Index A Andrews, E.W., V, 238 Abscess, 206 Animal skins, 265, 268 Acapiztla, 56 Animating essences, 255, 256, 259, 261, 266, Access to collections, 3, 4 268, 269 Actuncan, 129 Anthony, D., 115 Actun Uayazba Kab, 231 Anthropogenic marks, 227, 238, 239, 245 Acuecuexco aqueduct, 56 Aramoni Calderón, D., 65 Adachi, N., 154 Arango, J., 115 Adams, B.J., 127, 128 Archaeothanatology, 247 Adams, E.B., 52, 53 Architectural rearrangements (as a cause of Adams, R.E.W., 20, 27, 100, 142, 231, 268 unintentional bone movement), 228 Adams, R.M., Jr., 146–148, 150, 152, 153 Architectural renovation, 22 Agarwal, S.C., 2, 5 Architecture Agave, 46 in caves, 100 Age cohorts, 242 Architecture alignment, 211 Age estimation, 5 Ardren, T., 59 Agricultural cycles, 256 Arellanos Melgarejo, R., 151 Agrinier, P., 28, 62 Armelagos, G.J., 6 Aguateca, 231, 238, 241 Arnold, P.P., 53, 54, 58 Aguilar, M., 62 Arroyo Mariano, 151 Aimers, J., 110 Ashmore, W., 108, 111, 198 Aimers, J.J., 142 Aubry, B.S., 142 Altun Ha, 24, 170, 173, 174, 176, 177, 182, Audet, C., 109, 112, 123, 124 183, 186–188, 268 Austin, D.M., 142, 160 Alveolar resorption, 206 Awe, J.J., 28, 84, 88, 108, 110, 126, 131 Amaranth, 54 Axe, 207, 214, 215, 218 Ambrosino, J., 122 Axis mundi, 213 Ambrosino, J.N., 255, 257 Ayauhcalli (House of Mist), 54 AMS, 84, 98 Aylesworth, G.R., 20 AMS dates, 43 Ayliffe, L.K., 174 Anales de Cuauhtitlan, 56 Azcapotzalco, 161 Anaya Hernandez, A., 194 Aztalan, 131 Ancestors, 16, 23, 30, 78, 265, 266 Aztec, 51–53, 63, 145, 261 Ancestor veneration, 194, 218, 226 Anderson, B., 217 B Andres, C.R., 84, 98 Baadsgaard, A., 5 Andrews, A.P., 149, 150, 257 Baby jaguar (unen balam), 50 Andrews, E.W., IV, 149, 150, 238 Bacabs, 53 G. D. Wrobel (ed.), The Bioarchaeology of Space and Place, 277 DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-0479-2, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014 278 Index Bachand, B., 131 bundled/wrapped, 89 Bachand, B.R., 48 disorderly, 82 Bailey, D.W., 18 flexed, 89 Baker, G., 177 orderly, 82 Baking Pot, 108, 121 prone, 82 Ball, J.W., 108, 142 seated, 90 Barnhart, E.L., 194 Body location Barrera, A., 246 association with architecture, 82 Barrett, J., 28, 126 in wet, muddy, or high-traffic areas, 82 Barrett, J.W., 100 Body manipulation, 244 Barrick, S., 24 Body position Barton Creek Cave, 50 atypical, 111, 126 Barton Ramie, 173 flexed, 111, 121, 127, 129 Bar-Yosef, O., 179 head to the south, 111 Bassie-Sweet, K., 225, 226, 228 prone, extended, 111, 129 Batres, L., 49 supine, 111 Becker, M.J., 21, 28, 65, 122, 170, 255–257, Boldsen, J.L., 246 269 Bonampak, 81, 114, 196, 212, 215, 260 Beck, L.A., 79, 230 Bone Beehr, D., 131 degradation of, 229 Beekman, C.S., 142, 161 secondary movement of, 177 Belize, 144, 150, 159, 160 Bone awl, 43, 44, 63 Belize Institute of Archaeology, 84 Bone (carved), 28 Belize river, 93, 95, 97 Bone needle, 207 Belize Tourism Development Project (TDP), Bone remodeling, 182 111 Bones Belize Valley, 110–113, 119, 121–123, 125, and connection with maize, 215 126, 128, 129, 131, 132 secondary manipulation of, 150 Belize Valley Archaeological Reconnaissance Bonor, J.L., 226, 228, 238 project, 84 Bonor Villarejo, J.L., 64 Bell, C., 218 Boone, E.H., 259, 260 Bell, E.E., 194 Bourget, S., 59 Benson, E.P., 258, 260 Brady, J., 78, 82, 100, 226, 228 Benson, P.E., 59 Brady, J.E., 49, 57, 63, 78–82, 92, 98, 100, Bentley, R.A., 112 150, 226–229, 231, 247, 270 Berryman, C.A., 4, 28 Braswell, J., 128, 129 Besom, T., 59 Breast feeding Bey III, G.J., 143, 148 effect on trophic level, 185 Bierhorst, J., 56 Breastfeeding age, 53, 55 Biface (chert), 87 Bricker, V.R., 213 Biodistance, 143, 152, 161 Brinton, D., 24 Bioturbation, 99 Brittain, M., 120 Bird-bone tubular beads, 43 Broda, J., 51, 53, 56, 59 Bird Jaguar IV, 196–198 Brooks, S., 239 Blangero, J., 155, 158, 160 Brown, C.T., 78 Blitz, J., 115 Brown, L.A., 173 Blom, D.E., 173 Brown, M.K., 111, 121, 255, 257, 266 Blom, F., 81, 150, 229, 231, 238 Bryant, J.D., 114, 179 Bloodletting, 43, 63, 198, 199 Buenavista del Cayo, 108 Blows to the head, 59 Buikstra, J., 131 Blue (associated with sacrifice), 63 Buikstra, J.E., 6, 17, 92, 194, 200, 238, 239 Blue pigment, 52, 58, 61 Bullington, J., 177 Boca Andrea, 151 Bundle, 258–260, 262, 269 Body arrangement, 228 Bundled/wrapped body, 44 Index 279 Burial, 16, 22–24, 27, 32 Central Belize, 78, 84, 95, 98 grave, 24 Central Belize Archaeological Survey, 84 Burial/funerary treatment, 108 Central Mexico, 48, 51, 144, 145, 160 Burial of war dead, 264, 265 Central Petén, 97, 112, 114, 119, 122, 123, Burning 125–127 of bones after deposition, 228 Ceramics, 127, 174, 257, 269 Burning on a censer (as a form of sacrifice), associated with burials, 212 50 Fine Orange ware (Tuma orange), 42 Burnt stones in circular formations, 176 from excavations, 200 Busby, C., 16 Mechung pottery, 42 Butler, M., 231 Ceramic vessel, 20, 25, 80 Byland, B.E., 259, 261 Cerro Cercado, 151 Cerro El Manatí, Veracuz, 47 C Cerro Mariano, 151 C14, 244, 248 Cerros, 258, 263 Cache, 263 Cerro Tres Picos, 151 Caches, 170, 174, 177, 268, 270 Ch’a Cháak, 53 Cadwallader, M., 115 Chacon, R.J., 5 Cahal Pech, 108, 121, 126 Chaîne opératoire, 247, 249 Cahokia, 131 Chalcatzingo, 48, 66 Cakchiquel Maya, 24 Chalchiuhtlicue, 55, 56 Calakmul, 27, 97, 231, 266, 268, 269 Chalchuapa, 268 Cameron, C.M., 115 Champoton, 144 Cannibalism, 47, 49, 52 Chang, M.E.T., 155 Canul, 143 Chapman, J., 16, 120 Canuto, M.A., 257 Charcoal achiote, 46 Caracol, 24, 27, 30, 108, 110 Chase, A., 228 Caries, 206 Chase, A.F., 24, 27, 29, 30, 99, 115, 170, 171, Carlsen, R., 17 194, 255, 257, 267 Carlsen, R.S., 214, 256 Chase, D., 228 Carnegie Institution, 154 Chase, D.Z., 24, 27, 29, 30, 99, 115, 154, 170, Carnivore tooth, 210 171, 194, 255, 257, 267 Carot, P., 228 Chau Hiix, 3, 24 Carrasco, D., 53, 58 Chávez Balderas, X., 52, 59, 65 Carrasco, M.D., 256 Chen Mul, 144 Carrasco, R., 100, 231 Chen Mul Cenote, 144 Carrasco, V., 266, 268 Chert, 24, 30 Carved human bone, 174 Chert blades, 174 Carved monuments, 258 Chert knife, 41 Castillo Chávez, O. del., 238 Chiapanecan Highlands, 229, 231 Cave, 8, 10, 26, 39, 41, 48, 49, 52, 54, 56–60, Chiapanec Highlands, 122 62–66, 225–232–240, 242–246, 270 Chiapas, 150 Cave Branch Rockshelter, 231 Chiarulli, B., 24 Caves Branch valley, 93, 100 Chichén Itzá, 50, 51, 144, 238, 239, 243, 247 Cecil, L., 269 sacred cenote of, 241 Celts, 48, 61 Chi Keb, J., 43, 61 Cempoala, 151 Chilam Balam of Chumayel, 262 Cenote, 52, 58, 226, 229, 230, 231, 238–240, Child, 44, 46–48, 50, 54, 62, 126, 128 242, 243, 245 Child, M.B., 257 Cenote de la Calaveras, 238 Children/subadults, 92 Cenotes, 10, 79, 92 Chinikihá, 214 Cenote X-Coton, 51 Chivas, A.R., 174 Censors, 50, 65, 123 Chloride (used to increase visibility in Center-making, 213 cenotes), 229 280 Index Chocolate, 258 Copper, 151 Cholula, 51, 61 Copper tinklers, 52 Chowning, A., 148 Coprolites, 41, 43, 44, 63 Christensen, A.F., 142, 161 Coral, 151 Christensen, A.J., 226 Cordry, D.B., 58, 59, 65 Christenson, A.J., 212, 214, 215, 258 Cordry, D.M., 58, 59, 65 Chultun, 51, 128, 270 Cormie, A., 114 Cigar, 41, 43, 64 Cornec, J.H., 112 Cihuateteo, 145 Corporate groups, 3 Cimchich, 53 Corruccini, R.S., 157 Cinnabar, 25, 26, 30, 265, 268 Cosío, D.J., 198 Ciochon, R.L., 177 Cotton, 43, 44, 46 Cists, 147, 151–153 Coyolxauhqui, 52 Civic-ceremonial architecture, 231 Cozumel, 144, 150 Civic structures, 170 Cradleboarding, 239 Clancy, E., 127 Craig, G.T., 177 Clark, E.J., 40, 48 Cranial modification, 46, 61, 227, 238–240 Clark, J.E., 256 Cremation, 81, 145, 228, 244 Classic period, 78, 79, 84, 94, 98, 152, 154, Cremation urn, 231 158, 159, 161, 170 Crevice, 10, 225, 226, 228, 231, 238, 240, Clayton, R.N., 180 242, 244, 245 Cocom, 143, 153 Cribra orbitalia, 44, 45, 57 Codex Borbonicus, 54, 55 Crook, J., 173 Codex Florentinus, 60 Crowson, R.A., 180 Codex Magliabechiano, 54–56 Crypt, 198, 201, 202, 204, 206, 208, 209, 211 Codex Tudela, 54, 57 Crystallinity Index (CI), 179 Codex Vaticanus A, 55 Cucina, A., 4, 6, 7, 16, 28, 42–47, 57, 61, 88, Coe, M.D., 21, 27, 100 94, 142, 155, 160, 161, 210, 228, 231, Coe, W.R., 216, 255, 267, 268 244 Cohen, M.N., 6 Cuello, 173 Colas, P.R., 247 Cueva del Lazo, 238, 242 Colas, R.P., 81 Cueva del Rayo, 238 Colha, 28, 49, 126 Culbert, P., 229 Collapse, 6, 142, 160 Culbert, T.P., 27 Colman, A., 256 Cultural modifications (of crania and teeth), 6 Colonial, 41, 52, 60, 61 Cut marks, 48, 52, 153, 264 Colonial documents, 143 Cyclical occasions, 57 Colonialism, 6 Cyclical time, 255–257 Colonial period, 79, 243 Cyphers, A., 48 Columns/colonnades, 144 Comales, 52 D Commingling, 229, 239 Dancing, 197, 216 Commoners, 7 Danforth, M.E., 5, 6, 7 Commoner status, 7 Davies, D., 113, 119, 125, 129 Conch, 49 de Anda Alanís, G., 79 Conchopata (Peru), 130 de Anda, G., 51–53, 245, 247 Congenital absence of teeth, 94 Death-course, 5 Contel, J., 55, 60 Death God, 50 Contextualization, 5 Death history, 15 Cook, D.C., 5 Debitage, 23, 24, 30 Coombs, G., 115 Decapitation, 49, 153 Copal, 52, 56, 65 de Cervantes Salazar, F., 54, 55 Copan, 3, 30, 49, 150, 231, 238, 258, 265, de Cook Leonard, C., 49 268, 270 Dedication, 255–257, 267 Index 281 Dedicatory burial, 48, 170, 173, 174, 177, 179, E 182, 183, 187 Early Classic, 27 Dedicatory contexts, 9 Early Classic period, 267 Deep Valley, 100 Early Preclassic, 150 Deer antler, a partially burnt tobacco cigar, 43 Early urban centers (development of), 7 Defensive features, 196 Ear spool, 25 Defleshing, 51, 52, 264 Earspools, 25, 95 Defrise-Gussenhoven, E., 157 Eberl, M., 194, 256, 261, 267, 270 Dehouve, D., 58 Ecatotonti (Little Winds), 55 Deity impersonation, 197,
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