black former Depaltmellt of Civic servation, which has removed Force', started beating up an Affairs and Manpower and many wooden houses to places old Dlan near a bus stop in apparently gives permission to such as Waterberg and Etosha. Wanaheda and allegedly remove 1l111teliais from the many They apparently even removed "took his eyes out". A woman old army bases. Some Govem­ a sauna installed by Finnish ment ofticials implicated in Untag soldiers in Buffalo to the theft use this letter as their excuse. continued on page 2 * 'Avis 5' murder 'Send him to a prIson. ..., "SEND him to a pllson, I don't Hendrik Jacobus van Wyk, want his money as no money who was convicted in the socal­ wil l bring my husband back." led' Avis 5 ' murder trial will These emotional words were be sentenced at 1Ohoo this ~aicl by the wife of the late morning for the murder of iohannes Haufiku, when she Hauftku, while two of his co­ was called by the state yester­ accused, Leon Bal'Il.ard and day to tell the Windhoek High Petms iohannes van Zyl, will Court how she felt about her be sentenced for common as­ husband's murder. sault and encouraging assault Hauftlcu was beaten to death with the intent to do grievous in October last year and his bodily harm, respectively. body dumped at the Avis Dam EYES RIGHT. Members of the guard of honour showing their mettle at the opening of the Assembly. See story, outside Windhoek. continued on page 3 p3. Photographs: Mbatjiua Ngavirue. STAY AT WINDHOEK'S MOST CONVENIENT AND AFFORDABLE CITY CENTRE HOTEL. OUR TARIFFS ARE THE CHEAPEST FOR VALUE IN TOWN **TYYY CO~JTINENTAL HOTEL TEL: 37293 2 Friday April 12 1991 THE NAMIBIAN have generally halted the large­ of mercenaries, as well as for scale robbery, although it is an rest and recreation by South ••· •• aml7 . Fla~ . impossible task to stop local African troops. Apparently people slipping in on foot. The hundreds of people were em­ ···> ft6fi1 ·pdge<1y··· perimeter of Ondangwa air­ ployed just to keep up the ex­ base, where much destmction tensive gardens, now swamped Etosha. has also been wrought, is ap­ in thick bush. 'This is in addition to large­ parently some 20 kilometres According to Dierks, cost of scale theft by individuals, in­ long and would need large rebuilding the base to origlilal cluding many Government numbers of guards. condition is put at R3,l mil­ officials, for private use or sale. Inquiries into the robbery lion to restore the headquar­ It appears that this still contin­ are being conducted by the ters and accommodation blocks, ues on a small scale, as is Attomey-General's office, and R4,25m to restore the quat1ef­ suggested by a garden fence at little ha s been heard of prog­ ma ster~ ' complexandR 1,25m nearby Bagani apparently be­ ress ;lllhough a preliminary to redo the area call ed Villa longing to a local Department report is believed to have been Breytenoach. of Works Official at nearby made. Rebuilding the wooden Bagani suggests. TIle Cabinet decided last year houses and washing blocks is Many local people and even that Buffalo is to be used firstly expected to be the major part bandits from Angola and for resettlement and fanning, of the spending, l'ut at R55m. Botswana have also been in­ in preference to options such Dierks says that had he volved, sometimes using trucks as touri sm. known, he would never have to remove material from Buf­ Information and Broadcast­ sanctioned the removal of INSIDE the Buffalo base, wooden houses were torn apart and removed wholesale. falo. ing Minister Hidipo Hamutenya materials and since before The cost of replacing them and the washing buildings would be RSS million. The theft is also widespread is co-ordinating development independence has been asking at many other former South brigades, apparently to work people to protect the bases. He African bases across Nam.ibia on the giant task of restoring says the cost of transpo11ing says Dierks. Most of it has Buffalo and other bases. the materials away must have occurred in recent mOIJtru.. Since Buffalo is in three sections been high and it can cost more a Presidential outcry in Febru­ and was home to the notorious to rebuild dismantled houses ary, police and army guards 32 Battalion, mainly composed than to build new ones. AT the nearby Nature Conservation resort of Popa Falls, building materials are THIS house is apparently inhabited by Andre Vorster, the Department of Works official in stacked high. They are also reported to have been seen at Waterberg and Etosha. Bagani. His responsibiUty is to look after the buildings on army bases in the area. , , + ..... , , , 'I ON SHOW - 13 APRIL 1991 I@ I @ FROM 09hOO - 13hOO on site I I : , +-. +. + . , .-. -. ..... .-. F , i, E,<!II " \ - 'R' -----. 'R' 6992 POINTER BOARDS FROM TH.E KATUTURA/OKAHANDJA TURN-OFF I I I I I I I If.---'-r-r:::-t ) I I I ( a \~ 13: I t§E t la I IVI t ~ \ I ~ '- I I I I I --i """, . 1 I I . : : '-____ ~ __ __ .1. _ __ + __ __ 4._ 1._ OLD OKAHANDJA ROAD OPPOSITE THE BREWERIES PIET NOLTE MANFRED BLOCH TEL: 34177 (W) TEL: 34177 (W) TEL: 31217 (H) TEL: 224043 (H) __ t THE NAMIBIAN Friday April 12 1991 3 Boost for housing at Keetmanshoop TRANSNAl\1IB has wel­ When influx control meas­ DA'OUD VRIES comed more families to the ures were relaxed urbarlisation home-owners' group in Na­ is said to have increased at an mibia. years. annual rate of six per cent, All houses wiU be fitted with Ekandjo projected. Keetmanshoop yesterday electricity, l11nning water, a Together with increasing witnessed the handing over of geyser, bathroom and proper urbarlisation Namibia had a 20 units of 'affordable' houses sewage services. unique problem of hostels and by TransNamib to its employ­ The houses are being made single quarters where only single ees. available to employees earn­ men are housed. The handing-over function, ing less than Rl2 000 a year. The Government was con­ attended by the Deputy Minis­ Monthly instalments at pres­ cerned with this problem and ter of Local Government and ent will be approximately RI 30. was ainling at providing proper Housing, Jerry Ekandjo, and Because of the acute hous­ housing for the people, said the Managing Director of ing problem, Uys said, Ekandjo. TransNamib, Francois Uys, saw TransNamib was trying its level The provision of affordable DEPUTY Minister of Local Government and Housing, Jerry Ekandjo (third from the Corporation hand over the best to make home-ownership housing, he added, was one of left), listening attentively to a TransNamib official concerning the construction of the second group ofIow-cost to its a possibility for each of its the top development priorities Corporation's housing scheme at Keetmansboop. On the extreme left is the managing employees. employees. of the Government. director of the Corporation, Francois Uys, and Uno Hengari, also an official of the Last month the first group of He said that since taking over The Government, however, Corporation. the parastatal's employees at the Corporation from the South was not in a position to solve Otjiwarongo joined the proud African Transport Services in this immense task alone, he line-up of home-owners in 1988, 874 employees were mllde continued. "Housing is also Nanlibia. Next will be Oka­ home-owners as a result of the recognised as an important handja with 15 houses to be parastatal's objective. "Thi s national investment sector for Another brick in the handed to workers. figure represents employees generating capital, income and According to Uys, the Cor­ from all income groups who employment," the Minister poration embarked on the proj­ are making use of TransNamib's pointed out.
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