I I All th~ News of All the Pointes o *:~ * l ,Every Thursday o ,', ews Morning r', Home of tbe News , ' Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes I Entered as Second Class Mattt=r 7c Per Copy VOLUME 23-N0.4 ~ at the Post qUlce at Detroit, Mich, GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, JANUARY 25, 1962 $4.00 Per Year 20 PAGES-TWO SECTIONS-SECTION I --"'i'; J -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~<.}<> o II"EADLINES Tuxis Club Readying Annual Product,ion Useo!Hamtramck New Build~ng of tbe . Z F .Z. IORl Club SIte \VEI~K' } DlSpOSa aCl lty Bein~ Fought As Compilcd by tbe Grossl! Pointe '1'\ eu'S Residents and Little League Sought by Pointes Chief Objectors to Proi~ ;Thu.n;day, January 18 ~TEPS TOWAHD renewal of ect for Exceptional '" l'nited Stiltcs aid and trade Park Mayor Kenneth Cunningham Sends Letter Propos- Children \Ilth _the Dominican Republic \\'LTC h;l!tC'd \\'ednesday. pend- ing that His Municipality, Farms, and GP City Plans to build a $75-80,000 l!l ~ ,.ll1 in\'('stigation of Santo Share Costs of Operating Plant building on Neighborhood ))omin~o',; Ilew milital'Y govC'l'n- menl, Amcriean officials fear Factors in the disposing of rubbish in the future Club property, ~t the cor- thC' t'Jribbean' 'Janel may have have prompted three Pointe communities to seek a pos-: nero of Charlevoix and St. ~ traded one dictatorship for an- sible Rubbish Disposal Authority partnership with Ham- i Clalr, to be used, as a scho~l othcl", \\'ithdrawal of "Uni7.ed, tramck it was disclosed by Park City Manao'er Robert' by t~e Found~tlOn fur E>-,- ::-;tates recognition and canccl- Slone ~n Thursday, January 18. b i ceV_lOnal Chlldren, \ver,e ~ation of plans io purchase 4~ The city manager said that~--------------i gomg full steam ahead untd million dollars worth of Dom- Mayor Kenneth Cunningham I Just recently. " inic;m su~ar are unclp't consid- had sent a letter to Hamtramck T'lVO Garages i ~ow they appear to ha\'(~ eration. but there arc 110 planS_I officials on Thursday, January ; strw'k some snags, 10 send the American £!cet to '.. 11, proposing that Hamtramck, It's not that <anyone indi- Dominican waters. as was done P sd V. -t lhe Park, City and Farms, par- af, ,f,Sf, S 'I \'idual or group is opposed to q a few months ago, ticipale financially in t h c the Foundation for Exceptional HC'al IC'ade1' of the new Dom- oper~tion and maintenance of By Bu rglars Children. Far from it. E\'ery- iniean govel'l1mr-nt. which re- Hamtramck's modern ineiner-...' body, fron\ Edw3rd Devine, places that of late de~pot Rafad atOt" plant at Edwin and AI- pr~sldent of the City Little Tnljillo. is thought to be Air pena, Hamtramck, I Pte. Tire and Sunoco Serv- Lea~:ue. to the r~sjdcnts \\'hos,e Force Gem'!';]l Hodriguez Echa- The three Pointes prcsently . E d. C I C h~mr:s \I'ould be lJl close proxl- varria. who Tuesday night over- dispose of the i l' rubbish Ice ntere I .::>toen ar mlty to the proposed school. IS o 1hrew the 16-ctay-olcl state coun- through a landfill in Quinn Left as Thieves Steal behind the Foundation 100 prc~ cil hr'sded by .Joaquin Balagucr road, in Clinton Township. AJ10ther ccnt. ,Ind ~C'ized power at the head I of a :,,('ven-man junta, - ' There are eight acre's of land.' They all fa\'or a School for j?intly owned, by, the Pa,rk and The thief or thieves, who I Exc~ptional Children. B~t not "7- * >;( l' 3l'ms, at thiS SIte, WhICh has b k . t' t b' 'Ion tne corner of Charle\,olx and PP".\\'D,\, the official Sodet I , b d b tl I ' , 1'0 'e In 0 wo USIDess St ('I ' Comrnunist 1',lrty newspaper, : een use y le t lree cltles 1 "Th H'll" d . , . "all', c ve5lerda\' denounced' former for years. p ace~ on e 1 . urmg II Want ~lore Play Room Costs Are Shared the mght of Sunday, Janu- TI I'ttl I d I Soviet F'oreign l\liniste'r Vyaeh- I The 14th annual Tuxis Club presentation promises CONACHIE, lead character; ELAINE HARRISON and " . ')1 t 1 . f Ie ~I e ~eague ep ores ~ contract~r IS paId to opc:'~ aI y ~ , S 0 e a car.7 rom ,~n~ this location. Claiming that the l'slav 1>1. l\Iolotov as a diehard to be ,as big as uyer. Twenty-eight acts are scheduled BETH NICKELSON, parts of a dance n um be r; ale the l~ndfl,Jl and to see that of the places after l~a\ I~b I City has too feW' playgrounds do;;matist. Accused \\'ith l\Iolo- for production on February 22,23 and 24. The cast will GEORGE LEWIS, general student chairman; and tov of opposing Krushehev's all rubbIsh IS properly proc- another stolen car III It~ no\\', they object to a proposal be busy from:p.ow until opening night. Part, of the MISS SUE TOLKEMITT, one of the three directors pcacclul coexistcnce policy. esed and burled. The Park ann place. 'I whith would limit recreational "the most important question of huge cast is shown here. Left to rigJ'lt: -BRUCE Mc- of the show. Farms each pay 40. percent of The first burglary was dis- area,; still further, and prel'ent our time," ,,'ere Alb'nnian com- the costs, and the CIty, 20 per- covered by Farms Patrolm~n playground expansion in the cent. The rubbish is collected Donald Pilon and Charles Bing- future. '<. munist leaders. ulHeDC'ntent W I 0 St:rlinists. and. by 1mpl'ieation, OOl,s pelt Sllccess of High School's; ICell,ter Sets and dumped by employes and ham. who were making a routine Ar:col-ding to Citv Treasurer the Red -chinC'se government. , " trucks of t!le' respective cities, check of doors of business Neil Blondell, a ~ity should Slone saId ,that ,the Park, places. hav(' ten acres of land per every The surprise article ('\'1- j' HOltSe Callefl dence,;, aCtorr!ing- to infol'l1':d t-' Rlissian COllrses Tl~ibllte Febrltary 7 Farms and CIty still have at Broke Rear Wmdow 1,000 population. B Ion delI ol1servors, ti1ht Krushchev's B - ' S least two more years of use of The officers found that the "doubts that the City has six ji~ht \\ ilh the "anti-party" I to. u,ccess To' ~alpll Deal's Teacllilllg Bloofl Drive the landfill, but Clinton ,Town- Pointe Tire Shop, 131 Ker- acres (of such land') ~ all to. ". ;.:roup is apparently far from t-J ship is seeking urban renewal cheval, had been entered by the j gethcr". , 0\'('1', and that, the idcological from the State, .which m~y thieves. who broke through a The Little League has peti. gap between Soviet communist's More Than 200 Residents Students' Imbued with Enthusiasm under Guidance of Two Complete Red Cross force the three Pomtes to dls- rear wllldo\\'. They called for tioned the Chairman of the cont~nues disposing in this assistance to seal off the area, Board of the Neighborhood dncl those of some other nations Meet Officials, Take Man Who Took Language Up as a Hobby'; Bbodmobile Units to ren1ain3 llnspanned. :l\Iolotov's manner. and the City and Park Police Club, requesting that the Club Graduates Doing Very Well Spend Day Here; \\ hereabouts arc at the pres- Tour of Building and In" investigating v a l' i q us Departments dispatched one dell" the Foundation for Ex- ent time unknown. but in \'iew See Exhib~ts By Janet Mueller Bank is Empty means of rubbish disposal, the cruiser each. ceptional Children permission ()f, this latest del'elopment it I "Sputnik had something to do with it." These are Poin~es heard that Hamtramck'i The policemen made a sys" to erect a school. '-' ~,L'ems unlikely that he \\,\11 rc- I nIore than 200 persons at- the words Grosse Pointe High School teacher Ralph Deal For the first time, two which built its incinerator in tematic check of the area al1d The residents of the sur~ tur~ ,to i,I,;'; lllitHll' diplomatic; tenaed the vVoods' Open uses to express the amazing upsurge of nationwid,e inter- complete American Red 1957, is not using i~s inciner- found th~t the burelars had also rounding area. although' united l!O~' 111 \ lenna, House llcld in the V..,r oods Cross Bloodmobile Units ator at full capaCIty, Slone broken mto the Sunoco Gas in praising the Foundation's * ,. "* est in Russian language teaching at a high school level. Mr. De'al, a world history0-~----'---------- will be open for blood col- said. This prompted the letter Station, 66 Kercheval, after work. are afraid thcy might J! L\ r-Y 1"01\1)..11. addressing Municipal' Building, 20025 lection at the Grosse Pointe from Mayor Cunningham to smashing the glass of the rear eVN,tually become embroiled in 1,lC T\\'('nticth Anni\'erSJry din- Mack a v e n u e, Sun day major who receIved his MA capable of speaking, under- the Hamtramck City council, door. an expansion program similar ller 0: t;lt' Adl'("rti~ing Council afternoon, January 21. The from Wayne University, teaches standing and writing the lan- War Memorial on Wednes- asking for a possible rubbish- Both the tire shop and the I to Bon Secours, They argue 46 first and second year Rus- at :\C\I' York's Waldorf' Astoria, oHair was considered out- guage', day, February 7, from early disposal partnership agree- gas ~tation were ransacked.
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