Arthropoda Selecta 16 (2): 115135 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2007 New records of linyphiid spiders from Russia, with taxonomic and nomenclatural notes (Aranei: Linyphiidae) Íîâûå íàõîäêè ïàóêîâ-ëèíèôèèä â Ðîññèè ñ çàìåòêàìè ïî òàêñîíîìèè è íîìåíêëàòóðå (Aranei: Linyphiidae) A.V. Tanasevitch À.Â. Òàíàñåâè÷ Centre for Forest Ecology and Production Russian Academy of Sciences, Profsoyuznaya Str., 84/32, Moscow 117997 Russia. Öåíòð ïî ïðîáëåìàì ýêîëîãèè è ïðîäóêòèâíîñòè ëåñîâ ÐÀÍ, Ïðîôñîþçíàÿ óë., 84/32, Ìîñêâà 117997 Ðîññèÿ. KEY WORDS: Spiders, Linyphiidae, taxonomy, faunistic, new synonyms, new combinations, Russia. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: Ïàóêè, Linyphiidae, òàêñîíîìèÿ, ôàóíèñòèêà, íîâûå ñèíîíèìû, íîâûå êîìáèíàöèè, Ðîññèÿ. ABSTRACT. New records of 210 linyphiid spiders 1878) â Ðîññèè îòíîñÿòñÿ ê F. bucculenta (Clerck, from different regions of Russia are given. All records 1757). Äëÿ ðîäà Eldonia Tanasevitch, 1996 ïðåäëî- of Entelecara errata O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1913, E. æåíî íîâîå íàçâàíèå Eldonnia nom.n. âçàìåí ïðå- media Kulczyñski, 1887 or E. sombra (Chamberlin et îêêóïèðîâàííîãî (Eldonia Walcott, 1911, Echi- Ivie, 1947) from Middle, East and South Siberia, as nodermata). Ìîíîòèïè÷åñêîìó ïîäðîäó Sacha- well as the Russian Far East actually concern E. eryth- liphantes Saaristo et Tanasevitch, 2003 ïðèäàí ðàíã ropus (Westring, 1851). All records of Floronia exor- ðîäà. Óñòàíîâëåíû íîâûå ñèíîíèìû è êîìáèíàöèè nata (L. Koch, 1878) in Russia are in fact those of F. (âàëèäíûå íàçâàíèÿ ñïðàâà): Incestophantes obtusus bucculenta (Clerck, 1757). A new replacement name is Tanasevitch, 1996 = Incestophantes kochiellus (Strand, proposed for Eldonia Tanasevitch, 1996, i.e. Eldonnia 1900), syn.n.; Pelecopsis baicalensis Marusik, Koponen nom.n. (praeocc.: Eldonia Walcott, 1911, Echinoder- et Danilov, 2001 = Pelecopsis parallela (Wider, 1834), mata). The monotypic subgenus Sachaliphantes Saaristo syn.n.; Zornella orientalis Marusik, Buckle et Koponen, et Tanasevitch, 2003 is elevated to full generic rank, 2007 = Zornella cultrigera (L. Koch, 1879), syn.n.; stat.n. The following new synonyms and combinations Eldonnia kayacensis (Paik, 1965), comb.n. èç Eldonia; are proposed (valid names on the right): Incestophantes Sachaliphantes sachalinensis (Tanasevitch, 1988), obtusus Tanasevitch, 1996 = Incestophantes kochiel- comb.n. èç Mughiphantes Saaristo et Tanasevitch, 1999; lus (Strand, 1900), syn.n.; Pelecopsis baicalensis Tanasevitchia strandi (Ermolajev, 1937), comb.n. èç Marusik, Koponen et Danilov, 2001 = Pelecopsis par- Minicia Thorell, 1875. allela (Wider, 1834), syn.n.; Zornella orientalis Marusik, Buckle et Koponen, 2007 = Zornella cultrig- Introduction era (L. Koch, 1879), syn.n.; Eldonnia kayacensis (Paik, 1965), comb.n. ex of Eldonia; Sachaliphantes sacha- This paper puts on record the linyphiids, mainly linensis (Tanasevitch, 1988), comb.n. ex of Mughiph- from my personal collection, which are new to some antes Saaristo et Tanasevitch, 1999; Tanasevitchia administrative bodies and/or geographic regions of Rus- strandi (Ermolajev, 1937), comb.n. ex of Minicia sia, e.g. Khakassia, Kamchatka, Lake Baikal region, Thorell, 1875. etc, as well as to certain nature reserves, e.g., Burein- skiy, Kedrovaya Pad, Kronotskiy, Kuznetskiy Alatau, ÐÅÇÞÌÅ. Ïðèâåäåíû íîâûå íàõîäêè 210 âè- Laplandskiy, Norskiy etc. äîâ ïàóêîâ-ëèíèôèèä èç ðàçëè÷íûõ ðåãèîíîâ Ðîñ- ñèè. Âñå óêàçàíèÿ âèäîâ Entelecara errata O. Pickard- Material and methods Cambridge, 1913, E. media Kulczyñski, 1887 è E. sombra (Chamberlin et Ivie, 1947) èç Ñðåäíåé, Âîñ- òî÷íîé è Þæíîé Ñèáèðè, à òàêæå Ðîññèéñêîãî This paper is mainly based on material taken by the Äàëüíåãî Âîñòîêà îòíîñÿòñÿ ê E. erythropus (West- author, as well as on the collection of the Zoological ring, 1851). Âñå íàõîäêè Floronia exornata (L. Koch, Museum of the Moscow Nature University (ZMMU). The material is stored in the personal collection, if not Printed in 2008 indicated otherwise. Scale line in figures = 0.1 mm. 116 A.V. Tanasevitch New records of linyphiid spiders in Russia 89°07E), 25.V.1997, leg. R. Dudko; 4 $$, Krasnoyarsk Province, Ermakovskoye District (53°16N, 92°23E), West Sayan, Ergaki Mt Ridge, Oiskiy Pass, 1800 m a.s.l., maintain tundra, 1011.VII.1990, Abiskoa abiskoensis Holm, 1945 leg. D. Logunov; 1 $, near Aradan Village (52°34N, 93°26E), pebble bank of Us River, 2.VII.1990, leg. D. Logunov. MATERIAL. 2 ##, Kamchatka, Milkovo (54°41N, 158°38E), Kamchatka River Valley, Betula forest with Gramine- Allomengea dentisetis (Grube, 1861) ae, in grass, 23 & 24.VIII.1987; 5 ##, 11 $$, Maritime Province, 35 km SE of Chyuguevka, Verkhneussuriyskiy Field Station MATERIAL. 1 $, Irkutsk Area, 200 km N of Lake Baikal, (43°57N, 134°01E), in pile of logs, 11.VII.1990. All leg. A. Zhigalovo District, pipeline Kovykta to Zhigalovo (54°43N, Tanasevitch. 105°17E), Betula forest, 1014.VIII.2006, leg. L. Rybalov; 1 $, Amurskaya Area, Mazanovskiy District, right side of Selemdzha Agyneta affinis (Kulczyñski, 1898) River between Nora River mouth and Ust-Norskaya mountain, Lodochnikova channel, 215230 m a.s.l., under bark and in rotten MATERIAL. 2 ##, Novosibirsk Area, near Koltsovo (54º90N, wood of Alnus sp., Padus sp., Populus sp., Betula platyphylla, 83º18E), margin of birch forest, in grass, 29.V.1988, leg. D. Larix gmelinii, 14.VIII.2006, leg. E. Veselova & A. Ryvkin; 2 $, Logunov. Maritime Province, Ussuriyskiy District, near Gornotayozhnoye Village (43°42N, 132°09E), broadleaved forest, in litter, 22.VII.1990, leg. A. Tanasevitch; 8 ##, 2 $$, Khasanskiy Dis- Agyneta mollis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) trict, Kedrovaya Pad Nature Reserve (43°11N, 131°28E), bank of river, in grass, VIII. 1990, leg. A. Tanasevitch. MATERIAL. 3 ##, Khabarovsk Province, Verkhnebureinskiy District, 20th km of Chegdomyn to Urgal road, mosses and plant Allomengea scopigera (Grube, 1859) debris on swampy sides of lake with Carex spp., Poaceae gen. sp., Ledum palustre, Chamaedaphne calyculata, Vaccinium uliginosum, Spiraea sp., Sphagnum spp., undergrowth of Betula platyphylla and MATERIAL. 1 #, 1 $, Kamchatka, Milkovo (54°41N, Larix gmelinii, 6.X.2006, leg. A. Ryvkin; 1 $, Maritime Province, 158°38E), Kamchatka River Valley, Betula forest with Gramine- Chernigovka District, near Dmitriyevka Village (44°21N, 132°47E), ae, in litter, 23 & 24.VIII.1987, leg. A. Tanasevitch; 1 $, Kemerovo willow stands, in sedge, 2430.VII.1990, leg. A. Tanasevitch. Area, Kuznetskiy Alatau Mts, Mt Bolshoi Zub, 15001700 m a.s.l., alpine, 26.IX.1997, leg. R. Dudko & I. Lyubechyansky; 1 $, same, environs of Mezhdurechensk (53°39N, 88°0N) (53°40N, Agyneta mossica (Schikora, 1993) 88°04E), 3 km upper Usa River mouth, 23.IX.1997, leg. R. Dudko & I. Lyubechyansky. MATERIAL. 1 $, Tyumen Area, Pyt-Yakh (60º44N, 72º46E), taiga, 13.VIII.2005, leg. L. Rybalov. Anguliphantes cerinus (L. Koch, 1879) Agyneta rurestris (C.L. Koch, 1836) MATERIAL. 1 $, Khakassia, Kuznetskiy Alatau Mts, 15 km NE of Balyksa (53°24N, 89°07E), right affluent of Terensug River, MATERIAL. 1 #, Samara Area, near Neftegorsk (52°48N, 10001400 m a.s.l., 19.V.1997, leg. R. Dudko; 1 $, Kemerovo Area, 51°10E), Artemisia steppe, 5.X.1999, leg. A. Tanasevitch. Kuznetskiy Alatau Nature Reserve, environs of Bezymyanka River mouth (54°54N, 88°17E), 14.VII.1994, leg. A. Ryvkin. Agyneta similis (Kulczyñski, 1926) Anguliphantes dybowskii (O. Pickard-Cambridge, MATERIAL. 5 ##, 3 $$, Kamchatka, Kronotskiy Nature 1873) Reserve, 2 km W of Geysers Valley (54°20N, 159°17E), moun- tain tundra, 1000 m a.s.l., Pinus pumila stands, in moss & lichen, 2 MATERIAL. 1 #, 2 $$, Irkutsk Area, 200 km N of Lake Baikal, & 3.IX.1987, leg. A. Tanasevitch. Zhigalovo District, pipeline Kovykta to Zhigalovo (54°43N, 105°17E), Pinus sibirica forest with Betula, 13.VIII.2006, leg. L. Agyneta simplicitarsis (Simon, 1884) Rybalov. MATERIAL. 1 #, Novosibirsk Area, near Koltsovo (54º90N, Anguliphantes sibiricus (Tanasevitch, 1986) 83º18E), margin of birch forest, in grass, 29.V.1988, leg. D. Logunov. MATERIAL. 1 $, Irkutsk Area, 200 km N of Lake Baikal, COMMENTS. This species has hitherto been known Zhigalovo District, pipeline Kovykta to Zhigalovo (54°43N, in Asia only from Eastern Kazakhstan [Tanasevitch, 105°17E), Pinus sibirica forest with Betula, 13.VIII.2006, leg. L. 2004]. Rybalov; 1 #, Khakassia, Kuznetskiy Alatau Mts, 15 km NE of Balyksa (53°24N, 89°07E), right affluent of Terensug River, 10001400 m a.s.l., 19.V.1997, leg. R. Dudko; 1 $, 20 km NE of Agyneta tibialis Tanasevitch, 2005 Balyksa (53°24N, 89°07E), right affluent of Kainzas River, 1000 m a.s.l., forest, 22 & 23.V.1997, leg. R. Dudko; 2 $$, Kemerovo MATERIAL. 1 #, Irkutsk Area, Lake Baikal, Bolshiye Koty Area, Kuznetskiy Alatau Nature Reserve, ca 16 km SW of Belogor- Field Station (51°54N, 105°04E), on rocky slope of lake bank, sk, Kiya River, Bezymyanka River delta (54°54N, 88°17E), taiga, 19.VI.1988, leg. A. Tanasevitch. 1417.VII.1994, leg. S. Golovatch & A. Ryvkin; 3 $$, same, environs of Bezymyanka River mouth, 14.VII.1994, leg. A. Ryvkin. Agyphantes sajanensis (Eskov et Marusik, 1994) Araeoncus vorkutensis Tanasevitch, 1984 MATERIAL. 12 $$, Irkutsk Area, Lake Baikal, Marituy Field Station (51°46N, 104°11E), Betula & Alnus forest, in litter and MATERIAL. 1 $, Khakassia, Kuznetskiy Alatau Mts, 20 km moss, 11.VII.1988, leg. A. Tanasevitch; 1 $, Khakassia, Kuznetskiy NE of Balyksa (53°24N, 89°07E), right affluent of Kainzas Riv- Alatau Mts, Terensug River Valley, 720 km NE of Balyksa (53°24N, er, 1000 m a.s.l., forest, 19.V.1997, leg. R. Dudko; 1 #, 15 km NE New records of linyphiid
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