AB League 374, 376, 381, 382-4 Abolition of Universal Military

AB League 374, 376, 381, 382-4 Abolition of Universal Military

INDEX AB League 374, 376, 381, 382-4 New Army 398 abolition of universal military service private armies 13-14, 73-4 33-48 recruits 38-9 central army 48-52 revolutionary 323, 344 failure of the new army 61-74 Shence Army 160, 163, 165 frontier armies 52-61 Song 217 nature of the abolition 34-9 standing armies 70-2 private armies 73-4 statistics 148 reasons for the abolition 39-48 strategic options 84-90 standing armies 70-2 Tang forces 94-5, 128-9, 144 Accord of Shanyuan 180, 212-19 Tiande army I 71 Afghanistan 118 Tianping army I 75 agricultural crisis 392-3 volunteers 226 Ai Rong 56 Xiang '413 Aju 245 Zhu-Mao Army 336 Alaung-hpaya 441 Ashina Helu 118 Allied Expeditionary Force 22, 288, Atlakh, battle of 130 439 Auden, W.H. 408-9, 411 Alp bilga Baoyi, Khaghan 166 August Harvest Uprising 332-3 Alp kiiliig bilga Zhangxin, Khaghan Averill, Stephen 373-4, 380 169 Altan Khan 267 Bagha Tarqan 151 An, Emperor 37, 51, 57 Bai Chongxi 416, 420 An Lushan Rebellion 13, 90, I 09, Baijuyi 106-7, 144-5, 161, 164 136-7, 137-40 Bai Shousu 21 7 An Sishun 138 Baidicheng 232 Anjur 236 Bailloud, General 31 7 Anleshancheng 232 Baisha Conference 340 Anlezhou 163 Baltistan 130 Anshi 90 Ban Biao 59 Anshicheng 90 Ban Chao 52, 55, 57 Anti:Japanese War 401, 403, 425-6 Ban Gu 56 Anxi 109, 127, 129, 154, 173, 175 bandits 224, 364 Arabs 16, 118, 122, 130, 162 Banzhu 83, 86-7, 95 Ardagh, General Sir John 295 Bao Xin 71 armies Baoding Expedition 311-13 see also Red Army baqjia system 356-61, 395 bandit armies 93, 292, 322 battles 216-17, 237 campaign armies sizes 89, 128 Atlakh 130 n. 29, 135 'Day of Thirst' 130 central army 48-52 Fei River 409 frontier armies 52-61, 135, 148, Hebei 208 156 Hulao Pass 78, 82-6, 91, 95-6 Huai 413 Linyi 406-7, 418 Hunan Army 14, 413 Taierzhuang 401, 403, 407, 416, infantry armies 134 421, 425 lines of supply 89-90, 102 Tianjin 22 Hans van de Ven - 9789004482944 Downloaded from Brill.com10/05/2021 07:22:01PM via free access 444 INDEX Ulan Butong 270 Cheng, Emperor 65 Wangdu 196, 204 Chengdu 232, 237 Weilu 203 Chengzhou 230 Yancheng 407 Chiang Kai-shek 7-10, 23-6, 326-30, Ying 209 334, 351-4, 356, 362, 375, 407, Beijing 280, 306, 432, 440 412-3, 416, 424, 432 defence of 300, 303-4, 334, 418 loss of Nanjing 414, 417 siege of the Legation 22, 288, New Life Movement 366-71 311-13 reduced communist influence 326 Beiting 17, 109, 129, 130, 154, 173 Taiwan 401 Belden, Jack 421, 423 victory 322, 349 Beshbalik 118 White Terror 326 Bi Shi'an 208 China Bilga, Khaghan 141 agricultural aid 365-6 Billingsley, Philip 329 agricultural crisis 392-3 Board of War 14 armed forces 361 Bogii, Khaghan 142-3, 151 baqjia system 356-61 Bow and Arrow Society 226 boundaries 275, 281-3 Boxer Uprising 15, 22, 24-5, civil war 23, 326-30, 358, 401, 404 288-319, 431 co-operatives 364-6, 392 Allied troops 311-rn Communists 323 British troops 312 counter revolution 250-4, 350-1, Btsampo 164 372-6, 383 Buddhism 147 defence 412-13 Bukhara 118, 122, 126 foreign relations 253, 260-1 Burma 440-1 governmental reform 354-6 history of warfare 398-404 Cai Chengxi Table Japanese War 15, 21, 290, 432, 439 Cai E 371 labour mobilization 360 Cai Shaoqing 329 maps 282-3 Cai Shenxi Table I military history 26-32 Cai Tingkai 420 national military service 35 7-8 Canton 326, 334 nationalism 21, 28, 275, 278, 396 Cao Bin 201 Nationalist army 323, 326, 350-1 Cao Cao 71, 399 navy 438-9 Cao Feng 64 New Life Movement 366-71, 394 Caoyang 232 northwest frontier defences 272-8 Capa, Robert 48 Peace Preservation Corps 362-4 Carlson, Evans 420, 425 relations with Russia 280-1, 284 cavalry taxes 390-1 Han 12, 45, 60 troops 361, 412-16 Mongolia 244 China War see Boxer Uprising Tang 134 Chinese Communist Party 325, 425 Cen Chunxuan 316-19 see also Red Army Central People's Justice Council 384 armies Table I, 351, 413 Chaffee, Major General Adna R. 313 August Harvest Uprising 332-3 Chang'an 64, 78, 97, 100, 109, 111, campaigns against 138-9, 142, 149, 154 counter-revolutionaries 3 72-83 Chao Cuo, military technology 45-8 General Outline 335-6 Cheleda 242 land redistribution campaigns 337 Chen Duxiu 332, 370 mobilization 327 Chen Yi 338, 341-3, Table 1, 381, mobilization drives 372, 388 388 opposition 394 Chen Yongfa 373-4, 380 party and army 340-4, 349-50 Hans van de Ven - 9789004482944 Downloaded from Brill.com10/05/2021 07:22:01PM via free access INDEX 445 purges 375-7, 381, 383, 393, 395 Dian Zhou 225 Red Terror 372-96 Diaoyii Mountain 233, 235 Chinese culture Diaoyucheng 223, 232-3, 235, 237, cultural realism 254 247, 249 influence 14 7 Dingyuan 419 interpretations 6 Doihara, General 405 operational culture 254 Dong Zhuo 71, 72-3 ritual practice 255, 257-8 Dongtang 380 strategic culture 252-5, 257-86 Dongzhen 241 tributary system 25 7 Dou Gu 52 Chinese Revolutionary Party 375 Dou Rong 52 Chinese way of warfare 2-9, 43, 102, Dou Xuan 52 321-3 Du Shang 38 conduct of war 10 Du Xiquan 160 defensive strategies 4, 44-8 Du Xiujing 336 military technology 45-8 Du Yuanying 167 offensive strategies 4 Duan Chen 58 purpose of war 9-10 Duan Jiande 78, 79-80, 82-6, 88-9, Chinggis khan 222, 238, 269, 274 93-7, 98, 100 Chi'niu 232 Duan Jiong 55, 57 Choi Choong-Hun 240 Duji 229' Choi Hang 241-2, 24 7 Duke of Han 109 Choi Yi 240-1 Dunhuang 121 Chongqing 232-3 Dzungaria 112, map 1, 118 Christians 306-8, 310, 318 Chungju 242 East Asian Expedition Corps 311 Cixi, Dowager Empress 288, 291, Eastern Han Dynasty 12, 40, 41, 48 311-12 armies 52-8, 61, 70-3 co-operatives 364-6, 391-2, 394 failure of military system 61-74 Cohen, Warren 260 Eastern Wei 91-2 communists see Chinese Communist emperor, relationship with Party commander 9 Conference of Brussels 294 Encirclement Campaigns 40 I Confucianism 369, 371 cosmological beliefs 10 I Fairbank, John 1, 255, 257 Cui Shi, Zhong lun 65 Fan Shizeng 333 Cultural Revolution 323, 366, 395 Fan Tingzhao 194 Cuweifeng 327 Fan Xichao 160 Fan Zhongan 213 Da Tang Kafyuan li 99, 100 Fang Yousheng 315 DaejibSong 240 Fanyang 137, 139 Daizong 149, 150 Fei River, battle of 409 Dalai Lama 270-1, 284, 285 Feng Yuxiang 421 Daoism 79 Fengtian 291 Daxing cheng 111 Fengxiang 155 de Crespigny, Rafe 65 Fengzhou 231 De'an 226 Ferghana 118, 130 defensive strategies 4, 44-8, 224-7 First Opium War 431 Deng Xiaoping 385 First Soviet Congress 386 Deng Xun 71 Fleming, Peter 408 Deng Yigang Table French Revolution 324 Deng Zihui 392 French troops 312-15, 317-18 Dezong 150-6, 160-1 Frey, Henri 314, 316 Di Deyu 171 Fu Bocui 375-6 Hans van de Ven - 9789004482944 Downloaded from Brill.com10/05/2021 07:22:01PM via free access 446 INDEX Fu Gongshi 111 Guo Huaruo, military writings 7 Fu Qian 194-5 Guo Ziyi 142, 150 Fu Yu 59 Guomindang 401, 426 Fuller, William Z. 264 Gutian Conference 325, 339, 343-4 Futian Incident 373-4, 378, 380, Giiyiig, khagan 236 382-3 Hague Peace Conference 290, 294-6 Galdan 266, 270-2, 277-8 Hailufeng Soviet 333-4 Gan Run 235 Hami 116 Gansu 10, 121, 135, 137, 171 Han Dynasty 33, 77, 279, 398-9, 409 Gantimur 280 see also Eastern Han; Northern Han; Gao Huan 91-2, IOI Western Han Gao Kaidao 111 armies 12, 42-8, 70, 74 Gaozong 112, 116, 118, 120, 122, camps 50-1, 57-9 125-7, 128 cavalry 12, 45, 60 Gaozu, Emperor 115, 123 central army 48-52 Gaselee, General Alfred 312 Commandants 9, 37 Geluofeng 133 frontier armies 52-60 Geng Kui 55 loyalty 41-2, 62 Gengis Khan see Chinggis Khan military service 34-7 German troops 311-13, 316-18 non-Han troops 60 Geshu Han 137-9 recruits 38-9 Gibbons, Edward, Decline and fall ef the use of convicts 53-9 Roman Empire 429 attack on Korea 228-9 Gilgit 130 economy 40-1 Grain Co-operatives 391-2 military writings 7, 45-8 Great Wall 19, 63, 181, 202, 255, mountain bastions 224 266, 278, 281 population 40, 65-6 Gross von Schwarzhoff, Colonel 297 slavery 40 Gu Bo 381 Han Feizi 8 Gu Dacun Table I Han Fuju 405, 413-14 Guandong 67, 68, 225 Han Tan 160 Guangdong 326, 328, 329, 333 Hao Jing 238 Guangling 92 Hata, General 405 Guangwu, Emperor 68, 74, 224, 289 He, Emperor 59, 66 military policies 40, 54-5, 58, 59, He Chengju 188, 200, 203 62-3 He Jin 71 military service abolished 36, He Kun Table 1 48-51 He Long 333, Table Guangxi 26, 327, 357, 415 He Shu 301-2 Guangxi Clique 23, 31 n. 75, 329, He Yingqin 35 7, 361 334, 416 Hebei 78, 96-8, 137, 148, 190-2, Guangxu, Emperor 291 196, 199, 208-9, 215 Guangzhou 426 battle of 208 Guannan region 181-3, 188, 196, Hedong 84, 137-9 209-10, 215, 218 Heejong, king 240 Guanzhong 64, 67, 68, 73, 150, 155, Henan 78, 82, 87, 94, 96, 98 161, 225 Henriot, Christian 370 guerilla warfare 190, 343, 350, 419 Herat 118, 122 Guguan 317 Hesa, Khaghan I 70 Guiyi 150 Heshui 155 Guizhou 357 Hevia, James 20, 285 gunpowder 284 Hevia, James, Cherishing men from afar Guo Geng 57, 61 257, 259, 262-3 Hans van de Ven - 9789004482944 Downloaded from Brill.com10/05/2021 07:22:01PM via free access INDEX 447 Hexi 128, 137, 174 Jia Yi 67 Hezhou 175, 232-3, 237 Jiading 232 Hideyoshi, Toyotomi 438-9 Ji'an 379-80 Hojo 439 Jian'an 90, 137 horse pastures I 7, 31, 133, 135-6 Jiang Baili 329 horse trade 133-6, 142, 151, 169, Jiangnan 276, 410 172, 202, 274, 284 Jiangsu 405, 410 Hu Gongmian Table I Jiangxi 327-30, 333, 340, 346, 351, Hu Hanmin 352 360, 364 Hu Linyi 367, 371 killing fields 3 78-83 Hu Pinzhi 293, 299-300, 319 Jiangxi Soviet 372-5, 393 Hu Shaohai Table I Jiangzhou 87, 132 Huai army 413 Jiannan 128-9 Huaizhou 92 Jiezhou 230 Huang Gongliie Table I, 379-80 Jin 226, 239, 241 Huang, Philip 262 Jincheng, princess 149 Huang, Ray 31 Jinfeng Company 299-300 Huangfu Song 72 Jing, Emperor 60 Huayuankou 407, 424 Jinggang Mountaians 325, 330, Hulao Pass battle

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